All Chapters of Mated To My Hated Enemy : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
93 Chapters
NICKOLAS I stand by the bed, glaring at my mate as she sleeps, a scowl etched onto my features. The sheets are stained with her blood, mud, and her fucking intoxicating scent—a scent that both infuriates and entices me. A low growl rumbles in my chest, remembering how amazing she scents. I clench my fists tightly, my jaw grinding as I curse the heavens for making her my mate. It could have been anyone but her, yet fate had other plans. Now, I find myself getting hard at the memory of her scent.They say your mate’s scent is the most intoxicating scent you'll ever encounter, and they weren’t fucking wrong. I could inhale her essence endlessly and never tire of it. The mere thought of burying my nose in her neck while thrusting into her hard sends a surge of desire coursing through me, my arousal evident in the pulsing of my dick. Fuck! I force myself to regain composure, running a hand across my face in frustration. I needed to fuck, but
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AMELIA The stinging of my cheeks jolts me awake, sending a surge of fear and confusion coursing through my veins. As I glance around the room, disoriented by the abrupt awakening, I see Ember standing by the edge of the bed, her gaze ablaze with intensity. There's no need for words; I understand immediately that she just used a slap to rouse me from my sleep.  Gingerly, I raise my hand to my swollen cheek, the ache throbbing beneath my fingertips. I meet Ember's glare with a mixture of shock and apprehension, the weight of her hatred hanging heavy in the air between us. "Get your fucking ass up," she barks, her words a harsh echo in the room. With a forceful tug, she yanks me out of bed once again, but this time, I manage to maintain my balance. I regained some of my strength as I healed during my sleep. "Follow me," Ember commands, her voice laced with authority as she strides towards t
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"Untie her this instant," Nickolas commands, his voice firm. The guard immediately begins to work on the knots binding me, but his hands pause at her words. "But she bit me," Ember protests, pouting. She extends her hand to Nickolas, revealing the slowly healing wound due to it being a werewolf bite. "And you think the appropriate response is to whip her?" Nickolas's voice carries a hint of disbelief as he fixes Ember with a piercing stare, his dark brow raised in questioning. Ember's expression falters, and she swallows hard before reluctantly nodding. A heavy silence settles over the room as Nickolas approaches Ember, his footsteps deliberate and purposeful. He leans in close to her, his lips brushing against her ear as he speaks in a low, almost menacing tone that still reaches my ears. "I am only going to say this once, Amelia," Nickolas asserts, his tone steely as he pivots to face me. Our gazes
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NICKOLAS I make my way back upstairs from the maid's quarters, my mind consumed by thoughts of Amelia's healing wounds. The image of her battered body fills me with a sense of anger and helplessness. I always knew Ember was cruel, but I never imagined she was capable of such wickedness. The fact that she wanted to whip Amelia while she was still recovering is beyond comprehension. If it weren't for one of my trusted guards informing me that Amelia had been dragged to the dungeon, I shudder to think what might have transpired if I had been a minute late. It's bad enough that I wasn't able to prevent Ava from hurting her.  Another torture was the last thing she needed. I need to find a way to keep Amelia away from Ember before she kills her and ruins my plans. I have come too close to my revenge to lose it. The mere thought of Amelia's injuries has my insides churning and my jaw clenching in frustration. I fucking nee
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AMELIA I step out of the bathroom, the warmth of the steam still clinging to my skin after rinsing off all the soap. Beatrice has thoughtfully laid out nightwear for me, and I offer her a grateful smile as I slip it on. Settling under the covers, I'm on the verge of drifting into a peaceful slumber when a knock interrupts the tranquility. Beatrice climbs out of bed to answer. Their hushed conversation floats back to me as I wait for her to finish talking to the person at the door. Concern prickles at the edges of my consciousness, fearing it might be Ember or Nickolas looking for me. "Is everything alright?" I inquire as Beatrice returns, clutching a shopping bag in her hand. I hold my breath, hoping against hope that my fears are unfounded. "Get dressed. You're serving his majesty in bed tonight," she says, tossing the bag onto the foot of my bed. My chest tightens, and I stare at her in disbelief,
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"Get up!" his bark pierces the air, his presence casting a menacing shadow over me. I remain frozen, my body trembling uncontrollably as desperate wails tear from my throat. Curling into myself, I draw my knees to my chest, seeking whatever semblance of protection I can muster. I silently pray it doesn’t hurt, just as Beatrice assured me."Oh, for fuck's sake, no one is fucking you tonight. I'd rather let a man fuck me than do that," his words land like a crushing blow, the shock evident on my slackened expression. In a surprising act of gentleness, he crouches down, lifting me effortlessly and draping me over his shoulder. My mind reels in disbelief. Did he really just say that?He strides toward his bed, and I still brace myself for what is to come next, my heart pounding with a mix of dread and uncertainty. He tosses me onto the mattress, and instinctively, I sit up, drawing my knees close to my chest for a semblance of protection. My gaze locks with his, silently demanding an expl
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The following morning, I slowly stretch my limbs, blinking against the morning light filtering through the window. My curiosity piqued, I squint my eyes at the door, trying to catch a glimpse of whoever Beatrice is speaking to. However, before I can discern their identity, she closes the door and approaches me with a bottle of pills in her hand. "Good morning," I greet with a yawn, covering my mouth with my hand as I sit up. "Here you go," Beatrice says, placing a pill in my palm. "What's this for?" I inquire, studying the small tablet she's given me. "It's plan B, and these are your birth control pills," she explains. "Take them if you don't want the king to have both our heads." She offers me a strained smile before handing over the bottle of pills.  Her words send a chill down my spine, and I swallow hard, accepting the bottle of pills. I consider telling her that I don't
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"Where are your clothes?" Nickolas's voice cuts through the tense silence, his grip on my arm still firm and causing a sharp pang of pain to shoot through me. Despite the discomfort, I refrain from speaking, knowing that it’s best not to say anything to make the situation worse."Ember took them," I respond truthfully, not hesitating to divulge the facts of the matter. After all, it's not as though Nickolas would take any action against her for her actions. "Hmm, she did," Nickolas murmurs, more to himself than to me, his grip tightening further before he finally releases me. I massage the tender area where his fingers had dug in, silently waiting for him to speak further. To my surprise, he doesn't reprimand me or demand further explanations. Instead, he disappears momentarily, only to return with my dress—or rather, Ember's dress—in hand. My brows knit together in confusion as Nickolas offers me the garment; his ac
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At night, Nickolas asks for me. Unlike yesterday, I'm not anxious about how the night will unfold. Even though I have no desire to see him, I know I have no say in it. Knocking softly, I wait for his permission before stepping into his room. I enter and find him seated by a working desk near the window, a detail I hadn't noticed before.The moonlight casts a soft glow, illuminating every feature of his handsome face as he focuses on his work. I watch as he adjusts his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and I can't help but notice how they add to his allure, even if I wish he didn’t. There's just something undeniably captivating about the way they frame his eyes, accentuating their intensity and adding a touch of sophistication to his appearance. Yet, as I observe him, a question lingers in the back of my mind: why would a lycan, with their renowned vision, need glasses in the first place? It's a curious thought, one that I can't quite shake as I con
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NICKOLAS  "She knows," I tell Eric, taking a sip of bourbon lounging in a brown armchair beside the crackling fireplace. The warm glow paints the living room in comforting hues.Eric leans forward, his own glass in hand. "Which 'she'?""Amelia," I respond, taking another sip, my throat tightening at her name."How does she know?"“I don’t know, but tonight she questioned me about it.”“She’s sharp. It only took her the second time to figure it out.”“Let’s hope she knows how to shut her mouth and doesn’t mess up the plan.”“I don’t think she has anyone to spill to. Nothing to worry about.”“Beatrice is her roommate. She might tell her, and as much as I trust Beatrice, I can't be sure she won't betray me for the right reasons.”“Beatrice has known you half your life. I doubt she'd ever betray y
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