All Chapters of Rouges and Rebound: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
32 Chapters
Chapter 11
Cassandra’s POV“Was I supposed to let you bleed out on my couch?” I ask him, he seems to consider the question then shrugs. He groans and stands up.He looks around my living room, “Cozy,” he says before turning around, “You got anything in your kitchen?” he asks already walking towards the kitchen.I quicky follow him, he is injured yet he manages to eat up the floor in long strides, “What happened last night?” I say slamming my fridge shut when he opens it.He raises a brow and gestures down at his body, “What does it look like?”I place myself between him and the fridge before he has a chance to open it again, folding my arms I say, “I need a less vague answer.”He looks down at me, a smirk playing on his bruised lips. He suddenly leans forward, completely entering my personal space. I squeak in surprise and his smirk only gets deeper, he leans his face close enough for me to hear his ragged breath, “That’s all I can give you princess,” he whispers softly and his breath tickles my
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Chapter 12
Cassandra’s POVI take the seat Ray offers because my legs are suddenly shaking, “Hunters, shit I almost got caught by Hunters.”“Amongst other things,” Ray says and I am about to snap at him when I see his face, he is not wearing a cocky smirk but looks quite pissed.“You are a rogue too, aren’t you?” I ask him and he turns to me, “It makes sense, that’s why you haven’t asked me about my pack.”“Ray the rogue, maybe I should have introduced myself like that,” Ray strokes his chin and smirks.“You can’t stay here anymore Cassandra,” he tells me, “They are going to come back, you have no idea the terrible things they do to the rogues they capture.”I look down at my hands, “What am I supposed to do then, this is all I’ve known for two years.”“Come with me,” he says and I look up at him in surprise, “I have a sort of safe place for rogues.”I scrunch my brows in confusion, “Isn’t that illegal, they would think you are raising an army of rogues. That is even worse than being captured al
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Chapter 13
Cassandra’s POVOn the way to my apartment, I am jumpy and hyper aware of my environment. I am turning at the slightest noise, ready to pounce if anyone shows up. Lydia keeps giving me weird looks. We get to the apartment just fine but I still hold my breath, I am still expecting something bad to happen. This is a bad idea, no, this is a terrible idea. We get to my door and I glance at Gerta’s door to check if it is still locked, my werewolf hearing cannot pick up any sound from her apartment. She really is gone.I unlock the door and walk through; Lydia follows immediately after and locks the door with all three bolts. She turns to me, “Is that better? We wouldn’t want anyone scaring you to death,” I really do not appreciate her sarcasm, I am the one on edge right now.I ignore her and head for my bathroom, as I predicted the necklace is on top of the sink where I left it last night while treating Ray’s wounds. I breathe a sigh of relief and grab it, clenching it in my fist I return
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Chapter 14
Ray’s POVI tighten my hold on Casaandra, if I had been even a second late, she would be a captive of the hunters. If I had been a second earlier, I would have saved her friend. I slowly drop her back on the couch.Guilt rolls over me in waves, I should have been faster, stronger, “This is my fault,” I say softly. I know Gray is standing at the door way.“That is a very heavy burden to bear Ray,” he says and I stand up before turning to him, he is leaning on the doorway.“How is the friend?”He sighs and stands straight, “She is in critical condition, internal bleeding. She might not make it.”My fist clenches, “Do whatever you can,” I snap at him.“She needs blood Ray, we can’t just waltz into the hospital and demand it,” Ray snaps back. I rub my face in frustration, “If she has just listened and gone with you, all this would have been avoided,” Gray tells me.“That’s enough,” I cut him off before he can say more, my fist clenches even tighter, “If we can’t get human blood then use m
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Chapter 15
Lydia’s POVI wake up with a patched mouth, groaning I reach for my bedside where I always keep a bottle of water handy. My hand comes up empty, but what forces my eyes open is that instead of the hard wood of my bedside my hands touch cloth. Specifically, clothed human flesh. I open my eyes and in front of me is an older man, he is handsome in that Goerge Clooney kind of way complete with the gray highlights in his hair indicating his age.“Who are you?” is the first thing I say, he smiles and looks down. I follow his gaze to see that my hand is on his thigh, more specifically clutching the thigh. He has very firm thighs. Embarrassed at being caught groping I remove my hand.“Easy,” the man says and helps me sit up, his voice is smooth and I swear if my world was not already spinning, I would have swooned. He helps me rest on the head board, “Better?” he asks me and I nod.I look around the room, “This isn’t my room, my place is nowhere as nice as this,” I say groggily then cough, “C
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Chapter 16
Cassandra’s POV“What happens to her now,” I ask the minute we step out of the room.“I offer her place among us, if the werewolf committee get hold of her they are going to lock her up and throw away the key,” he replies without looking at me.“Because it is illegal to turn humans to werewolves,” I snap at him, “You knew that and you still went ahead with it. You took her life away from her.”Ray sighs and collapses into the couch in the room we formerly were, “I can offer her a place amongst us.”“First you completely up turn her life, now you want to bring her into the worst possible existence a werewolf can have,” my tone is impatient and I rub my forehead in frustration, tears flood my eyes at the thought of what I have done to my friend. I should have let them take me that night.“Bold words for one who is also a rogue herself,” I turn at the voice, the man from before is leaning on the doorway again with the same bored expression.My eyes light up in recognition, “I saw you at
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Chapter 17
Cassandra’s POVWe return to the house with Lydia and Lia, the werewolf who was put in charge of Lia follows us and I get the feeling that she does not like me. She keeps throwing me scathing looks when she thinks I am not looking, she was surprised when Ray told her Lia would be coming with us and immediately voiced her refusal.We arrive at the house and Gray parks the car, the werewolf leaves immediately but not before throwing me one last scathing look. The rest of us walk to the house, Lia attached to my side and clutching my hand tightly.“What pack are we?” I ask immediately we step into the house.Ray glances at me, he transfers Lydia to the Ethan before replying me, “What makes you think we are in a pack?”I raise a brow, “I am not stupid Ray.”“Why don’t you go stay with your mom, Lia,” he turns to Lia still attached to me. She looks to me and I nod softly, slowly she detaches herself from me and follows Gray up the stairs. Gray glances back, looking between Ray and I but he
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Chapter 18
Cassandra’s POVThe council is not what I am expecting at all, it is made up of people of varying age completely unlike the old fuddy duddies I am used to. But one thing they all have in common is their scowl of disapproval. The minute I walk in, I can tell that they not want me or Lydia in their camp. Gray and Ethan are seated among them, Ethan is the only one with a smile on his face.“Wow, tough crowd,” Lydia mumbles before putting on the brightest smile I have ever seen on her, she waves cheerfully at them, “How are y’all doing?”She is met with awkward silence. Ray clears his throat behind me and steps forward to stand beside me, somehow it is comforting having him beside me like a sort of familiar comfort.“Alpha Ray,” a dark woman speaks up, “We have heard very disturbing news, care to explain?”“So, you are on trial too,” Lydia smiles at Ray.Ray does not reply her because he is focused on the men and women surrounding us. We are in a large tent with the men and women of varyi
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Chapter 19
Cassandra’s POV“We are having bon fire tonight to celebrate our new home,” Tessa tells us, “The council members will be more relaxed and easier to charm then.”She walks away after that and Lydia and I stare at her retreating back, “I like her already,” Lydia announces.Ray smiles and leads us to our tent, he stops in front of a somewhat big tent, “It would have to do for now till we get more supplies.”I bend down and looks inside, Lia is inside fast asleep on a sleeping bag, “What did the council members say about Lia,” I ask him.“They are not ruthless to kick a little girl out just because she is human.” Ray tells me, “There are some clothes inside, the outhouse is some distance away and so is the make shift bathroom. Make yourself at home.”He leaves us in front of the tent and I crawl in followed by Lydia, the tent is just big enough to fit Lydia and I. Lia is small enough to squeeze in. I look around the small space, this is going to be my life for a while.Lydia turns to me a
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Chapter 20
Gray’s POVThis woman is by far the most dramatic person I have ever met, “What the fuck kinda introduction is that?” I grumble to myself, but Tessa hears me and gives me an amused look. She is standing beside me as we both watch Lydia talk about herself.“I like her, even more I like how gutsy she is. Really put you in your place at the meeting earlier today,” she tells me.“You are enjoying this,” I scowl at her and she smiles charmingly. Tessa and I go way back, and she has been a necessary back bone to Ray and I.“Okay, Lydia. We get it, you are quite talented,” I step in when it looks like the woman would not stop talking about herself. She gives me a dirty look but returns to her seat, I turn to Cassandra but she avoids my eyes so I take that as my cue to end the bonding session.“It is amazing watching our family grow, it is more amazing knowing the opportunity for a better life we can now have,” I say and I am rewarded with applauses.After that, the party continues and everyo
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