All Chapters of Mated To My Hated Enemy : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
106 Chapters
The sound of my footsteps echoes through the dimly lit dungeon as I stride purposefully toward the center of the room. The air is thick with the coppery scent of blood and the weight of impending violence. I’ve just returned from saying goodbye to Amelia, who wasn’t thrilled about staying with Ava but understood the necessity better than my aunt did. My plan is to quickly finish my business here and retrieve her later.As I approach the center of the room, I find Lord Easterlin and a guard standing a few feet away from a man suspended from the ceiling. His body is a canvas of bruises and blood, the crimson liquid dripping steadily onto the stone floor below. This is the reason Lord Easterlin sought me out earlier while Amelia and I were training. He’s doing everything in his power to convince me he’s not in league with his daughter and to atone for his mistake in allowing her to slip away and nearly kidnap Amelia again.“Patrol Officer Hen
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Amelia stares at me, her eyes wide with shock as they roam over my scarred body, taking in the myriad of marks that crisscross my skin and the fresh blood of Henry's that paints me in a gruesome tableau. I can practically hear the thoughts racing through her mind. Disgusting. Ugly. He must have done something to deserve it. Thank heavens, we're enemies; otherwise, I'd be stuck with someone so repulsive. My heart clenches painfully in my chest, knowing with absolute certainty that those are the thoughts consuming her. Even if we weren't enemies, my scars would have ensured we never ended up together."Who hurt you?" Amelia's voice cuts through my spiraling thoughts, snapping me back to the present. She takes a step closer, tears glistening in her eyes, and I feel a surge of anger and betrayal. She's mocking me, pretending to care when I know she doesn't feel an ounce of genuine concern. It's all a lie, a cruel joke at my expense, and it hurts more than I ever thought possible.
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The following day, I make my way downstairs to the dining room for breakfast with Ava and Leo. Leo doesn’t have to eat, being a lycan, but he chooses to do so because he doesn’t want Ava to ever have to eat alone. I find it heartwarming that he would do something so small yet meaningful for her. I pause at the entrance, my breath catching in my throat at the sight of an unexpected figure occupying the seat beside my usual place. Even from behind, I would know that proud tilt of the head, those broad shoulders anywhere. Nickolas. He turns at the sound of my approach, his expression as unreadable as ever, those green eyes giving nothing away. I search his face desperately for any hint that he's missed me these past few days as fiercely as I've missed him, but his features remain an impassive mask. Swallowing hard, I force my leaden feet to carry me forward until I sink into my chair, the silence between us stretching taut as a bowstring.Nickolas doesn'
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I jolt awake, my skin slick with sweat. The air in my room is thick and heavy, the heat pressing down on me like a physical weight. Blinking away the last vestiges of sleep, my eyes widen in horror as I take in the sight before me - roaring flames licking at the walls, devouring everything in their path.Panic seizes me, a scream lodging in my throat as I stumble from the bed, coughing and choking on the acrid smoke that fills my lungs with every gasping breath. The fire seems to have originated in the closet, the flames climbing higher and higher with each passing second. I can't begin to fathom how this nightmare started.I lurch towards the door, my only thought to escape, to flee the inferno that threatens to consume me. But as my fingers close around the handle, a blinding white light explodes through the room, the force of it sending me flying backward. I crash into the vanity table, the glass shattering beneath my weight as I crumple to the floor in a heap of li
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I blink rapidly, trying to make sense of my surroundings, but there's nothing to see. The darkness is absolute, a thick, inky blackness that seems to swallow me whole. Ember's grip on my arm has vanished, along with the heat of her body. Fear claws at my throat as the reality of my situation sinks in - I've been kidnapped, dragged through that shimmering portal to heavens knows where.A scream rips from my lungs as something unseen yanks my feet out from under me. I brace for impact, expecting to crash to the ground in a tangle of limbs, but instead, I land heavily in a wooden chair that seems to materialize out of thin air. My head whips around, searching frantically for the source of this sorcery, but there's nothing, no one. Just the endless dark and the frantic pounding of my own heart.Cold metal bites into the tender skin of my wrists as restraints snake around them, binding me to the chair with brutal efficiency. The work of an Earth witch, I realize with a sink
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NICKOLAS "How could this happen? How could you fucking let this happen?" I roar, my voice raw with fury and desperation as I pace the living room like a caged animal, my hands clenching and unclenching at my sides."You think I let this happen?" Ava screams back, her face twisted with indignation and hurt."Don't you dare fucking raise your voice at me," I snarl, whirling on her with a ferocity that has her taking an involuntary step back. I loom over her, my body vibrating with barely contained rage, and for a moment, I see a flicker of fear in her eyes."And if I do, what will you do to me?" she challenges, lifting her chin defiantly as she tries to match my stance, but even at her full height, she barely reaches my chest. I glare down at her, my fists clenching so hard I can feel my nails biting into my palms, drawing blood. She knows I won't lay a hand on her, that my love for her stays in my hand even in the darkest of moments, and the
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The following day, I wake before the sun, driven by an urgency that won't allow me to linger in bed a moment longer. In my hotel room, I quickly ready myself to continue the search for Amelia. The previous night, a witch had managed to narrow her location to the surrounding area. We had searched relentlessly until the first rays of dawn forced us to take some rest. But a mere three hours later, I'm back on my feet, fueled by a resolve that leaves no room for sleep - not while I know she's out there, somewhere, in potential danger. Every fiber of my being rebels against complacency until she's safely recovered.I shower and dress quickly, my movements sharp and efficient as I gather my phone and wallet. As I reach for the door, the knob turns beneath my hand, and instinct takes over. In a blur of motion, I have the intruder pinned against the wall, my arm pressing into their throat as my claws dig into their chest, ready to rip out their heart at a moment's notice."I m
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NICKOLAS We leave the hotel, my steps heavy with a sense of urgency that has become my constant companion these past few days. The pre-dawn air is cool against my skin as we fan out, beginning our search of the areas the witch tracked her to before the trail went dead.I pause, closing my eyes and drawing in a deep breath through my nose, hoping against hope to catch even the faintest trace of Amelia's sweet, intoxicating scent on the breeze. The scent that never fails to soothe the turmoil in my soul, a balm against the ever-present worries that plague me.Unconsciously, my mind conjures her image so vividly that I can almost reach out and touch her. I see her standing before me in that pale yellow sundress that hugs her lithe form in all the right places, the soft fabric doing little to conceal the lush curves that have become my torment and my salvation. Her beautiful face is tilted up towards the sun, and those baby blue eyes I adore crinkle at
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I stride through the castle's imposing doors, my footsteps ringing out against the stone floors with a sense of grim purpose. I don't slow my pace, don't pause to admire the grandeur of the vaulted halls and ornate tapestries adorning the walls. My only thought is to deal with this insurrection from the lords as swiftly and decisively as possible so I can return my focus to what truly matters - scouring every inch of the kingdom for Amelia until she is safely back in my arms.The guards flanking the throne room's entrance snap to attention as I approach, their movements crisp and precise as they pull the heavy wooden doors open in deference to my presence. As I cross the threshold, the low murmur of conversation dies away, an expectant hush falling over the assembled nobility like a shroud.I don't spare them more than a cursory glance as I make my way to the center of the throne room. Their faces are a blur of simpering obsequience as they rise as one and bow in greet
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"Hmm, so this is what you all believe?" I muse, my gaze sweeping over the gathered nobility, taking in their expressions of barely concealed hostility and judgment. "Yes, Your Majesty," they reply in unison, their voices ringing with a condemnation that sets my teeth on edge. I can feel a smile tugging at my lips, a mirthless thing that doesn't reach my eyes. They must truly think me weak to believe I would let such blatant slander against my rule go unanswered. That I would not have their heads for daring to question my motives, my authority. Rising slowly from my throne, I descend the dais steps with a deliberate, measured tread, the lords scrambling to their feet in response. I make my way towards Easterlin, holding his gaze with an intensity that has him shifting uncomfortably, his earlier bravado faltering in the face of my silent fury. He tries to maintain eye contact as I come to a stop before
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