All Chapters of You're Mine, Ex-wife!: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
118 Chapters
Meeting Ava again
Our eyes snapped up in unison as Aaron's presence loomed over us, his gaze piercing through the tension-filled air. Davidson's expression darkened as he yanked his hand away from Aaron's firm grip, a flicker of defiance in his eyes."What's the meaning of that?" Davidson's voice boomed with anger, resonating through the hushed ambiance of the restaurant. The sudden confrontation drew curious glances from nearby diners, their interest piqued by the unfolding drama."Why would you feed her? She isn't yours; don't act like that next time, man," Aaron's words cut sharply through the atmosphere, challenging Davidson with a boldness that hinted at a deeper argument between them.A smirk played on Davidson's lips as he squared his shoulders, his gaze unwavering. "She is mine, and neither you nor anyone else has anything to say about that. Just get lost, you!" His retort rang out with possessiveness a declaration of his claim over me.I sat in stunned silence, caught between the clash of egos
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Ava's First Love
Ava POVWalking behind Aaron as he led the way to the restaurant restroom, Sarah and I shared a moment of quiet excitement. I couldn't contain my smile, feeling a rush of emotions at the sight of Aaron after so long. Memories flooded back, and I recalled how I had missed him dearly when he was abroad. I had shed tears in his absence, longing to reconnect with him. Now that he was here, I was determined not to let go. "I have missed you a lot. When I heard you were out of the country, I cried my eyes out. I couldn't reach you since no one had your contact information. But now that I've found you, I'm not letting go," I confessed with a smile, inching closer to Aaron without him hearing what i had said.As we reached the restroom, Aaron came to a sudden halt, catching me off guard as I accidentally bumped my head against his back. "Oh, sorry," I apologized, stepping back to give him space."This is the restroom. I'll head back now," Dylan announced, breaking the moment as he turned to m
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The sound “Ouch…”
"Leaving so soon?" Aaron's voice broke the silence; his expression was one of surprise and inquiry.I offered a small smile, meeting his gaze briefly. "Yes, I have some things to take care of," I explained. As soon as I made my intention to leave known, Aaron and Davidson both rose from their seats in a synchronized motion, their actions mirroring each other in a display of chivalry."You both should stay and keep the ladies company," I suggested, gesturing to Aaron and Davidson, hoping to encourage a continuation of the evening's camaraderie.Before any decisions could be made, Ava stood up, signaling their departure. "Don't worry, Charlotte, we will be leaving too," she assured me, prompting Sarah to follow suit. With a shared nod,we made our way out of the restaurant. As we reached the parking lot, I naturally headed towards Davidson's car, the vehicle in which I had arrived. However, Aaron intercepted my path, halting my movements with a gentle touch on my arm."I'll take you ba
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Unfortunate Scheme
Our eyes met surprise and amusement flickering in Aaron's eyes in that unexpected close encounter. Without Aaron expecting it, I moved closer, my heart racing as I hesitated for a moment before placing a gentle kiss on his lips. I closed my eyes, savoring the moment as a rush of emotions flooded through me. Feeling excitement and fear, I leaned in and kissed Aaron, the taste of his lips lingering on mine.As I enjoyed the sweetness of the kiss, Aaron suddenly pulled away, his expression puzzled and questioning. "What are you doing, Ava? What's the meaning of that?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.Feeling unspoken emotions pressing down on me, I couldn't hold back any longer. I took a deep breath, my voice trembling as I poured out my feelings. "Aaron, I love you! I really do. I've missed you so much. I've longed for you, and I searched for you. When I heard you had left the country, I was devastated. I couldn't be myself for months, Aaron. I truly love you," I confessed,
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Fisted battle
As Charlotte stumbled and crashed to the ground, my heart leaped into my throat, a strangled cry escaping my lips. "Charlotte!" I shouted in alarm, my feet propelling me into a sprint towards her fallen form."What was that for?" Charlotte's voice rang out in shock and indignation, her anger palpable as she remained on the ground, her posture tense and defensive.Before I could reach them, the scene unfolded rapidly before my eyes. Allison, fueled by fury, seized Charlotte's hair and yanked her up from the ground, igniting a fierce struggle between the two. Their voices intertwined in anger and desperation, the sounds of their scuffle echoed around.Despite my frantic efforts to reach them, it felt as though I was running in place, my legs churning with urgency but making little progress towards the tumultuous confrontation unfolding before me.Charlotte's POVAfter feeling a sudden, forceful push that sent me crashing to the ground, I looked up in shock to see Allison standing over m
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Charlotte’s Footage
"What?" he barked into the phone,his expression darkening as he listened intently. "Where is she right now?" Davidson inquired, his voice laced with concern, before concluding, "Alright, I'll be there."Concern etched on my face, I immediately inquired, "What's wrong?" as Davidson ended the call and turned to face me."It's my mom. She passed out, and she's in the hospital right now," Davidson replied, his voice filled with worry and urgency.My heart sank at the news, and I responded quickly, "What? Please go quickly; she needs you more than ever."Looking torn between staying with me and rushing to his mother's side, Davidson hesitated before asking, "What about you?"With a reassuring smile, I nodded and replied, "I will be fine; don't worry. Your mom needs you now. Go to her."After Davidson rushed off to his mother's side, leaving Dylan and me alone, a moment of quiet settled between us. I winced in pain, clutching my belly, aching from the physical and emotional turmoil of the r
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Disgrace to womanhood
I accepted the tablet from Jude, eager to see the contents clearly. As I watched the video, a realization dawned on me. It was a recording of the recent altercation with Allison. Shock hit me as I comprehended that the private incident was now public, spreading rapidly across the internet and gaining traction as a trending topic."This isn't what I expected. Who would do this? Why?" I almost exclaimed, my voice tinged with disbelief and concern. The unexpected turn of events left me feeling exposed and vulnerable, grappling with the sudden intrusion of my personal life into the public domain.The video had quickly become the most searched for content online, capturing the attention of viewers far and wide. I glanced at Dylan, seeking support, as we both observed the flood of comments and reactions pouring in. The video continued to gain momentum, with its title now flashing prominently as "The Beating of a Side Chick."Feeling overwhelmed, I shut my eyes in an attempt to compose mysel
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Allison gone Live
As I slowly opened my eyes, I found Dylan and Jude by my side in the dimly lit room. Jude was gently blowing cool air on my face with a fan, while Dylan anxiously called out my name. "Ah," I mumbled as I regained consciousness, and Dylan quickly helped me sit up."I know you're feeling devastated right now, but losing consciousness won't change anything. We need to find a solution to this and take action. We have to address this situation head-on," Dylan reassured me, his voice filled with determination."How can I stay strong when my company's name is being tarnished online? What if things go terribly wrong?" I asked Dylan, my voice filled with worry and uncertainty.Dylan placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, his eyes reflecting concern and resolve. "We'll figure this out together. We need to stay strong and face this challenge. Let's focus on finding a way to clear your name and protect your company," he replied, his tone unwavering."Which way? What way?" I asked Dylan, my voic
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A Shut off
"What?" I exclaimed in shock, turning to look in Jude's direction, and Dylan did the same."What does that mean?" Dylan asked, his voice tinged with confusion."She is live now!" Jude exclaimed, turning his tablet toward us. My heart sank at the thought of another twist in the ongoing drama. Despite Dylan's statement, it seemed that the storm was far from over.As Allison's voice filled the room through the live broadcast, my anxiety heightened. "I have something to say to the public," Allison began, her tone laced with accusation."The statement that was just released was orchestrated by Charlotte's company. From my inside source, it's clear that she is trying to manipulate the situation and make everything go away quietly. But that won't happen after what she did—stealing my man," Allison declared, pointing fingers at the screen and casting blame in my direction. “ I know you can see this Charlotte” she added.Confusion and frustration swirled within me as I struggled to comprehend
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Dead Baby
"What the fuck!!" Allison screamed in outrage as I cut off her live video.I stood my ground, staring at her with disbelief and disgust. "What the fuck? So you think you have the right to say that after what you did? You should be ashamed of yourself for stooping so low. I thought you were classy, always carrying yourself with grace. But now I see the truth - you're not classic at all; you're just a shame, Allison. A shame," I spat out, my words sharp with condemnation.To my surprise, instead of showing remorse, Allison burst into laughter, her eyes gleaming with a twisted amusement. "Why would I be ashamed when I did nothing wrong? Or are you upset that Charlotte is facing public scrutiny and feeling ashamed right now?" she retorted, a smirk playing on her lips.Anger surged within me, but before I could react, Allison closed the distance between us, her demeanor unsettlingly calm. "I know that's why you're upset, baby boy. But calm down. I'm not finished yet, as I promised you, swe
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