All Chapters of The Billionaire's Plump Bride: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
168 Chapters
"We leave the day after tomorrow." Gerald rubbed Bianca's shoulder, who was trying to put Rina to sleep.Bianca only nodded gently at Gerald's departure. Because she knew what was in her husband's heart. Deep down in Gerald's heart, Bianca was sure that he really wanted to have a baby of his own. Like Fran for example.However, Gerald always dismissed this. He didn't want Bianca to feel inferior. They have tried IVF three times. By borrowing another woman's womb for their future baby to grow. However, this process has not produced any results.There is only one way left for Gerald to have children. Namely, marrying another woman. However, Gerald strongly rejected this.When Vanya, or what Frans and Veronica usually call Anya, grew up, Veronica decided to continue her education. To complete his education.During college, Veronica changed her appearance one hundred and eighty degrees. Now she has a body that is so slim, and skin that is so smooth. Since her daughter Vanya finished drink
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In front, Firman and Yuna laughed at what Yogi did to Veronica. As well as capturing intimate photos of the two of them.“Aarrgghh.” Veronica growled. He hit Yogi on the head to get him to let go.Yogi grimaced. The pain from the impact with Veronica's head made him even more determined to fondle Veronica."Gi, I beg you..." Veronica whispered. While pushing Yogi's chest away. Because the man was now trying to leave traces on Veronica's neck. He wanted Frans to misunderstand and immediately divorce the woman he loved."Trust me, Gi. If my husband divorces me, never mind having me, you won't even see me." Veronica stopped fighting. He even gave Yogi access to taste every inch of his skin.Yogi, who was pressing down on Veronica, and trying to leave traces on Veronica's neck, stopped. He looked at Veronica who had now resigned herself to her treatment.In the next second, Yogi moved down from on top of Veronica's body. “What makes you fall in love with him, Veronica? He's old!" Yogi sna
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"Well, well, look, Mom, Veronica is keeping a man in the house while Frans is at work," Kirana said. Upon seeing Yogi about to climb the stairs. Kirana's purpose for coming to Frans and Veronica's house was to accompany Reni in meeting Vanya. It was always like this every time Veronica had a break from her studies."Who are you?!" Reni exclaimed, her eyes widening and her jaw tightening."Me?" Yogi pointed to himself. "I'm Yogi, Tan. Veronica's boyfriend. Oh, if only Auntie and this woman hadn't come, I could have been alone with Veronica." Canceling his intention to go upstairs. Because Yogi had now found a golden opportunity to destroy Veronica's marriage. Without dirtying his hands like yesterday."What are you saying!" Frans retorted. His intention to seek an explanation from Veronica had led to his encounter with Yogi, who was now inside his house."Hi, Frans. How are you?" Yogi approached Frans. "I didn't expect to be caught after a few dates here. Maybe next time, I'll meet you
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"That's not a valid reason, Kiran!" Adrian growled. He had noticed Kirana's change in attitude since Veronica gave birth to Vanya. His wife had been displaying jealousy towards her sister-in-law."I know you feel insecure because our marriage hasn't been blessed with children yet. But, one thing you must understand is that it's not right to disrupt someone else's marriage just because you feel left out. Because of your words, my sister lost her unborn child." Adrian sighed heavily. "If something happens to Veronica, I will divorce you.""Adrian!" Kirana exclaimed, approaching Adrian, who was now sitting next to Reni. It seemed he was trying to calm his mother down.Satisfied, Reni was very pleased to hear that Adrian wanted to divorce Kirana as a consequence of her actions."This is not fair to me, !" Kirana retorted."So, you think losing a child because of your sharp tongue is what you call fair?" Reni scolded. She stood up and pointed her finger at Kirana."Mother, please don't int
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"And that afternoon, when you came. I was so frightened, hiding in the room. I was afraid he would do something terrible again. You know, I wanted to contact you to come back immediately. But first, I heard my mom and Kiran's voices. And...""Enough, dear. It's over. Don't bring up that matter again. I'm okay, and I trust you. And..." Frans took a deep breath. This might be the right moment to say the truth."I want to apologize, dear. Because of my foolishness and carelessness, we lost Vanya's future sibling. You had a miscarriage." With one deep breath, Frans finished his sentence.Veronica was stunned. Did she really have a miscarriage?Her memory flashed back to the day when Frans had chased her and Yogi away, causing her to fall from the terrace along with Yogi who landed on top of her."So, the bleeding that day?" Veronica murmured, her lips trembling severely. She had been negligent in protecting their unborn child."Yes, Veronica. We lost them. And that's why my parents now ha
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"What's wrong, Ger?" Frans asked as he entered Veronica's recovery room. His friend's face appeared troubled."Bianca asked me to let go of Yuna," he replied wearily, his shoulders slumping."Oh, is that all? You don't need to worry about that. My wife has already gone to the police station to withdraw the report against Yuna. Veronica felt sorry for her." Frans followed Gerald and sat on the sofa, leaving Veronica and Vanya, who was now sleeping."What?" Gerald exclaimed, nearly popping his eyes out of their sockets."Yes. My wife forgave Yuna, but not her lover and Yogi."Gerald's shoulders lifted. "Your wife is incredibly kind; I admire her.""Yes, you're right. She's so good-hearted and angelic. She even pleaded with my parents to forgive all the mistakes and foolishness I've done. The same goes for my brother-in-law, who used to dislike her. He still forgave her and asked my brother and my mother to forget all of this. I don't know what's in her heart that makes her so good and s
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"You can't be serious, Bianca. Are you really asking us to threaten Yuna and make her marry Gerald? You're absolutely insane," Frans exclaimed, shaking his head."I know it's wrong, Sir. But I have no other choice right now. Because Gerald has informed his parents that I won't be able to get pregnant anymore. And he asked my in-laws to come, as if they both are thankful for my willingness to accept polygamy," Bianca replied.Frans was taken aback. It was inconceivable that Gerald would do something so cruel to Bianca. He had witnessed how deeply Gerald loved her."I'm not sure he told his parents about this. Because he told me that he was disappointed by your request for him to remarry. And you know, Bianca, yesterday he didn't contact anyone," Frans explained."If it wasn't him, then who, Sir? It's impossible for his parents to hear my request. They are in Singapore, and we are here. And please don't defend him and indirectly blame me," Bianca said, her eyes beginning to well up with
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"I understand, and I'm aware of my place. But as long as you are my husband, it's my duty to serve you."Gerald turned around and observed Yuna from head to toe."What are you planning?" he asked.Yuna smiled sweetly and sincerely. "Nothing. I just want to be a good wife while I am your wife."Gerald was taken aback. Was this for real, or was it just Yuna's subtle way of seeking revenge?"Go away!" Gerald said abruptly. He didn't want to be swayed by Yuna's charms."What should I do to make you treat me well?" Yuna asked, approaching Gerald. She gently touched his shoulder, as if she was a loving wife. In reality, the image of the man who was still officially her boyfriend danced in her mind, but Yuna tried to push that image away and replace it with Gerald's face."Okay!" Gerald emphasized. He immediately stood up and locked Yuna's movements with his sharp gaze. Yuna's petite body was nothing compared to Gerald's tall, muscular body. So Yuna's height only reaches her shoulders. Very
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"Because my dad is of Turkish-Indonesian descent. So, I had the chance to have a nose as tall as the Himalayan mountains," Gerald replied, capturing Yuna's hand, which had boldly touched his prominent nose.Instead of being afraid, Yuna burst into laughter. "If the Himalayan mountains are this tall, I wonder how tall the other mountains are. Is my nose as tall as them?"Gerald released his embrace. "This can't be compared to a mountain. But maybe a valley. Look at your nose. There's no depression at all." He pinched Yuna's petite nose."Don't underestimate my little nose. At least, it makes me look pretty," Yuna retorted.Gerald raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really?" he said in the sweetest tone he could muster."Of course. Just look, am I beautiful or not?" Yuna blinked her eyes quickly.Gerald couldn't help but burst into laughter, a sound that had been absent from him since he found out that Bianca couldn't have children.Yuna was taken aback, watching Gerald laugh so freely. It enhanced
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Veronica tried to hold back her tears. She couldn't cry in front of Bianca. Honestly, Veronica felt so sorry for her friend, who was facing such a heavy and difficult trial at such a young age. It was a challenge that not even stronger women might be able to endure."Just let it out, Bianca. It will ease your heart," Veronica said, gently stroking Bianca's hair to help her feel a bit calmer."I can't, Veronica. I'm willing only in words. You know, I actually canceled my plan, Veronica. But Gerald told his parents about it, including my plan to have him marry again." Bianca began to cry, releasing all the pent-up emotions onto Veronica's lap."Bianca, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to defend your husband, but I'm not sure he could hurt you like this."Bianca was startled. "What do you mean, Veronica?""You know, Bianca, a few days ago, your husband came to the hospital. He was so frustrated with your decision to have him marry Yuna.""Hold on a minute!" Bianca wiped her tears away.The next
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