All Chapters of Giving in to Her Rebellious Streak: Chapter 601 - Chapter 610
844 Chapters
Chapter 601
Elise opened her phone and clicked on her social media page.She questioned Yasmin, "You went to the golf course this morning. What were you doing there? Were you trying to seduce Carlos?"Yasmin looked at the post and smiled mockingly, "What did I do?""What did you do? You've been causing trouble nonstop since you got out of prison. Are you doing this because you hate me and want revenge?"With a shrug, Yasmin replied, "Who knows?" Yasmin refused to tell her what she was up to.Elise laughed and said, "It's useless for you to do this. Carlos doesn't like your type at all. Even if you try to seduce him, you won't succeed.""What? Are you scared?" Yasmin tilted her head and smiled charmingly. "Scared that if Carlos falls in love with me, you'll be left with nothing?"I guess you had already gone to Blake before coming here. You've always liked to tattle to him. But he doesn't pay attention to you anymore, so you had no choice but to come to me yourself, right?" Yasmin circle
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Chapter 602
Elise's expression froze as Blake's hand tightened around her neck, making it hard for her to breathe. Tears streamed down her face as she struggled to pry his hand away. "B-Blakey..."Blake released her, his eyes devoid of any warmth.Before leaving, he said coldly, "I wish you hadn't woken up back then."Elise rubbed her neck, her eyes completely red.…Later, Elise went to the hospital.Carlos rushed over to check on her. Upon noticing the red marks on her neck, he felt distressed. "What happened, Elise? What's wrong with your neck?""I'm fine." Elise lowered her head, looking fragile. "It's just...""What is it?""Yasmin posted a photo of you on social media." Elise opened her phone and showed it to Carlos. "I went to ask her about it, but she said..."Hearing this, Carlos glanced at the social media post and asked, "What did she say?""She said she wants to seduce you.""What?" Carlos raised an eyebrow. "She wants to seduce me?""Yes, she admitted it herself. I was
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Chapter 603
After a moment of silence, Carlos said coldly, "I'll have you know that I'm very dissatisfied with you. I want to change to another project manager. Starting tomorrow, you don't need to see me anymore."With that, he ended the call.Yasmin frowned in response. Blake, sitting across from her, glanced over and asked, "Was that Carlos on the phone?""What does it have to do with you?" She put down the phone and continued reading the document in front of her."Judging by your expression, I guess you got rejected?" Blake gloated as he leaned closer, scrutinizing her under the light. "He doesn't want you? Then why don't you choose me instead?"He got close, and the fresh scent of cedar overwhelmed her. Yasmin felt uncomfortable and retreated a little. "Get lost," she spat."What if I don't?""Fine. If you won't leave, I will." Yasmin refused to stay in the same space with him any longer, so she picked up her phone and left.However, as she walked past him, he grabbed her hand and pul
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Chapter 604
Elise gritted her teeth, seemingly lost in thought.She recalled a previous competition where Yasmin's designs far surpassed her own. Now that Elise had just started to gain some recognition, she didn't want Yasmin to overshadow her at an event like this.As such, she concealed her emotions and walked up to Yasmin, asking gently, "Yasmin, what are you doing here? Are you here for the fashion show?""Yes." Yasmin opened her suitcase and took out the clothes inside.The clothes looked glamorous even before they were worn by the models.Elise glanced at them, and the corners of her mouth twitched ever so slightly. "Weren't you in prison before? How do you have designs ready for the fashion show as soon as you're out? Are these clothes really your own designs?""Are you thinking that I didn't do anything in there?" Yasmin looked at her, her lips curving into a smile. Her cold and aloof expression carried a hint of provocation.Elise clenched her fists tightly.Yasmin no longer
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Chapter 605
Without an ounce of emotion, Blake replied, "She said things she shouldn't have, so I warned her."Carlos wouldn't let it go just like that. He demanded, "Yasmin bullied Elise to that extent. Shouldn't you handle this matter?"Blake said in a deep voice, "You should take care of your own heart and not get involved with a woman you shouldn't be interested in."After saying that, he walked into the venue with heavy steps.Carlos' expression turned icy....In the backstage area, Yasmin was helping the models with their outfits, her back facing Roxy as she worked.Roxy hid behind a rack of clothes, resentment boiling within her.She had seen Yasmin's new designs, which were indeed outstanding. Roxy was unhappy and didn't want Yasmin to gain fame. Thinking for a moment, she took out a packet of laxatives and poured them into several cups of water on the table.After ingesting the laxatives, the models would be too busy dealing with upset stomachs and wouldn't have time to walk t
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Chapter 606
"It's all because of that despicable Yasmin. I'll definitely make her pay later!" Roxy's face was pale as she spoke. Another wave of flatulence hit her. She clutched her stomach so tightly that she bit down on her dress.She had taken too much of the laxatives, and now her stomach wouldn't stop churning."You're useless!" Elise was furious. Carlos' sister, Michelle, would also be present tonight.Michelle was two years older than Carlos. At the age of 27, she was currently the head of Ferguson Jewelry.Ferguson Jewelry was a renowned family of jewelers, always trending in the fashion industry.As soon as Michelle entered the venue, she noticed a certain man in the corner. Even though he was sitting in a dimly lit area, he was extraordinarily eye-catching."Michelle, what're you looking at?" Carlos asked as he came over to greet her.Michelle replied, "That must be Mr. Ford from Windmere Group, right? Elise's brother?"Elise always claimed to be Blake's sister, which was why
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Chapter 607
"Yes, she became quite famous half a year ago. Her designs were especially beautiful. I wanted to ask her to design a few sets of dresses for me at the time, but she disappeared without a trace..."As Michelle spoke, the show had already ended, and a slender woman came onstage. She held a microphone and slowly walked forward.Her stunning face gradually emerged from the darkness. She was tall and confident, wearing a long tail suit that hugged her figure perfectly, making her appear as elegant as a swan.The audience gasped in admiration."The designer is so beautiful!""Have you all forgotten? She's the designer from Erinnyes who rose to fame half a year ago. I saw her at a show back then.""What? Didn't she disappear? How did she become a designer for NAS Group?""Maybe NAS Group poached her with a high salary!"The crowd was buzzing in discussion, all amazed by Yasmin's appearance and talent.In the venue, only Blake was silent as he sat in the darkness. Hearing so many peo
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Chapter 608
Blake's expression turned cold. Just as he was about to take action, Yasmin suddenly flipped Roxy over, grabbed her by the hair, and held her firmly against the ground. Then, Yasmin looked down at her condescendingly. "Roxy, how's that? I learned this from the prison officer. Does it hurt?"Roxy struggled to break free. She screamed frantically, "Yasmin! Let me go! I'll kill you!""Kill me? How? Have you lost your mind since you couldn't harm me?""Just you wait! I won't let you off the hook!" Roxy screamed in a rage.Yasmin pinched Roxy's cheek and said with a cold expression, "Alright. But before you take revenge against me, I'll send you to the police station first."Roxy was stunned. "What did you say?""I recorded what you did earlier. As long as I take the evidence to the police station with Mr. Sullivan as my defense lawyer, you rotting in jail will be inevitable!"Roxy was terrified.Although she was malicious, she was an unintelligent simpleton. Upon hearing Yasmin
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Chapter 609
Yasmin nodded. "Alright, let's go see your sister."Carlos walked out, and Yasmin followed closely behind.On the other hand, Blake grabbed her wrist and reminded her, "Don't go too far."Yasmin ignored him and shook off his hand, wordlessly walking away.Carlos was waiting outside and seemed to have witnessed the exchange. He took a few steps forward and asked, "What did Mr. Ford say to you just now?""He's trying to pursue me, but I rejected him." Yasmin smiled mischievously.Carlos' face turned cold. "I wasn't joking with you.""I wasn't joking either. Why don't you ask him yourself if you don't believe me? I won't even give him a fraction of my attention, you see." Yasmin's long hair draped over her shoulders. Admittedly, she was as beautiful as a fairy.Her voice was loud enough for Blake to hear, but he didn't seem to react. It was as if he accepted her words as they were.Carlos was surprised. The extraordinary Blake Ford was so humble in front of Yasmin.What charm di
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Chapter 610
Carlos straightened up and looked at Elise. "Elise, what are you doing?""I'm just wondering when you'll finally notice me," Elise said softly with a pout.Carlos laughed and rubbed the top of her head. "I always know when you're with me. I was just thinking about something.""What were you thinking about?" Elise bit her lip and said sadly, "I feel like Michelle really likes Yasmin..."Carlos glanced over and comforted her, "My sister likes you too.""Not as much as she likes Yasmin." Elise was a little worried and looked up, seeking Carlos' assurance. "Carlos, will you ignore Yasmin? I'm a little scared that she'll take you away.""That won't happen, silly," came his response....Yasmin and Michelle confirmed their meeting for tomorrow. Yasmin headed home soon after.Before she left, she instructed Sarah to take the new designs back to the studio. She then drove herself back to Bournegin Heights.As soon as she drove out of the parking lot, Blake's car followed.Yasmin g
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