All Chapters of Rouges and Rebound: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
32 Chapters
Chapter 1
Cassandra’s POVI spot him coming from a distance and quickly duck my head; it would not benefit me if I am caught especially when his face has ‘bloody murder’ written all over it. I quietly move through the crowd of graduation gowns making sure to keep my cap on so he doesn’t recognize me from the back of my head.“Cassandra Collins!” he suddenly bellows and half the hall turns to look at him, I also turn and almost choke from laughter. He might look very pissed, but you have to give me props for originality. Parker is standing in his suit, a glare in his eyes which are trained at me, and bright red hair. I quickly put my hand over my mouth to hide my laugh, he looks just like I imagined. The red hair gives his anger the perfect flare it needs.“Don’t you dare laugh!” Parker yells and comes charging at me. That’s my cue to get out of here. I immediately turn around and start running through the unhelpful crowd of students. You would think that given the situation they would make a pa
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Chapter 2
Cassandra’s POVThere is a screeching sound and I turn to the stage just as the principal starts speaking, “Welcome graduating class of 2023 and well-wishers. We are delighted to see such cheerful faces and graduation gowns, congratulations on making it this far,” the hall erupts in applause and she smiles, “Without further ado, I will like to introduce our guest speaker, Aidan, he will be standing in for our Alpha.”We start clapping again and I look around so I can get a glimpse of Aidan as he walks towards the stage. He is the Alpha’s son and the most sort after bachelor in the pack, even I was not immune to his charm. I have always had a bit of a crush on him though I doubt he would ever notice me. Someone as handsome, talented, and highly placed as him could never know about a nobody like me. Parker thinks my crush on him is deranged.I catch sight of him as he passes the row where I am seated and I breathe in his heavenly scent of pine wood and musk, for some reason today it is
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Chapter 3
Cassandra’s POVGrandmother suddenly leans forward, “Does this new-found happiness have anything to do with Parker?” she gives me a mischievous smile and I make a face, “Oh don’t make that face, it’s about time you both got together.”“He is not even my mate,” I tell her.“How would you know, you are not the moon goddess,” she fires back.I open my mouth to reply and stop, no point replying that.After dinner I head to my room where I can watch the street for Aidan from my window without grandmother intruding. Why isn’t he here yet? It’s getting dark, should I be worried?My phone dings and I pick it up to see a message from Parker, it’s a video file with the caption ‘One day as his mate and you are going to parties together’ he ends with a winking emoji. I open the video file to see it is a short clip of Aidan chugging down alcohol, there is a brunette on his arm with her back towards the camera. I don’t like how close they seem.I immediately send Parker a text stating that it is no
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Chapter 4
Cassandra’s POVI am fortunately spared from their questions; they would pick up immediately that something was wrong and bug me about it till I tell them. I can imagine how heartbroken they would look when I tell them what happened.I stop at the door and turn to Parker, “Thank you, you should go home now I don’t want your parents getting worried.”Parker replies by closing the door behind him, “I already sent my dad a text that I am staying the night,” I look at him in surprise and he shrugs, “You need me, I can’t leave you alone by yourself tonight.”The sincerity on his face forces the first tear out and before I know it I am a crying mess, “Thank you,” I say between sobs and Parker tries to get me to calm down but it’s like a dam broke as the pain washes over me in waves. Parker immediately leads me to my room so I don’t wake up my grandparents.“I…I…can’t believe he said that,” I sob and Parker wraps his arms around me, we just stand in the middle of my room as I cry and curse A
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Chapter 5
When I wake up Parker is gone, I sit up and rub my tired eyes. I am not motivated to do anything today and I sigh knowing I am going to have to tell my grandparents the bad news, grandma would be so broken she had always enjoyed talking about how many great grandkids she expected from me once I found my mate.Forcing myself out of bed I head downstairs, I am at the final step when there is a knock on the door, “Cassandra honey if that is you get the door,” my grandma calls from the kitchen and I trudge to the door. I open it to see two serious looking men bearing down on me.“Can I help you?” I say suddenly feeling intimidated under their glares.“Cassandra Collins?” one of the men asks and I nod, “Your presence is needed in relation to your mate, Aidan,” he tells me and I hear a gasp behind me.I turn to see my grandmother behind me her eyes as wide as saucers, “You are mated to the Alpha’s son?” she asks with glee, “Oh this is wonderful news,” she gushes but no one shares her sentim
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Chapter 6
Parker POV (the night before)I hear noise from the living room, it should be Cassandra’s grandmother probably getting an early root tea as is her usual routine, but the whoever is down there does not smell like Cassandra’s grandmother. The person smells familiar yet not too familiar. Something is not right.Slowly I ease Cassandra off me and step out of her room quietly. I walk down the stairs gently, they are probably expecting me, they should have smelled me coming already. I pause at the end stairs contemplating if I can take on these wolves, I have not done this before and the air is very tense. I should probably alert Cassandra’s grandparents.I turn around to head back up the stairs when I hear, “Where are you going Parks,” the sneer is obvious in his voice. I turn around to see three wolves smirking at me.“W…what are you doing here. Trespassing is a crime,” my voice is shaky, these are not just any wolves. These are elite pack warriors; I know them because they work alongside
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Chapter 7
Casaandra’s POVI wake up later that evening and prepare to go back to work. I should probably be worried how routine and mundane my life has become but I have come to not care, I have Lydia to worry all about it for me.“You are a twenty-year-old girl in your prime, you should get out more!”The woman is always nagging me about something, if she was not my only friend, I would have probably avoided her like Gerta.I stuff my uniform into my bag and head out the door. The first person I encounter is Gerta with another plate of…is that supposed to be pie, “Miss Casaandra, I am so happy I caught you. You see I felt a bout of inspiration this afternoon and baked this, I got the recipe from my Nigerian friend. She says it is called meat pie.”“Oh, that sounds amazing and it would probably taste great but I have to get to work,” I say trying to side step her but the old woman blocks my path. Come on granny move!“You just have to taste it, I need your honest opinion,” she pushes the plate
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Chapter 8
Cassandra’s POVI spend the next two days on a sick leave, which Harold was happy to grant. Lydia made a joke of how I have the man by his monetary balls when he allowed me take two days off, hopefully two days away from there should be enough to get that man off my scent. Hopefully.On the third day I resume work bright and early with an equally bright countenance but very dodgy eyes. I could not help it, I was searching for any sign of the man from before, one wrong move from a passerby and I was ducking under my hoodie. My point is, getting to work was an arduous journey.When I do get to work I breath a massive sigh of relief. I spot Lydia the same time she spots me.“Welcome…woah, what the hell are you wearing?” Lydia covers her nose with a frown.“What are you talking about,” I ask innocently, she raises her brow in disbelief. Of course, I know what she is talking about. My sensitive nose kept sneezing nonstop this morning when I first applied it, my bright idea to avoid the ‘bi
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Chapter 9
Ray’s POVOver the years I have come across a lot of rogues, the dodgy ones, the ones you should avoid completely. But I have never met a rogue as clumsy or as obvious as Cassandra, it is like she is asking to be discovered.I remember the first day I walked into the restaurant, she looked like a deer caught in the headlight, literally. Her eyes went as wide as saucers and she pretty much fell out of her chair to get away drawing people’s attention to her.“So, what are we eating. I’m famished,” Gray walks in as a second after. I glance at him; he would be too focused on his empty stomach to notice the wolf smell in the room.“Well?” Gray pushes when I don’t react. I am busy watching her friend hurry after her.“Find us a table, I’ll be back,” I tell him and walk to the door they both hurried through, a glance around tells me no one is focusing on me so I walk through. My ear puck up their voices from a room down the hall and I walk towards it, I am at the door when it suddenly opens.
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Chapter 10
Cassandra’s POVRay is starting to drive me crazy, and no, it is not in that good i-am-getting-feelings-for-him way. The man is literally running circles around my mental health, since that he has come to the restaurant every single day. But that is not the confusing part, Ray has done nothing but order food or drinks, flirt with Lydia some more, and then leave. No mention of my pack or questions on why I am living among humans. I just know he is toying with me, hence the reason I have gone to great lengths to avoid him.“We are totally getting in bed soon,” Lydia swoons as we clock out for the day. We step out of the locker room and I give her an unamused look, “What?”“Don’t be ridiculous Lydia, that guy is bad news,” I tell her as we step out of the restaurant, I breathe in the fresh evening air. I am mentally and physically exhausted and I need to rest.“You say that but I see the opposite, I am a bit of an expert reading men Cassie,” she defends and it takes everything in me not
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