All Chapters of Divorce That Scumbag And Take The Lead: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
255 Chapters
The Healing Bath
"Don't worry, I'll be with you until everything feels familiar."That was the idea, but even after Eulalia had looked inside and out of the entire villa, it all still felt strange to her.She just didn't fit in, like a drop of oil staining a piece of clothing or a mouse that suddenly scurries into someone else's new home.With her memory gone, she could be super sensitive, insecure, and timid at times.As Eulalia moved from the first floor to the bedroom on the second, she always felt something was missing in this house. It wasn't until she saw their wedding photo by the bed that it clicked.You'd think, being their marital home, there would be more wedding photos around. And that one on the nightstand looked like someone just snapped it in passing."Do we not have wedding photos?" Eulalia asked.Percival had his excuse ready: "We got married in a hurry and didn't take any photos. If you want, we can have a photo shoot and even redo the wedding."Eulalia wasn't exactly dying for weddi
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You're the Boss
Eulalia had her happy moments in the half month since she woke up, but mostly, she felt uneasy, her amnesia making her seem all the more vulnerable from the inside out.She had never laughed like she did now. Watching her bright smile, Percival felt like he was back to the night they first met, lost in a moment of enchantment that he couldn't escape from.Seeing the water on his face, Eulalia reached out to wipe it off, playfully scolding him with a hint of coquettishness, "I'm super ticklish, so no funny business, or you're sleeping on the couch alone..."Percival was in a great mood, as if a ray of sunshine had pierced through the months of dead silence in his world. He grabbed Eulalia's hand, looking deeply into her eyes, "Eulalia, will you marry me again? Let's take wedding photos, have a ceremony, and fill in those missing years."Eulalia bit her lip, turning her head, "Don't change the subject. Let go of my leg or I'll kick you.""I'm serious, Eulalia. I know you're feeling inse
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Percival's Nemesis
Evadne's reason for calling was straightforward: she wanted to know why Percival left Windwatch without telling her.Eulalia, who was supposed to be in a vegetative state, woke up way sooner than expected, and to top it off, she lost her memory. This amnesia wasn't exactly good news for Evadne.Can amnesia just erase everything that happened?Evadne had bribed a nurse, hoping to seize an opportunity, but Percival was always by Eulalia's side, making it impossible for her inside person to even enter the room. She was informed that the patient had already been discharged.Frustrated and heartbroken, Evadne couldn't understand why her sacrifices led to such a minor impact on Eulalia.Thinking of that man's methods sent shivers down her spine.The "kidnapper" had insisted on taking Eulalia largely because of something she had said. That person was Percival's enemy, determined to take anything Percival valued or destroy it if he couldn't have it.To protect herself during the kidnapping, s
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The Weaver of Nightmares
"Boss, Percival's back to Luminara, and there's still no word on that batch of minerals from Southwater Island. Has it already been moved to Luminara?" A subordinate, glasses with gold frames on the bridge of his nose, stood respectfully next to the sofa, asking the man lounging on it.The man was sprawled out lazily, his long right leg casually resting on the coffee table, holding a tablet in one hand and a cigarette in the other. As he flicked his fingers, a stream of bluish-gray smoke rose slowly, ashes and sparks falling to the floor.Hearing his subordinate, he took a drag from his cigarette, his gaze drifting lazily over.The subordinate immediately clammed up, not daring to even breathe too loud, knowing one look from the man meant 'don't bother me now, or else'.The room fell silent, the man continued to watch his screen as if no one else was there, a video that was an hour long playing.As the video played, bits of sound leaked out, it was the video of him torturing Eulalia.
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His Doting
Evadne's flight was in the afternoon, and Percival had arranged for a place for her to stay and even sent someone to pick her up from the airport. It was inevitable that Evadne and Eulalia would meet sooner or later in Luminara, which started to make Percival uneasy. He was worried things would once again spiral out of his control.So, as soon as Eulalia woke up at the crack of dawn, he told her that Evadne would be arriving that afternoon. Eulalia paused for a moment, the name "Evadne" sounding vaguely familiar, as if she'd heard it somewhere before."Who's Evadane?" she asked.Seeing her non-reaction, Percival's tense heart relaxed a bit. "I forgot you lost your memory. Evadne is my mom's adopted daughter.""So, she's your sister?""Sort of."Eulalia didn't probe further. "You know, you've never really talked about your family. How are your parents? When was the last time you went home?""Three years ago was the last time.""Three years?" Eulalia frowned slightly, puzzled. "What's t
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The Intruder
Eulalia only knew her stomach was in bad shape, but had no clue it was actually stomach cancer. The cancer came with a side of throat inflammation, making her feel like throwing up every time she took her meds. She'd hold back the urge to puke, but tears would stream down her face anyway.Taking medicine had become torture for Eulalia. She could only manage to eat a light lunch, saving space for the meds."Why do I have to take medicine every day? Can't I just not?" she wondered."No way," Percival shut that down real quick. He was pretty chill about most things, but skipping meds was a hard no.During her hospital stay, Eulalia was rushed into emergency care countless times because of her stomach cancer. Percival was terrified of losing her, and scared she'd remember something painful during an attack.Medication was the only way to keep the cancer cells at bay.Despite her carefulness, Eulalia still got sick. Her stomach hurt badly for a while. She was used to bearing pain, somethin
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She is Not Likable
Eulalia, trying to ignore the weird feeling in her gut, watched Evadne change her shoes and asked, "Have you had lunch yet?"Evadne, all smiles, said, "Not yet.""Perfect, stay and have lunch with us then."Evadne gladly accepted.Jonas made two cups of juice. Evadne took hers, stuck a straw in it, and began sipping slowly, a smile playing on her lips and an eyebrow raised, eyeing Eulalia over her drink.She looked her up and down, finally chuckling softly while focusing on Eulalia's hands.Eulalia suddenly felt as if she was standing naked under Evadne's scrutiny, an uncomfortable and indefinable feeling, and she didn’t know what to say to make her stop.Deep down, Eulalia wasn’t a fan of Percival's "sister" Evadne. She was sure they had met before she lost her memory, but what had happened between them wasn't simple."Better safe than sorry," she thought, especially now that she couldn't remember whether her past experiences with Evadne were good or bad."Did we get along well befor
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Her Memory Gets Worse
Eulalia thought she was too easy to please. Just the other day, she gave Percival a chance to woo her, and tonight, she was already in bed with him, completely disarmed and defeated. Even though she had amnesia and felt a bit foolish, the feelings buried in her heart weren't something that could be simply forgotten with memory loss.   Percival had become like a seed planted in her heart, growing into a towering tree over time. Clinging to his sturdy shoulders, she kept whispering "Percival" with a sweet voice that was utterly devastating.   Percival was gentle, treating her like fragile crystal, every move filled with caution, even his breathing was careful and tremulous.   Perhaps the unexpected visit from Evadne today scared him, so tonight he was eager to possess Eulalia, as if only by doing so could he feel her presence beside him, ensuring she wouldn't leave him.   Percival loved to kiss Eulalia
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I've Fallen for You
Eulalia's attention was all over the place, bouncing from the movie to the couple in front of her. She just couldn't keep her focus.For a moment, Eulalia zoned out, everything in front of her blurring as if obscured by something.The woman in the movie really had it rough, from her naive young love and sweet promises to memories buried deep in her heart.Struck with Alzheimer's, she forgot everyone but the one she loved, only to be ultimately rejected by him.Eulalia couldn't help but see herself in the movie. Her memory was getting worse, and despite her hope that medication would help, it was now even fuzzier than before.She began to worry that she might have Alzheimer's too. Would Percival leave her if she ended up like the woman in the movie?Caught in her fears, Eulalia's mind started to wander uncontrollably."Idiot." The man sitting next to her suddenly spoke up, snapping Eulalia out of her thoughts and easing the tightness in her chest.The movie went on. Suddenly, her shoul
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A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
"Don't tell me we're so close that I have to tell you everything?" At that moment, Eulalia was like a hedgehog.Trent just laughed, now that Eulalia had lost her memory, she probably didn't even know what was wrong with her.He looked straight into her eyes, unabashed: "I just wanted to check in on you, worried that you might not even know what's wrong with yourself."Eulalia furrowed her brow, not understanding his point. Didn't she know her own body?She was deeply skeptical of his words, her brows furrowed as she was about to speak, but then her phone rang. She flipped it over and saw it was Percival calling.In her new phone, she only had five contacts: Percival, Oliver, Mr. Lee, Ms. Hayak, Ms. Jonas. Percival was the one she contacted the most. She answered the call, her voice soft."Did you take your medicine?"Hearing Percival's voice, the gloom in Eulalia's heart instantly cleared, and she felt much better, her furrowed brow relaxing and her lips curling slightly."I did, just
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