All Chapters of My Boss’ Secret Is My Undoing!: Chapter 271 - Chapter 280
348 Chapters
Chapter 271
Before long, Frederick was battered and bruised. There was not a single part of his body that was untouched. Shane stepped on his head, and sneered down at him with disdain."Weren't you acting pretty cocky earlier? Threatening to wipe us all out?" Shane taunted. "Look at you now! You're a sorry sight!"The crowd burst into laughter. They mocked and ridiculed Frederick, as if venting out all the fear he had instilled in them moments ago.Jennifer's eyes brimmed with hot tears. Her body trembled as she sobbed. She hadn't expected Frederick to go this far for her. If it weren't for her, he might have slaughtered Shane and his gang long ago. It was her fault that Frederick was in this mess!"I almost forgot about you, woman!" Shane approached her and grabbed her chin. He grinned coldly, and said, "It seems you're quite useful! You can make a man willingly give up everything for you and endure all this humiliation! But now, your usefulness has come to an end..." With a swift move
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Chapter 272
Shane was so shocked, his jaw nearly fell to the ground. This couldn't be happening! He had clearly shattered all of Frederick's bones! So much so, not even the best Miracle Healer could save him! Why? Why was he now standing before him, unscathed? And how did he manage to snatch Jennifer away with lightning speed?"Ms. York, don't worry. I'll make those who bullied you pay a hundredfold," Frederick said with a faint smile. He popped his fingers back into place one by one, each time making a crisp sound."You're really okay? It's impossible! I saw you being beaten half to death just now..." Jennifer couldn't believe what she was seeing. She quickly reached out to touch Frederick's body, finding no injuries at all. He was fine, just like how he was when he first arrived. There were a few bloodstains, but nothing more. "You're not hurt at all!" Jennifer gasped in disbelief.Shane approached them with a menacing look. "How did you do it? I made sure you were utterly ruined!"F
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Chapter 273
"Mr. Smith was a Sovereign Grandmaster! But he…died just like that?!"Everyone's eyes were almost popping out of their sockets, unable to believe what they were seeing. Meanwhile, Frederick placed Jennifer to the side. Then, he stood with his hands behind his back and calmly walked out. "Now, it's time to settle the score." Jennifer felt a bit apprehensive. "Frederick, don't do anything foolish. We can hand them over to the authorities." Frederick smirked coldly. "The Smiths control the judiciary of Aston. They're in charge of the entire legal system in this state. If even the law is under their control, can it be trusted? Since the law can't punish you, I'll act as the law and deliver justice!" Frederick raised his hand, and brought it down swiftly through the air. The force unleashed seemed enough to overturn the heavens, immediately killing a swath of people. His action instantly turned the area into a sea of corpses.Even the many Savant Grandmasters on the scene had no
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Chapter 274
Jennifer cried out like she had been electrocuted, then quickly covered her lips. Her cheeks were slightly flushed. She gave Frederick an annoyed look, and snapped, "Since you came all the way to rescue me, I won't hold it against you. But if you dare touch me like that again, I won't be so nice!" Frederick grinned. "You said the same thing last time, and nothing happened to me, right?" "You!" Jennifer trembled with anger, then suddenly changed the subject. "Right. You've killed so many Smiths. What if they come after us? You should hurry up and contact Jasmine. After all, she's part of the Smiths. Her words still carry weight." The Smith family was a prominent family in Aston State, and Christopher was the head of the judiciary. Offending them would bring trouble to both of them. Prospera Corporation might even go bankrupt because of it! "Ms. York, have you ever thought that if the Smiths were to disappear completely, we wouldn't have so much trouble?" Frederick narrowed
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Chapter 275
"Do me a favor and give this matter a rest, okay?" Keith said expressionlessly. "We've been watching the Smith family's antics, but we've kept quiet out of respect for Christopher. But this time, you've gone too far!" Jennifer was somewhat surprised, and exclaimed, "Liana Yarborough? I remember her. She's the wealthy heiress who stood up for Frederick at our last product launch event!" She hadn't expected Liana to come to their aid again at such a crucial moment. It was truly a stroke of luck! Jennifer couldn't help but smile with relief. "Frederick, this is great news. We're saved!" Since it was a prestigious family from the Northern Frontier, dealing with the Smiths would be easy, right? Peter's fierce expression immediately vanished, replaced by a disgruntled look. "Did our family members die in vain?" "We'll compensate for your losses. The Yarborough family will make sure of that. You should stop now," Keith said. The arrogant Peter suddenly looked crestfallen, evid
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Chapter 276
At this moment, Jennifer's words came straight from her heart. She didn't want Frederick to die, no matter how much she usually looked down on this low-level employee. When it came to this man, there was a strange reluctance inside her. She didn't want to admit whether it was love or not, but one thing was for sure: Frederick had carved out a place in her heart.Upon hearing her words, Frederick chuckled. "Ms. York, thank you for your concern." Then, he walked over to where Peter was standing.Peter arrogantly lifted his chin and said, "Go on and kneel! I couldn't complete the task assigned to me, so I'll at least take a picture of you kneeling to keep it as a memento forever."Jennifer's face changed dramatically. "A picture? That wasn't part of the deal!" "What, can't I add a condition on the spot?" Peter smirked. "I'll get the family to frame it and hang it in the most prominent spot in our residence. That way, every guest who walks in can witness this scene clearly!"Th
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Chapter 277
Frederick's words were resounding and powerful. It left Jennifer momentarily stunned. Keith hurried forward to inspect Peter's condition, only to find that the latter was completely lifeless."He's dead…?" Keith's eyes widened in disbelief. Peter was, after all, a formidable figure of the Smiths’ older generation. He was a Sovereign Grandmaster at his peak—and he was felled by just a few slaps from Frederick!Killing Peter in front of Keith was also disrespecting the Yarborough family. But now, even Keith himself seemed hesitant. He was afraid to take unnecessary risks. It was just a one-in-a-million chance, but what if he wasn't a match for Frederick?The thought made Keith suppress his unease and feign disdain. "Who would have thought that the strongest of the Smith family from back then would end up so useless now? Imagine, to have been brought down by just a few slaps!"Disparaging Peter was necessary to shift the blame from Frederick and onto Peter himself. It made it so
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Chapter 278
"Try barking like a dog a couple of times," Frederick tried.Without hesitation, Christopher immediately dropped to the ground and started imitating a dog's sounds perfectly. "Woof! Woof!"Frederick was stunned.Was this the same man who used to strut around with his hands in his pockets, pretending to be indifferent to everything?Damn—when a person degraded themselves, they really went all out!"In consideration of the fact that you're Jasmine's brother, I won't kill you." Frederick took out his phone, and captured this ridiculous scene with a smirk. "However, a little punishment is necessary.""What are you going to do?" Christopher looked up with a horrified expression. He felt a sense of foreboding at Frederick's words."Tell me… If I send this photo to Aston's media, do you think it'll go viral?" Frederick asked with a sly smile.Christopher's hair stood on end, feeling desperate. "You can't send it! If you do, m-my reputation will be completely ruined! I won't have a fut
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Chapter 279
Jennifer only put up token resistance for a moment before letting her hands fall, her eyes shimmering with emotion."Frederick, you're finally acting like a man for once."That night was destined to be extraordinary.-Frederick only woke up the next evening. He groggily looked around to find their clothes strewn all over the floor from last night. They were torn to bits, indicating just how intense things had been.Getting out of bed, Frederick realized that Jennifer was nowhere to be found. There was only a note on the table.[To the most shameless bastard in the world,[Let's pretend last night never happened. I won't spare you if you dare utter a word about it!]Frederick chuckled."This icy woman clearly seduced me first. But in the end, I'm the bad guy."He couldn't help but reminisce about last night. The feelings he experienced when Jennifer was active in bed compared to when she was passive was truly different. It was the first time in his life he had enjoyed such tr
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Chapter 280
When Frederick saw Sylvia's state, his eyes stung.Cyrus passed away when he was just five years old. It was Sylvia who tirelessly raised both him and his sister. She worked tirelessly day and night. She went from being a star dancer in the ballroom and living a life of luxury, to willingly becoming a laborer. Her hands, once soft and tender, were now calloused and rough from hard work. It wasn't easy. Truly, it was incredibly tough! A mother's love was the greatest love in the world. It was far more important than any girlfriend or best friend!"Mom, today is an important day for our family. Look at you, crying so much! Dad wouldn't be happy if he saw you like this from up above," Frederick quickly tried to comfort her.His words finally managed to stop Sylvia's tears. She wiped her eyes, and forced a smile. "Right! I can't let your father think I've become a resentful woman. I have to go meet him with a smile on my face."As usual, Frederick took Sylvia on their electric sc
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