All Chapters of Giving in to Her Rebellious Streak: Chapter 561 - Chapter 570
849 Chapters
Chapter 561
Blake's attitude had drastically changed after he returned from Merania. Yasmin glanced at Blake, longing to ask him why he had suddenly become like this.After 30 minutes, they reached the hospital. Then, Blake silently carried Yasmin inside.Soon, a doctor came to check on Yasmin. They did an ultrasound test too since she was exactly four months pregnant.After that, Yasmin lay in the quiet hospital room with Blake sitting at her bedside. They were waiting for the report on the baby.Yasmin occasionally glanced at Blake. She wanted to ask him why he had been acting weird, but she couldn't because Blake wouldn't even look at her.20 minutes later, the doctor returned with the report."The results aren't ideal. Mrs. Ford has a special abnormal placenta previa," the doctor said gravely.This one diagnosis made Yasmin feel as if her world were collapsing.Stunned, her face was as pale as a ghost. "What do you mean 'special abnormal placenta previa'?" she asked."The cause of
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Chapter 562
"Why?" Yasmin looked at Blake with dark eyes. She didn't see any pain in Blake's eyes when he said that he didn't want the baby.Blake didn't answer her. Yasmin found it ironic, and she wanted to laugh. But she couldn't as despair slowly overtook her heart.She felt even more hopeless when the doctor brought the abortion form to them.Blake took the form and signed his name without the slightest hesitation.Yasmin sat as still as a statue as she watched Blake sign the form. She was thoroughly disappointed in him. When he walked over, she said, "Blake Ford, the baby in my womb has nothing to do with you. Your signature doesn't mean anything, and you don't get to decide for me."She had decided that she would never remarry him.If she didn't remarry him, they wouldn't be husband and wife, and her baby would have nothing to do with Blake. Blake had no right to determine her baby's fate. This would be her baby, and hers alone. Blake saw Yasmin's pale and expressionless face a
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Chapter 563
When Yasmin heard this, she cried. But because of the anesthetic, her sobs were muffled."Your life is more important. You can still have children later on," the doctor comforted her and said."I won't have children anymore…" Yasmin said in a broken voice. Then, with red-rimmed eyes, she fainted. The nurse shouted, "Doctor! The mother's blood oxygen has reached a critical level. The bleeding won't stop, and we don't have any Rh-negative blood in the blood bank anymore…"The doctor urgently ran to find Blake. "Mr. Ford! Mrs. Ford won't stop bleeding, and the blood bank is running low on Rh-negative blood!"Blake's heart leapt wildly in his chest. At that moment, it was as if his heart had gone cold. "She's bleeding profusely? What will happen if you don't stop the bleeding?""If we can't stop the bleeding, Mrs. Ford might—" "No! She won't die. She'll be fine," Blake interrupted the doctor.He then steadied his voice and barked orders to Malcolm over the phone. He wanted Malcol
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Chapter 564
The metallic scent of blood filled the air.When Yasmin had had enough of biting Blake, she released him and coldly ordered, "Scram!""I'm sorry. If I knew that you would fall after what I did, I wouldn't have signed the abortion form." Blake's eyes were filled with guilt and remorse.Yasmin snorted and repeated, "Scram!"If she could turn back time, she wouldn't have gone to ask Blake for help. She would've rather gone to the hospital alone and received the diagnosis herself. Then, she would have gone into fetal care to protect her baby. That would've been better than telling Blake and losing her baby like this.Now, the baby was gone, and Yasmin's heart was broken. She never wanted to see Blake again.Blake knew that Yasmin wouldn't forgive him anytime soon, so he turned and left to ask the doctor to come and check on Yasmin.Even Joel had been summoned to check on Yasmin.However, Yasmin wouldn't cooperate. Instead, she cradled herself and turned away from Joel. "You
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Chapter 565
"Make sure your seatbelt is secure," Mortimer reminded Eunice.With a grunt, Eunice securely fastened her seatbelt. Then, she asked, "What did you want to tell me?""It's about Yasmin." Mortimer's refined face became grave as he repeated what Malcolm had told him that morning."She complained of a stomach pain yesterday. Then, Blake sent her to the hospital, and they found out that she had a special abnormal placenta previa. "The doctor said that Yasmin would have a lot of complications nearer to the delivery date because of her condition. And if she wanted to keep the baby, she would need to be in bedridden fetal care immediately. "Blake wanted to abort the baby, but Yasmin refused. They fought, and Yasmin ran out of the room and fell when she collided with a hospital cart. "And just like that, her baby was gone."Eunice was stunned. "Gone just like that? Just because of a fall?""Yes, she fell and started bleeding profusely. Yasmin was only saved when Blake scoured the cit
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Chapter 566
Eunice opened the door of Yasmin's hospital ward.There, Yasmin expressionlessly lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling through dilated pupils.Eunice felt so sorry for Yasmin. She walked to Yasmin's bedside and looked at her. However, she didn't dare to touch her for fear that Yasmin was hurting somewhere on her body. In a choked-up voice, Eunice asked, "Yaz, how are you? Are you still in pain?"When Yasmin saw Eunice, she lit up slightly and shook her head. Yasmin actually felt frail and cold, and her body ached too on top of the piercing pain in her heart. But Yasmin didn't want to worry Eunice, so she shook her head.Then, Eunice patted Yasmin's head and held her hand, saying, "Mortimer told me that you weren't cooperating with the doctors. "Yaz, don't do that to your body. It's your body. So, cheer up."Think about your dad who's in the nursing home. He needs you. Think about our studio. It's our dream. We wanted to make Erinnyes famous."Oh, I just remembered—yest
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Chapter 567
Mortimer patted Blake's shoulder. He could see that Blake was miserable because of the loss of his baby. He said, "Don't be too devastated. You can have another baby.""No way!" Eunice retorted as she exited Yasmin's hospital ward after seeing Stuart in. "This son of a bitch wants Yasmin to have children for him again? In his dreams!""How's Yasmin?" Blake didn't take Eunice's words to heart because he knew that she was furious at him on Yasmin's behalf.Eunice huffed. "She's receiving treatment now. But let me tell you—if you have a heart, then stay away from Yasmin when she gets discharged. Don't go looking for her again.""Don't be like this." Mortimer stopped Eunice. He could see that Blake was miserable enough. "It was a complicated pregnancy from the start. "I asked the doctor. Even if Yasmin had kept the baby, it would be a complicated pregnancy. Plus, Yasmin has a special condition, and she's prone to bleeding."But Eunice countered, saying, "Even so, Blake shouldn't
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Chapter 568
"Alright, we don't have to see him anymore if you hate him. We won't see him anymore," Stuart comforted his daughter. Blake stood outside the ward door, and when he heard that Yasmin hated him, his heart went cold. The numbness spread from his heart and toward the tips of his toes and turned into pain. He was red-eyed and stiff.Eunice coldly glared at him. "Did you hear that? Yasmin hates you, so stay away from her. Let her go and let her be happy.""I would have discussed it properly with her if I knew that saying those things would cause her to slip and fall," Blake numbly said."There are no 'ifs'. What's done has been done. Nothing you do can bring her baby back, and you'll never be able to redeem yourself," Eunice said harshly.Blake stood there in a daze. There were no "ifs". The incident had already happened. He couldn't turn back time, and he would never be able to redeem himself.After that, Mortimer pulled Eunice away as Blake stood in the corridor, a shell of t
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Chapter 569
When Ivan told Yasmin this, she was drinking water. When she heard Ivan's words, she raised her dark eyebrows and asked, "Really?""Yes. It's caused quite a buzz in the country," Ivan replied. "When you're well, I'll ask the design director of NAS Group to bring you to Perissia Fashion Week."Yasmin was stunned. Because of this, the gloom in her heart immediately lifted. This was her dream. She had been waiting for this moment ever since she'd entered university five years ago.She'd never expected this opportunity would arise after losing her baby. It seemed like a ray of sunlight in her gloomy world.Yasmin thought that this was the silver lining in her dark cloud. Even though she had not been able to save her baby, at least she could continue with the career that she was passionate about. As for Blake, Yasmin was done with him. Their relationship had ended the moment she lost the baby. Now, Yasmin didn't want to see him anymore. And with her Dad and Eunice's company,
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Chapter 570
When Yasmin finished speaking, she closed her eyes. She truly never wanted to see Blake ever again.As Blake stood in the hospital ward, he felt as if a thousand needles were pricking his heart. The pain was so intense that he was a little breathless.But Yasmin had just suffered a miscarriage, and Blake didn't want to agitate her. So, with one last look at Yasmin's face, he left.…The next afternoon, Yasmin finished her lunch while Stuart went to handle the discharge procedures.Yasmin could be discharged after one last ultrasound test.However, after waiting for a long while, Stuart still hadn't returned. She couldn't go to the outpatient ultrasound room herself, and a glance at the time told her that it was almost 11:00 am. So, Yasmin had no choice but to leave her hospital ward to look for Stuart. "Dad!" she called out in the corridor.When she passed by the nurses' counter, the nurse informed her, "Ms. Starr, I think your dad has gone to the stairwell.""Why has
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