All Chapters of BILLIONAIRE EX WANTS ME BACK: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
211 Chapters
Cassy POVThat night, we put the kids to bed.“Goodnight kids,” Caleb said, tucking them into bed, but Oakley was fast.She grabbed Caleb’s hands and pulled him to the wooden bench at the bottom of the window.Next, she took a picture book from her bag and ran to her father, placing the book in his waiting hands.“You wanted me to read you a story?”“Uhuh!” She nodded before tucking her little body on her father’s left side.Caleb groaned. Throughout the dinner, he kept whispering to me how he was anticipating the alone time, but Oakley was making him wait.I laughed, prompting Caleb to tug at my hand and make me sit beside him.“Caleb!” I shrieked, but Caleb only wrapped his free arm around my waist to pull me to his side.Joachim, on the other hand, sat on his sister’s side, listening while his hands were busy twisting his Rubix cube.Then, he started reading.“Once upon a time, in a land far, far, away….” He droned on.Every time Caleb had to turn a page, he would nudge me because
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Cassy POVRing!Ring!Ring!The noise coming from my phone woke me up. Wearily, my hands groped the nightstand and groaned when my muscles creaked in protest.I felt like a truck had run over me.The call persisted, and when the tip of my fingers touched my phone, I latched on it quickly to place it on my ear.“Hellow!” I croaked.“Mommy! It’s Oakley. We have been banging on your door endlessly, but it won’t open. What is wrong? Where are you and Daddy?” I heard the panic in her voice, quickly brushing the haze of sleep. Brushing back the strands of hair that fell into a curtain covering my face, I glanced at the bedside table to check the time. My eyes grew wide in panic when I noticed the time.“Caleb! Wake up!” I nudged him none-too-gently as I shoved the comforter away from my body.I swung my legs over the bed, my feet reaching the floor where they landed on my house slippers. I slipped them on and hastily ran into the bathroom to shower and change.Caleb has just woken up. He
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Cassy POVThe kids were still in their pajamas, so I took them to their room to shower and change.One of the nannies Caleb hired when we moved in helped me. When Oakley and Joachim emerged from the bathroom in their matching terry-cloth robes.They raced in my direction, embracing each of my legs when they reached me.I pat them dry, working on rubbing their fragile skins gently.I let them choose what to wear. Oakley chose a white Charlotte dress with a floweret at the waist. She partnered it with a brown mid-calf boot that looks good on her.Joachim, on the other hand, chose a formal vest suit in white and navy. He also partnered it with a brown mid-calf boot for boys that matches what his sister wore.I sat Oakley on my lap and started braiding her hair to create a crown on her head.After I finished with her hair, Oaks quickly ran to our room with Wax. I followed them.When we reached the door, I opened it to find Caleb looking dapper in smart casuals. Oakley pranced around hi
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Cassy POVI looked in Tory’s direction to confirm. She only nodded shyly before looking down, but not before I saw the usual sadness I gleaned from her eyes when she looked at Tony every time she knew he was not looking.It was pathetic.My friend looked vulnerable, like any moment she would snap, but then the production coordinator clapped his hand to get our attention.When Tory snapped her head back, she was all smiles. It made me think that the desolation I saw flashed before her eyes was just a figment of my mind.I shook my head.I could not be mistaken.Tory and I have been friends since we were young, and apart from that brief moment when she dropped out of school when we were sixteen, we had been inseparable.“Ms. Brent, Mrs. Kingston?” The coordinator led us outside the house.It took me by surprise when I found that our gazebo had been transformed into a magical place.So, this is where Caleb chose to do the interview. It was a good choice. I nodded in my head my silent app
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Cassy POVI squeezed his hand to tell him that I appreciated the honesty. All the while Tory gazed at us, a soft expression laced her face.Caleb lifted my hand and kissed it.Tory looked away; her expression was one of wistfulness.I followed the direction her eyes went, and I found her gazing at Tony and the children.A wistful smile lingered on her face as she focused her glazed eyes on them.I do not know what Tory thinks while watching Joachim and Oakley interact with Tony.The kids maintain a wonderful relationship with Tony being their godfather. He was also patient with them and truly liked them.Then, I caught Tory gripping her hands together. I don't know what was on her mind, but I decided my best friend and I needed to have a heart-to-heart talk now. She was hurting, and knowing she had no one to back her up made me want to hug her tight.Tory had been estranged from her parents since she returned from her unannounced vacation to Canada when we were sixteen. She lived of
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Cassy POV“Let’s talk,” I told her and saw the color drain from Tory’s face.“Cassy…”“Don’t Cassy me. I had been trying to keep my distance, respecting your privacy. I can not force you to share your secrets with me, but I could see you hurting. I have to step in.”Tory looked down. I can not pin her with my gaze. But before she concealed her face from me, I was able to see the swirling emotions in her eyes.Her body stiffened, and it was like she was erecting a wall to surround her – shielding her from my hawk-like eyes.I gazed at the top of her head, trying to get into her.Tory had to snap out of that perfect shell she surrounded herself with. She had to cry.“You are my best friend, Tory, and seeing you hurting wanted me to scratch Tony’s eyes. I knew he was the reason for the pain you were carrying over your shoulder for years, and I want you to let it out.“I won’t judge. I won’t criticize. I am only here to listen, and if you need to cry, then you can use my shoulder.” I t
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Cassy POV“So, I tried tracking her down. My father put her up for adoption. Even when I was still pregnant with her, my father kept harping about her existence tarnishing his name. He wanted me to abort the baby.“He said he was giving me a clean slate to start over with my life.A baby would only complicate my life.How can I take care of the baby when I was just a child myself?“But I could not do it. That is my baby.“I told him I aborted the baby and went somewhere far away. But my father tracked me down. I was due to give birth when he found out.“When I gave birth, they induced me to sleep. And when I woke up, my father said the baby died a few minutes after it was born. He then presented me with a lifeless child, but I did not believe him. My child was not dead. It couldn’t be dead.”Tory stared off into space.My heart went out to her.She looked lifeless.I remembered that night eight years ago, and something clicked in my brain. “When was her birthday?”“Third of November
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Cassy POVCaleb winced. He noted the venom in my eyes and took my hand.“I am not your enemy.  Why are you shooting me down?”It was my turn to look contrite.  “I am sorry.” I turned my head to the second-floor landing and saw Tony standing there, hands in his front pockets, staring at me.“Why you!”I marched up to him, hands clenched into fists.Stopping short when I got near him, I raised my fists to pommel into his chest.I was so enraged.“You good-for-nothing a*sh*le! You’re selfish! Ruthless!” I hurled every derogatory w
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Tony POV“I knew I would find you here.” I looked up from the glass of vodka I was sipping from to find the owner of that voice.I snorted when I found him standing behind me.“Did your sister send you?”Adam nodded before taking the bar stool next to me. “Yeah. She told me about what happened this morning.”“Your sister hates me.” I groaned and took another swig from my glass.Adam signaled the bartender to serve him the same drink, and while waiting, his eyes pierced me with a thoughtful gaze.“Are you really more concerned about my sister’s feelings, or are you still in denial?”My forehead creased.I put the glass down on the table to turn sideways and face Adam.“What am I going to deny? Cassy has always been special to me. I have loved her since she was a kid.”Adam snorted. “Such devotion.” The sarcasm was not lost on me.I glared at him. “You knew me. For years, it has always been Cassy. I never looked at any girl except her.”“Yeah, but you b*nged her best friend.”That l
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Tony POV "You are almost thirty, yet you are acting like a child. If you do not want her, why get her pregnant the second time?” “You could have used protection. You were no longer nineteen. You are twenty-nine. You should have grown some sense by now.” “But what did you do? “Don't come running to me if one day when some man snaps Tory up and makes her his queen because she deserves it and more.” It was the first time my best friend talked about Tory that way. I never thought he would notice Tory's attractiveness because Adam had always been hung up on one girl. But now, something in the way he said her name caused an alarm. “Tory is beautiful, intelligent and successful. She's hot, and she can have any man she wants.” The knowledge shook me. The fact that my best friend could talk about Tor
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