All Chapters of Giving in to Her Rebellious Streak: Chapter 611 - Chapter 620
844 Chapters
Chapter 611
"What happens after? You would really date Carlos?""Yes." Yasmin nodded. "I quite like him now. If he likes me too, maybe we can get married."Blake's expression grew colder. "You're thinking too far ahead. With your family background, the Ferguson family would never accept you.""You're just afraid, aren't you? You're afraid of being rejected, and so you're panicking." Yasmin saw through him. Tilting her head, she flashed a bright, knowing smile.Blake's face was stern. "I won't allow you to continue seducing him. Do you hear me?""I didn't hear you." Yasmin's voice turned cold. "I like him, and this has nothing to do with you. I'll get married to him sooner or later, what can you do about it?"Blake's expression was extremely icy. He had followed her here to talk things out. But listening to her say that she liked Carlos and wanted to marry him, Blake felt a tightness in his chest. It was as if an inextinguishable flame was raging inside him.He couldn't help but kiss her
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Chapter 612
"Where are you going?" Michelle asked Carlos.Carlos came to his senses and saw Yasmin give him a faint smile.He felt a slight jolt in his heart and subconsciously avoided her gaze. "Elise has a follow-up appointment at the hospital today. I have to take her there," he replied."You're going with her again?" Michelle was clearly dissatisfied. "She wants you to be with her every month for blood transfusions, help her with work, and even attend fashion shows. Why does she have you do so many things? Don't you care about your own business? "You're practically revolving around her. I'm telling you, Mom and Dad are already unhappy about this. You better stop putting off work to keep her company.""Elise is in poor health, so I must go with her." Carlos insisted on leaving.With a cold expression, Michelle said, "Wait, you can accompany Elise today, but I've decided to have Yasmin take charge of the collaborative project with NAS Group."Carlos paused and turned his head. "What di
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Chapter 613
It was already late into the evening. Michelle invited Yasmin to have dinner at her home, to which Yasmin gladly accepted.During the meal, Carlos eventually returned. He walked in and saw Yasmin still there. He took off his coat, asking impatiently, "You haven't left yet?"His furrowed brows revealed his annoyance.Michelle stood up and said, "I asked Yasmin to stay. We've been discussing project matters all day and haven't finished yet. Come join us, we can talk while eating."Carlos didn't defy Michelle. He sat across from Yasmin with a displeased expression.Yasmin merely smiled at him.Uncomfortable, Carlos looked away with a cold and indifferent expression.Of course, Yasmin wouldn't do anything to him; excessive flirting would seem vulgar. She maintained her calm smile and sat across from him, eating quietly.Just then, the butler came in and whispered something to Michelle.Michelle's expression turned into one of surprise. She excused herself before leaving the tabl
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Chapter 614
With Michelle present, Yasmin could only play along. She shook Blake's hand and said, "Mr. Ford, I've heard a lot about you as well.""Then we can get to know each other in private later," Blake said blatantly in front of Michelle.Michelle was momentarily stunned, as if realizing that Blake had an interest in Yasmin.But why did Carlos seem a little unhappy?"No, Mr. Ford is far too esteemed for me. I could never measure up," Yasmin said modestly."Don't be so humble, Ms. Starr. You're the Venus of my heart."Yasmin was taken aback, her face turning cold. This jerk was doing this on purpose!Blake knew Yasmin was trying to build a good relationship with Michelle, so he deliberately showed his interest in Yasmin in front of Michelle. This way, Michelle wouldn't have any ideas about matching Yasmin with Carlos.Blake smiled and sat beside her, intentionally brushing his long legs against hers.Yasmin stiffened for a moment."What brings Mr. Ford here?" Carlos asked Michelle.
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Chapter 615
Michelle grabbed Carlos' hand when he tried to follow after them. "What are you going over there for?""She seems sick," Carlos said."Don't go. Didn't you notice that Mr. Ford is interested in her?" Michelle stopped Carlos and whispered, "Let Mr. Ford comfort her. We'll just do him a favor."Carlos pressed his lips together, feeling inexplicably restless.Yasmin walked out of the villa in low spirits and hailed a cab.Blake approached her, pulled her into his embrace, and murmured, "I'm sorry, Yaz. I'm sorry..."He knew why she was feeling uncomfortable.After he had given her a sedative at the hospital, she became like this. It was as if she had lost her soul, her gaze hollow and empty.Blake knew that something had been left unresolved in her heart.But he didn't dare talk about their parents' affairs because he knew that once he did, they would never be together.For the first time in a while, Yasmin did not pull away from him. Standing in his embrace, she whispered, "Bla
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Chapter 616
After some time, Yasmin gradually calmed down. Ivan helped her inside and seated her on the couch. He then handed Yasmin a cup of warm water.As Yasmin felt the warmth from the cup, she began to regain her composure. She turned to Ivan and said, "Thanks a lot, Ivan."Ivan asked, "What happened to you?"Yasmin's gaze fell to the floor. "Something unpleasant surfaced in my mind. I was feeling uneasy."Ivan immediately caught onto something and asked, "Was it Blake?"Yasmin nodded. "Yeah, it reminded me of when my dad fell down the stairs. I was crying and begged Blake, but he insisted that everything would be fine after a rest."With a dejected smile, Yasmin added, "He always tells me that things will get better, but he's consumed by hatred himself. Nothing will ever turn out right."Ivan seemed to be lost in thought. He sat down and hugged Yasmin. "Give me a call next time something like this happens again. I'll come and help you no matter what."Yasmin was worn out. She leane
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Chapter 617
The emotional turmoil hit Blake harder than he anticipated.In the end, Blake made his way upstairs and rang the doorbell.After finishing the stew, Yasmin looked for fever medicine in her first aid kit. Feeling dizzy, she decided to take some pills before going to bed.The doorbell suddenly rang, and Yasmin thought Ivan had returned. However, when she opened the door, she was met with Blake's fierce glare.Noticing Blake's darkened expression, Yasmin quickly closed the door.But Blake held the door in time. He fixed his cold gaze on Yasmin and challenged, "Why are you shutting the door? Are you hiding something?"Yasmin sneered. "What's there for me to hide?"Blake pushed the door open and asked, "What's there to hide? I know Ivan stayed the night."Yasmin felt her legs giving out under her as she stumbled backward. As she leaned against the wall, she chuckled and said, "It's none of your business whether Ivan stayed overnight or not. We've divorced, and I can spend the nigh
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Chapter 618
Later into the day, Yasmin sobbed in Blake's arms. "Dad…"Feeling bitter, Blake said in a raspy voice, "I'm sorry, Yaz…"Blake understood that his apology carried little weight, but that was all he could say. Holding Yasmin tightly, he rested his chin on top of her head. "I'm sorry, but I just can't move on from you. Please give me a chance to make it up to you."Yasmin was in a daze and couldn't hear what Blake said.Late at night, Yasmin's temperature finally went down, and her mind cleared up. As she stirred awake, her vision was fuzzy, and she could only make out a blurry face in front of her.Yasmin blinked a couple of times. The once blurry face became clearer—Blake."You're finally awake. Are you still feeling dizzy?"Only then did Yasmin realize she was in Blake's arms. She tried to speak but found that her throat was sore."You've slept the entire day. Are you feeling hungry?""Why are you here?" Yasmin finally managed to speak up even though her voice was raspy.
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Chapter 619
"Yes," Malcolm replied.Blake had purchased the entire floor because he liked it quiet. This way, no one else would be on that floor, making it a personal space just for him and Yasmin.Yasmin was annoyed by how persistent Blake was.After dinner, Blake went to see Yasmin as soon as he got off work. He took off his coat and gently asked, "Have you eaten dinner yet?"Yasmin was reading a fashion maganize. She glanced over and asked, "Can you go back to your own place?""No, I need to make sure you're okay or I'll feel uneasy." Blake walked over and sat beside Yasmin.As Blake tried to put his arms around Yasmin, she frowned and dodged his touch. However, her attempts to escape were futile as she found herself trapped in the corner of the couch. She coldly asked, "What do you want?""Like I said, I want to make it up to you, Yaz. And I want to win you back." Blake leaned in closer and sincerely said, "Tell me what you want, and I'll make it happen."Yasmin sneered. Just as she
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Chapter 620
Yasmin gaped at Blake, and she frantically pushed him away. "Stop it, Blake. The police are here—"With a grim expression, Blake said, "So what? I want them to see us like this." He refused to let Yasmin go.Yasmin began panicking and hissed, "You're going to embarrass me. Go and hide in the bedroom. Once Carlos leaves, I promise that we can have a talk.""Promise?" Blake asked.Yasmin pursed her lips and responded, "Yes!"Finally, Blake let go and sneaked in a pat on Yasmin's head before leaving.Yasmin immediately flinched. She was angry with how shameless Blake was.After fixing her clothes, Yasmin saw Blake's coat and ran to hide it under the couch.Then, when Yasmin opened the door, she saw Carlos speaking to the police.While talking, Carlos paused in surprise when he saw Yasmin appear. "You okay?" he asked."Yeah, I'm fine." Yasmin fixed her hair and sported a pale smile."Why didn't you answer the door when I rang the bell?""I was bathing." Yasmin made up an excuse
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