All Chapters of Shouldn't Mess Up with My Hidden Heiress Ex-wife : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
446 Chapters
141. The More You Love...
…In The Evening,...Skyline Bar boomed with loud music, the vibrating beats sounding like a thousand bells in Heidi's head.A place she'd hoped she'd find solace created an even more stream of chaos in her head.Holding the wine glass in her right hand, her dazed eyes studied the wine swirling in its glass.“Why aren't you drinking, Heidi?” Sitting beside her, Kate nudged her playfully. “Remember we're here to have a blast, not sit and just stare at each other.”“Uhm, Ms. Anderson, isn't Mr. Anderson coming?” Isla asked.“The dude's out of town,” Kate said, her attention still on Heidi. “He went back to GreyHills for some urgent business. Will be back in a few days.”From the couch behind them, strange noises sounded followed by the sound of ruffling fabrics.“Not here, Babe. Wait until we get home.” Yet, Zach was kissing the girl as if he'd devour her whole.Kate's eyes dimmed, irritation flashing in her eyes. “Get a room, Zach Olsen! Yeah, we're all adults but no one's interested
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142. The Lunatic
Now staring at his face, Heidi found it familiar and a chilling coldness glinted in her eyes. “What do you want?”“You.” His eyes raked over her body, and he grinned like a psychopath.Heidi almost belched at his words, repulsed and irritated. “Mister, we've never known each other before. Respect yourself and get the hell out of my sight!”“The more you speak, the more I want you, Heidi. You don't know me well, do you? If you did, you would have begged me to take you-”“Back off!” Heidi's palm flew to his cheek, the slapping sound echoing in the washroom. “Get out before I summon the security.”Todd rubbed his cheek, the sinister look in his eyes increasing. “This is the second time your precious hand has graced my cheek, Candy. I hope the third time it does, we'll be in a different situation.”“Pervert! Stay away from me!” Heidi's yell was deafened by the loud music coming from downstairs.Todd grabbed her, covering her mouth to stop her from yelling further.Her strength unmatched h
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143. Can't Run
“Hey, relax.” His smile didn't fade. “Your friend also told me you're very energetic, I can see that. However, let's play a different kind of game, can we?”“What friend are you speaking about?” Heidi's brows furrowed.The crazy man kept mentioning the word ‘friend’ which was disturbing.Which of her friends would recommend her to such a crazy man?“Oh, she said not to mention her name.” Todd kept moving forward until he was so close to her. “She wanted to give me to you as a surprise.”“Really?” Heidi raised a brow, faking an inquisitive look. “But how should I thank her if you don't tell me who she is?”Todd's eyes lit up, sensing her consent. “We made a deal…” his eyes glinted, his gaze traveling down to her chest. “I wouldn't say a word… just make you feel good.”By then, he'd placed both palms on the wall, caging her in between. “Be a good girl, get back to the bed-”“Urgh!” His groans followed his next words.Grabbing the perfect opportunity, Heidi sent a flying kick to his sens
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144. A Notorious Criminal
From the other end of the phone, Lucas stared at his phone in a trance, discomfort settling it.Why would Heidi's phone be with Zach Olsen?What were those words Zach said? Was Heidi in trouble?Inside the huge skyscraper of the GK Group, the lights were dim, lest for the bright lights of his office, as if he'd planned to spend the whole night inside the company.Sensing that Heidi might be in danger though, Lucas grabbed his car keys and stormed out of the office, making a phone call.In no time, he arrived at Skyline Bar after getting an Intel that Zach Olsen was in the bar.Zach was still pacing back and forth, wondering what he was going to do with Lucas Harrison when Lucas barged into the booth. “Where's Heidi? Have you come to return her?”Zach instantly attacked him, grabbing his collar and shaking him hard.“Scrap it, Lucas Harrison. I'm gonna teach you a great lesson tonight!”Lucas's dark gaze accessed the room, ignoring the loud guy. “Where's Heidi?”“I should ask you that
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145. Her Savior
Todd's impatience grew and he tore off the fabric of her shoulder. Heidi kicked, but he saw her action coming, catching her leg.She no longer pleaded with him to let her go, resorting to fighting to the last shred of the energy remaining in her.Heidi gripped the rod and raised it high. The man was ready to block the rod’s attack, and she punched his eyes with the other hand, using the distraction to her advantage.“Argh!” His groans sounded more like a scream.Todd staggered and she pushed him away, darting for the door that led to the stairs.He soon recovered from the pain and came after her, blocking her at the door's entrance.“Do you know that the more you run, the more I want you?” He once again grabbed her, curling his fingers around her neck. Heidi gasped for air, struggling to breathe properly.“Now we're gonna do it the hard way.” His voice was low and dangerous. He grabbed her hair backward, tilting her head, leaning forward to seal her lips.Heidi spat in his face.“Shi
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146. Toiling With Her Emotions
“Hey, it's alright... I'm here.” His fingers trembled as he kept wiping her tears.But Heidi only cried harder, throwing her arms around him, hugging him tightly.“Mr. Harrison, we'll take him away,” said one of the men.“Make sure he never comes out until I give the orders,” Lucas gritted out.Holding Heidi protectively, he left the place.Heidi had so many questions in her mind, but she decided to stay silent, wrapping her arms around his neck for support and reveling in the moment of salvation.Lucas left the tall building with her and dropped her in the passenger's seat of his car. “You're wounded. Let me take you to the hospital.”Heidi nodded in silent agreement to his request. She faced the other side, curling herself up on the seat, yet again wrapping both hands around her aching stomach.Lucas didn't strike up a conversation, driving silently. Heidi could feel his constant gaze on her. Now and then, he'd lean forward, probably to make sure that she was still awake.Did Lucas
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147. Pregnant!
How?How?How could she be pregnant, and when did it happen?Heidi supported her head with both hands, shutting her eyes, hoping this was a dream.She must still be lying unconscious on the street and was dreaming about all this.“Young Lady,” The Doctor called out to her, looking confused. “Is anything wrong, are you alright?”Reading Heidi's demeanor, the Nurse said, “From the looks of it, you weren't aware that you're pregnant, right? How shocking, the fetus is over six weeks old.”Heidi looked up, fear and dread filling up the vast space of her heart. “Did you make the wrong diagnosis? I- I can't be pregnant, I'm not pregnant… How can I be pregnant when I didn't miss even a period?”Six weeks meant she'd been pregnant for more than a month which was ridiculous.The hospital staff must have carried out the wrong tests or probably mixed up the specimen.“Relax, don't panic…”Heidi didn't even know that she was panicking until the Doctor pointed it out.The kind Doctor sat on the cha
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148. Escaped
Last night, Lucas dropped her off in this neighborhood. How could Heidi go to a different hospital at that time when she looked very weak?Lucas turned around and left, his already worse mood dampening.Replacing the anxiousness in his mind was the frustration that she probably didn't come to a hospital.He entered the car, the suppressing atmosphere surrounding him suffocating the Driver.The driver shuddered from the front seat. “M-Mr. Harrison, should we proceed to the company?”“No. The Police Department.”At Lucas's instruction, the Driver said no other words.Several minutes later, the car pulled over in front of Phoenix City's Police Department.Lucas came out, his once brooding expression darkening, the rage from last night returning multifold.At the thought that he was going to see that maniac who tried to assault Heidi any moment from now, his eyes burned with fury, his heart thirsty for vengeance.“Mr. Harrison, you have come.”“It is so early. We thought you would wait un
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149. Cruel Fate
“Mr. Olsen's contact's not reachable,” Isla murmured disappointedly. “Let's see if I can reach Ms. Anderson.”Some minutes later, Kate barged into the office after receiving Isla's call.She was all sweaty and panting heavily, struggling to catch her breath. “Heidi- Heidi, what happened to you?” She grabbed Heidi's shoulders, turning her around.Seeing the tiny bruises, Kate swore, “Who the hell did this to you, Heidi? Damnit! I'm gonna shred them to pieces. Who had the audacity to kidnap you at the bar?”Due to Kate's vigorous shaking of her body, Heidi was forcefully pulled out of her reverie.Looking from Kate to Isla, her feverish eyes moistened.“Tell us what happened to you, Heidi. We're both dying of curiosity,” Kate said.What else could Heidi tell them apart from the alarming news weighing on her mind?Summoning up her self-resolve, she sat on the couch and Kate and Isla sat beside her.“Ms. Olsen, please tell us what's bothering you.”Heidi put on a wry smile, flicking away
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150. Their Family's Secret
The Carlsons' Family?Lucas listened to the other person, his mind filled with confusion.What kind of a relationship would the Carlsons probably have with such a hooligan?“How accurate is the information?” He asked after some moments of pondering.The other person replied, “Many people who know him confirmed that he is Mr. Carlson's boy. RoseHills Hotel belongs to Mr. Carlson, and the person who manages it is Todd Lewis.”That was how strong Todd Lewis's relationship was with the Carlsons.“Find him wherever he is hiding. If you have to turn down the whole city, do. I want him alive and healthy.”So that he could revel in torturing the maniac.After hanging up, Lucas didn't spend another second in his office.He left the company and ordered the Driver to take him to the Carlsons’ Household straight.Mr. Carlson and Mrs. Carlson, apart from being happy, were also surprised to see him.“This is an unusual surprise, Son-in-law. At this odd time of the day, you decided to grace our home
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