All Chapters of Giving in to Her Rebellious Streak: Chapter 581 - Chapter 590
848 Chapters
Chapter 581
Blake pursed his lips. "She won't promise you that.""Are you saying that you want me to let her roam free despite knowing that she could hurt me at any time?" Elise resentfully asked. "Does my life mean nothing to you? She failed to kill me, yet she wants me to beg for her forgiveness.""Even if I forgive her, I can't ask her to promise to not hurt me in the future. If that's the case, how will I be safe from now on?"Blake remained silent for a moment before replying, "I'll protect you if she hurts you."…Yasmin had already seen on the news that Elise had been rescued.Elise's rescue had made headlines after coming back alive despite being adrift at sea for three days.Yasmin didn't know how to describe what she was feeling, but she knew that she wasn't pleased with the outcome.When Blake returned, Yasmin was sitting by the window with her eyes devoid of emotions.Blake could tell that she was in a bad mood. He took off his jacket and sat next to her. Then, he softly ask
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Chapter 582
Blake asked, "Let's go to the hospital tomorrow to apologize, alright? We can end things that way.""We'll talk about this tomorrow." Yasmin's voice was cold. Blake didn't push her. He just patted her head and let her rest.The next day, Yasmin began dressing herself right after she woke up. She applied some makeup to her haggard face and put on a stylish dress before making her way downstairs.Tyler and two bodyguards were already waiting for her at the foot of the stairs.Yasmin acted as though they were invisible as she walked past them.Tyler immediately followed and opened the car door for her. "Madam, Mr. Ford instructed us to follow you from now on."Follow her?Was he trying to protect her or keep an eye on her?Did he have three men tagging behind her because he was afraid she might hurt Elise again?A faint smile appeared on Yasmin's face as she asked Tyler, "Did Blake tell you to watch me?""He's just worried about your safety, Madam," Tyler explained.Yasmin
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Chapter 583
Blake paled as terror filled him, but he didn't dare agitate her. Patiently, he coaxed, "You don't have to apologize if you don't want to. Come down so we can talk things out properly, please?""I don't want to." Yasmin stared at him with chilling eyes. "I will never listen to you again, Blake Ford. I won't let you control me anymore, and I don't want to owe you any more favors."Although her tone was calm, Blake could guess the underlying meaning behind her words. His chest tightened, and he said with a rough tone, "You don't owe me anything. I just don't want anything to happen to you.""But what if I don't care about what you want?""What do you mean?" Puzzled, Blake was going to ask for explanations when several police officers walked into the mansion."Who called the police?" the policemen asked as they approached."I did," replied Yasmin from atop the tree.Blake didn't understand why she had called the police and was about to ask her when he heard her announce, "I'm s
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Chapter 584
Blake was truly impressive.He wasn't able to persuade Yasmin, so he changed tactics and targeted Elise instead. Elise also happened to be someone who could swallow her pride and do whatever Blake asked her to do.Yasmin was impressed.However, she truly didn't want to owe Blake anything anymore. As such, she shook her head and calmly said, "I plead guilty."Mortimer's eyes widened in shock. "But you just need to change your statement and you can leave. Why do you insist on suffering?""I don't want to owe him anything." Yasmin smiled softly and changed the subject. "I want to talk to Eunice. Could you call her for me?"Mortimer studied her closely. For some reason, he had a feeling that she had lost the will to live. His expression softened, and he used his phone to dial Eunice's number.He made sure to put the call on speakerphone.Eunice soon picked up. In a choked-up voice, she asked, "Mr. Sullivan, have you seen Yaz yet? How is she?"Hearing her friend's sniffles, Yasmin
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Chapter 585
However, Yasmin refused to see him.When Blake heard this, his heart sank, and his hands began shaking. "T-There's no way she won't see me. Ask her again.""Blake!"Mortimer had enough. He dragged Blake out of the police station and said, "Let it go. She doesn't want you anymore, so respect that."Blake's ears were ringing as he felt a dagger digging into his heart. "I've only ever loved one woman my entire life. That woman wholeheartedly gave herself to me and even bore me a child. How do you expect me to just let her go?""But she doesn't want you anymore."Mortimer's words felt like a punch to the gut. Blake felt something surging up his throat before blood spurted out, and he passed out.He had pulled several all-nighters to take care of Yasmin's issue just so he could see her again. Now, his body had finally reached its limit.In his dreams, he saw Yasmin excitedly saying, "I like you, Blake."Then, it changed to, "I don't want you anymore, Blake Ford."Her expression
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Chapter 586
Six months had already passed.At dawn, Blake jolted awake from a nightmare. He glanced at the calendar on the bedside table. A red circle was drawn on the day, indicating that Yasmin was going to be released from prison.Blake couldn't help but feel a little happy.After washing up, he even deliberately chose a suit that she had bought for him.He then carefully shaved his beard in front of the mirror. He looked at his reflection again and again, making sure his suit was impeccable and his appearance was flawless. Later, he got into the car and headed to the prison to pick her up.When he arrived, Yasmin had just walked out of the prison.She was wearing the same dress she had arrived in, carrying a duffel bag. She walked past the open iron gates with a slim figure and a calm look in her eyes."Yasmin." Blake got out of the car and called her name in a deep voice.Yasmin glanced at him without any expression.At this moment, a car stopped in front of Yasmin. The window
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Chapter 587
Yasmin eventually realized that something was wrong. Upon questioning, the person told her that Yasmin had offended someone she shouldn't have, and that was why someone wanted to harm her.Yasmin immediately thought of Elise.As it turned out, her hunch was right—Elise wanted to kill her.In prison, Yasmin faced those who were always causing trouble and giving her a hard time. She always needed to stay on guard.Later, Ivan sent people to take care of her, and the situation was resolved."I didn't do anything, don't accuse me so easily." Elise, of course, wouldn't admit to it. She added softly, "You pushed me into the sea, but you still haven't apologized to me.""Stop pretending." Seeing her frail act, Yasmin felt disgusted and said coldly, "I know it was you.""Do you have any evidence?" Elise questioned her, still looking innocent.Elise had done this very discreetly. As such, Yasmin would not be able to point her as the mastermind. At most, she could only voice her suspic
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Chapter 588
A tall figure loomed in front of Yasmin. "What are you doing here?" Blake fixed a gaze on her that conveyed both affection and curiosity. "Would you believe me if I said I'm here to congratulate Ms. Fletcher on her engagement?" Yasmin asked, holding a wine glass and smiling faintly."Do you think I'd believe that?" Blake looked at her. "Yasmin, what exactly are you trying to do here?"He didn't want her to do anything foolish. His gaze remained fixed on her, trying to see something in her eyes.But all she did was smile. Her eyes were devoid of any emotion—indifferent and distant. "Mr. Ford, we're not that close. You should address me as Ms. Starr," she said.As she finished speaking, she saw Elise going upstairs, so she put down her wine glass and was about to leave.Blake quickly took a few steps forward and grabbed her wrist. "Yasmin."Yasmin's back stiffened, and her entire body tensed the moment her hand was caught. She looked up at him, her eyes revealing disgust. "Mr.
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Chapter 589
Of course, she couldn't find out who it was in the end.The gang leader said it was a man who wanted to harm her.Elise was no fool. If she wanted Yasmin dead, she would never do the dirty work herself. Otherwise, she would leave incriminating evidence behind.Still, Yasmin firmly believed that Elise was behind it all.Elise undoubtedly wanted Yasmin dead. From that day on, Yasmin became even more vigilant and reticent.Regardless of who attacked her, she fought back fiercely—beating them to the brink of death. Gradually, no one dared to provoke her anymore.Later, when Ivan learned of her situation, he sent people in to take care of her—clearing the obstacles in her path. Then, she finally had the time to focus on her artwork.Half a month prior, she had already submitted her latest design drafts. In a few more days, her work would be displayed at a fashion show.Presently, Yasmin walked downstairs wearing a white gown and a feathered mask.To deal with Elise, she first nee
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Chapter 590
Her skin was as white as snow, her eyes clear and warm. She glared at Blake for a second, then quickly softened her gaze and became graceful and charming as she smiled at Carlos.Carlos was stunned. "Why is it you?"Just as Yasmin was about to speak, Elise hurried downstairs, her long hair slightly disheveled. She said pitifully, "Carlos, someone just locked me upstairs."Seeing Elise on the verge of tears, Carlos felt pity for her. He supported her and glared at Yasmin. "What did you do to Elise?""I didn't do anything," Yasmin answered innocently, blinking her big doe eyes at Carlos.Carlos felt strange and averted his gaze. "If you didn't do anything, why did you appear wearing the same gown as Elise? You did this on purpose, didn't you? You wanted to ruin my engagement with Elise?""What did I do?" Yasmin asked back with a smile. "I just went upstairs to change clothes. When I came down, you pulled me to the dance floor."Yasmin continued, "But what about you? When you saw
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