All Chapters of Hidden Monarch: The Silent Resurgence: Chapter 481 - Chapter 490
922 Chapters
Chapter 481
Henry was taken aback and finally had a moment to glance at Hilary beside him. She was a beauty, but he wondered about her relationship with Cheryl.Cheryl hurriedly said, "Don't talk nonsense, Hilary; Henry will solve it."Henry, this is my college classmate and good friend, Hilary."Hilary, this is Henry.""Henry, huh? Quite a name. But it is better to be humble in life and at work than to boast and act like a big shot constantly," Hilary said sarcastically."Hilary!"Cheryl was displeased and said, "Don't talk nonsense. Henry is a good person. Furthermore, he's competent.""Fine, show me how he'll help you find the jade pendant then." Hilary no longer teased Henry, though she did not plan to let Henry off easily.Even though that woman was pretty, Henry could not be bothered to deal with her. He asked, "Tell me again, Cheryl, how did you lose the jade pendant?""Didn't she say she didn't know?" Hilary said.Henry frowned. He would have kicked her out already if it was not
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Chapter 482
"Alright, I'll help you," Henry said as his hidden killing intent surfaced. He wondered about the shameless person who dared to steal Cheryl's jade pendant; he would not let them off lightly and would make sure they faced severe consequences."Yeah, thank you, Henry. I'm counting on you," Cheryl said, her expression slightly easing upon Henry's promise. However, there was still a lot of sorrow in her eyes. She was worried about not being able to find the jade pendant, especially after it had been missing for so many days.Henry hesitated when he saw Cheryl's expression. He had initially planned to tell her his identity but did not know where to start. He wondered if Cheryl would blame him if he revealed it to her.He left it at the back of his mind and focused on finding the jade pendant.Henry immediately asked Cheryl when she first noticed the pendant was missing. After clarifying the situation, he called Dustin.Cheryl had been going to work with the jade pendant, which was hid
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Chapter 483
The next morning, Hilary found Cheryl and insisted on staying with her. She felt Henry was a liar; she needed to protect Cheryl.Cheryl had no choice but to tell her that Henry was not a liar. Furthermore, Henry said he would resolve the issue that day.So, Hilary wanted to stay with Cheryl even more. She did not believe that Henry was that competent.As noon approached, Henry arrived at the address provided by Cheryl. She looked at Henry expectantly, but Henry arrived empty-handed, which disappointed her. Nevertheless, she said, "Henry, it's normal not to find it in such a short time.""No, how is this normal? Didn't someone say they'd resolve this matter for you?" Hilary was not about to let Henry off so easily.Hen ignored Hilary. He said to Cheryl, "I have something important to tell you. Tell her to step aside for a moment.""No, why should I step aside? Why can't I hear about it?" Hilary objected immediately.Without hesitation, Cheryl said, "Sorry, Hilary. Can you leave u
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Chapter 484
After confirming that it was indeed the jade pendant she had lost, Cheryl grasped it tightly, afraid it might disappear again, while tears of excitement streamed down her face.Fortunately, they were able to find the pendant.While Hilary was happy, she could not help but mock Henry. "Someone said he'd find it, but he didn't do anything in the end and had to rely on others to find and return it.""It's okay. We found it anyway. Maybe that person wouldn't have returned it on their own if Henry hadn't been looking for it," Cheryl said happily."Don't butter him up," Hilary said."He's married, Cheryl. Don't fall for him," Hilary said helplessly."I know," Cheryl replied dismissively.Cheryl then said to Henry, "We haven't eaten yet. Are you hungry? Let's eat; my treat."Henry nodded. He smiled when he saw her relaxed and happy. He wished he had told her his identity.Henry was worried about the enemies who set the orphanage on fire years ago. They might still come after him. How
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Chapter 485
Cheryl accepted Henry's offer immediately. She had begun to develop feelings for Henry, especially after those events. Even though they could not be a couple, she enjoyed spending time with him.Hilary immediately said, "Of course not! This is a class reunion, and you're not one of our classmates. Why would you go?""Why can't he? We can bring our boyfriends and husbands, right?" Cheryl replied."Is he your boyfriend or husband?" Hilary asked sarcastically.Cheryl blushed and could not speak. Henry said, "I can pretend to be her boyfriend.""Hmm, pretend?" I believe you're up to no good with Cheryl," Hilary said."Hilary!" Cheryl said."He's not like that. If he wanted to hurt me, he would've done it a long time ago."Cheryl realized her words sounded weird, and her face turned redder.Hilary looked stunned as if Cheryl had gone insane because she had fallen so hard for a married man. However, she believed that Cheryl was pure, so she vented her rage on Henry, glaring at him f
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Chapter 486
"No, she doesn't need it." Henry shook his head.Hilary immediately said, "Hey, what are you planning? Are you trying to divorce and then pursue Cheryl?""Stop it, Hilary!" Cheryl shouted in anger."Fine, I won't say anything." Hilary was also frightened by Cheryl's reaction and felt even more resentful toward Henry. She planned to make Henry look bad that night. She wanted him to know that he was not worthy of Cheryl.However, Henry seemed unfazed and said, "It's okay, Cheryl! Where's your party? It's almost 6:00 p.m. now. Do we still have time?""It's at 7:30 p.m at the Sea Gazing Restaurant." Cheryl glanced at Hilary, who confirmed with a nod."Alright, let's go then," Henry said.Henry seemed unaffected, but Lydia was furious. She would have slapped him twice if Henry was in front of her.'Since when has Henry been so arrogant and dismissive toward me?'Who do you think you are?'You're just a bumpkin from the mountains who knows some martial arts.'Why do you get to tre
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Chapter 487
The Sea Gazing Restaurant was brightly lit. Many luxury cars were parked at the entrance, indicating that this restaurant was special; only the wealthy or influential could host events there.At that moment, there was a group of about 20 men and women, many of whom looked around curiously, clearly astounded by everything.The group was led by a handsome and charming man dressed in luxurious attire. His name was Graham Padilla, the party's sponsor. A stunning woman stood beside him.The woman wore a long black dress and had a graceful figure that exuded a distinct charm even with her light makeup.Behind them, Javier, their class monitor, exclaimed loudly, "This is one of the four famous restaurants in Hodbridge, Sea Gazing Restaurant.""This isn't an ordinary location. A casual meal here costs more than a few thousand dollars, which I doubt any of you have ever encountered. Today, we're fortunate to have Graham's hospitality. Otherwise, we may never have had the opportunity.""Ye
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Chapter 488
Just then, the manager noticed Henry, whom everyone behind him was afraid of.The manager shivered slightly, especially as Henry blended in with the crowd.Henry and the two ladies arrived late, and Hilary noticed everyone gathered as if no more private rooms were available.She could not help but lean forward to investigate. Cheryl followed suit, and then Henry showed up.Hilary asked, "What's going on?""Someone took our private room, and there's none left now. They told us we had to sit in the main dining hall," a classmate said.Graham found himself in a difficult situation. He could not afford to be embarrassed, especially given his desire to demonstrate his power and influence that day. Otherwise, he would not have publicly forced Christina to be his girlfriend.He wanted to exact revenge and flaunt his power, enjoying everyone's compliments. He never imagined he would be embarrassed before even starting."Please get us a private room. The Padillas are involved in several
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Chapter 489
"Who is this, Cheryl?"Graham had always wanted to stay in touch with Cheryl but could not find her. She unexpectedly showed up that day, but Graham quickly noticed Henry.Cheryl was taken aback and considered how to introduce Henry."I'm Henry, Cheryl's boyfriend," Henry said calmly.Graham's expression changed immediately upon hearing Henry's words. Even though they had not seen each other in a long time, he still had feelings for Cheryl. That party was supposed to be about showcasing his accomplishments, but he unexpectedly ran into Cheryl.However, he did not immediately become hostile, instead chuckling and saying, "That's not true, right? Why would you fall for someone like him?"Henry shook his head in response to Graham's juvenile remarks.Cheryl was initially pleased and shy when she heard Henry's introduction. However, when she heard Graham's words, she immediately said, "Graham, remember your words. Henry isn't an ordinary man. I'm not even worthy of him.""Cheryl, y
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Chapter 490
Graham seemed unconcerned about how much he was debasing himself or even scaring others away. He said, "Christina, tell everyone—are you my slave?"Christina appeared embarrassed, tears of humiliation shimmering in her eyes, but she replied, "Yes, I'm Graham's slave!""Ms. Ross! You don't have to do this!"Cheryl became anxious and asked, "Are you in trouble? Tell me. We can help you."She might not have a solution, but Henry, who was capable of anything, would be able to help Christina. After all, she realized Henry was extremely powerful after all the incidents they had experienced.Christina hesitated; she did not say anything. She was over 100,000 dollars in debt. Cheryl was a poor student, and her boyfriend did not look impressive. They would not be able to help her."Hey, you want to help her? Has your family suddenly struck gold?" Graham asked indifferently."None of your business!" Cheryl responded."It's about money, right? How much?" she asked."Forget it, Cheryl. Wh
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