All Chapters of You're Mine, Ex-wife!: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
118 Chapters
"I have to glare at you because you deserve it. You deserve every bit of it, Uncle Zack. You should be the elder here, the one to advise Grandma that this situation isn't right. Yet to my astonishment, you're the one escalating this mess," I exclaimed, my voice tinged with frustration and disappointment. "I have no desire to revisit anything with Allison after our breakup years ago. There's nothing left for us to go back to. I've moved on, and now she wants me back? That's just insane," I declared, my words laced with exasperation."She saved your life. If it weren't for her, you wouldn't be alive right now. You can't just dismiss her like that. You need her consent to make such decisions, okay? Get that through your thick skull," Uncle Zack retorted, his tone firm and unwavering."So just because she saved my life, I'm supposed to bow down and worship her? I should let her dictate what I do with my life simply because she saved me, is that it?" I retorted, my voice filled with defian
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Old Fools
"Why would I do that?" I questioned earnestly, my gaze sweeping across the room to meet the eyes of each board member. "Why would I abandon Charlotte when I know she has been falsely accused and wronged? She is innocent, completely innocent. It's Allison who's weaving this web of lies. Why should I stand by and let Charlotte suffer for something she didn't do?" I pressed, my tone laced with conviction and concern.Mr. Jones met my gaze with a steely resolve, his expression reflecting the situation. "You must do it because the very future of this company hangs in the balance now, thanks to her involvement in this scandal. We cannot afford to have you entangled in this mess. If things go awry, the repercussions could be catastrophic for all of us," he explained, his words carrying a somber undertone that resonated with the gravity of the situation."We stand to lose capital and our customers' trust if things spiral out of control. The public's opinion can shift in an instant, and the re
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No Wedding Photos
Charlotte POV As Dylan stormed out of my office, leaving behind a trail of tension, I remained fixated on the live video feed of Allison, watching her every move with curiosity and unease. The screen held me captive, the images of her flickering with a strange allure that I couldn't shake off.Just as I thought the connection had been lost, Dylan's unexpected appearance on the screen caused it to abruptly cut off. "Thank goodness," I murmured to myself, relieved by his timely intervention. Perhaps Dylan had unknowingly saved me from delving deeper into a situation fraught with uncertainty.An hour passed, and to my surprise, the live video of Allison resurfaced, this time brimming with a series of photos that seemed to suggest a forthcoming resurgence. My heart quickened as Allison showcased more images, this time featuring Dylan prominently by her side. The revelation that they had been dating for years sent a shockwave through me, leaving me grappling with a tumultuous mix of emoti
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Hidden memories
The video played before my eyes, confirming Dylan's damning statement. With this evidence in hand, I knew I had a chance to turn the tide of public opinion. Determined and resolute, I began craft what I need that would finally shed light on the truth and hopefully bring an end to the turmoil that had engulfed the company.With unwavering determination, I logged into our company's official website and swiftly uploaded the incriminating clip."Hello, this is Charlotte Robert. Please watch this video first," I urged in the accompanying post before sharing the footage. As I awaited the response, anticipation and anxiety mingled within me.Before long, the video gained rapid traction, sending ripples of shock and intrigue throughout the online community. Comments flooded in, each adding a new layer to the unfolding narrative."I vividly remember that moment at the Fashion Gamma Evaluation. I attended in hopes of catching a glimpse of Dylan Harmon. When questioned about his wife, his gaze u
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Beating of her Life
Shocked and bewildered by the sudden onslaught, I found myself surrounded by a group of girls who unleashed a barrage of verbal and physical attacks. Before I could even comprehend the situation fully, they began pelting me with eggs and flour, their words like daggers cutting through the air."What do you want?" I managed to stammer out, my voice quivering with fear and confusion as the projectiles rained down upon me."You're a slut! A cheat! Useless!" their voices rang out with vitriol, each word a painful blow to my senses. The accusations cut deep, striking at the core of my being as I struggled to shield myself from the relentless assault.Amidst the chaos, their voices blended into a cacophony of hatred and resentment, their words fueled by a misguided sense of righteousness. "You stole Dylan away from Allison! You have no right to be here!"As the barrage continued, I felt a wave of despair hit me, their accusations crushing my spirit. The betrayal of trust and the cruelty of
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In Love with
I paused, taken aback by the unexpected turn of the conversation, my mind racing to process the depth of her inquiryA gentle smile played on my lips as I observed the seriousness in Ava's expression, her question about my feelings towards Aaron hanging in the air like a delicate thread. Sensing her inquiry, I shook my head gently, clarity emerging as I sought to convey my thoughts with honesty and transparency. "I don't have romantic feelings for Aaron, Ava. He's a dear friend to me, but our connection is purely platonic. I'm married to Dylan Harmon, and my love belongs to my husband," I explained, the words carrying conviction and loyalty to the bond I shared with Dylan.As I shared this intimate aspect of my life with Ava, a wave of reassurance hit me, a reaffirmation of the deep love and commitment that anchored me to Dylan. Ava listened attentively, her expression softening in understanding as she absorbed the significance of my words. "I admire your love and dedication to your h
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Can't take it!
Dialing his number, I waited anxiously as the phone rang, my heart yearning for the comfort of his presence. When Dylan answered, I couldn't help but pour out my feelings. "Dylan, could you come over? I'm feeling really lonely and could use some company," I said, my voice tinged with vulnerability.Concern laced his response as he replied, "Of course, I'll be right there. Is everything okay? Do you need to talk about something?"gratitude hit me at his immediate willingness to be there for me. Despite the turmoil brewing within me, I chose to shield him from the details, masking my true emotions. "No, nothing's wrong, Dylan. I just miss having you around," I reassured him, unspoken pain lingering beneath my words.As the evening deepened, the sound of Dylan's car pulling into the driveway of my mansion signaled his arrival. Anticipation fluttered in my chest as I heard his footsteps approaching the door. When he walked into the living room and laid eyes on me, his expression shifted f
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Get Caught
Ava POV After dropping Charlotte off at her destination, she waved goodbye with a warm smile, and I reciprocated the gesture, watching her disappear from sight. As Aaron swiftly maneuvered the car, heading towards my place, I couldn't help but feel emotions swirling within me. The silence between us was palpable, hanging heavy in the air like a thick fog. Despite the tension that lingered from our earlier conversation about my feelings, I found solace in the familiarity of being alone with Aaron once again.As we drove through the familiar streets, the gentle hum of the engine providing a soothing background noise, I stole glances at Aaron, trying to decipher the emotions playing across his features. His jaw was set, his eyes fixed on the road ahead, but there was a softness in his gaze that hadn't been there before. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing a vulnerability that I hadn't noticed until now.After what felt like an eternity, Aaron finally broke the silence, his vo
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True feelings
"Oh my God!" I gasped, my hand flying to cover my mouth in a futile attempt to stifle the exclamation that almost escaped. The shock of the moment sent me reeling backward, and I landed shockingly on the floor, my heart racing with horror as if I had just seen a ghost. I never anticipated that Aaron would still be awake, let alone catch me in the act. I had assumed he was fast asleep, his breathing steady and peaceful, but his sudden awareness of my presence sent a chill down my spine.As I sat on the floor, still stunned and wide-eyed, I couldn't believe how quickly he had caught me off guard. The fear and embarrassment mingled within me as I avoided meeting his gaze, feeling exposed and vulnerable in that unexpected moment.Aaron remained silent, his gaze fixed on me, his eyes speaking volumes without uttering a single word. In that profound silence, a surge of hope and uncertainty of what might happen hit me. Could this be my moment? Was this a chance for something more? I pondered
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Ava’s brush
Shocks hit me as I watched the door swing wide, revealing a glimpse of the room beyond. The abruptness of the intrusion shattered the quietude, leaving me on edge and curious about what had caused the sudden commotion.As I stood up and made my way to Ava's door, my curiosity was piqued by the sudden noise and movement. I found Ava rising from her bed, looking slightly perplexed. "What happened?" I inquired, my voice laced with concern.Ava met my gaze, her eyes reflecting a moment of contemplation before she responded, "I think I didn't lock the door properly, so the night breeze from the window must have pushed it open." Her explanation eased my unease, and I nodded in understanding."Good night," Ava bid me before gently closing the door. However, as she shut the door, it failed to latch securely, leaving a gap that remained visible. Sensing her frustration, Ava reopened the door and attempted to lock it once more, but the mechanism seemed to resist her efforts, refusing to secure
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