All Chapters of JAGGED: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
50 Chapters
DEVONNE'S POV“what the fuck was that?” Arian asked frantically, running his hands all over my face, I had gotten myself back after several minutes and gulping a glass of really cold water that he had handed me. I ignored his question and asked instead “how did you know what to do?” “I didn’t, I just acted I guess, you were like lava, and ah… cold is like the opposite of heat” he said, rubbing the back of his head, pretty sure he just realized he was stuttering “I just screamed because I felt so much heat, guess I have to master these witch powers as soon as possible huh” I said letting out a nervous laugh. I wasn’t about to tell Arian that I had seen a weird blue haired lady in the mirror, followed by his dead, ‘not dead’ twin sister.“if Margot were here, she probably would’ve been able to help you” I just looked at him and was quiet, long enough that he felt he needed to clarify “Margot is…” “your twin sister, Edward’s mate and Ava’s mother, yeah, I know” I cut him off. “oh, I’ll
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DEVONNE’S POV“Are you kidding me? This place is amazing!” I exclaimed, because it really was, it was just empty. I have a lot of businesses but I don’t quite know how to run a restaurant. Maybe I should partner with one when I’m back in LA so I can learn some new stuff. I made a mental note to check in with Sansa when I got back. “Ahem, earth to Devonne” I snapped out of my little daze to see an amused expression on Arian’s face “what?” “Well, if my guess is right, you were just imagining yourself as the owner of a restaurant weren’t you?” “Oh come on, I’m not that predictable” I scoffed, “oh yes you are” he countered “you’re one of the most successful business owners in all of California, not just LA, you’ve got to have the mind of a machine to achieve all that you have” I just looked at my lap, and this time when my stomach growled, I was thankful for it, because it meant I got to eat and choose not to divulge anything about my life. So we ordered and ate in silence, it wasn’
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DEVONNE’S POV I paced my room anxiously the next morning. What just happened?! How am I going to face him now? He literally just said “mine” before zooming out the door, shifting before he crossed the threshold and bounding out the front door. “Shit, shit, shit” we didn’t even have sex yet and I had to get to my room on shaky legs. That orgasm was mind blowing, I’ll give him that, but…… I scrubbed at my face before heading to the bathroom. That Orgasm was mind blowing and I wanted another one. I went behind the shower curtain and started taking a shower, letting the warm spray wash away the feeling of last night, only….it didn’t. I had vivid images of his silver hair between my legs as he worked me with his tongue. I could almost still feel his tight grip on my hip. Remembering it alone was making me so dizzy, I placed my hand in the wall, panting. And a single word crossed my mind. Fuck. “Breakfast is ready” I heard in my head while drying off, did Arian just speak in my mind? “Y
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DEVONNE’S POV“I will not talk to you about that over the phone” my father growled, “it’s either you get back to LA Or you get no answers at all, you have some questions to answer too” “Oh please, that’s just ridiculous, I have the right to know!” “And I am not denying you that right, you on the other hand are denying me the right to see you” I sucked in a breath and pinched the bridge of my nose. “ I can’t come back to LA right now” I said as calmly as I could manage, “why not?” “I have …. things to do here so….” I don’t think I stayed in my rooms for up to half an hour before Arian came knocking “Devonne? Is everything okay?” “I’m fine Arian” I shouted back. “If I should believe that, you have to open the door” “Ugh!” I exclaimed, but I stood up to go open the door anyway, “hey” he said, he was holding a plate that had burgers and fries in it and a plastic bag that probably contained soda. “Arian? I just ate” I said, looking from him to the bag and then back to him again. He s
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DEVONNE’S POV “No way! You’re only saying that because you’re a werewolf, She’s much better with Edward” I argued around a mouthful of popcorn. Arian does know his way around the kitchen, we were watching twilight and had gotten into a little argument about who was best for the female lead. Personally I had a fettish for vampires, if they were secretly existing, I’d have been out the door. Seriously. “You’re only saying that cos you had a thing for Edward when you first met!” He said and I gasped in mock horror, “that is such a low blow Arian!” “Well then, You’re only saying what you’re saying because you’re being a typical girl” he scoffed and I laughed at his poor argument. I was about to point something else out when I heard a crash downstairs. With the way Arian tensed, I was sure he heard it loud and clear too. He was out the door In a heartbeat with a quick “stay here, I’ll go check it out” I waited all of 30 seconds before slipping out after him. “You’re not supposed to be h
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DEVONNE’S POVTWO days later, the pack house was bustling with activity again, I watched as Martha wheeled in Ava’s box, with Ava beside her smiling ear to ear. “If I’m to judge by that smile, daddy did give you a good time” I teased, wiggling my brows at her. She giggled, covering her mouth with her hands. “Hello Martha” I kissed her two cheeks, even she was surprised at the contact “hope you had a good time off” “I did, thank you very much Devonne, do you mind keeping Ava company? I have to go drop these upstairs” “Of course, I don’t mind at all” I said quickly and watched as she went up the stairs. “So Ava, there’s a lot you and I have to talk about, can you keep a secret?” From the grin she was giving me, I could tell she enjoyed being naughty. “Come on” I beckoned and she put her hand in mine. “I missed you Devonne” I blinked, “did you now?” “Uh huh” “well that’s not surprising at all” I muttered. I took her to the lake, “I want to show you something” I whispered dramatic
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DEVONNE’S POV I picked out a peach colored dress, because it was Ava’s favorite color. Somehow it was just there in my closet, I didn’t question it, I just put it on. My only accessory was a sapphire necklace that my dad had gifted me when he heard of my wedding but couldn’t attend because of his injuries. It really was just a silver chain with a small, oval shaped sapphire pendant, it had cost a fortune. Outside, Arian put his hand out for me and I took it, offering him a soft smile. He offered me a nervous one in return, why does he look nervous though. Just before we were about to get into his newly acquired SUV, my phone rang and I dislodged my hand from his, “I really have to take this” I said as the only explanation before heading a little distance away. “Donna” came the silky voice from the other end. I laughed. “I told you to stop calling me that” “why Aunty? You never stopped the others” “Don’t be silly Leo, I’ll send you my location when I’m ready, otherwise, it’ll have
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ARIAN’S POV IT wasn’t gone. Stretched thin? yes, but gone? No. I breathed in relief. I knew she wasn’t going to understand. I’m the biggest idiot on the planet. I made to carry her, but someone tutted and stepped forward. Leonardo Marchetti, I knew him well enough. He had a gun upraised to my head and I heard the members of my pack growling low in their throats, the guards raised their own guns at Him. I knew they’d tear him to pieces, but I spoke to all their minds to calm down. “I wouldn’t touch her if I were you, she’s had enough pain in her life, if you have decided to add more, then I’ll just have to make your life hell too”. The gun shifted and was now resting on Gina’
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DEVONNE’S POV *Later that Evening*“Donna, it’s been too long, although I can’t say that I’ve missed you” A lady sneered and I just burst out laughing, boy I really missed drinking wine, and I was still having more! I didn’t even remember her name but she has been in the mafia since forever and had been groomed by her parents for the sole purpose of marrying Lucas, but Lucas himself had other plans. “Suck it up Celine, Lucas is dead, let the grudge go for fucks sake” I said lazily from where I was lounging, “It’s Helen!” She said angrily and stomped off, drawing attention to herself. “Ooh, I really should work on remembering names more accurately” I sucked on a tooth. Then I said to the ladies attending me “I could punish her right? Should I?” “The people have been waiting for a show since they got here, they have heard of your notoriety when Lucas was alive, a good lot of them came to see that show of power, not because they missed you or anything” one of them said. I hummed alon
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DEVONNE’S POV I was swarmed by the press immediately I stepped down from my car, “Oh boy” I muttered and just sat in the car with the door open, waiting for my office security to come clear a path for me. I knew my pictures would be flooding the internet in the next few hours, critics talking about everything, from my ponytail down to my boots and the fact that I’m still unmarried, making me the most eligible bachelor woman and blah blah blah. “I go on a little break and this is the welcome I get” I drank from my bottle of water, “I’m living the good life”. “Bye Clarke” I said as i was finally able to walk out of my car and into the building. Sansa began shadowing me the minute I stepped into the building. Rattling off about all the investments we gained during my absence and those we lost because of my absence. Applications that were submitted for a new Chief of Security and some other nonsense. I stepped into my office for the first time in 4 and a half months. “Sansa?” I calle
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