All Chapters of Mated To My Hated Enemy : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
106 Chapters
I wake up, my hands ache, a silent reminder of the events of the previous night. Nickolas has removed the blindfold, but my hands remain bound to the headboard above me. I turn my head to the other side of the bed, searching for any sign of him, but it's empty.  A pang of emptiness washes over me, though I can't say I'm entirely surprised. I knew deep down that waking up to an empty bed was inevitable after last night. Part of me longs for his presence, even as I remind myself that his touch was born out of duty rather than desire. Tears well up in my eyes as I grapple with the harsh reality of my situation.  I sniffle softly, a single tear escaping as I come to terms with the fact that this is now my life—a life filled with longing and unfulfilled desires. I wish things could be different, but I know deep down that t
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I step out of the shower and clad myself in a sundress in my closet. It struck me then that I have been wearing these a lot. I head to Nickolas's main room door, not our adjourning one. I knock but no answer and knock again. Each knock reverberates through the silence, the sound echoing in the empty hallway. Seconds stretch into eternity as I wait for a response, but none comes. With a hesitant hand, I reach for the doorknob and push the door open, the creaking hinges breaking the quiet of the room. He made it very clear about wanting me to come over once I was done.   "Your Majesty?" I call out softly, stepping into the room and closing the door behind me with a gentle click. The room is bathed in a soft, golden light filtering through the pulled-back curtains, but there's no sign of Nickolas.   I also didn’t make the mistake of calling him by his name as I did last night and this morning. Perhaps he pardoned my slip-up, considering the whi
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I walk to the dinner table with Lily holding a bowl of salad. She has just finished making dinner, and we are about to sit down and eat. Luckily for me, Nickolas didn't tear into me earlier, as I feared he might. Instead, he simply glared at me for a few seconds before leaving with Eric to go somewhere. Lily assures me they should be arriving back any minute, and I'm surprised to hear her mention that Nickolas will also be joining us for dinner.   Speaking of the devils, I hear them enter the house and catch a whiff of their scent as they approach Lily and me. Despite my relief, a sense of uncertainty still lingers as I wonder what Nickolas's mood will be like during dinner. Eric walks over to Lily and pulls her into a deep kiss upon reaching the dinner table. I can't help but smile as I watch them; they are so happy and in love. My cousin wasn't unlucky like me. Despite having a lycan for a mate, her fate seems much brighter than mine.  
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We step into the castle's grand foyer, and the imposing figure of Lord Easterlin emerges from the shadows. What is he doing here so late? "Your majesty, you finally return," Lord Easterlin's voice resonates through the cavernous space, a mixture of relief and urgency coloring his words as he strides purposefully toward Nickolas.   "Callum, what brings you here at this late hour?" Nickolas inquires, his tone measured yet tinged with a hint of curiosity.   "I have news of my daughter's whereabouts, Your Majesty, and I couldn't wait until morning to share it with you," Lord Easterlin's words send a jolt of shock through me. Why were they looking for Ember? Did something happen that I didn’t know about? “Really?” Nickolas asks, excitement in his voice from Lord Easterlin’s news. A sense of betrayal claws at my insides, cutting deeper than any wound I've ever known. He expresses an emotion I never thought I would see him show, yet
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NICKOLAS I twirl my bourbon glass, captivated by the intricate dance of ice cubes within, each movement offering a temporary respite from the weight of reality pressing down on me. Shifting my gaze upwards, I observe Amelia sleeping soundly in her bed a few feet away. Her golden locks cascade over the pillow, and a subtle pout graces her lips, an endearing sight that unexpectedly tugs at my heartstrings. Images flash through my mind with vivid intensity, relentless and unyielding. I envision my hands entwined in her hair, gripping it with a fervor matching the intensity of my desire. The thought of her lips wrapped around my hard-on ignites a surge of arousal coursing through me. I moisten my lips, hoping the bourbon hasn't dulled the taste of her juices lingering on them. I hadn’t intended to punish her at Eric’s, but seeing her moving to sit next to him after spending the whole dinner like they were a couple on a date, I lost it.
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AMELIA I lie on my back, staring up at the ceiling and counting the crystals on my chandelier for the tenth time since morning. Despite waking up hours ago, I lack the motivation to get out of bed, feeling utterly drained before even starting my day. Maybe it’s because what happened last night knocked some reality into me and has me pondering over them.My hand drifts unconsciously to my neck, the memory of what transpired replaying in my mind. The bruise from Nickolas's grip has likely faded by now, but the sting of his actions lingers. I berate myself for my foolishness, for daring to touch him despite knowing how rigid he is about personal boundaries. It was foolish of me to reach out to him to inquire about his troubles. Even if he hadn't reacted violently, I doubt he would have confided in me. I'm such a fool at times, but I can't entirely blame myself. The sight of him, reeking of alcohol with a bleeding hand, stirred some
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I kiss Beatrice goodbye as we prepare to part ways. She mentions she's headed to the flower shop to pick up flowers for Nickolas's mom before visiting her grave. I hadn't realized it was the anniversary of his mother's death. I inquire about Nickolas's mom, and Beatrice doesn’t hesitate to share. She reveals that Nickolas's mother, Holly, was a human sex slave who was adored by Nickolas's father. Beatrice explains that Holly vanished for a time, and 18 years later, Nickolas was brought to the castle by Leo, who was searching for his mate worldwide. It's speculated that Holly may have realized the dangers of being pregnant before Jane and escaped to her home in England. This revelation sheds light on why Nickolas has a British accent.As much as I consider accompanying Beatrice to visit Holly's grave, I ultimately decide against it. Nickolas and I share no semblance of a relationship. He would probably throw a fit if he saw me visiting his mother’s grave. Moreover,
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"Come back here, you bitch!" Ember's enraged voice echoes behind me as she gives chase, her footsteps closing in fast. I grit my teeth, forcing myself to focus on the path ahead and resist the urge to glance back. Every wasted second could mean the difference between escape and capture. I push my human legs to their limits, the branches and underbrush whipping past me in a blur as I race through the woods. Though the temptation to shift into my wolf form tugs at me, I know the risks outweigh the benefits. Shifting would only make me easier to track, and I can't afford to take that chance. As I continue my desperate flight through the woods, the thought of unmasking my scent to throw off my pursuers crosses my mind. However, the memory of the spell Nickolas cast to stop my heart should I unmask gives me pause. I can't afford to take the risk of checking if it was still there, especially now with danger hot on my heels. Wi
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With a ferocious leap, I pounce on Adam, bringing him crashing to the ground beneath me. Ignoring his screams of pain, I sink my teeth into his shoulder blades, tearing through flesh and muscle with relentless force. His cries grow louder, his pleas for mercy falling on deaf ears as I continue to savage him without remorse. Adam's screams reach a fever pitch as I bite down harder, determined to inflict as much damage as possible. With a savage twist, I rip his arm from his body, blood gushing from the wound and splattering across my fur. A grin spreads across my muzzle as I gaze down at my handiwork, relishing in the sight of Adam's blood staining my claws and coating my face. But I'm far from finished. With a predatory gleam in my eyes, I prepare to unleash further torment upon him, tearing him limb from limb until he's nothing but a broken shell of a man, begging for the mercy he'll never receive.  Adam bo
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NICKOLAS My heart clenches as I hold Amelia's lifeless body close to my chest, her once warm skin now growing cold against mine. I shake her gently, calling out her name in desperation, but she remains unresponsive. I don’t waste another second and sprint towards the castle. My chest tightens at the thought of her never opening her eyes again, her beautiful blue eyes that draw me in without me even realizing.Upon bursting into the castle, I waste no time commanding the guards to fetch Beatrice and bring her to Amelia's room without delay. With trembling hands, I lay Amelia's body gently on the bed, feeling a surge of helplessness wash over me as I watch her pale form against the sheets. Beatrice arrives swiftly, her eyes widening in shock the moment they land on me. I've sustained some injuries while fighting—an arrow lodged in my shoulder that's not healing because it was coated with oak tree venom. But I'll be fine.
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