All Chapters of Rouges and Rebound: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
32 Chapters
Chapter 21
Cassandra’s POVI wake up the next day with a start, I had another night mare involving my parents. I tap my chest trying to calm my racing heart. It takes a while for me to remember where I am, beside me Lydia and Lia sleep soundly.I doubt I would be getting any sleep again so I make the wise decision of crawling out of the tent for fresh air. It is still dark outside and I am not what the time is but the air is cool and I am finally able to breathe again.I take a deep breath before I start moving, I let my feet lead me where they want to as I mull over the events of the past few days. Within the span of some weeks, my carefully crafted life of two years has been up turned. My hand reaches for my grandmother’s necklace on my neck, except it is not as comforting as it used to be. Now it is tainted with my guilt from what I did to Lydia, nothing I touch is safe. I wrap my arms around myself as the familiar piercing pain wraps itself around my heart.There is the sound of snapping sti
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Chapter 22
Cassandra’s POVRay and I do not talk after that, but Lydia goes out of her way to bring him up any chance she got. They call for a break, and Lydia starts looking for Ray so we can ‘sit with him’. Unfortunately for Lydia he is with Gray when she finally spots him, I watch with glee as the excitement drains from her face.“Not so confident now, are we?” I smirk beside her.“Drats,” Lydia says, she turns around to leave but Ray raises his head at that moment and we lock eyes.“Drats,” I say under my breathe. Ray smiles and waves at us.“Lydia, Cassandra!” I swear for a second, he had a cocky smirk there.Lydia and I exchange glances and for once we come to a mutual agreement, we both turn around to leave together, but Tessa is behind us with her big smile.“Come on, let’s go,” she takes our arms and pull us towards the guys, “I had them save a spot for us,” she tells us.We stop in front of the guys and Gray finally looks up at us, before deciding it is not worth his time and he looks
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Chapter 23
Cassandra’s POVAfter the long hours of planting, we all retire to the same place we had the bonfire for dinner. Gray and Ray disappear at some point while Lydia introduces me to the few people she met; they are friendly people but want I really want to do is go back to the tent where I can be left alone. My social skills were never any good before I left the pack.“Hiding in a corner again, are we?” I look up to see Gerta, she smiles at me and I give her a small one back, “You are very talented at avoiding association, do you know that?” she says as she sits down beside me.I merely smile response, “Don’t act humble now, you did it a lot to me at the apartment,” I give her a sheepish smile.“Are you really the owner of that apartment building?” I ask her, but before she can answer I ask again. “Why did you keep trying if you knew I was avoiding you?”Gerta smiles with a shrug, “Because the first day you arrived at the building, you had this lost look about you like your entire life h
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Chapter 24
Cassandra’s POV“Did you lose yur mate too?” I ask Trent.He looks away, but when he turns back to me he has his smile back on his face, “That is for me to know, and you to not judge,” he walks off before I can say anything else. I try to follow him but few steps in and I cannot find him anywhere.I groan in frustration, everyone seems to be trying to push me in this confusing direction I would rather not go, “What the hell!” I yell in frustration. I look around me, I should find my way back to my tent and get some rest.At that moment I spot Ray from afar, he has a heavy frown on his face as he walks into a tent. I hurry in his direction. Maybe, he will be able to help me find my way back to my tent. He is not the ideal option but he will make do.When I get closer, I pick up harsh whispers, I suddenly stop when I recognize the tent. It is where the Council had their meeting last time. Are they having one right now?I creep closer, so I can hear better what they are saying.“What do
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Chapter 25
Cassandra’s POVRay arrives at our tent the next morning, Lydia is waiting to rip him apart the minute he arrives.“You asshole!” I hear her scream at him from my position inside the tent.“Hello, Lydia,” he replies calmly.I step out of the tent and he turns to me, “Here to take me to the slaughter house?”Lydia places herself between me and Ray, “I’m going with her, I want to enlist too,” she folds her arms.“This has got to be the most ridiculous show of bravery I have ever seen,” we both turn to see Gray heading in our direction, he has his usual scowl on his face except this time it has a hint of distaste.Lydia immediately changes course, “Right, I forgot about the devil.”Gray cocks his head before turning to Ray, “This is the childish bullshit we have to deal with now?”“Call it what you want asshole, I am still going to join your stupid fight squad,” she tells him, meeting his glare with one of her own.“You can’t join, Lydia. Your wolf is still volatile, you should be busy l
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Chapter 26
Cassandra’s POV“Again!” Xavier yells and the man charges at me, giving barely enough time to raise my arms for cover. He pushes me and I find myself flying across the field on my butt. This is humiliating.Groaning, I lie on my back. Xavier’s body blocks my view of the sun, I can just tell he has a frown on his face. At least his creepy smile is gone, “You hesitate, that is your problem.”I sit up and look back up at him, “Okay,” I say passively.“You don’t seem interested in this at all,” he says again.“What gave it away, the fact that you all strong armed me in the tent or was it my very vocal protest last night,” I say sarcastically.There is silence at first then he suddenly drops down beside me, “If it is worth anything, I don’t think you are a spy or whatever else the Council can imagine in their head,” I turn to him and he shrugs, “You just didn’t have the look, but they were going to throw you into combat without a second thought or the proper training. I just brought you so
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Chapter 27
Cassandra’s POVLydia and Gray glare at each other, both having no intention of backing down. Truthfully, when Lydia had announced she would be coming with me after I told her about Ray’s instructions to me, I had given her a dubious look. These two do not seem like the type to let anyone force them into something they never agreed to.“If I may,” Xavier speaks up and all heads turn to him. He had arrived at my tent to take me to Ray, I had felt like a primed sheep on its way to the slaughter especially since Tessa arrived with some clothes for me to change into a few minutes earlier.“Lydia going with you two doesn’t sound so bad, what are the odds that they have her scent too,” he tells us.“Stop talking Xavier,” Ray growls and Xavier goes quiet but he has a smirk on his face.“Yeah, what he said,” Lydia speaks up, “Whatever that means, he has a point.”Gray rolls his eyes before turning to Ray, “She is a wolf, they couldn’t possibly have her scent.”Ray has a faraway look, and he g
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Chapter 28
Cassandra’s POVThe club is packed, the perfect place to lose our current tail as Ray explained to Lydia and I. the bouncer at the door starts out difficult but lets us in when Gray flashes him some cash.“So, we are going to split up now,” Ray yells over the loud music, we all turn to him with incredulous looks, we were not told this part of the plan.“Gray go with Lydia, Cassandra and I will go the other way,” Ray tells us.“Really,” Gray says, raising a brow at him. He is about to say something then stops, think better of it and suddenly drags Lydia into the crowd with him. I move to go after them but Ray pulls me back with a shake of his head.“How do we contact them, anything could happen in here,” I tell Ray and he shrugs.He waves a burner phone in front of me, “I always have a contingency plan, come on before the guy sights us,” he pulls me with him into the crowd, shouldering through the dancing people so I do not have to deal with bumping into sweaty humans.Ray takes us to
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Chapter 29
Lydia’s POV“How do you know they are Hunters?” I whisper back to Gray, he gives me an obvious look.“I’ve fought enough of those scum bags to be able to pick them out in a crowd,” he tells me, “And I recognize one of them from the day we rescued you and Cassandra.”I grab his hand in panic, “He could recognize you.”“I know,” he growls, his head and gaze focused on the table, “They are probably looking for Ray and Cassandra, I should warn them,” he brings out a small phone just as a hand clamp down on his shoulder.My spine goes tense and the hairs on the back of my neck stands on end as the huge man smiles at us, “Hello,” he says in an oddly soft voice, “Mind if I join you?”Gray growls but the man forces him back into his seat with his hand still on Gray’s shoulder, “You gave my men quite the run for their money, Grayson. If you weren’t a dirty rogue, I would have recruited you.”Gray scowls at him, “Lucas, you found me. what other luck you got going for you,” he spits at the man.
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Chapter 30
Lydia’s POVBen scowls at Gray, “Did you have to introduce me like that?”Gray makes a face, “How would you rather I do it?”Ben shrugs, “You could have introduced me as a friend or something, or a pal. Now she is going to be careful and extra nice around me, looking for my approval and shit.”“What are you going on about?” Gray asks him.Ben gestures at me, “She is your girlfriend, right?”Gray laughs loudly, “Lydia is a lot of things to me, girlfriend is definitely not one of them.”I have been staring between the two men during their conversation, at Gray’s words I scowl at him, “What is that supposed to mean?” I ask placing my hands on my waist.Gray gives me look before turning to Ben, “Great, now you’ve got her all riled up.”“Stop talking about me like I am not in the room,” I snap at him and he replies by reclining into the couch even more.“You going to sit down or keep making me uncomfortable,” Ben asks me and I suddenly remember myself. I take the couch farthest from Gray,
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