All Chapters of Mated To My Hated Enemy : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
93 Chapters
AMELIA  My eyes flutter open, squinting against the harsh light filtering into the room. As I move to shield my eyes with my right hand, I'm startled to find it stuck in something. Turning toward it, my eyes widen in surprise as I see Nickolas sleeping soundly on my hand. A rush of confusion floods through me as I quickly scan my body, only to find that all my wounds are miraculously healed, with not a single scar in sight. It's impossible. What the hell happened? With a sense of disbelief, I carefully extract my hand from under Nickolas's head, sitting up as I stare in awe at my fully healed body. The events of the previous night flood back to me in a whirlwind of memories, but none of them offer any explanation for this miraculous recovery. “You’re awake,” Nickolas says, his voice tinged with exhaustion as he yawns, dark circles under his eyes. My gaze shifts to his h
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My heart pounds as I stand in front of Nickolas's bedroom door, a bowl of medicine in my hand. It's a strange turn of events—I'm the one who almost lost my life, yet it's Nickolas who now needs herbs to recover. Because of what he did, I'm almost fully healed, but I can’t say the same for him. Beatrice told me he sustained some injuries while he fought the lycans, and on top of that, he gave me his blood. Beatrice explained that his status as the king of lycans is the only thing keeping him from being bedridden. If he were an ordinary lycan, he would be fighting for his life right now. Still, none of this explains why I find myself at his door with a bowl of medicine. Beatrice made a bet with me, challenging me to prove her wrong—that Nickolas doesn't truly care about me. To do so, she suggested I get close to him. According to her, once I'm close enough, I'll be able to discern his true intentions. And so, here I am, about to enter his room an
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A few days have passed since I was attacked. Thanks to Nickolas, I am fully healed and free of scars. I climb out of bed and step into my bathroom for a shower, my mind swirling. Lily left the previous night to search for her parents and gather news about mine. My heart beats very second, fearing Eric might spot her meeting with her father and capture him. Fervent prayers escape me, begging that wouldn't happen, that she will return safely with word on how my family fares. These past few days, I haven't crossed paths with Nickolas. I won't say he's deliberately avoiding me, nor I him, but our paths just haven't crossed much. He's been engrossed in fortifying the castle's defenses and attending to court matters. Beatrice expressed her concern that he didn't take adequate time to rest and heal properly, and I couldn't help but share a similar worry. However, so far, he's managed to defy our expectations by not experiencing any health complications despite his busy
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Dread coils in the pit of my stomach as I make my way down the marble staircase to Nickolas's study. He summoned me, no doubt, to discuss my behavior at breakfast. My shoulders slump with a sense of sadness. It was nice while it lasted. But instead of dwelling on my sadness, I should be praying that he doesn't make me regret my actions. Stepping into his office, my hands suddenly grow clammy as I approach Nickolas's desk. I discreetly wipe them on my dress, trying to compose myself as I clear my throat to speak."You asked for me," I say, my voice barely above a whisper, the confidence I had earlier that morning now nowhere to be found. Nickolas nods in acknowledgment but remains focused on the papers spread out before him, seemingly indifferent to my presence. Sweat begins to bead on my forehead as I brace myself for the inevitable confrontation. He's going to reprimand me for sure. I should have known better than to toy with him like I did earlier.
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Later that night, I find myself seated in the kitchen, the soft glow of the overhead lights casting a warm ambiance over the room. With my dinner on the counter and my beloved book in hand. Having whiled awaythe day immersed in its pages, I'm already halfway through. Beside me, Beatrice observes with mild interest, her gazelingering on the book clenched in my grasp."For a princess, I'm surprised you had the time to take upsuch a human hobby," she remarks, her tone tinged with curiosity."You would be surprised," I reply, forcing a smile asmemories of my unconventional childhood flood my mind."Why does it sound like you didn’t have a typical royalupbringing?" Beatrice probes gently, her keen intuition cutting through myfacade."You could say that," I murmur, turning a page in mybook before taking a bite of my dinner, attempting to deflect her inquiries.But Beatrice isn't easily deterre
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"Can we go somewhere private to talk?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper as I tuck a stray lock of hair behind my ear. His promise has stirred something within me, a longing to share the full story of my past. I'm curious to see how he'll react, to gauge if he'll see me differently. "Sure," he agrees, his hand finding mine and giving it a gentle squeeze. He leads us to his office.As he settles behind his desk, I take a seat opposite him, my fingers fidgeting in my lap. Nerves flutter in my stomach. Opening up about this part of my life is never easy. Maybe it would have been easier if we had just been regular mates, but we're not. But as I consider what I have to lose by telling him, I realize it's not much. He can't use my past against me or my family. At worst, it might change how he sees me, but perhaps not in a negative way. I lift my gaze from my lap, my eyes locking with his. Those mesmerizing green orbs seem to calm the s
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The sun hangs low in the sky, painting the horizon in hues of orange and pink as it prepares to give way to the encroaching night. In a clearing surrounded by towering trees, their leaves rustling in the strong gusts of wind, Nickolas and I face each other, both poised for combat. I pant hard, my chest heaving with each labored breath. Strands of hair, having escaped the confines of my bun, cling to my sweat-drenched face while others dance wildly in the wind. I swing on my feet, hands raised and fisted, as if ready to strike. And I want to, I desperately want to land a punch on Nickolas, but I know he would see it coming a mile away and easily block it. I push saliva down my raw throat, wiping sweat from my brow with the back of my hand. We have been training for hours now, and the toll on my body is evident. My muscles ache, and exhaustion threatens to overtake me at any moment. We've been training for hours now, and it's been absolute hel
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"Lord Easterlin," Nickolas calls, his voice commanding attention as he swiftly moves to stand in front of me, effectively blocking me from Lord Easterlin's view."Your Majesty," Lord Easterlin responds, the color gradually returning to his face after having paled while staring at me. Shit! I close my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose. This is not good. Not good at all."What has brought you here?" "I have urgent matters to discuss," Lord Easterlin says, tilting his head to the side, trying to get another glimpse of me. "Wait for me in my office. I will meet you there in a few minutes." "As you wish, Your Majesty." He bows and turns to leave, but not before sneaking one last peek at me over Nickolas's shoulder.I bite my nails, my mind racing with the possibilities of what would happen now that he saw my eyes and noticed the change in my scent. Lycans already whisper about my uncanny resemblance to
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NICKOLAS I steal a glance from the road, my eyes drawn to Amelia as she sits silently in the passenger seat of my sleek Bentley. Strands of her damp hair cling to her porcelain face, still wet from the rushed shower I had insisted she take. My own hair is barely dried, dark locks plastered against my forehead. I know she must be starving, her stomach hollow with hunger. But all of that has to wait. Her safety is the only thing that matters now.She turns to look at me, baby blue eyes wide and searching as my fingers reach out to tuck an errant curl behind her ear. Those eyes tug at my heart, begging me to explain why I pulled her from the castle and now speed her away to some unknown destination. Sighing, I pull my hand back, gripping the steering wheel until my knuckles turn white. As much as it pains me to keep her in the dark, to see the confusion and hint of fear swirling in her gaze, I know it’s for the best. She can’t know where we&rsquo
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I stride into my uncle’s office. The sight that greets me isn’t far from what I expected. Aunt Ava sits rigidly in her chair, her foot tapping an angry staccato against the polished hardwood floor. Uncle Leo, in contrast, appears outwardly calm, his expression inscrutable as he waits for me to take a seat and explain the situation.Steeling myself, I sink into the chair opposite Uncle Leo, acutely aware of Ava’s seething presence beside me. The tension in the room is palpable. I can see this talk going very horribly, but hopefully, with my life and Amelia’s safety on the line, it won’t.“Why the hell did you bring that animal into my home?” Ava snarls, her voice dripping with venom. The word ‘animal’ sends a sharp pang through my chest, my jaw clenching with the effort to bite back a heated retort.“Because you need to protect her,” I reply evenly, rubbing my temple in a futile attempt to stave of
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