All Chapters of Arranged Marriage: Falling For The Playboy Son Of The Alpha: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
170 Chapters
Chapter 81RICHARD’S POVAfter I finished cleaning and dressing myself up, I made my way to my room to get some cash to pay the hooker lady. She wasn’t downstairs so I assumed she was still in the room getting dressed, and it made me a little pissed. Just how long will it take her to wear those tiny clothes she came with. Entering my room, I didn’t see her around. I checked the toilet and balcony but she wasn’t still there and it now made me fully pissed and frustrated. Where the fuck was she? What she playing hide and seek with me? She’d better not. I didn’t have time for this. I had way better and more important things to do than searching for her.Entering back my room from the balcony area, I happened to notice that my wallet and expensive custom made watch which were on top of the night stand were missing.“Fuck!” I snarled as I rushed to the nightstand. I pulled the drawer open, only to see the stacks of cash I kept
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Stay put, I'm coming
Chapter 82RICHARD’S POVI couldn’t believe what I was hearing as I stared at her in complete shock. It’s funny how some people can make up such unbelievable lies, even dragging their family into it just to get out of a tough spot—a tough spot she got herself into. Well, I have learned my lesson and that is NO MORE BRINGING IN OF SLUTS TO MY APARTMENT. She might think she is clever, but I’ll show her I’m even smarter.“You bitch of a hoe,” I hurled my words at her like stones. “You think you’re smart, huh? I’ll prove who the clever one really is.”The security guards reluctantly allowed me to take my phone and wallet under close watch. I showed them my ID card and passport in my wallet which bore my details. I used my picture as a screensaver on my phone. I showed them that too and unlocked my phone to show them a couple more pictures of myself to further prove I was the authentic owner of everything she stole. With all that, they were fully convinced and gave it all back to me. I sp
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The Rescue
Chapter 83 BIANCA’S POV “Richard?...Richard?...” I couldn’t hear him anymore. I lowered my phone from my ear to see that our call had ended abruptly. He said he was on his way. I didn’t know if he was serious or not, but he was my only hope right now. I didn’t have any other option. I kept trying to control my breathing as I switched off my phone and put it back into my purse. The elevator kept descending for some time till it reached the ground floor. Then it dinged and slid open. Wiping the mix of sweat and tears on my face, I stared outside at the revolving doors just a few feet away from me and also glanced in the direction of the receptionist's desk, hoping to see that oblivious receptionist. Maybe I could go report what Bernard was trying to do to me to her and she would alert the hotel’s security, but I wasn’t even sure the hotel had security. I didn’t see any security men or women around. To my greater surprise and fear, she wasn’t there. She must have gone out or perhaps
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Greatest shock
Chapter 84RICHARD’S POV I had the greatest shock of my life, my eyes filling with a fierce sparkle on seeing that none other than Ben was trying to drag B violently along with him into the hotel. Clearly, he was the Bernard she said wanted to sedate her and do something bad to her on the phone. It was hard to process; my mind spun wildly in an attempt to process the whole thing. Ben was the one she was going to see and spend the night with dressed up like that? How in the world did this happen? I thought I had him off my tail and off my life for good when we relocated to this part of the city. Didn’t B know that he was the same asshole that tried to force himself on her that night at the club or perhaps she was too drunk to remember? It all seemed surreal to me. The B I knew will never let someone as fucked up as Ben into her life or maybe he somehow tricked her into believing he was someone else. Knowing Ben for a long time in my life, I won’t
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It won't happen again
Chapter 85 RICHARD’S POV B was awake when we got back to the penthouse. To avoid public eyes and attention, she insisted she could walk fine on her own and I shouldn’t carry her. But she was limping and finding it hard to walk. She even had to take off her shoes when we reached the elevator. “I’m sorry B,” I said as I swiftly lifted her to my arms as if she weighed nothing, taking her by surprise. “I can’t afford to see you walking like that when my two hands are strong and working perfectly. Please let me be a caring husband and carry you.” She didn’t say anything but just looked away with somewhat guilt and pain in her iridescent eyes. She had no other choice than to let me and even though didn’t want to, she was too frail to persist and I wasn’t willing to listen to her and let her go this time. I carried her till we made it to her room and sat her properly on her bed before taking off her shoes. When her tears had dried off, I reached over and took out some tissues for her. S
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The Reconciliation
Chapter 86 RICHARD’S POV "I was fooled," B sniffled in a sob, tears streaming down her face as she lifted her head from my chest. "I bumped into him at a coffee shop, and he caught my phone before it fell. I thought he was the guy who had tried to force himself on me at the club, but he explained that we hadn't met before and I believed him. He said his name was Bernard and he was visiting family from another city. He…” She brought her hand over her mouth to stop herself from breaking down further because it seemed all too much for her to bear.“It’s okay,” I said as I still held her closer again. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” She shook her head in disagreement. “No…I want to talk about it.” I shrugged and let her since she wanted to. “He was so nice…and made me feel comfortable. And I was so stupid and naïve, thinking he cared and ended up telling him everything I wasn’t supposed to tell him,” she sighed heavily and looked away in guilt. “I never knew h
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The Confession
CHAPTER 87RICHARD'S POVI looked at her. “You were right when you said I’m afraid I wouldn’t find true love. That I’m scared no one will ever love me like I deserve…” Her breath hitched and her expression grew apologetic. “I’m sorry I said all those hurtful things to you. I didn’t mean it…it was out of anger…” “Don’t be,” I cut her off, reaching for her hand, holding it and stroking her fingers gently. “You made me realize my greatest mistake and I’m grateful for that. After my last relationship ended, I didn’t want to love again. I forgot how to love. I became too cautious…too afraid that every woman I met was only interested in my looks or money, not in who I truly was.…” I let out a sigh, feeling overwhelmed. My grip on her hand loosened, and I looked away. It was tough saying all that, but I knew I had to. I had to tell her the truth. I had to let her know how much I had come to love her. It took me long to realize it, but now I do and I'm happy I did. Happy that I could finall
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Moving on
Chapter 88RICHARD’S POVI went to the fridge and opened the doors to take out the two bowls of chocolate soufflé there. But then I had a better idea – why don’t B and I just eat from the same bowl instead of separately? I have seen some couples do it even in public. It was kind of cute and romantic. I have no problem with it especially now that I was learning to love again, and I’m sure B won’t either.With that in mind, I grabbed the one I was eating earlier before she called on the phone about the incident with stupid Ben and closed the fridge door. Then, I grabbed two spoons and went back to her room.By the time I made it back to the room, she had just finished removing her dress and was about to take off her bra when she saw me and stopped.“You’re back,” she smiled brightly, then the moment she saw what I was carrying, her brows drew together in confusion. She tilted her head towards it. “What are you carrying?”“My favourite,” I said with a warm smile, kicking the door shut a
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Chapter 89RICHARD’S POVB and made a mess of ourselves, but it was fun. She had dumped dollops of the dessert on me and licked me clean, and I did the same to her. Then we decided to take it to the bathroom and wash off from there.I took off the little piece of underwear and the night robe she had on, revealing her beautiful rawness. She unbuckled my belt and slid off my pants, revealing the prominent bulge straining against the stretchy fabric. She took off my underwear and on seeing my hardening cock, she gasped a little and swallowed a subtle breath, looking like she couldn’t wait to have it inside her. She took my hand and guarded me to the bathroom.She turned on the shower. As the water whooshed down from the showerhead in a soothing rhythm, she reached for the handle to adjust the temperature, finding the perfect balance between warm and cool water.We giggled like two teenagers in love for the first time as we stepped into the shower, letting the whooshing water cascade ove
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Another problem
Chapter 89 RICHARD’S POV I woke up to see B sleeping on my chest and her leg wrapped around mine. She had a peaceful look on her face as she breathed softly like a kitten, and her boundless hair was splattered all over me. Her face was slowly getting better. The red marks and bruises Ben inflicted on her yesterday were starting to fade, and her swollen lips looked less puffy now. It seemed like everything would heal faster than I thought. Last night, we had made love till we both passed out. The memories were still fresh in my mind and I couldn’t stop replaying them. Sighing in satisfaction, I gently sprung up to lean back at the headboard of the bed. I lifted B a little off my chest so as not to wake her and adjusted her on the bed. She made slight snuggly movements as though she noticed she had been moved to a different position, but she didn’t open her eyes. I sat up at the edge of the bed, yawned and stretched out to shake off drowsiness. I cupped my face as I looked below and
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