All Chapters of JAGGED: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
49 Chapters
ARIAN’S POVMY wolf won’t let me be, I mean, he always bugs me, but since Devonne’s wolf woke up, he’s been reeking claws down the walls of my mind. Literally. I groaned again for the fourth time that hour. Three days, for fucks sake, I’ve been trying to drown him out for Three days, he’s managed to keep me from bedding anyone. Hurting anyone whom I take to my bed, he wouldn’t let me sleep. ‘You’re being a child, you don’t even want to get to know her’ he said “you’re being annoying” I growled back, sweating from resisting the urge to go to her. An hour later, I gave up and just went to her rooms, she seemed docile enough these days that I was sure she wasn’t going to try escaping again. I’m still not sure how she managed to evade the guard I’d sent with them to the mall the last time. When I opened the door to her chambers, I noticed the scent….. or lack of it. I swore. I forgot to lock the bathroom. Wherever she was, I’m pretty sure she hadn’t left the building. So I followed h
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DEVONNE’S POV And that was how I was stuck in this clearing after my cycle ended, not the one from earlier, a different one, bigger, standing in a defensive position. I hated this, it was like training with Lucas, only this time I wasn’t in love with Arian, I loathed him. I was only here because I needed answers. When I get the answers I need. I’m out. Mate or no. Ignoring the growl that Mela let loose in my head because of t he direction of my thoughts, I focused on my breathing just as Arian had instructed. I’m not entirely sure why he didn’t just send someone else to do this. “If you’re just gonna teach me to fight, I already know how” I said for probably the fifth time that hour “yeah I heard you the hundred times” he said, while I was in this painful squatting position, he was just sitting on a rock munching on a sandwich. I gritted my teeth….. answers, I was doing this for answers, but what were the questions? I asked myself and I blinked, because I couldn’t actually think o
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DEVONNE’S POVMy face was swollen for days, Two weeks later the bruises on my face had mostly faded. Apparently I couldn’t heal as fast as a normal wolf. Which sucked, but I’m over it. I didn’t spend two weeks idle, what happened in the training grounds was enough proof that I had become rusty. I wonder if I could even fire a gun with that razor sharp focus I used to have. I spent my mornings going through my own routines, spent the afternoons and evenings with Arian, either doing his weird breathing exercises or sparring. If anyone was wondering, No….he wasn’t head over heels for me yet and I still despised him. Sometimes I do wonder if we were really mates, maybe some twisted hand of fate had decided to play with us. I didn’t believe in fate though. If anything, I took my own fate into my hands the day my husband died. Oh Lucas. Anyways two weeks later I was brought into the training grounds again, with the same bait of being able to send a single email to whom ever I wanted. I
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DEVONNE’S POV “What? Are you crazy? She’s dead!” I exclaimed, ‘but you saw her, didn’t you? The full moon is tonight, you must be ready, the shift is pain like no other, especially since it’s your first time’. Somehow I’ve been here for over a month, it felt like ages. I knew the full moon was tonight. And I felt ready. ******It was nighttime and I had just taken a really cold shower to calm my restless nerves, I sat in front of the vanity brushing my hair, another thing that manages to calm me down somehow. Looking in the mirror, I saw that my eyes had began glowing, not shiny or anything, but the green was really bright. I brushed it off as nothing and continued brushing my hair. The forest. I needed…… why was I feeling like going there? Right….uh full moon. Okay. I put in some pants and a shirt and headed out. Barefooted. I went deep into woods, on and on and
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ARIAN’S POV SHE was finally awake and apparently was having issues staying on the ground, I found that incredibly amusing. I Hadn’t seen her though, I told Martha to tell her that we weren’t training today, I don’t think I can stomach seeing her in that ridiculous messy bun she always wears. I was taking a shower and Just thinking about it, I felt my body react and I hissed as I hardened. I palmed myself and thought of her lips, when I thought of how she bites them when she’s nervous, my cock jerked and I groaned. And her ass, fuck, I’ve always wondered what it would feel like if I held it, squeezed it. Maybe I’d bend her over in this very shower and fuck her from behind with all the anger I seem to have that she was the one fate had chosen to be my mate. Dirty thoughts concerning my mate pelted me f
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DEVONNE’S POV“Considering you summoned me, I’d say you must have figured it out” the stunning silver-haired lady said to me. I was dreaming again. I didn’t even know what time it was. “There is no time here” she said again and I frowned “you can read my thoughts?” She giggled, “you really don’t know anything about our world do you?”I just folded my arms and frowned at her, “where are we?” I asked, trying to see anything other than just mist in the place, but failed miserably. “It’s a place…..that isn’t quite a place” “why don’t you just appear to your Brother instead? Maybe you could help him get the stick out of his ass” I grumbled. She just laughed and said, “I would, but it turns out you’re the only one I could contact”, I could proudly say…. that I just met her, but she was by far more friendly than her uptight brother. “And I didn’t summon you” “you didn’t?” She seemed genuinely surprised. I shook my head “But my wolf seemed to think you could help me master my witch powers
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DEVONNE’S POVARIAN seemed to be avoiding me all week, he didn’t show up at our training sessions, nothing, and short of going to knock on his door, I couldn’t find him anywhere. Funny considering he was always everywhere. But I hadn’t seen him since that day we went to the mall. I was just walking in the woods, going to that lake where I had shifted for the first time. Then the subject of my thoughts appeared. He looked awful, almost like he hadn’t slept all week. “Arian? You okay?”. When he looked at me, I almost gasped, his eyes were just blank and he just walked past me, not before I noticed his wrist though. I don’t know why it warmed my heart that he was wearing the watch I got him. What was wrong with him though? I made to follow him, but changed my mind and continued on my way. Things like that shouldn’t bother me. But that’s the thing , it did bother me,it bothered me that he looked haunted and tired, it bothered me that ……… before I could dwell on it any further, my phone
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DEVONNE’S POV“Really helpful” I grumbled as I headed back to the house, “how am I supposed to find a book with no title?!” I got into my bedroom and heard the shower running, I shrugged, Arian was probably taking a shower, I hadn’t seen any of his little mistresses around lately, so it had to be him. But My Wolf perked up “go in” she said and I simply shook my head “why? You don’t want a man to have privacy because you just happen to be his mate?” I teased back in my head. But she didn’t seem to be in a joking mood and her restlessness was seeping into me, I still didn’t know how to completely block out her emotions yet. “What’s wrong Mela?” “I don’t know” with that I just barged into the bathroom, I found Arian in the tub, actually I found him submerged in the tub filled with water. He wasn’t moving. I instantly went into panick mode and rushed to get him out, “Arian? Arian!” I yelled. He wasn’t responding. “Help!” I shouted, but it seemed like the whole pack house was empty. I
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ARIAN’S POVWhen the pack doctor came in, he told me everything that I already knew. I wasn’t sleeping enough. He had asked me why, but I just told him to mind his business, even though I knew very well that he knew I had a mate I didn’t want to claim but I also was finding it difficult to reject. “Look, it’s either you accept her or reject her, there’s no in between” he said “Mind your own fucking business” I threw back. The pack house was empty save for me and Devonne, I didn’t even want to consider what could have happened if she weren’t there…. Now I owe her a debt, not just any, but a life debt. I went back to my room after the doctor left to find her still sleeping, I’d been avoiding her all week and she seemed to be spending a lot of time in the library. It’s something, for someone as rich and money minded as she was, she sure did like to read a lot of novels. I chuckled, my Luna is a novel lover. My Luna…. I started at the direction of my thoughts. Just then she stirred
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DEVONNE’S POV“Did I just hear you talking to yourself?” Arian asked me. Oh, guess she was right about me being the only one who could communicate with her, it must have been a lonely few years. “It’s none of your business Arian” I huffed and fell back on the bed, throwing the covers over myself. “Come on you have to tell me, I need to know if my fated mate is a mad person” he said again, his voice sounding closer, I looked at him with narrowed eyes and found him looking amused. “I need to go to bed now mate” he smirked grabbing the covers with a large hand and throwing them open. I just turned the other way and slid closer to the edge of the bed. He chuckled, I heard the bed dip and then dip again closer to where I was, my eyes widened as I felt his arm around my waist, I screeched and scrambled away from the bed glaring daggers at him. He just laughed harder, “you … you should’ve seen your face!” “Glad to know my misery makes you happy” I deadpanned “Oh come on, you looked hilar
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