All Chapters of My Boss’ Secret Is My Undoing!: Chapter 301 - Chapter 310
348 Chapters
Chapter 301
As soon as Frederick finished speaking, he vanished without a trace. Jennifer was left standing there, lost and disoriented, her delicate fingers dangling awkwardly in the air. Her emotions were a whirlwind, and she didn't know what to say. Maybe, just maybe… There was a glimmer of hope?-For Frederick, dealing with Jennifer's situation would have to wait until the day after tomorrow. Today, there was something else that demanded his immediate attention. It was time to settle the score with the Lesters!Frederick had kept his plans a secret from everyone, even his mother Sylvia. This was his personal vendetta.At three in the afternoon, the Lester residence was bustling with people. Today was the naming ceremony of Barrett's granddaughter.Two months ago, Jocelyn married into a wealthy family from another region. Although her husband's family wasn't skilled in fighting, they were financial tycoons with significant political connections, which promised great benefits for t
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Chapter 302
When Frederick displayed Cyrus's portrait, no one was more infuriated than Atticus."Frederick, what do you think you're doing? Put that picture away right now!" Atticus roared. "Today is a joyous occasion! How could you bring such an ominous thing here?! Are you deliberately trying to disgust us?!"Barrett was livid. He practically exploded as he screamed, "Guards! Get that cursed portrait out of here!"Bringing out the portrait of a dead person in a celebration like this was a severe omen for the family. The Lesters were very superstitious, so they feared something like this happening the most."You dare?" Frederick's icy gaze froze the approaching guards in their tracks. They felt as if they were hit by a chill straight from the Antarctic, and were paralyzed with fear.Barrett stomped his foot in frustration. "Useless fools! What do we even pay you for?""Barrett, calm down! This isn't how the future head of the Lester family should act!" Atticus's stern shout made Barrett fal
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Chapter 303
Barrett screamed as his finger was suddenly mangled, his entire body convulsing with pain. In a frenzy, he lunged at Frederick. "You bastard! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!!"Frederick didn't even look up. His leg lashed out swiftly, shattering Barrett's kneecap on impact. Barrett collapsed, his legs broken beneath him, wailing in agony. His fury turned into nothing but desperate, hysterical screams.The Lesters were all stunned. Barrett was the second son of the Lester family. Despite his mediocre talent, he had reached the pinnacle of the Bathos Grandmaster level at over fifty years old. It was thanks to Atticus's rigorous training and the family's vast resources that he had achieved such a feat. He was nearly on par with Atticus, a Sovereign Grandmaster.And yet, Frederick had taken him down with a single kick. Was he even human?!Atticus was equally dumbfounded. He had expected Frederick's strength to be exceptional, but only reaching the peak of an Aflon Grandmaster at mo
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Chapter 304
Jacob and William usually kept a low profile. But this was a grand setting, and Frederick had openly challenged the honor of the Lester family. So, they had to exert the aura of true power to suppress Frederick.Yet Frederick remained unfazed. "So, you two are here to stop me?""No need for words!" Jacob snorted coldly. "If you think you can hang that traitor's portrait in our main hall, dream on! Does he deserve such recognition?"William said boldly, "That kind of scoundrel should be crushed to dust! His ashes should be buried under our family's floor, trodden upon daily by our descendants!""Frederick! Your father won't be the only one who I've taken down! You're next!" William continued arrogantly.Before they could finish their boastful words, a terrifying pressure suddenly swept over them. Startled, they looked up, desperately pushing out their inner aura in resistance. Yet, like a soft wind pushing against a hurricane, their efforts proved futile against this overwhelming f
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Chapter 305
"You're just a brat. I may be old, but I can crush you with one hand!" Atticus's eyes blazed with fury as he raised his massive hand, unleashing a tremendous pressure that collapsed the ground beneath Frederick.The younger members of the Lester family hurriedly retreated, fearing the fallout from the immense force.People murmured in awe and fear. It felt like the weight of at least a small hill! It was no wonder Atticus was a Sovereign Grandmaster! He was capable of such overwhelming power!Yet Frederick remained unfazed, letting the crushing pressure descend around him. He casually stretched his muscles and yawned."Grandfather, like I said, you're really old," he said nonchalantly. "You might as well go back and lie down. Don't waste your time here."Atticus was dumbfounded. He had put everything into that strike, unleashing one hundred percent of his Sovereign Grandmaster's inner aura. This move should have made Frederick kneel and submit. But now..."This is impossibl
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Chapter 306
"It seems your mouth is the only thing still working," Frederick said with a chuckle.He ignored the stunned expressions of the Lesters around him. To him, these so-called "relatives" were nothing more than enemies in disguise.Frederick turned his back on the furious Atticus and the dumbfounded family members. He walked alone to the main hall, carrying Cyrus's portrait. He hung it prominently in the center of the hall, then knelt and solemnly offered his respects.As he looked up at his father's image, he murmured, "Dad, we’re home. This time, we're not sneaking in. We walked in openly!"At that moment, Atticus barely managed to regain his composure. He stumbled over in a rage. "You brat! I won’t allow you to hang that traitor’s portrait in my home! It brings shame to our ancestors!"The other Lesters were equally enraged, and followed suit. "Yeah! Even if you beat us all, do you think we’ll just accept this? We’ll never allow Cyrus to return to this home!"Frederick turned,
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Chapter 307
[How exactly are we going to get someone else to do the dirty work?]Barrett smirked. [The best way? Get the old man to do it himself!][But wouldn’t he be reluctant? I mean, Cyrus is his favorite son, after all!][You don’t get it. Our father cares more about his reputation than anything else!] Barrett’s voice dripped with malice as he continued, [All we need is a story outrageous enough to make his blood boil, and he’ll handle the rest.]Before it even finished, Atticus’s fury exploded. He lunged at Barrett, and delivered a brutal kick.“You ungrateful son!”Barrett’s face turned ashen, and he spat out a mouthful of blood. He gasped, “Dad, it’s not true! It’s a lie! That brat faked the recording to deceive you!”“Do you think I can’t tell if it’s real or not?” Atticus roared, his anger uncontrollable. “I may be old, but I’m not senile! You two scoundrels conspired to deceive me!”Cyrus had never cursed Atticus. The story was a fabrication, a lie that had poisoned Atticus agai
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Chapter 308
"Atticus, get up. It's been fifty years since we last saw each other, right? You've aged so quickly," the two Grand Elders said calmly.Atticus was instantly moved. "It's been exactly fifty-two years. I never thought I'd have the honor of seeing you two again in my lifetime. What a blessing!"The news caused a stir among the Lesters. These two were known as the living legends of the Lester family—the ancient ancestors who, legend had it, founded the Lester family a thousand years ago alongside their predecessors. Later, they achieved immortality through a secret method. They usually stayed deep within the Lester family estate, only emerging in times of dire crisis.Even Atticus, a Sovereign Grandmaster, had only encountered them twice in his lifetime. Little did he expect that Frederick's appearance would draw them out this time."Are you two here to challenge me for the Lester family's honor?" Frederick asked. He faced the venerable Grand Elders with calm resolve, showing no f
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Chapter 309
Unfortunately, the Lesters had lost their chance forever.After leaving the Lester family's estate, Frederick seemed to vanish into thin air for two whole days.Soon, the agreed date between the York and Gallagher families arrived. On the outskirts of the city, Sunshine Garden was bustling with people, creating an extraordinary atmosphere.Prospera Corporation had mobilized sixteen senior members, including both family and corporate executives, for this collaboration. The Gallagher family, on the other hand, arrived in style with a fleet of Maybachs. Dozens of these luxury vehicles were parked in two neat rows, their headlights illuminating the entire construction site.Many impeccably suited Gallagher family executives graced the venue with their presence. Surprisingly, representatives from the other three ancient clans had also come."You know, the Great Four Warrior Clans of Mirage City have always been wary of each other and rarely appear together in public.""I can't bel
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Chapter 310
Upon seeing the clearly pallid face that spoke of excess indulgence, Jennifer instinctively felt a wave of disgust. Her eyebrows furrowed, and she refrained from shaking Zion's hand.When this scene unfolded, the atmosphere instantly grew tense.Wade frowned unhappily, and cleared his throat a few times. Xavier hurriedly said, "Jen, what are you doing?! If this gets out, everyone will think our family lacks manners!"Reluctantly, Jennifer raised her slender fingers and lightly brushed past Zion’s palm.This slight touch emitted a fragrance that only intensified Zion's excitement. He beamed. "It's alright! This is our first meeting, and it's normal for Ms. York to be distant. We'll take our time to build a relationship in the future."Wade chuckled. "Indeed. After today, we're all family! Matters of etiquette can be taught slowly!"Unexpectedly, Jennifer dropped a bombshell. "I'm sorry, but I'm already married. I can't get engaged to you."Her words hit like a thunderbolt, leavin
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