All Chapters of Shouldn't Mess Up with My Hidden Heiress Ex-wife : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
446 Chapters
131. Her Achilles Heel
Heidi's lips pulled into a smile, grateful at Grandpa Winston's kind tone. If only Lucas Harrison was half as kind as his grandfather.“Your grandfather and I have been great businessmen allies, Heidi. Your grandmother is very kind and honest. Now I know where you got those good qualities from.”“Heidi, will you come visit me soon?” Grandpa Winston asked hopefully. “It has been almost a month now since you last visited. You also left very early in the morning without saying goodbye.”“Grandpa, as long as Lucas won't be there, I'll come.”Heidi made herself clear, not wanting what happened the last time to repeat itself.Grandpa Winston sounded mad. “Did that boy break your heart again, Heidi?”“It's nothing, Grandpa. I'll see you soon.”She just didn't want to see Lucas. Lucas turned out to be her only Achilles heel. Another encounter with the man could potentially crush the rest of her dignity.While making the phone call, Isla had excused herself from the office, sensing Heidi was b
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132. The AG Group's CEO
Heidi's brows knitted into a frown of confusion. She gestured to the bed, nodding cautiously. “Sit down. I'm listening.”“Will you come to the AG Group tomorrow?” Natalie said, sitting down. “Why do you ask?” Heidi asked, trying to read Natalie's blank expression.But Natalie only murmured, “Just come. You'll see.” Then she stood up and left, leaving Heidi wondering if something was wrong with her.Not long after Natalie walked out, Her mother came into the room.“What was she doing in your room, Heidi?” Regina had seen Natalie leaving Heidi's room on her way here. “I hope she didn't pick a fight.”“Natalie rarely picks a fight.” Heidi shook her head, indicating that nothing happened.Regina let go of the matter because it wasn't what brought her anyway. She sat on the bed beside Heidi, giving her an inquisitive look. “Is it true that you've got a suitor, Heidi?”“Huh? What suitor?” Heidi blinked. “Come on, don't try to deny it.” Her mother flicked her on the forehead. “I should ask
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133. A Tough Battle
Natalie's voice resonated in the hall, and there was pin-drop silence after her last statement.The board of directors' eyes bulged out and they all sprang to their feet including Harold Olsen.“Natalie Olsen, what's the meaning of this?”“Do you know what it means to let go of this important position?”“Are you out of your mind, Natalie!” Harold shouted. “You must be mentally sick. Since this conference started, I had a feeling that something is wrong with your brain.”“I am healthy and sound, Dad,” Natalie replied, acting unbothered by their words. “The only sick place is the mind of the corrupted higher-ups who observe injustice. If you all don't agree with my decision, I might as well quit!”Now among the board of directors, although a majority of them were on Harold Olsen's side, only a few weren't corrupt.Of course, they were aware of the current situation of the Group and lived every day in fear of what would happen next.Because of Harold Olsen's involvement, they had no choi
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134. Important News
…At The Olsens Mansion.After Grandpa Winston finished his morning stretch-ups, he sat on a chair in the garden, wiping off his sweat.“Master, my eyes must be tricking me! You have to take a look at this!” Butler Luke rushed to him with his tablet.Grandpa Winston frowned. “Did I not ask you to bring me water!?”However, the Butler showed the tablet's screen to him and Grandpa Winston was forced to view the news.He forgot about the water and got up on his feet. “This- This, you mean Heidi has become the CEO?” His exclamation filled up the garden area. “Heidi is the CEO!?”Butler Luke chortled. “Isn't this a miracle?”“This is more than a miracle! Quick, servants! Summon everybody! Get me Blake and his wife!”The servants scampered away to Blake's quarters.“Bring out your phone and get me Lucas Harrison, now!” He commanded the Butler.A few minutes later, the whole family was gathered in front of Grandpa Winston in the living room of his quarters.“Dad, why did you summon us?” Blak
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135. Get Rid of Him
Pregnant!?The whole family was stunned as a deafening silence descended, engulfing the large living room of Grandpa Winston's quarters.The Doctor looked shocked as well, breaking the most strange news in the family.His eyes fell on the shocked family members. “C-Congratulations?”“What congratulations?” Lucas's tone was filled with disbelief as well as irritation. “You just did a physical examination and you pronounce she's pregnant.”“Mr. Harrison, I am ninety percent sure that Ms. Carlson is pregnant, which should be at least two weeks old. The physical symptoms proved that.”“Pregnant! Am I pregnant!?” Cried Tracy, the most shocked of all. “H-How? Why? How can I fall pregnant while I've only spent one night with Lucas? Is that possible?”She let her tears fall, covering her eyes, looking scared and shaken. “Lucas and I haven't planned on having a baby yet.”No one knew before, but now everyone was aware that the couple had slept together.“She can't be…” Lucas shook his head. “I
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136. A Startling Realization
…The Next Day, at StriveStyle Co.Heidi and Isla were packing her stuff inside some boxes, the atmosphere lively and blissful.“Ms. Olsen, every employee in this brand is saddened, you know. They all wish they could come along.”“I'm also saddened to leave this place.” Heidi let out a soft laugh. “But duty calls.”“Congratulations, Princess!” Zach barged into the office, startling everyone. “I heard about the big promotion and had to leave the comfort of my Villa to personally congratulate you! I always knew you would be victorious.”He pulled her into a hug, squeezing her tightly and Heidi gasped for breath.“I thought you left the country for real.” Heidi pushed away.“Nah!” Zach laughed. “I’ve been taking my time recovering at home and having the fun of my life until I heard the news. By the way, I have some mind-blowing news to share with you.”He sat Heidi down on the couch, sitting beside her. “What news?” His big mischievous smile made Heidi uncomfortable, anticipating what h
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137. Never See Him Again
Heidi's heart stopped beating for a few moments, her eyes fixed on him in a trance.Lucas straightened up and walked forward, looking nowhere else but her.Seeing the man approaching, Isla whispered to Heidi, “Ms. Olsen, I'll go ahead.”She proceeded to the car while Lucas stopped in front of Heidi.He shoved both hands into his pockets, his blank expression not hiding his discomfort. “Heidi, I want us to discuss.”“Whatever you want to say, I don't want to listen,” Struggling to reign in her anger, Heidi said in a low voiceLucas sighed. “I know I treated you wrong in the past. Can you let things go? Let's have a fresh start.”A fresh start!Heidi wanted to laugh at his words, but the hurt in her heart wouldn't let her.“Mr. Harrison, your apology doesn't matter. Whether I forgive you or not, we are still going to be strangers.”“We won't remain strangers if you come back to me, Heidi.” Lucas stepped forward, trying to hold her hand. His eyes were raw with emotions. “Just come back t
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138. The Baby's Daddy
Lucas drove to the Carlsons’ Household.Tracy's parents were waiting outside the door to the living room, their eager gazes fixed on the gates.The joy in their eyes shone like a thousand stars as Lucas's car pulled over. They welcomed him warmly.“Son-in-law, you are finally here.”“We know you are a busy person, however, the conversation we'll have is very important. We apologize for interrupting your work.”They led him into the house, ordered the servants to bring drinks and snacks, inviting him to sit on the big couch.Tracy sat beside him, her demeanor gentle, extending her fragile hands to pour him a glass of drink. “Honey, I didn't expect you would come.”After bombarding him with text messages, she acted as if only one call from her had Lucas racing there.“Don't.” Lucas stopped her from pouring juice. He wasn't interested in drinking it anyway.Tracy blushed, retracting her hands.The parents watched with huge satisfied smiles, relating it to loving gestures between the co
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139. Loving To The Point of Obsession
“I have many dreams but I'm ready to compromise them all because of this baby, won't you do the same? D'you want me to raise it alone as a single parent?”Tracy eyed her parents, signaling to them to help her out.“Son-in-law, she is right,” Tracy's father butted in. “This marriage will benefit you both. Sit down and think about it. You must still be in a denial stage at the sudden news that you'll soon become a father.”“Remember the many years Tracy has spent waiting for you. Now that she's even pregnant with your child, you won't abandon her, will you?” Added Tracy's mother.When Lucas left the house, Tracy followed him to the parking lot, letting her silent sobs reach his ears.Like a broken stick, she looked fragile and irredeemably weak, clinging onto his arm as if he was her only pillar of support.“Lucas, you won't abandon our baby, will you? You're the only person we have, you can't be mad at me because I never planned for it to happen. Remember I was also a victim.”“Would y
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140. Hurt More Than Daggers
…At The AG Group.In the vast office of the CEO, decorations stood in every corner in the form of huge artificial flower vases, and the newly installed furniture served as an element to captivate the eyes.However, sitting on the big swivel chair, the solitary figure of the young woman had its back to the office.Instead, her eyes were glued to the large window, her gaze traveling through it, her vision blurred by the images portrayed by her mind guided by the constant thoughts in her head.She should be focusing on the duty ahead, instead of the scandalous imaginations occupying her thoughts.Sometimes, she'd question the reality, and what true affection denotes.Sometimes she'd find herself wallowing in grief and regret of letting the reigns of her emotions go into the hands of a man.She'd been lost in her fantasy beyond redemption, and despite waking up, remnants of those fantasies lingered, serving as a reminder of what a huge fool she'd been. Because, they hurt more than dagge
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