All Chapters of The Billionaire's Plump Bride: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
168 Chapters
Instead of obeying Gerald's wishes, Yuna grabbed his wrist. She quickly took a bite of the bread in Gerald's hand. "I knew it. It's so delicious.""You're really stubborn!" Gerald muttered. He placed the bread on a plate and put it in front of Yuna. "Eat. If that's what you want."Yuna smiled. "Thank you," she said. It was easy for her to win Gerald's heart. Yuna had always been pampered in her extended family. That's what made her seem like a girl without feelings. As long as she could be happy and achieve her goals. It was possible that when she fell in love with Gerald, Yuna would gladly kick Bianca out of their lives.As it is now. When the corner of Yuna's eye saw Bianca who was about to step into the dining room, she immediately grabbed Gerald's nape and licked the peanut butter left on the corner of her husband's lips.Not only that, Yuna sucked Gerald's lips and slipped her tongue into her husband's mouth. Enjoy Gerald's sweet and seductive tongue play."You don't do this here
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How indifferent Gerald is to her now. To the point that her husband never met her at all. And of course Veronica didn't like the attitude shown by Gerald. He also questioned where the love that Gerald used to always say was. You crocodile.“Wait a minute, Fran. I really don't understand what you are saying.” Gerald said. While holding back a sigh because of Yuna's actions, she was kissing his jaw to the tip of his chest. His young wife had really turned into a woman who was hungry for sex.“Don't tell me your crotch brain is back. So up until now your only job has been having sex. So forget Bianca. Your wife. And don't say that right now, Yuna is pressing on your body!" Frans shouted. Unilaterally mute the call. He didn't think that Gerald could change like before."How is it, Hubby?" Veronica asked quickly. When he saw Frans who was in an emotional state.Frans took a deep breath. “Let's play with Vanya. So that my brain can return to normal." Pushing Veronica's wheelchair into the l
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"Wait a minute! Selling myself? I know what I must do," she muttered, unlocking her phone. She started to search through the websites of reputable hospitals. Perhaps luck would be on her side, allowing her to cover the bill.Bianca's eyes sparkled when she found what she was looking for. Her heart filled with joy, as if she had discovered a diamond. Without further hesitation, she took screenshots of the phone number and the hospital's address, then began to pack her things to meet the person involved."Is it true, ? Are you going to divorce me after you get what you want? Am I that low in your eyes? Is that why you're using me like this?" Yuna confronted Gerald. By pressing Gerald, she was effectively raising her position in the household, hoping he would reconsider his initial intentions."To be honest, Una, that was my intention initially. But after thinking about it, I realized it's not right to use you like this. However, I still can't choose between the two of you. Unless...""U
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"What makes you willing to do all of this? And as you know, donating a kidney will make your life less perfect," said a handsome man to Bianca.They were both sitting in the hospital cafeteria after Bianca had undergone a series of tests to determine if her kidney was a match for the man's mother, who had invited her for dinner.Bianca smiled. "I'm doing this so that my child can be born into this world safely. The child I've been waiting for."The handsome man, named Riski, raised an eyebrow. "Child?"He glanced at Bianca's flat stomach."My child isn't in there. So, there's no point in staring at my belly like that," Bianca teased. "Listen, Ris, my husband and I are undergoing in vitro fertilization and plan to entrust the child to another woman. However, my husband has run out of funds. So, to ease his burden, I'm doing this. There's nothing wrong with helping your own husband, is there?"Riski nodded. "You're truly an ideal wife.""My husband says the same thing." Bianca got up as
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Once everything was finished, Gerald grabbed a towel and dried both of their bodies. After that, he carried Bianca bridal style and laid his wife on the bed."Can I ask for my rights?" whispered Gerald.Bianca nodded faintly. Even though in her heart she didn't want to be touched by Gerald. How could it not be, this morning her husband had sex with Yuna, and now with her.Different. Of course. When Gerald pushed his way in, into Bianca's possession. The feeling that exists is not as enjoyable as when dealing with Yuna. Gerald shook his head. Drive away the thoughts that are currently comparing Bianca and Yuna.While Gerald moved back and forth and jerked, Bianca tried to fight and arouse her own desires. Desire has been difficult to emerge since her uterus was removed.Not only that, Bianca also tried to endure the pain and pain in her body. Because of Gerald's size and length, these two feelings always came to torment him.Not long after, Bianca breathed a sigh of relief, along with
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As soon as they finished breakfast, Bianca brought Gerald's briefcase. Meanwhile, her husband carried Sabrina in his arms. When they wanted to go to Alma's room to say goodbye, Yuna came down from the second floor and said."Sir, where are you going?" walked closer to Gerald.Gerald turned his head. "I want to go to the office, Una," he said. Quite surprised by Yuna's greeting and presence. Really, he really forgot there was Yuna in his life."Why didn't you wake me up?" Yuna whined. Hanging on to Gerald's hand.“You shouldn't say that, Una. You should know what your duties are as a wife. Instead of waking up late and saying why weren't you woken up. Seriously,"Yuna's lips pursed. Today he lost badly to BiancaHer honey was neatly dressed in a short knee-length skirt and pink blouse, which clung to her slender body. For grooming and appearance, Yuna wouldn't be able to match him. Bianca is very good at dressing up and choosing clothes that fit her tall and slender body.“You shouldn'
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Riski's downcast face lifted as he spoke, "I'll head home now. I'm worried that my daughter and husband might be concerned about me," Bianca said cautiously."Let me take you," Riski insisted, forcing a smile."No need. I can find a taxi on the main road over there," Bianca replied, pointing in the direction of the road.Riski stood up and extended his hand to Bianca. "Come on, I'll take you. I also need to get my phone from home to pay for my mother's kidney transplant."Bianca frowned, not understanding what Riski meant."I had prepared the money for the kidney transplant. But God had other plans. My mother passed away before it could happen. That doesn't mean I'm canceling the money I intended to give you. Perhaps this is God's way of leading you to me because God knows I'm capable and willing to help you. And I beg you, don't reject my offer.""Because I know you really need this. If you're afraid of accepting it for free, you can repay it by working at my company.""Give me some
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"Where's Sabrina, darling?" Gerald put his arm around Bianca's waist."That's grooming, darling, why?" Bianca asked in surprise. While pointing at their little daughter who was sitting in front of the dressing table.“I want to talk to you about something. "So, let's leave Sabrina with Yuli first, okay?" Carried Sabrina and entrusted her to Yuli, who was waiting at the door of their room.When Gerald handed Sabrina over, he could hear Yuna screaming from inside the room. And of course he knew what his young wife wanted.“Don't try to open the door to that room. If you don't want to be fired. And don't even think about interfering like yesterday. You told my mother that my wife couldn't get pregnant!” Gerald emphasized. Before closing the bedroom door roughly.Gerald's words immediately made Yuli choke up. After this he will definitely be tried by Gerald and Bianca.“I don't know how to end this!” Gerald sat on the edge of the bed. Roughly rubbing his handsome face."Your wedding to Yu
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"I had a feeling you'd say that," Bianca quipped and continued with her makeup."Alright then. I'll go shower now. Tonight, I want to eat something special, and I'm sure you know what I want." He kissed the top of her head before finally heading into the bathroom.Bianca smiled before grabbing her phone and contacting Riski to arrange a meeting for tomorrow. Riski was immediately excited about the idea. They would meet at a park not far from Bianca and Gerald's home.Once her business with Riski was concluded, Bianca deleted the messages and call history to ensure Gerald wouldn't find out about her contact with another man. Afterward, she went downstairs and prepared oseng tempe and fried chicken for Gerald, complete with side dishes like fresh vegetables and spicy soy sauce.While Bianca was busy in the kitchen, Yuna came and sat in a chair not far from her."Bian, do you remember what Mom said to you this morning?" Yuna asked.Bianca furrowed her brow. "Mom? Which of Mom's words are
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After dinner, Gerald and Bianca both went to Sabrina's room. It was a rare occurrence for them to do so, as Gerald often worked late. However, today, with less work, he decided to spend time with his daughter.In the room, Gerald started reading a bedtime story to Sabrina. It was a routine that he never skipped. Meanwhile, Bianca was there, listening to the story, but in her mind, she was also imagining how Gerald would react if he found out about their successful IVF procedure, about their potential future child in another woman's womb."Should I tell him about the IVF procedure? About the upcoming baby, who is currently growing in another woman's womb?" Bianca whispered to herself.While Gerald and Bianca were putting Sabrina to sleep, Yuna asked Yuli to give her a foot massage. She felt exhausted after what she had witnessed throughout the day.Yuna also pondered how she could have Gerald all to herself. Besides being skilled in bed, Gerald knew how to please a woman's heart. Yuna
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