The Billionaire's Plump Bride의 모든 챕터: 챕터 121 - 챕터 130
168 챕터
Bianca woke up earlier than usual. She immediately took on her role as a wife, preparing breakfast and getting her husband's clothes ready. Even though Gerald slept with Yuna, his clothes were still in their bedroom. Bianca didn't want to see Gerald enter her room in a state of disarray after his night with Yuna.Before the sun rose, everything was prepared. Even Alma, who had been observing her, was impressed with Bianca's efficiency. She seemed like the perfect wife, flawless in Alma's eyes."Mi, since it's the weekend, I'm going jogging in the park. It won't take long, just until I break a sweat and finish the chicken porridge at the park," Bianca, dressed in workout attire, approached Alma, who was enjoying a cup of tea in the living room."Alright. Just be careful," Alma replied without looking up from her fashion magazine.Bianca smiled and started running towards the park, not far from their house. It was the place where she used to meet Riski."I didn't know where else to look
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"Where are you going, Honey?" Gerald pulled Bianca into his arms."Don't hug me, Ger. I smell sweaty," Bianca tried to break free from his embrace.Gerald paid no attention to Bianca's words. Instead, he tightened his hold. "It's okay, I like it. Today is all about you," he whispered."No, Ger. Today, you still belong to Yuna. Tonight, you'll be mine," Bianca squirmed. She didn't like being hugged when Gerald still had Yuna's perfume scent on him."What's wrong with you?" Finally, Gerald let go and loosened his embrace."Nothing. It's just that I'm sweaty, Ger. I want to take a shower first. You should too. I've made breakfast for you." Bianca reached for a towel and handed it to Gerald. "Now, go shower.""Shower together?" Gerald raised an eyebrow."No, I have to check on Sabrina." Smiling, Bianca left the room and went to Sabrina's bedroom."Yul," Bianca called out when she saw Yuli dressing Sabrina. It seemed like the little girl had just finished her bath."Yes, Miss," Yuli replie
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Veronica only gave him a side-eye, glancing at Riski, who was still enjoying his pizza.Frans understood. He was indeed curious about the stranger sitting in front of his wife. Seeing Veronica tightly shut her lips, Frans chose not to speak further. He opted to hug his wife's shoulder and engage with his small family instead.Ignored, Riski decided to leave Frans and Veronica. He had deep respect for the married couple, as there was no intention whatsoever to meddle in Bianca and Gerald's affairs."I'm curious, dear. Who was the man you were with earlier? And why did Gerald suddenly ask me to pick you up? It's quite confusing," Frans held the door open for Veronica, who was holding a sleeping Vanya."It's better if you take Vanya to her room, Hubby. I don't want her to wake up and hear our conversation," Veronica rubbed Frans' arm."Let's discuss this in the bedroom," Frans suggested.Veronica nodded. Finally they both separated. Frans went to Vanya's room and Veronica went to theirs.
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"I can't believe you're quiet about this. You should've noticed all this from the beginning. What makes you think that Riski suddenly appeared here? And there was pizza and drinks set up for him? Do you really think I didn't notice the toppings on the pizza and the drinks you ordered, which were the same as what Riski had?"Bianca froze. She honestly hadn't noticed or paid attention to those details. Now she was beginning to doubt whether this was all just a coincidence or if Riski was genuinely following her everywhere."Why are you silent? Is what I said true? This is more than just a coincidence. You arranged to meet him, with Veronica as an excuse. With or without her consent! I'm disappointed in you. After you forced me into a marriage with a woman I don't love, now you're playing around with another man. Is this what you wanted all along? Are you tired of me?" Gerald growled. His mind was clouded, unable to think clearly. His marriage to Yuna had truly shattered him."It's up to
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"Of course," Frans grabbed Veronica's chin and kissed her lips, which were now adorned with pink lipstick.Knock, knock, knock."Sir, I'm sorry, but there's a friend of yours outside looking for you," the couple's housekeeper called.Reluctantly, Frans released his wife from their embrace."You wait here. Don't come down, no matter what happens." He gave Veronica's lips a quick peck. "Bik, take Vanya to the backyard!" Frans ordered the middle-aged woman who was carrying Vanya. She nodded and headed to the backyard as instructed."Don't say you want to ask about Riski. Trust me, my wife doesn't know what happened." Frans plopped down on the sofa."How did you know the purpose of my visit? Has your wife complained to you and asked for your defense?" Gerald sneered."Watch your mouth, Ger. Don't compare me to Bianca, who can forgive every hurtful word that comes out of your mouth. Listen, I don't need to hear anything about your meeting this afternoon to understand your intentions. It's
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Seeing that Gerald was quite calm, Yuna left the room. Come sit next to your husband."I'm sorry, if my presence hurts you. I'm sorry for being presumptuous in loving you. I should have realized that my position is only a wife on paper." Yuna stroked Gerald's arm. All his ambitions and desires disappeared instantly. It hurt him to see Gerald like now."Calm down. Once my task is complete, Bianca will return to being your only wife." Yuna roughly wiped her tears. He also left. “Don't forget to give Bianca something to eat. I'm sure he hasn't eaten anything since this afternoon." he said. Before closing the bedroom door again.In the room, Yuna buried her face in the pillow. So that people outside can't hear his cries. “Is it wrong for me to love you, Ger? Weren't they the ones who forced me to marry you? Have I sinned, Lord, for giving myself to my own husband? Gerald is my legal husband, isn't he? And I'm not a prostitute either!" Yuna whispered.From the top of the stairs, Alma could
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"What should I do?" Bianca ran her fingers through her hair. Why did the long-awaited child have to come so soon? Gerald might choose to stay with Yuna instead.No, that wouldn't happen. Bianca corrected her appearance once more. Perhaps tomorrow morning, she would talk to Gerald and convey Yuna's message. That Yuna was pregnant with her child. One thing Bianca was certain of: Gerald would be happy.Not knowing when Gerald would come home, Bianca sat in front of the couch Gerald had been sleeping on. She wanted to wait for him to wake up, with the pregnancy test kit in her hand.Gerald's eyes blinked open as sunlight peeped through the window curtains. He massaged his temples, feeling a painful throbbing in his head."You're finally awake," Bianca said.Seeing Bianca in front of him, Gerald let out a heavy sigh. He wasn't ready to face his wife.Instead of responding, Gerald got up and left the room. But before he could fully exit, Bianca spoke again."Yuna is pregnant."Gerald's step
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Bianca was left stunned. Was this the end of their marriage? A marriage that had once been so beautiful and happy now had to end in separation."I'm sorry. This is all my fault. If only I weren't around you two," Yuna apologized."No, Una. This is not your fault. It's all my fault. I came up with this cunning plan to take advantage of your situation and Yogi's. But I never thought about what would happen next. I never considered that a child would be separated from their mother if this marriage happened."Indeed, Bianca had never thought about the consequences of their actions when she pushed for this arrangement. Her only focus had been on helping Gerald have a child with Yuna, without considering Yuna's feelings at the time. Was this karma? Because none of them seemed to be truly present in this situation. Their child would grow up without both of its parents.Yuna agreed with Bianca's words but couldn't blame her friend. Yuna herself had willingly gone along with this plan to satis
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"What are you doing, Una?" Bianca approached Yuna, who was in the kitchen. It seemed like she was looking for something."I'm looking for salt. It seems really tasty to eat it with green mango. I asked our neighbor for a green mango earlier.""Salt is right here, Una." Bianca took Yuna's hand and led her to the dining table. "You can use this salt for your mango." She handed Yuna a small bottle from the middle of the dining table."Thank you." Yuna smiled and accepted the salt from Bianca."Where are you going?""I'm going to my room. Why?" Yuna turned around, holding the salt and green mango in her hands."Is there a knife in your room?" Bianca shook her head. "It's better if you wait for me in the living room." She took the mango and salt back from Yuna's hands."But...""Don't argue."Yuna sighed deeply. She couldn't refuse Bianca's wishes.Shortly after Yuna sat down, Bianca appeared with slices of mango on a fairly large plate and a very small plate in her hand. It was clear that
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Frans shook his head, reached for a chair by his desk, and sat down next to Veronica, continuing with the work he had paused. It seemed like Veronica was better suited to handle this issue."Vero, try to see it from my perspective. I don't love Yuna. But Bianca keeps pushing me to be fair to Yuna. It's true; I need Yuna to give birth to my child, and she's also my wife. I'd feel sorry if I had to divorce her. But can they give me some time to learn? You know, every time I sleep with Yuna, she keeps teasing me, and eventually, I touch her," Gerald said, glancing at Frans, who was focused on his work."Is that fair in your eyes? I have a physical relationship with Yuna, but my mind tells me it's Bianca. Afterward, it's not pleasure I feel but regret and guilt."Veronica nodded. She understood the complexity of the situation Gerald was facing."Now, meet Bianca and Yuna. The three of you need to talk, just like how you're talking to me right now. And I pray that there's a best solution.
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