All Chapters of My Boss’ Secret Is My Undoing!: Chapter 291 - Chapter 300
348 Chapters
Chapter 291
It was only then that the Smith family members noticed the young man beside Jasmine.One of them raised an eyebrow disdainfully. "Who are you?"Jasmine's face turned pale. "Frederick…""Hush. Stay out of this!" Frederick intervened decisively. "Are all of you from the Smith family? Have you ever asked Christopher how he lost?"They exchanged glances, and snorted. "Christopher tarnished our family's reputation and dignity, but that’s a private family matter. It’s none of your business, you filthy little nobody!"The truth was that when Christopher returned to the Smith family, he blamed Organization V for his failure. He never mentioned Frederick. So, the Smith family members were still clueless about Frederick's involvement."None of my business?" Frederick smirked. "Well, you don't seem to know yet. Anyway, you're not taking her away!""Are you kidding? We're from the Smith family of Centropolis! Even if we wanted to take away the mayor of Mirage City, it would be a piece of ca
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Chapter 292
The impact sent the man flying through the air, blood and flesh splattering everywhere.The remaining Smiths were dumbfounded. "Are these people crazy? They're showing no respect for the Smiths!"Maxwell was livid. He gritted his teeth, and shouted, "Get out! Let's take them on!""But sir, we left in a hurry this time. We only have two Savant Grandmasters with us, and they're only Aflon Grandmasters. There are at least dozens of cars and hundreds of people on their side!" one of the Smiths advised earnestly.With the people they had, they might not win against such numbers. More importantly, they would all face punishment if they couldn't get Jasmine back on time.Maxwell furrowed his brow. "Quickly, get everyone out. If this road is blocked, we'll find another way. We need to leave Mirage City as soon as possible!"He refused to believe that these people could block all possible routes! But as soon as their cars changed lanes, a tide of black Mercedes-Benz cars swarmed in like
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Chapter 293
"Mr. Lester? You mean Frederick?" Maxwell felt uneasy. How could a mere employee have the authority to mobilize both the criminal and legal forces in Mirage City?"I refuse to believe he's all-powerful! The Smiths have some influence in the military! We'll have the military send someone to pick us up!" Maxwell's expression turned fierce. "We have a good relationship with General Collines. Inform him to send military vehicles to pick us up!""Yes, sir!" A Smith family member immediately dialed Liam Collins's office.After a few rings, a rugged voice answered, "This is General Collins from the military district. Is that you, Maxwell?""Yes, General Collins. I've encountered a few hooligans causing trouble in Mirage City. Can you send military vehicles to pick us up?"Liam readily agreed. "No problem. They're just some small fries. I'll send a platoon with three military vehicles right away. Let's see who dares to stop military vehicles!"Maxwell was overjoyed. "I'll definitely in
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Chapter 294
Maxwell was livid. "How did you do this?!"Frederick narrowed his eyes. "Do I owe you an explanation? I'll give you half an hour to leave Mirage City. Otherwise, I guarantee you won't be able to walk out of here!"Upon hearing this threat, everyone was terrified."Sir, let's just go!""As long as we're alive, there'll be other chances to deal with him when we get back to Centropolis.""We shouldn't fight on another man's home ground! He has too many advantages!"Hearing this, Maxwell suppressed his anger and demanded, "What's your relationship with Jasmine? Are you willing to confront our family for her? Do you know the family she's engaged to? It’s a powerful family with immense influence! Do you really want to offend two powerful families at once?"Frederick shrugged. "Even if I offend twenty powerful families at once, what does it matter? I could take on two hundred of you!"Maxwell was about to explode with rage. He asked again, "What's your relationship with Jasmine? You'r
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Chapter 295
Frederick squinted, and added nonchalantly, "Ms. Smith, why are you just standing there? Go ahead and sleep, or you'll be wasting my three hundred bucks for nothing!" Jasmine's face was burning. "I'm not that kind of easy woman! Frederick, what do you take me for?"Even though she flirted a lot, she couldn't just let a man have his way with her like this. Especially not Frederick, who didn't understand women's thoughts at all. Things should progress gradually! How could he be so direct?!Frederick chuckled. "No, I really meant just sleeping. Just lie down and sleep."Jasmine was dumbfounded. "Are you talking about that kind of sleeping?"Was his idea of sleeping not about intimate relations between a man and a woman?!"What else?" Frederick scratched his ear, and shrugged. "If we don't do this, how can we fool those old Smith fogies? They should be almost gone by now, but we shouldn't waste the money. Let's just sleep for a bit before leaving."Jasmine was furious. "Frederick
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Chapter 296
In truth, Frederick didn't leave the room because of Jasmine's angry outburst. Instead, it was because he had received a call from Seiryu.Seiryu reported, "The operation against the Lesters has begun. Within three days, we will shut down all of their industries. We're also keeping an eye on Tyrell and Barrett's families."Frederick nodded slowly. "Good! Leave Atticus alone for now. I suspect he wasn't aware of this back then."Seiryu was momentarily surprised, then chuckled meaningfully. "Lord Hades, it seems you've truly changed.""What do you mean?" Frederick was puzzled."If it were before, the Lesters wouldn't have lasted five minutes once you learned about their conspiracy. You would have ordered us to wipe out Tyrell and Barrett's families immediately," Seiryu said.Frederick held the title of the Northern Tyrant, and it wasn't because of a joke. It was built upon countless corpses and bones!Frederick smirked. "Actually, you're mistaken. I haven't changed. I just think t
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Chapter 297
Jennifer's blood pressure spiked at his words. She took a deep breath before replying, "What else do you want? Don't forget that back then, you wanted me to marry the Tiger Faction's heir. But now, the Tiger Faction is no more! Alec's whereabouts are unknown, and his son died in the hospital."Xavier chuckled. "Times change, my dear! I'm sure you've heard about what's been happening in Mirage City recently, right? The Campbell family, our long-time competitors in Savant Arts, were wiped out by an unknown force! The Great Four Warrior Clans have become three!"In this power vacuum, another family has risen—the Gallaghers! Their company, Gallagher Enterprise, has become the fastest-growing enterprise in Mirage City."And that's not all! I heard that one of the Gallaghers' ancestors has reached the peak level of a Sovereign Grandmaster. They have surpassed the other three ancient families!"Xavier grinned. "The Gallaghers' heir, Zion, is very interested in cooperating with our com
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Chapter 298
Zacharias was shocked and panicked. "Dad, please, I misspoke! Please don't mind me! The decision to dump her mother's ashes in the river is entirely up to you! I have no objections!"He had been brought up with a silver spoon in his mouth. He wouldn't be able to survive if he left the York family! Even if there was still a shred of affection for Jennifer's mother in him, it paled in comparison to his current indulgent lifestyle. What did dumping a woman's ashes in a stinky gutter matter compared to being kicked out of the York family and losing his livelihood?Zacharias's meek and submissive demeanor instantly infuriated Jennifer. She roared, "Zacharias! If you can sell out your deceased wife, do you even have any humanity left?"She couldn't believe she carried the tainted blood of such a person in her veins. "How dare you speak to me that way?!" Zacharias was also beside himself with anger. "If it weren't for your repeated resistance to our family's arrangements, would you
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Chapter 299
Feeling helpless, Frederick stood alone at her doorstep and shouted, "Ms. York, I know you're in there! Can you please come out and talk to me? "Why do you want a divorce? Please explain! If it's because of me, I'll apologize and make things right! If you dislike me, just come out and tell me directly! You call me to say you want a divorce without giving any reasons! How can I accept it willingly? "Even murderers are given a reason for their crime! You can't leave me in the dark like this!"Frederick continued to question, but Jennifer seemed deaf to his pleas. She ignored him completely, without even stepping out to respond. Despite his impassioned words outside, she remained shut indoors.Deciding to ignore everything else, Frederick stood there and declared, "Don't worry, I won't barge into your home! I'll wait here until you come out and give me an answer! I won't leave this place until I hear from you!"Watching from behind the balcony curtains, Jennifer sighed softly. "How
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Chapter 300
"Frederick? Why are you still here?" Jennifer stood rooted to the spot, dumbfounded. Her brain was blank as she looked at Frederick in disbelief.Did he spend the entire night out in that torrential rainstorm?!Oh, god!"I told you that as long as you didn't come out to explain to me, I’d stay out here!" Frederick said; he remained unmoved, his gaze still firm and resolute, nary a hint of hesitation.In an instant, tears welled up in Jennifer's eyes. Her defenses completely shattered at his words. She threw herself into Frederick's arms and pounded his chest desperately, her voice trembling with sobs."Why are you so stupid?! It's not worth risking your life for me!""It's worth it!" Frederick said each word firmly. "Jennifer, you're my everything! There might be millions of women in the world, but I only want you!"Jennifer couldn't hold back anymore. Tears streamed down her face as she cried, "Am I really worth it?"At that moment, she wasn't the cold and aloof CEO of a lis
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