All Chapters of Giving in to Her Rebellious Streak: Chapter 551 - Chapter 560
849 Chapters
Chapter 551
Deep inside, Yasmin still resented Emelda.Back then, Emelda had begged Stuart to rehire Victor into Starr Corporation. Subsequently, this led to Victor upsetting Stuart and the recurrence of Stuart's heart inflammation.While Yasmin couldn't forgive Emelda, she couldn't bring herself to rebuke Emelda after seeing Emelda's pale complexion on the sick bed.In the end, Yasmin uncrossed her arms and said, "I don't blame you, Grandma."Emelda was already knocking on death's door, and Yasmin didn't want her to pass away with any regrets.Upon hearing Yasmin's words, Emelda seemingly regained her peace. Then, she shut her eyes and slowly drifted off to eternal sleep.After that, the heartbeat monitor flatlined.Emelda had passed on.Stuart bawled his eyes out. Upon seeing this, Yasmin felt heartbroken.They now needed to make the funeral arrangements.Stuart wasn't in the right mental state to plan a funeral, and neither did Yasmin have experience in handling one too. As she st
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Chapter 552
After paying his respects, Blake walked over to Yasmin and held her shoulder.Yasmin couldn't leave yet because she was the only family member staying back. So, she told Blake, "I'm the only family here, so I'll have to stick around the funeral home.""I'm the grandson-in-law, so I can stay back in your place. You should take a break," Blake suggested.Blake tried to get Yasmin to rest, but she still refused. Then, he gently coaxed her, saying, "You're pregnant. Standing for a long time will disrupt the blood flow and give you leg cramps. "Grab a seat over there, and let me handle it."Upon hearing his words, Yasmin walked away and finally took a rest.Later on, Blake brought her dinner too. Yasmin sat on a chair and opened her lunchbox. Then, she grabbed a few bites of food. As she did so, a wave of warmth washed over her. Without Blake, she would have been lost. After all, Yasmin was merely 23 years old and had limited experience in dealing with such things.She started
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Chapter 553
At half past six, Emelda had been laid to rest, and the grave was sealed. She had finally departed to the afterlife.Yasmin stood against the cold wind with a hint of sadness in her eyes. She sneaked a glance at Blake as he wearily looked at the grave.Then, by the time Yasmin and Blake arrived at Oak Garden, it was already 11:30 am. Yasmin suggested, "You look tired. You should go get some sleep."Blake took her hand and said, "You got up early today too. Let's sleep together then."Yasmin was exhausted as well. So, she leaned in closer and said, "Okay."And just like that, they cuddled each other on the bed as they drifted off to sleep.…One week later, Ivan suddenly showed up at Yasmin's studio. Yasmin was occupied with reviewing customer orders and was surprised to see him. She asked, "Hey, you're back, Ivo?""Yeah, I've finished my work at Ziporene," Ivan replied. Gavin had been impressed by Ivan's remarkable work and had sent him back home.Yasmin invited Ivan t
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Chapter 554
Hence, Blake didn't expect to see Ivan again. In the end, even after trying every method that he could think of, he still couldn't get rid of Ivan!"I'm coming up now," Blake said. Then, he ended the phone call before Yasmin could even respond. Troubled, Yasmin looked at Ivan.Upon noticing her gaze, Ivan immediately understood what was going on. He chuckled and coldly asked, "Is it Blake?""Yeah.""Did you move into Oak Garden with him?"Yasmin replied, "Yes. "I told you before that someone had dealt with Brian for me. Well, that person turned out to be Mr. B. And later on, I found out that Brian was the mastermind behind the whole issue regarding Victor too."Mr. B was busy at that time, so he wasn't aware of the crisis that Starr Corporation was facing. It was none of his fault."After sorting out the misunderstanding, Yasmin and Blake were on good terms again.Ivan nodded. Then, he wanted to say something else when Blake showed up in front of the office. As Bla
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Chapter 555
Yasmin shouted behind Blake, "Why are you going upstairs? Are you going to skip dinner?"However, Blake simply ignored her and went upstairs.Yasmin's face fell. She was peeved by Blake's temper and was running out of patience with him.So, Yasmin simply walked to the dining room and enjoyed her dinner on her own.Shortly after, Blake came to the dining room doorway. He was dressed in a robe and was acting coldly toward Yasmin.Meanwhile, Yasmin was chowing down the cherries. Blake's sudden appearance surprised her. "Why did you suddenly show up at the doorway? You nearly gave me a heart attack."Blake walked over and coldly remarked, "You're still eating?"Yasmin pouted. "Why not? I'm pregnant, so I have to eat.""Are you seriously going to attend the fashion show with Ivan?" Blake asked.Yasmin decided to be honest about it and said, "That's just how it is. Erinnyes will be collaborating with NAS Group, and since Ivan is the representative for the collaboration, I'll be
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Chapter 556
Once Yasmin put down her cup, Blake turned off the light and laid her on the bed. Then, before Yasmin could react, Blake turned her face to his and passionately kissed her.However, the heated kiss almost seemed like Blake's revenge toward Yasmin from his anger during dinner earlier.Yasmin tried to resist him, and with a scrunched-up face, she warned, "Hey, I'm pregnant.""That won't change anything. You're naughty, and you deserve to be punished." Blake nibbled on Yasmin's lips. Upon seeing Yasmin struggle, he huskily warned, "You can't say no to your husband."Despite attempting to flee from Blake's advances, Yasmin still failed. Then, Blake grabbed her by the waist and put her on top of his lap.Scared, Yasmin pleaded, "Our business meeting is strictly professional, and there's nothing else to it. You're overthinking it.""You have no feelings for him, but he doesn't feel the same way about you," Blake complained in annoyance. Then, he held Yasmin's chin and pressed his lip
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Chapter 557
"Sure," Yasmin said as she entered the venue with Ivan.…Two hours later, the fashion show ended.After gathering her belongings, Yasmin followed Ivan out of the place.In the corridor, Ivan looked at Yasmin and called out, "Yasmin." Yasmin instinctively looked over to him. "Yeah?"With a hesitant look, Ivan fixed his gaze on Yasmin and asked, "Did you make up with Blake?"Yasmin noticed that Ivan had something on his mind and gently said, "Speak your mind, Ivo.""Does the thought of Elise coming back one day scare you?" Ivan asked.Yasmin paused for a second before saying, "I don't think she ever will." After all, Blake had promised her that Elise wouldn't return.But Ivan then said, "I heard that Elise has fallen sick in Merania due to the weather. Blake might have gone over to check on her."Upon hearing this, Yasmin felt disheartened. She realized that Blake had left in a hurry that morning to visit Elise.…When night came, Yasmin returned to Oak Garden and noticed
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Chapter 558
Blake paused the footage and zoomed in on the hands in the brown suit sleeves.Since the footage was from a decade ago, it was rather blurry. And despite having zoomed in, Blake couldn't see who the culprit was. However, it was clear that the culprit was wearing a brown suit that night.Blake then took out a photo from inside the folder and was shocked upon seeing it. The photo was a snapshot from the hotel lobby's security camera. That night, the security camera had recorded seven people entering the hotel.Everyone was dressed in a black suit. But one person stood out in a brown suit, and that person was Stuart."Stuart pushed James down the balcony, Blakey," Elise said. She had already gone through the evidence that the police officer had found.Blake goggled at the photo, devastated. He had hoped that it wasn't Stuart. But was Stuart really responsible for James' death?Suddenly, Blake's eyes turned bloodshot.Then, Elise said, "Stop seeing Yasmin, Blakey. Stuart kil
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Chapter 559
Blake was burning up with a severe fever, and he shivered on his sick bed as his mind wandered off to his childhood. In his mind, Blake saw James swing open the house door. Then, he crouched down and yelled, "Blakey." A young Blake then crashed into James' embrace, exclaiming, "Dad!"Blake had had an amazing dad. However, someone had taken his dad's life just because his dad invented a chip that had rocked the entire world.And to make matters worse, the culprit was actually Blake's father-in-law.In his pain, Blake mumbled, "Dad… Yasmin…"Suddenly, another hand grabbed onto Blake's.Elise looked at Blake and yelled, "Blakey!"Upon seeing Blake's pale face and chapped lips, Elise felt heartbroken. She grabbed a wet cotton swab and gently moistened his lips with it.However, Blake didn't wake up and simply kept mumbling in his dreams.When Malcolm walked into the room with some supplies, he saw Elise giving Blake some water. He quickly went over and took the cup from E
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Chapter 560
Upon hearing Elise's words, Blake was shocked, and he fixed his cold gaze on Elise.Elise was scared out of her wits by Blake's cold gaze and quickly shut up.After a while, Blake warned her, saying "Don't mention this ever again."Elise momentarily froze. Then, she looked over and said, "But Yasmin's dad—"With a grim expression, Blake said, "Did I not make it clear enough? Don't bring this up ever again!""Okay, okay," Elise said in an attempt to placate Blake. Then, she clenched her fists and left the room, a hint of frost lingering in her eyes.Elise hadn't expected Blake to love Yasmin this much. Despite knowing that Yasmin was the daughter of James' killer, Blake had still stood up for her. And since Blake had warned Elise to drop the topic, would that also mean that Blake would spare Stuart? But Elise couldn't accept this outcome, and she swore to get rid of Yasmin forever.…Blake came back to his country the following day.Meanwhile, Yasmin was working on her dr
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