All Chapters of My Boss’ Secret Is My Undoing!: Chapter 311 - Chapter 320
348 Chapters
Chapter 311
"Frederick?"Instantly, everyone was stunned.Jennifer's face flushed unexpectedly. "He… He's really here!"She had warned him not to take risks, and not to joke with his own life. And yet, he still kept his word and appeared on time."Who's that?""Who cares?! He's stirring up trouble right in front of the York and Gallagher families. This is pure clickbait!""Yeah! This is prime material! Can't miss this!"Below, a swarm of paparazzi began snapping pictures furiously.Wade held his bloody head, furious. "No photos! Stop those paparazzi!"A group of black-suited bodyguards rushed towards the media area. However, Frederick had already silently moved into the crowd.Seeing Frederick, Zeke was furious and charged straight at him. He pointed at Frederick and screamed, "Frederick! What's a low-ranking grunt like you doing here? Only senior executives of the group are qualified to attend! Who do you think you are? Know your place!""You're so noisy!"Frederick slapped him across
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Chapter 312
The surroundings were eerily silent, and the crisp sound of bones cracking echoed loudly through the air.The Gallaghers were terrified, and some of them looked like they had lost their souls."Mr. Zion's head! His head..."Zion's head was completely deformed! A huge bloody part of his head had sunken in—it was a truly shocking sightAfter all, Zion was a Bathos Grandmaster! How could he be beaten into such a state by some loser?!Wade, for his part, looked dumbfounded. Then, his face twisted with fury."Let go of my son! If you don't, I'll wipe out your entire family!"Xavier's features contorted, and he shouted, "Frederick, don't say I didn't try to protect you! You've crossed the line and injured both the Yorks and Gallaghers! Even if you're killed here today, Prospera Corporation won't arrange your burial! Nor will we pay any compensation for your injuries!"The Gallaghers couldn't hold back their anger, and began cursing vehemently.Amidst the chaos, one clear voice rang
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Chapter 313
At the critical moment, Frederick finally relented. "Fine, I'll grant your wish. I'll release him."As the count reached "zero," Frederick grabbed Zion's head and clenched his fist. Zion's head was completely crushed in an instant, blood and brain matter scattered everywhere.Only then did Frederick release Zion, whose body fell limply to the ground.The sight shocked the Gallaghers, leaving them screaming in horror. Those with weaker resolve began to bend over and retch."Didn't you say you'd release my son?!" Wade's fury erupted, his hair standing on end and eyes wide with rage."I said I'd release him, but I didn't say in what manner. A person missing their head is still a person, right?" Frederick shrugged indifferently.His words greatly provoked the entire Gallagher family. It was a humiliating disgrace! A prestigious ancient clan like theirs, played in circles by a pretty boy!"Go to hell!"Wade's overwhelming power descended like a cataclysm, as if to crush Frederick
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Chapter 314
"You're wrong! The reason my family has achieved what we have today is because we have connections with the state government!" Wade felt infuriated and humiliated. He shouted at the Gallaghers, "Go! Invite the vice state governor, Mr. Loder, over here!" "The vice state governor?! You mean Gareth Loder?" The statement was like a sudden blow, causing the faces of the three family representatives to pale.In Aston State, the highest authority figure was the viceroy. However, he primarily oversaw military affairs. The ultimate authority in other matters rested with the state government. The state governor, along with five vice state governers, wielded immense power. One of the vice state governor, Gareth, happened to oversee the area that included Mirage City.Even the Mayor of Mirage City, Matthew, had to tread carefully in front of him, as a single word from Gareth could send him packing. Even the Zephyrs, known for their influence in business circles, had to show deference to
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Chapter 315
With this assurance, Wade immediately regained his composure. He tilted his head back and sneered. "So, I have to ask the representatives of the three families. Do I have enough prestige now?""Y-Yes! Of course!" the three men stammered nervously, sweat dripping down their foreheads."In that case, you wouldn't mind if I killed the Yorks and Frederick, right?" Wade continued, his tone challenging.Upon hearing this, the three men visibly trembled, unable to muster a response. They simply didn't have the courage to answer yes. Offending Gareth meant certain death, and offending Frederick was equally perilous. It was a lose-lose situation.Seeing their reaction, Wade was taken aback. Gareth was his cousin and the strongest backing he had. Why were these representatives still so afraid? Was it because of Frederick? He was just a little brat! Where did he come from, and why was he so skilled in combat?Frederick Lester, huh? Wait—was he someone from the Lester family, one of the
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Chapter 316
Wade saw his cousin's expression, and immediately sensed trouble. So, he hastily asked, "What's wrong, Gareth?"At that moment, Gareth looked as if half his soul had been sucked away. He stood frozen with vacant eyes and drenched in cold sweat. He ignored Wade's question completely."You small-time loser! What have you done to my cousin?!" Frederick smirked and retorted, "If you want to know, why don't you ask him yourself?""You brat! I'll kill you right now!" Wade erupted in anger.But in the next second, Gareth snapped out of his trance and slapped Wade hard across the face. "Shut up! You troublemaker!"The slap didn't hurt much physically for a Sovereign Grandmaster like Wade, but it shattered him emotionally."Gareth, why did you hit me? What did that brat tell you?" Wade was seething.Before he could get an answer, a fleet of Porsches suddenly stormed in from outside, surrounding the place completely."That's the Smith family of Centropolis!" someone gasped."Why would
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Chapter 317
"What, are you the only one allowed to charge into the execution grounds alone? Why can't I do the same?" Jasmine teased, her eyes gleaming with charm."How did you manage to mobilize the Smith family's resources and influence?" Frederick chuckled, curious.Jasmine tipped onto her toes, her voice playful and smile radiant. "You've got it all wrong. Despite the Smith family's meddling in my affairs, my grandfather still dotes on me. Since you drove away their people last time they sent them to Mirage City, they dare not send anyone without calling me first. Then Jen's incident came along, and I seized the opportunity to make some demands..."As the heiress of the Smith family, it was perfectly reasonable for her to mobilize their forces like this.Frederick smiled slightly. "I see."It seemed things were heading in a favorable direction!On the other side, Wade was facing intense pressure from the representatives of the three major clans.Finally, he lost his cool and dropped a
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Chapter 318
The Gallaghers looked at the rotting pile of flesh that used to be their family head. They could do nothing but grit their teeth and swallow their resentment. They knew all too well that they couldn't afford to offend the three ancient clans.Meanwhile, the survivors from the York family were still shaken from the ordeal. They confronted Frederick with anger and frustration. "Jinx! If the Smiths hadn't bailed you out, we would have been buried with you!"Even Xavier glared daggers at Frederick, his eyes burning with intense hatred. He looked as if he wanted to tear Frederick apart alive.Frederick smirked faintly. "What was that? I couldn't hear you. Say it again, I dare you."His words hit like thunder, instantly silencing the crowd. They were pale-faced and speechless, especially Zeke. He was trembling violently, his facial muscles twitching in fear. This guy was capable of crushing Zion's skull bare-handed—who would dare provoke him?!Meanwhile, Jennifer managed to break fr
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Chapter 319
The man trembled in fear. "Mr. Lester, that's not what I meant! I'm begging you"Teaching Frederick how to do things? Was he out of his mind to even attempt such a thing?!"If you're begging, you better do it properly!" Frederick said, with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.The man quickly understood, and said, "Mr. Lester, please rest assured. The family has already decided on Barrett's punishment! He'll be sentenced to death!"And though Tyrell is dead, we will still pursue his crimes from back then!"Not only that, Master Atticus has also said that there will always be a place for you in the Lester family. If you wish, you can reclaim your father's position and honor anytime!""No need for that. All I want is Barrett dead. Tomorrow, I want his head delivered to my house and personally handed to my mother. Got it?" Frederick said calmly.The man hesitated. "But the decision just came out. Tomorrow might be too...""Hmm?" Frederick's face darkened suddenly, shocking the man
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Chapter 320
"Reward?" Frederick narrowed his eyes slightly. "You want to reward me? It does sound enticing, but sorry, I'm not very interested in you."Upon hearing this, several Yarborough family servants in the car couldn't stay silent. They exploded in angry curses."You bastard! How dare you be so disrespectful?!""If there's nothing else, I'll be leaving." Frederick shrugged nonchalantly, but inside, he was panicking. The longer he stayed with this opportunistic fiancée of his, the more likely she'd uncover his secrets. It was dangerous!Liana maintained her composure, and smiled."If I told you I have information on the mysterious person who collaborated with Barrett Lester back then, would you be willing to calmly talk with me?"Upon hearing this, Frederick froze in his tracks. He turned to face her, looking stunned. "How do you know about that?"She knew about the Lester family incident? And even about his father's murder years ago?!"What kind of nonsense is that? Do you think i
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