All Chapters of Divorce That Scumbag And Take The Lead: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
256 Chapters
No More Sympathy from Percival
“Stay with Mabel,” Percival’s voice was distant, devoid of the warmth Evadne so desperately sought. She could sense the chasm of coldness in his tone, a confusing contradiction to his actions. He had traded Eulalia’s life for hers, a gesture that should signify her importance to him. Yet, his aloofness since her return spoke a different language – one of indifference and detachment.A wave of hurt swelled within Evadne, her voice quivering with vulnerability. “Percy, won’t you spend even a moment longer with me?”“I’m needed at the hospital, for Eulalia,” Percival responded, his voice strained, betraying the burden he carried.“Eulalia... she’s alive?” Evadne’s words were laced with a mix of incredulity and a subtle hint of resentment. The idea that Eulalia had survived, despite the odds, gnawed at her.The silence on the phone was palpable, and Evadne, realizing her tone, quickly changed the subject. “How is she, really?”Percival, not keen on elaborating, answered tersely, “She’s st
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Evadne's Desperate Ploy
Percival’s tone and expression showed unmistakable impatience.Evadne lifted her tear-stained face, “Percy, I know you’re blaming me. After all, Eulalia is in this state because she tried to save me. I feel so guilty, especially when I think of what I’ve done in the past. I’ve wronged Eulalia and caused her harm.”Hearing this, Percival’s expression darkened even more. In the past, he might have offered her some perfunctory comfort, but ever since Eulalia’s miscarriage a few months ago and after seeing those two surveillance videos, he realized Evadne’s quick to change faces and adept at acting.Whether her intentions were genuine or not, Percival no longer cared.He had traded Eulalia for Evadne’s life, and as far as he was concerned, they were now even.Evadne always played the innocent, while Eulalia, stubborn as she was, never backed down until she was deeply wronged, only then saying, “Percival, you never believe me.”The child who cries gets the candy. Eulalia wouldn’t shed a te
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Eulalia's Diary
Eulalia’s condition remained precarious, teetering on the brink of danger one moment and in a vegetative state the next.A month had already passed with Percival stationed in the hospital, which had become his makeshift studio. He worked in quiet solitude while vigilantly caring for Eulalia, seizing every opportunity to speak with her.The doctor suggested that talking to her might stimulate her brain to awaken.Percival devoted copious amounts of time to Eulalia, playing her favorite violin music and massaging her. Due to her immobility, her muscles had atrophied, and even if she were to wake up, she wouldn’t function like before.He spent hours each day massaging her legs and moving her limbs to maintain some physical activity.The wounds on Eulalia’s fingers were slowly healing, leaving a tapestry of needle marks even after the bandages were removed, as if they would never fade.Her once delicate fingers had transformed, and Percival’s heart sank at the sight of her bare fingertips
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Trembling fingertips caressed the dried bloodstains on the page, revealing a near-death level of despair on Percival’s face. He always had an excellent memory and recalling the date at the top of the diary page, he remembered it was the day Eulalia was diagnosed with advanced stomach cancer after returning from the hospital.Her face was pale, and he remembered scolding her that day. Why didn’t she answer his calls? Why did she return so late, looking as pale as a ghost? He was oblivious to everything happening to Eulalia, his mind solely occupied with Evadne, who was hospitalized.That day, he forcefully drew 600 milliliters of blood from Eulalia’s hand, dragging her to the hospital to give a blood transfusion to Evadne, not knowing about her cancer diagnosis.The man known for his calm and restrained demeanor could no longer bear the internal agony, clutching the notebook to his forehead, he broke down in tears. The diary, spanning 102 pages, every word, every sentence, was about hi
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Find Your Own Way Home
In her dream, Eulalia encountered Vincent. He smiled and extended his hand towards her. As she reached out to grasp his hand, the spaces between Vincent’s fingers seemed thin and insubstantial, and a relentless, cold wind blew through her fingers."Lala, I can’t carry you home anymore. This time, you need to find your own way back home...”Eulalia gazed at Vincent’s face, his smile becoming transparent, as if it would disperse with the wind at any moment.“Vincent... I won’t cry, I don’t want candied haws, I don’t need you to carry me... just don’t leave me behind... I’ve lost everything. I’ve clung to a thought from over a decade ago, and I’ve been wrong for sixteen years... don’t let me continue this mistake...”She felt an intense pain, as if the wind in her dream had turned into blades, tearing her apart. Her body was in shambles, but her heart ached even more.Lying on the ground, her fingers pierced with steel needles, blood pooling around her, she helplessly watched Vincent get
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Betrayal Will Be Avenged
"Ouch—" Eulalia’s voice was hoarse, almost inaudible, as a series of shocked, disjointed sounds escaped her throat, grating and harsh to the ears.As Eulalia gazed at Percival’s face, she felt as if her blood was flowing backward. She wanted to struggle, to resist, to escape, but her body was too weak to move.She had been lying there for 90 days. To Percival, her comatose state felt unbearably long, but for Eulalia, those terrifying experiences felt like they had happened just yesterday.Tears streamed down her face as she stared wide-eyed. The bright lights of the hospital room didn’t make her blink, her eyes red and swollen from crying.“Help... help me, don’t...”Eulalia’s feeble cries echoed in the empty hospital room. Gradually regaining strength in her hands, she used all her might to beat the edge of the bed.Her voice sent chills down Percival’s spine, leaving him feeling devoid of warmth, the pain in his heart intensifying bit by bit.He quickly pressed the call button on th
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Disordered Memory
The doc laid it out straight for Percival about Eulalia's condition, and Percival was totally out of it, his gaze drifting off towards Eulalia, kind of lost in space. In the end, it was Oliver who kept track of everything. Long story short, Eulalia's injuries were way beyond what most people could handle.The "injuries" the doc mentioned were two-fold: one, stomach cancer, and two, those five injections that were shot into her brain.The advanced-stage stomach cancer was diagnosed a year ago in the hospital, and the fact that she's still kicking is nothing short of a miracle.And those five nerve-wrecking injections just piled on the agony.On top of that, Eulalia already had a tendency for autism and depression, and now, with the drug's stimulation, her brain's nerve functions are super weak."What's gonna happen?" Percival asked, ready to face whatever comes, even if it means dealing with someone who's lost their marbles, as long as Eulalia doesn't die.But Percival was oversimplify
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Hypnotic Amnesia
Percival brought in the world's most renowned hypnosis expert, refusing to believe the hospital's claim that memory couldn't be controlled. He was determined to make Eulalia forget the memories that pained her. If she could just forget, then she could slowly recover, and they could start over.Afterward, Percival dismissed the psychologist and had the hypnotist perform hypnosis on Eulalia daily, along with some medicinal treatment. When the hospital learned about the use of hypnotic drugs, they immediately warned Percival. The drugs the hypnotist had were similar to those injected into Eulalia's brain to control her mind. Misused, they could potentially leave Eulalia with cerebral palsy, or worse, turn her into an imbecile.Percival, undeterred, confronted the doctors, "Then what do you suggest? I've given you twenty days, but what's changed from the beginning? Is her current state any different from an actual imbecile?""She's worse than an imbecile. At least an imbecile can find hap
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Eulalia forgot everything except her own name, all about Percival, the sixteen years, the four painful years. She didn’t remember marrying Percival, let alone the wounds she suffered.The moment she opened her eyes, she was in the hospital, and then Percival smothered her with kisses, almost knocking her out again.Waking up with no memory, she was filled with unease, panicking like a fluffy kitten ready to scratch anyone who came close.Percival got slapped, but it didn’t hurt; Eulalia's hits were soft and didn’t pack the punch they used to.Worried about her hurting her hand, Percival called Oliver to concoct a story unrelated to their past.Percival was secretly pleased with Eulalia's amnesia. As long as she remembered nothing, they could start over as if nothing had happened. And to ensure she never remembers, he knew they must avoid any mention of her past, her parents, her loves, her wounds, places she lived, even her stomach cancer. All of it could jolt her memory.Sitting outs
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Call Me Hubby
So, Eulalia, the one who could play the violin, cook amazing dishes, and was super talented at work, basically walked through death's door and didn't make it back. She was always so full of herself, so you can imagine the kind of despair she must be feeling now, looking at her trembling hands, right?Percival, holding her hand, couldn't feel her soul. All he could do now was to take care of her, try to mend her shattered soul, and look after her so she could at least feel a bit normal. But no matter how much he did, he knew it wasn't enough. He couldn't even convince himself to stop the tears.Embarrassing, really. He was taking it harder than Eulalia herself.Eulalia was pretty down too, but seeing her man cry like that left her confused. She wanted to say something, but it was like there was a thorn stuck in her throat.After a while, she gently patted his arm and said, "Hubby, don't cry. The car accident wasn't your fault. Plus, I can do rehab for my hand. Right now, I can't feed m
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