All Chapters of Giving in to Her Rebellious Streak: Chapter 591 - Chapter 600
848 Chapters
Chapter 591
Blake visited her many times, but she never agreed to see him.When he heard she was being harassed inside, he sent people in to deal with those causing trouble and assigned someone to stay by her side—protecting her from afar without her knowing.He heard she had grown a lot, eating well every day and fighting back against anyone who harassed her.He also learned that Ivan's people brought her drafts and materials, and she often worked on her designs inside.Later, Blake pulled some strings for her to work in the prison laundromat, allowing her to quietly work on her drafts there every day.Hearing that she was living well, he felt relieved. At least she wasn't miserable."What does that have to do with you?" Yasmin's calm face showed a faint smile, but her eyes remained frigid and devoid of warmth."I'm just concerned about you..." His throat felt like it was stuffed with cotton. He had so much to say yet was unable to find the words.Yasmin smirked. "Why would I need your co
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Chapter 592
"What are you planning to do?""Carlos loves her, right? Then I'll seduce Carlos. I want her to experience what I went through." Back when Yasmin was with Blake, Elise always tried to drive a wedge between them. Now, Yasmin would make Elise taste the same pain and see if she could maintain her innocent façade."As for Blake, I don't think he will help Elise anymore." Yasmin understood Blake well, especially after her time in prison.If she hadn't rejected him six months ago, she might still be under his control today.But things were different now.To free herself from him, she was willing to go to prison. She believed that Blake would not force her anymore, as he now knew she was willing to go to drastic lengths to get away from him.Blake now felt a deep sense of guilt toward her, which was strong enough to overshadow his feelings for Elise. Thus, Yasmin was sure that Blake would only cling to her and not force her back to his side. He understood that he could no longer c
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Chapter 593
Ivan opened his mouth to speak, but Yasmin swiftly interjected, "You should go. In the future, Erinnyes will be under NAS Group. Rest assured that I will work hard."She implied that Ivan was simply her boss.Ivan was stunned for a couple of seconds. In the end, he couldn't say anything.He stood in place, watching Yasmin as she walked away. Just a moment ago, he had almost revealed to her the hatred in his heart.He almost told her that he wasn't an innocent person either. Everything he had done so far was to avenge his mother.He and Yasmin were the same kind of people.He had been as innocent as she was in the beginning, but that changed after his mother committed suicide by jumping off a building. He was later taken in by the Burkes—the family that revolved around Isaac. They humiliated and scolded Ivan to no end.He had never experienced a good day in the Burke family. His father was cold toward him, and his brother and stepmother saw him as an eyesore.The maids joined
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Chapter 594
"Hello, everyone!" Yasmin waved her hands in greeting. After exchanging pleasantries, Yasmin helped Eunice up to the second-floor office.Eunice looked at her with red eyes. "Yaz, you've just been released. Why don't you rest for a couple of days?""No need. I don't have anything to do anyway." Yasmin looked at her big belly. "You're the one who's had it tough. How many weeks has it been? And you're still working?"Eunice glanced at her belly and stuck out her tongue. "Mortimer said the same thing. But I can't let go of the studio, so I come here every day. When my belly feels uncomfortable, I would lie on the sofa.""Mortimer?" Yasmin noticed Eunice's shift to a more familiar form of address and playfully teased her, "You used to call him Mr. Sullivan, but now it's Mortimer?"Eunice was a little embarrassed, but she looked happy. "Well, after spending time together, I realized that he's a pretty good person, so we decided to...""Be together?" Yasmin finished her sentence.Euni
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Chapter 595
"I've tried many times, but she doesn't listen." Mortimer had no choice but to let her come to the studio every day.After hearing this, Yasmin could tell that Mortimer was a man who respected Eunice's decisions.She smiled and said, "I'll try to talk to her. Since I've been released, I can take care of the studio.""Thank you." Mortimer smiled gratefully.When Eunice was done with her phone call, Yasmin brought the matter up with her.Upon hearing this, Eunice glared at Mortimer. "You told Yaz to convince me, didn't you?""I just don't want you to be too tired," Mortimer explained.Eunice frowned.Fearing they might start arguing, Yasmin took Eunice's hand. "Eunice, listen to Mortimer. I'm already out, so I can take care of the studio. You should go home and rest well."Yasmin's gaze fell on Eunice's belly, her eyes filled with sadness. "Get some rest and take care of yourself."Eunice caught sight of the sadness in Yasmin's eyes and understood instantly that Yasmin was once
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Chapter 596
Yasmin continued stirring her coffee, smiling serenely. "I suddenly realized that Carlos is quite the charming man. He's good and faithful to his girlfriend. I want a boyfriend like that too."Most importantly, Carlos was Elise's man.Blake frowned, stating concisely, "He was engaged to Elise last night. He's taken now.""So what?" Yasmin smiled and asked back. "They're not married yet, so I still have a chance. After all, who wouldn't like such a good man?""You'll be a homewrecker if you interfere in their relationship.""Wasn't Elise like that before?" Yasmin smirked as if it didn't matter."Elise and I are akin to siblings," Blake corrected. He was dressed in a black suit and sat opposite her, exuding an ethereal charm and dangerous allure.Yasmin pouted. "Oh, is that so? Then I guess I'll be Carlos' sister. After all, siblings can just do whatever they want, right?""Yasmin, I know you're not that kind of person."Blake's gaze was dark and deep as he looked at her. "Don't
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Chapter 597
Ivan himself didn't know why he came to see Yasmin. Perhaps it was because their lives were so similar, so he wanted all her wishes to come true.As Ivan left the apartment, he glanced back and saw one of Blake's men, Tyler. Blake was still sending people to follow Yasmin.Ivan subconsciously frowned.Before, he would've liked to see this. He hoped Blake would care for Yasmin so he could use her against him.But one day, he suddenly felt uncomfortable with that thought. Perhaps this feeling started the moment he realized that he and Yasmin had suffered a similar fate.When Tyler saw Ivan, he got out of the car and went straight up to him, asking, "Mr. Burke, can I ask you a question?"Ivan didn't answer, so Tyler asked anyway, "What is your relationship with Mrs. Ford?"Ivan smirked. "Did Blake send you to ask me this?""No, I want to ask you about this myself." Tyler stood up straight and tried to reason with him. "Mr. Burke, you're a smart man. You should be able to see how
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Chapter 598
Yasmin smiled and said, "I was sent by Mr. Burke. I'm working under him now.""Weren't you running your own studio?" Carlos' gaze fell on her fair face. For some reason, he felt that she seemed much more beautiful than before.Did she dress up just to see him?"Yes, but NAS Group has recently acquired our studio. So now I'm part of NAS Group too," Yasmin said graciously.Carlos' expression was complicated. He seemed reluctant to get close to her. He glanced at Blake in the distance.Blake looked cold and indifferent, but he just stood there, making no move to approach them.Carlos didn't want to get close to Yasmin. He walked away with his golf club, not wanting to interact with her any longer.Half a year ago, he had witnessed Yasmin pushing Elise into the sea. He remembered her menacing expression very clearly.She was a vicious woman.At present, Yasmin still didn't give up. She caught up to Carlos with some documents in hand. "Mr. Ferguson, let's discuss the project.""I
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Chapter 599
The woman was stunned and repeated, "Mr. Ford, did you not hear me clearly? That woman just said you're her lapdog."Blake glanced at her with deep eyes. "So what if I'm her lapdog?""Well..." The woman was dumbfounded.Blake had already shifted his gaze and was looking at Yasmin again.At this time, Carlos choked on his water. Yasmin hurried forward and patted his back. "Mr. Ferguson, are you alright?"She leaned in close, and her subtle scent kept drilling into his heart.Carlos' heart raced inexplicably, and he suddenly pushed her away. "What are you doing?"Yasmin had just been shoved. Blake's expression changed as he walked toward her. But by then, Yasmin had already composed herself and said innocently, "I saw you choking and wanted to help by patting your back.""I don't need your help," Carlos replied coldly. Then, he stomped off to the restroom.Yasmin didn't say anything as she watched his receding back. After he left for the restroom, she took out her phone and tapp
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Chapter 600
"If you're not giving it to me, then forget it." Yasmin got up and left."Wait." Blake suddenly called out to her.Yasmin turned around and saw him take out a checkbook from his suit pocket. He quickly wrote down the amount and name, tore off the check, then handed it to her.Yasmin was a little surprised by this.She had intended to just piss him off, but she didn't expect him to actually give her the money.But since he offered it to her, she wouldn't refuse. She accepted the check, glanced at the amount on it, and smiled. "Thirty million... Alright, our past grievances are settled. From now on, we're just strangers. Mr. Ford, you don't have to feel guilty toward me anymore, and I won't hate you. Goodbye."She left with the check in hand.Blake's expression changed slightly. He got up and grabbed her hand. "Can we start over?"She laughed. "No, you're not my type. Also, if you stay by my side, who would dare pursue me?"Blake sounded almost desperate at this point. "If you
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