All Chapters of My Boss’ Secret Is My Undoing!: Chapter 281 - Chapter 290
348 Chapters
Chapter 281
"It was leveled?"Sylvia was completely blindsided by the news. She staggered, and almost lost her balance.Worst of all, these people had actually used Cyrus's remains as the foundation for a resort! They had used the corpses of the coal miners for the sake of improving their business!Wasn't that crossing the line?"How could you do this? You're even insulting the dead! Isn't this desecration?"She was so furious, she almost fainted on the spot."Mom!" Frederick shouted, rushing to support her. He channeled a bit of his inner aura to stabilize her pulse."Son, your father...your father's gone!" Sylvia sobbed."No! He's here!" Frederick's eyes hardened with determination. He took Sylvia, and strode into the resort.The security guards at the entrance wanted to stop them, but Frederick's icy glare froze them in their tracks."This guy looks serious. Maybe we should just let it go. It's better to avoid trouble.""Yeah, the grave's already leveled. What can these two do now?"
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Chapter 282
When Frederick heard that, his expression turned cold. "You used my father's remains in the foundation of this place. You let thousands of people trample over him every day, and now, you won't even let us pay our respects? Your boss has some nerve!"He had planned to finish his prayer before dealing with these people. But since they were picking a fight first, he wasn't going to hold back.The burly man sneered, "Your old man's bones are worthless trash. They were polluting this place. Our boss just made good use of them. He gave your father's remains a new purpose. You should be grateful, you ungrateful wretches!"Frederick shot back, "In that case, maybe I'll repurpose your bones and use them as fertilizer for my father."The burly man was furious. "What a foul mouth! Get this punk! And while you're at it, cut out his tongue!"A mob of security guards rushed at Frederick.Sylvia screamed in panic, "Don't hurt my son!"As soon as she spoke, dozens of screams filled the air. T
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Chapter 283
Before Bradley could finish his sentence, Frederick swiftly grabbed him by the head.Frederick slammed Bradley to the ground, dragging him along the ground for several hundred meters. Blood poured from his eyes, nose, and mouth."Y-You bastard! You ambushed—" Bradley screamed hysterically, trying to fight back. To his horror, he found himself completely overpowered by Frederick. It didn't matter how much power Bradley summoned to retaliate. He couldn't do anything. Frederick had him pinned, and was pummeling him mercilessly."Honor? Then let me honor you by burying your head in the ground!" Frederick snarled. His eyes gleamed with a cold glint.Insulting one's loved ones would provoke even the calmest person—and Frederick was the Dark Monarch! When angered, the strongest man alive would leave a trail of devastation!"Oh my god! Am I seeing things? Bradley’s getting his head smashed in!""Bradley is a Savant Grandmaster! How can this be happening?""They're both Savant Grandmas
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Chapter 284
The bespectacled lackey was sent flying in a perfect arc. He landed headfirst into the ground, buried up to his shoulders. He couldn't move a muscle!Frederick looked up, his eyes narrowed. "Anyone who doesn't apologize will be sent to the afterlife to beg for forgiveness from my father personally!"His gaze sent chills through everyone around, and they felt as though they had been plunged into an icy abyss.Marcus's expression turned grim, his rosary bracelet nearly crumbling under his furious grip."Boss, that kid just single-handedly took down Bradley!" a subordinate behind him whispered urgently. "Even though we outnumber him, we might not win!"With those words, reality hit Marcus like a bucket of cold water."Bradley once took on thirty thugs from a rival gang single-handedly, and wiped the floor with them. He was the top fighter in the resort! And you’re telling me this kid crushed him before he even had a chance to fight back?!"If we go against him, all my men combine
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Chapter 285
"Is killing people something to be proud of? If you're so tough, then go ahead and kill us all! We're not afraid of you!!"The elderly man's relatives were especially furious. They shouted at the top of their lungs, as if they were willing to risk their lives just to curse Frederick.Others joined in, pointing fingers and spitting more insults. Sylvia looked troubled. She wanted to explain, but was unable to drown out the insults and accusations.Frederick remained unfazed. He walked over to where the elderly man lay, and bent down slightly.Marcus immediately exclaimed, "What are you doing? Are you not satisfied with how much you've harmed the old man? Now you even want to kick him while he's down?"The relatives clenched their fists, and stood in Frederick's way. They were burning with anger, and shouted, "You're worse than a beast! You've already caused our father to suffer so much, and now you want to humiliate him? If you want to touch him, you'll have to step over our dead b
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Chapter 286
"This place used to be a coal mine, and there are still many residual heavy metal pollutants underground. Once inhaled by humans, it can cause various adverse reactions. It can even lead to shock-induced death. If you don't believe it, you can bring someone with detection equipment to test it yourself."Frederick's words immediately caused an uproar in the crowd."What? So the old man's illness wasn't caused by some ominous thing after all, but by these harmful gases!""This damn resort! They deceived us with promises of lush landscapes and scenic beauty, claiming it was a natural paradise. Turns out, it's just a refurbished heavy industrial pollution zone!""They've been leading us on! We almost accused the wrong person!"In an instant, everyone turned their anger towards Marcus. Many enraged individuals were on the verge of rushing up to beat him. It was a good thing his bodyguards were there to protect him, or he would have surely been mobbed to death instantly."Boss, we ne
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Chapter 287
Seeing this, Marcus was completely floored. It felt like he'd just been hit by a truck. He stood there, totally in shock.Did these two know each other?!Sheldon burst into hearty laughter on the spot."So it's you, Fred! I was wondering who had the guts and skill to turn Marcus's fancy resort into a total madhouse. Only someone with your talents could pull that off!"Frederick chuckled. "What brings you here, Shel? What's going on?""Nothing much, just some scoundrel trying to drive a wedge between us. We almost fell for it!"In a flash, Sheldon yanked Marcus off his feet, holding him up like he weighed nothing. With a fierce glare, he snarled, "Do you have any idea how tight Fred and I are? Do you think you can just pile baseless accusations on him and play me for a fool? Think again!"Marcus was now scared out of his wits, his face ashen."N-No... I... Mr. York, have mercy!"He was so frightened that a yellow liquid started flowing down his lower body."Mercy? You've been
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Chapter 288
Marcus protested in a pitiful tone, "I know this is a terrible thing to do, and it's bound to bring bad karma. But we're talking about the Lesters! They're one of the Great Four Warrior Clans in Mirage City. How could I dare to refuse them?"Sylvia was stunned to hear it. "The Lesters did this? Those monsters! Cyrus shares their blood, but... How could they be so heartless?"Frederick took a deep breath, but he couldn't contain his fury any longer."Bastards, all of them! I'm going to take them down! I'll leave no one standing!" Every cell in his body was roaring with rage. How could he not avenge the desecration of his father's grave?Sheldon's expression was serious as he cautioned, "Fred, I don't know what your exact relationship is with the Lesters, but they're one of the most powerful forces around here. It's best to be careful. I understand your need for revenge, but you need to gather enough strength first. Otherwise, you're just throwing your life away."Sylvia also plea
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Chapter 289
Melanie pouted, then said seriously, "After days of investigating, I've finally uncovered some clues about your situation."The Organization V member in Mirage City is a mysterious figure known as Ms. L. She was behind Jennifer's kidnapping, and supported the Smith family to oppose you. After Christopher's failure, Ms. L vanished again. I still can't find any trace of her."Frederick had already heard this from Christopher, and it matched what Melanie was saying. "What else?" he asked, his eyes flashing coldly.Melanie straightened up, and continued, "The coal mine accident years ago was orchestrated by Tyrell and Barrett Lester. They used heavy explosives and three Bathos Grandmasters to bury your father underground.""Are they the only ones involved in it?" Frederick's face now showed a fierce intent to kill. He had long suspected that the Lesters had a hand in this. Even though Cyrus had been crippled, as the former heir, his call to arms would still have rallied many follow
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Chapter 290
"What an impressive feat! Frederick managed to kill the Smiths' top warrior just by slapping him a few times?" Liana murmured with a smile, holding a glass of red wine in one hand and petting her dog with the other. "This man keeps surprising me."Keith was sweating profusely, and he said, "My lady, this is no ordinary feat! Killing a peak Sovereign Grandmaster with a few slaps? That's enough to cause a sensation in Aston!"Aston State wasn't like the Northern Frontier. Across Drakonia, Savant Grandmasters were rare, and a Sovereign Grandmaster could dominate an entire region. Yet Frederick, barely in his twenties, had effortlessly slain one.Swirling her glass, Liana said calmly, "If I'm not mistaken, he must know my fiancé! He might even be one of his subordinates."Only someone connected to Hades could have such astonishing talent and audacity."Keith, dig up everything about him! I want to know everything about him!" she ordered. "No one who can kill a Sovereign Grandmaster
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