All Chapters of Giving in to Her Rebellious Streak: Chapter 571 - Chapter 580
849 Chapters
Chapter 571
"No, it wasn't me!" Elise made her way through the crowd and shouted as tears streamed down her face.When Yasmin saw her, she was immediately reminded of the expression that Elise was wearing when she was talking to Stuart. It had been the complete opposite of the vulnerable, damsel-in-distress act she was putting up right now. Yasmin staggered to her feet and lunged forward to grab Elise by the neck. "Elise Fletcher, what did you do to my dad? How did he fall down the stairs? You pushed him, didn't you?""No, I didn't touch him! He fell when his illness acted up!" Elise denied Yasmin's accusation and shook her head."That's impossible! My dad's been quite healthy lately, so there's no way that he'd just suddenly fall ill again. And why did my father tell me not to seek revenge? What the hell did you do?"Blake froze as he realized what Elise had said to Stuart.He immediately stepped forward and slapped Elise with a warning gaze in his eyes.Elise fell to the floor from the
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Chapter 572
Elise was forced to meet Blake's eyes. Tears welled up in her eyes as she sniffled. "James was good to me, so I had to do this for him. Besides, I don't want to see you suffer anymore. "Blakey, you should find another woman, and a one that's virtuous at that. There are so many women out there who deserve your love more than Yasmin does, so forget about her—""Are you referring to yourself?" Blake sneered.Elise paused, her gaze suddenly growing tender. She had an obsessive look in her eyes as she said, "That's right. I love you, Blakey. Won't you be my boyfriend? I'll be a good wife for you in the future…" Her hand slowly crept up Blake's face.Disgusted, Blake slapped her hand aside and snorted. "I've never liked you, and I never will."Elise froze as despair and pain filled her eyes.Just then, the door opened, and a handsome man walked in. The man's face darkened when he saw how Blake was holding onto Elise. He rushed over and demanded, "What do you think you're doing?
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Chapter 573
Blake walked over and held Yasmin. He could feel her body trembling."Where's Elise Fletcher?" Yasmin asked in a hoarse voice. "Yasmin," Blake caressed her head, "We checked the cameras. She was telling the truth. She never touched Stuart. He fell down the stairs himself.""No!" Yasmin refused to believe it. She lifted her head with tear-stained cheeks. "She must have said something to him before that. Otherwise, Dad wouldn't have told me not to seek revenge. So, what did she tell him?"Blake stiffened before softly saying, "I'm not sure. The audio wasn't clear."He didn't dare tell the truth.If he did, things would definitely be over between them. Panic consumed him at the thought of this, and he quickly stopped his thoughts from wandering. Then, instead of telling her the truth, he softly said, "I'm sure he'll be fine. He woke up last time, so I believe that it'll be the same this time.""That's easy for you to say!" Yasmin roughly broke free from Blake's grasp. She beli
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Chapter 574
The next day, Yasmin seemed unusually calm when she woke up. When Blake opened the door, he saw her changing her clothes and hurried over to stop her. "Why are you changing clothes? Where are you going?"Yasmin turned around. It seemed like she had cast away all her negative emotions and was unnaturally at ease. "I've been hospitalized for over ten days, so it's time for me to leave," she said.Blake felt like she had changed somehow, but he couldn't put his finger on what exactly was different. So, he simply stared at her.In contrast to Yasmin's healthy black hair, her face seemed unusually pale and devoid of emotions. She looked as though something had sucked the life out of her."Yasmin, what's going through your mind right now?" Blake realized that he couldn't read her expression anymore.Yasmin calmly met his eyes. "Nothing. I just don't want to stay here anymore since I've already recovered.""But Dad is still in the hospital," Blake reminded her.Yasmin nearly lost con
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Chapter 575
It turned out that Blake had already noticed that she hadn't been sleeping.Yasmin calmly replied, "I was wondering if I could go back to work tomorrow.""Is that all?""Yeah. Life has been boring lately, so I feel like going back to the studio. I need something to distract me from the pain." Yasmin deliberately reminded Blake of her suffering.Guilt flashed in Blake's eyes, and he gently caressed her head. "Sure, go ahead. But you just had a miscarriage, so don't overwork yourself.""It's just a miscarriage. Ten days of rest is more than enough," Yasmin replied flatly. Suddenly, memories of their lost child popped up in Blake's mind, and he tightened his arms around Yasmin. Repulsed by his touch, Yasmin curled up. She felt like a soulless body lost in the dark. …The next day, Yasmin knew that Blake was awake when she heard some rustling. While Blake was getting dressed, Yasmin kept her back facing him. Soon, Blake finished dressing up and bent over to look at her. "Ya
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Chapter 576
The bodyguard then asked, "Ms. Starr, we've already moved her onboard. Where are you? We'll come pick you up.""Come to Erinnyes' back door. I'll meet you there," Yasmin replied. Tyler was keeping a close eye on her and was responsible for driving her to and from work. So, he would definitely notice if she left through the front door. Yasmin then changed into a different outfit and put on a black mask before climbing out the backdoor window. Fortunately, their studio was only on the third floor, so it wasn't too difficult to climb down. Yasmin landed on her sneakers and felt a jab of pain in her lower abdomen. She hadn't fully recovered from her miscarriage yet.Nevertheless, Yasmin ignored the pain, and holding her stomach, she quickly climbed into Ivan's bodyguard's car.Ivan had sent her four burly men. After picking her up, the bodyguards brought her onto a yacht where Elise had been tied up and thrown onto the deck like a sack of potatoes. Yasmin kept her eyes fixed
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Chapter 577
Yet, the smile never left Elise's face.Yasmin grabbed Elise by the collar and demanded, "What did you say to my father that day? Tell me!""I won't." Elise grinned despite her bleeding lips. "I'll just kill you then!" Hatred consumed Yasmin, and something inside her snapped.Yasmin then dragged Elise over to the railing and shoved her head down, intending to kill her. She said, "Are you going to confess or not?"Elise's eyes widened in fear, and she stammered, "Y-Yasmin Starr, you'll go to prison if you kill me. Your life will be ruined.""Are you not going to talk?" Yasmin's eyes were red with rage as she got ready to throw Elise overboard. Elise's knees became weak, and she screamed, "Alright, I'll tell you! Let me go!"Yasmin yanked Elise back and glared at her. "Tell me!"Elise was terrified. But just as she was about to speak, a sharp voice cried out, "Elise!"Immediately, Yasmin spun around and saw a young man and a group of policemen rushing over. The man was
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Chapter 578
Elise fell into the ocean with a splash. Her face paled in fear, but it was too late as the waves blanketed her and pulled her body under. Soon, she completely disappeared from sight.As Elise fell, Carlos cried out in a heart-wrenching voice, "Elise!"Then, he immediately pulled the trigger of the gun he was holding.The bullet hit Yasmin in the arm, and her face turned white from the pain. Nevertheless, she quietly stepped back and awaited judgment. "Elise!" Carlos ran over to the railing and desperately searched for Elise. However, she had already been swept away by the waves and was nowhere to be seen."Find her!" Carlos ordered.With bloodshot eyes, he grabbed Yasmin by the collar and snarled, "Why did you push her?""She owed me that." Yasmin's demeanor was calm. She had already considered the consequences of killing Elise. And since she couldn't get revenge, she might as well just kill Elise. After all, it was an eye for an eye. "How could you be so evil?" Ca
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Chapter 579
Blake's expression was stern as he came over to wrap his arms around Yasmin. "Aren't you scared at all? What if you do end up going to jail? Are you sure that your weak body can handle that place?""I can just die then." Yasmin chuckled, seeming to have gone numb from her emotions. Shocked, Blake gently kissed her hair. "Don't be silly, there's no way I'd let you die. You should get some rest. I'll take care of the rest."Then, he stood up to leave.However, Yasmin stopped him. "Blake."Blake turned around and found Yasmin quietly and calmly staring at him. "Don't help me anymore."Blake was about to reply when Yasmin added, "I stopped needing your help the day you became her accomplice. So, no matter what you do, I won't be grateful. "Both of you killed my father, and I'll never forgive you for that," Yasmin spoke without an ounce of emotion. Upon hearing her words, Blake's heart sank. He hurriedly walked back to hug Yasmin. "You're wrong. It's not what you think it is."
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Chapter 580
Blake walked over to the bed and gazed at Yasmin's sleeping face. Her distraught expression was full of sorrow and disappointment toward the world. Suddenly, Blake felt an inexplicable sense of anxiety as he looked at Yasmin. Then, he knelt down and gently caressed her cheek. "Can we stop this?"Yasmin ignored him.She was actually still awake, but she didn't want to talk to him. All she wanted to do now was to give him the cold shoulder.…Throughout the next few days, Yasmin ate her meals and medication while she waited for news of Elise's death. However, things didn't go as planned. Two days later, Elise was found. Apparently, she had been adrift for three days and was barely breathing when she was found.Not long after Carlos had brought Elise to the hospital, Blake rushed over as well.Blake felt a weight lift off his shoulders when he heard that Elise was still alive. For the past few days, he had been afraid that Yasmin would end up going to jail if Elise had die
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