All Chapters of JAGGED: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
50 Chapters
DEVONNE’S POV “You have to go home and get some rest” Nathan had said to me the next morning, but I wasn’t feeling particularly inclined to do so. “Or at least take a bath, you smell like rotten pizza” he added and I scoffed. Josh hadn’t even so much as stirred. “You’ll call me as soon as he wakes up, when he wakes up” “I will, I promise”. Deeming his word worthy enough, I headed out and drove home. I feel on asleep almost immediately I got to my room, taking care only to avoid hitting my head on the bedpost. Hours later I woke up feeling less groggy and without a headache. I headed downstairs barefoot and went to look for something to eat, I wasn’t gonna wait for Nathan to call me. I’d head back to the hospital, after lunch and a shower. A brief sniff at my armpit had me almost gagging. I was scrolling on the brand new phone that Sansa had brought for me alongside my clothes while I was at the hospital, pouring what would be considered excess milk in my cereal when I saw th
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DEVONNE’S POV “Did you guys crash into someone?” I asked Josh. “Uhm yeah, it’s one of my classmates” he croaked and I had to get him some water. Helping him up a bit so he can gulp it down. The boy came over and peered into Josh’s face “you don’t even look hurt” he said then turned to me “Hello, I’m Norman, since he’s awake now, shouldn’t you call the doctor?” I just stared. Josh had just been declared dead and now he’s alive and completely healed, not even a bruise on him. What will I tell the doctors? I panicked for a split second. “You’re not mad you got hit?” Josh asked his friend tentatively. “What? No, It was an accident and we made it out alive, Tyler didn’t” his friend replied. Josh flinched at this new information, of course he didn’t know. “What do you mean Tyler didn’t?” He asked, trying to sit up further, but groaned in pain and laid back down. Nathan got into the room at this point, when he saw Josh, he put one hand to his mouth and shut his eyes real tight, but I s
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DEVONNE’S POV“You have got to be kidding me” I muttered as I let my head hang on my hand. “I wish I was My love but, sadly I’m not” he replied and I frowned, raising my head back up, I saw that it was Nathan standing there hands in his pockets and not Arian. Arian could call me many things, hell, he even called me mate but not love, never love. I took a deep breath ignoring the fact that my heart had jumped when I thought he was the one standing there. I wonder if he knew what had gone down with me recently. Was he even checking? Did he really care? Since I got back I have often found my self wondering if he had really meant it when he said he wanted me, that he wanted to learn to love me. I shook my head, I was being foolish. I blame this on the fact that I have only ever loved one man. “Are you alright?” Nathan asked, his face portraying his concern. “I’m fine” I said smiling to show him that I meant it. “They said they’ll be keeping Josh here for a couple of days, to observe
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DEVONNE’S POV“I wasn’t sure what to make so I made Bacon and Eggs with some herbal tea” Nathan said as he shouldered his way into my room with a tray about an hour later. I opened one eye and shut it back. “I know you’re awake Devonne” he chuckled. I sighed and tried to sit up, he quickly set the tray on the table and rushed to help me up “It was just one spell, why are the effects so adverse” I grumbled. “You brought someone back to life, however the fuck you were able to do that. Now I’m not the most versed in all things witchy but I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to lose your life to give another life” “A spell so powerful it can only be used once” I muttered, recalling the strange lady’s words, “that’s why my mother had looked so surprised” “You also have tales to tell” He said, placing the tray of food on my lap. “Yeah, I guess” he sat beside me on the bed, as I began to eat “I hate herbal tea, why’d you have to make herbal tea?” “Because it will help you with the pain and
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ARIAN’S POV“Well?” Edward asked expectantly as I got into the car. “First off, she looks terrible” I said, “secondly I didn’t think seeing her would affect me so much, I didn’t expect it, it was like a blow to the stomach” I breathed. He just grunted and cranked up the car, peeling away from Devonne’s driveway. I cast a sidelong look at him, “Edward?” “Hm?” “Do you think you can forgive me for what happened to Margot?” “I don’t want to talk about that now Arian” “you never do…” “then just let it be” So I did. “You didn’t tell Devonne about how we lost Her did you?” I asked again and only a growl answered. DEVONNE’S POVWhen my Mom came into the living room with a plate filled with pancakes, she met just me, glaring at her hard ebnoigh that my head hurt from the intensity of my stare. “Oh Devonne don’t look at me like that…. I was just so excited that you were finally moving on after Lucas, although I did think it was gonna be Nathan though, he’s such a sweet boy, but Adrian” “A
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DEVONNE’S POVMY Dad came by later at night, Nathan in tow, looking very exhausted. I had my Mom move me downstairs again for dinner and so I could watch TV. “Where have you two been?” I asked in an accusatory tone “we had some work to take care of” my Dad replied. “I need to see Bri and Josh tomorrow Dad” I told him and he sighed “can we….. talk about this tomorrow? I’m sorry Dev but I’m beat and I really need to start heading home now”. I frowned at him “aren’t you gonna stay here?” He cleared his throat awkwardly “uhm, no….I ah. I just have to go” “Me too” my Mom blurted from where she was seated and I narrowed my eyes at both of them. “I’ll stay here with you Devonne, I don’t have anything doing at home anyway” Nathan said a bit quietly. I opened my mouth to ask questions but Nathan just cut me off. “They haven’t rested at all Devonne” and I immediately felt guilty. “Okay” I just said and watched them both walk out after each giving me a kiss on the head. And then I was alone
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DEVONNE’S POVI had just come out of the shower, I decided to let my hair dry on it’s own and just sat in front of my mirror. I looked okay I guess, there was more color on my face. A knock on my door had me saying “come in” without considering who it could be. Maybe it was Nathan or one of my parents were back. What I did not expect though, was to see Arian walk into my room. I was instantly on my feet. He was looking exceptionally good in a well pressed lilac shirt and black pants, but I wasn’t about to tell him that. “What are you doing here? How’d you get in?” I demanded. “One, I’m here to see you, two, You left a key under the flowerpot” he drawled and just started approaching me. “Stay there!” I said, not wanting to have him anywhere close to me “Why though?” He asked still walking to me, at this point I had left my vanity and was now backing towards my closet.‘Because I just had a wet dream about you few hours back and I can’t trust my mind and body not to react to you’ I w
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DEVONNE’S POV THE next day I was all dressed up and ready to go to work in green blazers and a tight skirt that came to stop mid thigh. Inappropriate? Well…that’s why I own the place. I pulled on my knee high heeled boots. I straightened my hair and let it down, applying some red gloss and blotting it with a tissue. Then I stepped out putting on a pair of sunglasses on my way to the car. I didn’t bother with jewelry except a wrist watch and a simple gold chain. When I arrived at the office, I received quite the welcome from my secretary, rattling off appointments and stuff that I needed to do. Sometimes I wonder if Sansa was human. But well, there’s only so much I can do about her being so good. Everything was going well, until I stepped into my office to find it filled with flowers. There were flowers everywhere, including on my desk, flowers of every kind and every color. At least a path was created for me to walk to my desk. Which as I finally looked up, was occupied by a certai
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DEVONNE’S POVI was smiling while making cookies the next morning when Nathan walked into the kitchen, he was practically living in my house now, but thank God he slept out last night, because I don’t think I would be able to explain why I was moaning loudly in the living room, neither would I be able to get over the trauma if he had walked in on me and Arian. Speaking of Arian… I thought about our date last night, I had every reason to be skeptical but for whatever reason it was, I was just going with everything. “Uhm Hello… Earth to Devonne” Nathan was saying, waving his hands in my face. “Well good Morning to you too Nate” I said happily, “someone’s in a good mood” he noted with a smile of his own. “Hot date last night?” He asked, making me turn to stare at him. He had one brow up. “Well…” He just chuckled and scrolled on his phone, bringing up an article and showing his screen to me. It was a picture of Arian helping me out of the car and there was another of us coming out, whe
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DEVONNE’S POV“Nuh uh, we’re taking my car”. I swear if looks could kill… yeah Arian would be dead, “but I like my car just fine” I protested and made to unlock my car but the keys were snatched from my hands. “Hmm, let’s just say, I’m not really comfortable with you driving any vehicle that I’m gonna be in” he said, holding the keys out of my reach. I eventually gave up and folded my arms. “You act like Ava when she doesn’t get what she wants” he chuckled and went to open the passenger door of his SUV for me. “You know what Arian?” I said as I got in “hmm?” “I refused to be annoyed by you today…” he laughed, shutting the door. “Glad you find me amusing” I muttered under my breath. We arrived at my Mother’s house, and just as we got there, it dawned on me that I never called to tell her that I was coming over. And most certainly not that I was bringing this hulking idiot with me. Oh well… guess we just might get it over with, I thought stepping out of the car. I was almost at the d
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