All Chapters of A deal with the playboy: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
159 Chapters
ELLA'S POV The words made me start. I knew that was the name of Trent's father.But at the sound of it, Trent immediately stopped clapping, his whole body going rigid beside me.Before I could open my mouth to question him, he was on his feet and gripping my arm tightly. "We need to go. Now," he muttered, already pulling me up and dragging me towards the aisle.I stumbled after him, shooting apologetic looks to the confused students we shoved past on our way out of the auditorium. Once we made it through the doors to the empty hallway, I yanked my arm free from Trent's vice-like grip."What in the hell is going on, Trent?" I demanded, searching his face for answers. "You're acting completely crazy right now! What was that freak-out about back there?"His eyes were wild, almost...fearful as he regarded me for a long moment. Finally, he seemed to make up his mind about something."Ella, I...I've been keeping something from you," Trent admitted roughly. "But I need you to hear me out an
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Ella's POVTrent and I crouched behind the row of bushes, straining to hear the principal's voice drifting out from his cracked office window. We had been staking out the administration building for almost an hour now, waiting for any clues on their magazine launch plans."...yes, that's correct," Principal Reynolds was saying into the phone. "We're all set on our end with the cover photo file and content. Your printing team should have everything they need from us by tomorrow morning."My heart leapt into my throat at his words. He must be talking to someone at the publishing company! This was the opening we had been waiting for.Trent met my wide-eyed look, giving a short nod. He had heard it too - they were preparing to send the final magazine materials over in less than 24 hours. Which meant our window to sabotage the cover was rapidly closing."We'll have the full file package uploaded to your secure server by 9am sharp," Principal Reynolds continued. "From there, you'll be able
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ELLA'S POV "This is actually a pleasure," Damien smirked, leaning back in his chair. "My rival and then my beautiful ex-girlfriend over here wants my help. I'm so honored." Ugh, could this creep be any more infuriating? I tensed up, preparing for another one of his smarmy comments. "Enough of that," Trent cut him off sharply. "You're not going to talk about Ella like that." I placed a hand on Trent's arm, giving it a gentle squeeze. As much as Damien got under my skin, we needed him to cooperate right now. "Easy, babe," I murmured. "Let me handle this." Turning back to Damien, I took a deep breath to stay composed. "So are you going to do this or not? Help us with the digital jargons?" Damien raised an eyebrow. "And what makes you think I'm going to get involved in whatever scheme you two have cooked up?" I couldn't help rolling my eyes a little. Did he really need to be this difficult? "Because you and I both know how much you and your girlfriend have coveted being the cover
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ELLA'S POV My fingers drummed an anxious rhythm against the table as I stared at the empty space before me. Where were those magazines? Weren't they supposed to have arrived by now for the big launch event? I couldn't stop the worry gnawing at the pit of my stomach. What if something had gone wrong with Damien's plan to swap out the cover photo? The thought made me shudder. Unconsciously, I found myself glancing over towards the entrance every few seconds, hoping to catch sight of someone finally wheeling in those elusive magazine bundles. Just one glimpse at that cover would be enough to put my mind at ease that it was no longer my face smiling back. "You're going to put permanent grooves in the tabletop if you keep tapping like that," came an amused voice beside me. I startled slightly, my chin whipping around to meet Trent's warm gaze. He was watching me with a fond smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "Sorry," I mumbled, stilling my restless fingers. "I'm just getti
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TRENT'S POVMy heart fluttered as I watched Ella from across the room. The radiant smile lighting up her beautiful face told me everything I needed to know - we had actually pulled it off! Against all odds, Damien must have come through by swapping out that cover photo like we'd planned. I wanted to run over and scoop her up into my arms right then and there. But I held back, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention to us while we were still surrounded by potential prying eyes.As if my thoughts had summoned him, I felt the hairs on the back of my neck prickle up. Shifting my gaze, my stomach plummeted as I spotted that familiar imposing figure making his way across the lobby floor - my father.Richard Donovan cut an unmistakable presence, even in this crowded venue filled with prestigious guests. I instinctively shrank back in my seat as he neared. And of course, like a hawk zeroing in on its prey, his cold eyes instantly locked onto me.“Son..." Dad said, and I could practically
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TRENT'S POV I stared up at our faces smiling back from that glossy magazine cover, heart pounding so loudly I could barely hear the confused murmurs rippling through the crowd over the roaring in my ears. Dad was finally seeing the proof of Ella's identity, of our relationship, laid bare before his very eyes.Oh no, this is really bad... My throat worked furiously as I swallowed past the lump of dread lodged there. What was Dad going to do now that the truth was out? Go after the love of my life in retaliation like he'd threatened before?Panic seized my chest as I forced my eyes away from the cover shot. Sweeping my frantic gaze across the room, I half-expected to find Dad's glare already boring into me from somewhere, that harsh scowl spread across his face.But then I spotted him - seated amongst the crowd, brow furrowed in confusion as he squinted at the stage. His glasses were off, I realized with a jolt. Dad didn't have his glasses on, so he couldn't properly see whose images
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ELLA'S POV No, we can't do this." I held his hand tightly, gazing up at him with pleading eyes. "Trent, please, we can't keep hiding it from our parents. Yes, we can't tell your dad, but I'm tired of keeping my mom in the dark. She needs to know about us."As much as I loved him, the constant secrecy is becoming unbearable.Trent gently removed his hand from my grasp, his brow furrowed with concern. "Ella, we aren't doing this. I don't want to put you in any danger again. If your mom knows about our relationship, she might confront my dad, and then my dad will know about us."Shaking my head, I insisted, "I trust that my mom wouldn't do that. Yeah, she might not accept our relationship right away, but she won't go over and tell your dad. Remember, she hates anything called Donovan..."Trent's expression darkened slightly. "So, she's going to hate me too, then..."Reaching out, I took his hand once more, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I will make her like you," I promised.Trent se
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Ella's POVButterflies danced in my stomach as I smoothed my hands over my costume. Today was the big day - the Riverside Annual Talent Showcase that Ryan and I had been practicing so hard for.If I was being totally honest with myself, part of me had been dreading this event at first. Not because I didn't love dancing - quite the opposite, in fact! Ever since Ryan started tutoring me, I'd fallen head over heels for the art form. No, my hesitation stemmed from the intimidating roster of elite dancers set to compete. Professionals from prestigious academies all over would be judging and watching our every move.But Ryan, bless his heart, had been so supportive and encouraging. With his charming pep talks and unshakeable faith in my abilities, he'd managed to bolster my shaky confidence. "Trust in yourself, Ella," he would say. "You're an incredible dancer. Let that inner radiance shine through!"After all, if someone as experienced as him thought I had what it took to shine on that bi
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ELLA'S POV"Yehhhhh!" I squealed, throwing my arms around Ryan and hugging him tightly. I couldn't believe it - we came in third place! If it wasn't for Ryan's incredible coaching and choreography skills, there's no way we would have placed at all. Throughout the dance performance, he had been like a steady, guiding force, directing my movements with subtle cues and keeping me centered. Even when I felt like the routine was falling apart, one reassuring look from Ryan's warm eyes was enough to help me find my groove again.As the final notes faded, I was breathless with excitement and pride. We really had poured our hearts into that routine! Ryan caught me in another fierce hug as the scores were announced, twirling me around happily."You were amazing out there!" he murmured against my hair. Setting me down, his eyes were alight with joy. "How does it feel to be an award-winning dancer now?"I shook my head in disbelief, still stunned. "I'm really happy!" I finally managed. "Hones
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Ella's POVMy mind was still reeling as Ryan spoke those words to me. I felt like I was caught in a whirlwind of emotions, unable to fully process what he was implying."So was that why you transferred to our school?" I managed slowly. "Because you...wanted to see more of me?"Ryan's intense gaze never faltered as he gave a small nod. "Yes...I was instantly captivated by you, Ella. I just had to find a way to get closer to this amazing, beautiful woman I couldn't stop thinking about."I felt rooted to the spot, heart pounding wildly in my chest. Ryan...had feelings for me? Romantic ones? The realization made my head spin.All our dancing, the sweet gestures, the meaningful looks - it was suddenly cast in a whole new light. How had I been so blind to the depth of his feelings this entire time? He slowly began closing the distance between us. Before I knew it, his palm was cradling my cheek, rough fingertips lightly tracing along my jaw. "Don't you see it, Ella?" he murmured huskily.
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