All Chapters of OPPOSITE TWINS The Origin of the Lady...: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
104 Chapters
The rain intensifies, as does the thunder and lightning that occasionally shake the entire environment where the two are. After hearing and seeing the younger sister's serene and calm state, the teacher calms down a little. Even though she is aware that her appearance is due to the fact that until then the truth of the seriousness of their situation is still hidden from her sister, who is still hopeful when it comes to the life they have in Romantics.“I don’t have time to go into details or prepare your heart for what I have to say. But in short: We need to run away again and... this time it won't be as simple as other times, unfortunately nothing is in our favor, not even the weather and the climate situation.”, he whispers into his sister's ear, still talking. with difficulty."What!? I didn't understand! Why!? No, no, it doesn't make sense...! You promised me and... you even confirmed to me a few days ago that this was over... here, right here!?” complains the sister, looking conf
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"Calm. I didn't betray him...., if that's what you thought, or worse, what I implied.The thing is much more complex... and inexplicable and what's worse, unacceptable. I want you to promise that you will listen to me, trying not to interrupt me.”, she requests while taking a deep breath, as she is almost running out of breath and, she becomes even more nervous, every time she looks at the clock that is right next to her bed.“I’m listening…” she settles down once again, sitting across from her sister.“First of all, know that I am who you know I have always been.Do you remember the night of Rúbia and my civil wedding anniversary that ended with a ceremony?“Yes, and I ended up losing because of the lack of three nurses on duty who showed up late and without warning! How could I forget not being able to attend my only sister’s wedding.”, she laments.“This detail now makes sense, just like my husband having to take guests to their homes all night after our ceremony, everything falls
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“Take this”, he gives his sister some medicine and then writes down the time on a pad of paper that he carries in one of his pockets. She usually uses it to write down her chores at the hospital. After a few minutes she asks a question:“What does Mrs. Rúbia intend to do at this point in the championship?Did she make clear to you the step-by-step plans involving you and your son?”“What she told me...” continues the pregnant woman “... was that I didn't need to worry about anything, because when I was nine months pregnant, I would be taken to the hospital to have the child through a Cesarean section.It would have to be at the local hospital, here, and when that happens, she will be there, simulating that she also arrived to have the child through a natural birth.At that moment my son would be transferred to her room and they would use the body of a dead child, which is preserved in formaldehyde to be registered as being my son who had already been born dead and, due to the complica
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“I matured over the years... I realized that people, no matter how much they want to say they are equal, they are not and their strength is precisely for this reason.Our emotional constitution, our position in society, our point of view on certain situations... in short... all these and other factors added or subtracted give us the particularity that strengthens or weakens us.Look at me, in this position I find myself in, similar to the game, I am vulnerable.It doesn't matter the skills I acquired that have kept us alive to this day. Now I'm an easy target. Similar to a “queen” cornered by another “queen” and the “pieces” that are part of her kingdom.”, he exemplifies.“You are scaring me when you use the terms she uses, bringing the game into our reality!”, she finds it strange and appears fearful.“Turns out this is a game, sis! What I'm in, in check... I hate having to say this, but sincerity obliges me: All human beings are in a game... they always have been and, only now, thro
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“I'm sorry, but all the nurses and doctors were forced not to report these events. We even signed a term, so I felt torn about telling you and reaching out to your friend, Ms. Rúbia, and since they had decided to follow up outside, I believed the information was irrelevant”, the sister apologizes once again.“No, I mentioned the reason... I just said that my husband had made a plan in a private hospital in the capital and that's why our son wouldn't be born here. This forced her to tell me the truth about everything... Changing plans that I only knew about at the time of birth or never knew about... For becoming another one of the victims...,” she explains.“You speak so naturally…” strange.“It's a game I've played before, when I faced the people who threatened us, I saw them as simple pieces that should be discarded to achieve the objective of survival. Life for me has always been a trophy for survival.”, he takes a deep breath and adds, “there have been moments in my life when I ha
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“I always believed in you and... know that... even though I knew we didn't have a normal life, anywhere we lived after Dad died, I felt safe knowing that you were by my side, taking care of me and ... that's why my sleep... was always peaceful, after all, there was no way not to be... I was absolutely sure that you were awake, attentive and by my side.Today I feel flattered that my heroine compares me to herself...!As children we try to compare ourselves to our heroes and the feeling of our hero comparing us to himself is... something surreal!Yes, I want to be a “Sam” for my nephew, in reality I have always dreamed of being like you, but I have to tell you that I will never replace you, my sister... I do not wish to be your “mother”. son” even though it is an incalculable honor.I want and love the idea of ​​being your sister and your child's aunt and not having to take those titles that only you are entitled to.Now I want you to promise me, this is my condition, that you will rea
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The next day, Saturday night.As an excellent strategist and good instructor, things went exactly as Eleonora planned except for the conclusion.The storm was bigger than predicted and, in addition, it also started about an hour earlier than estimated by the weather service. That's why the two women didn't count, but the worst surprise was yet to come.“Okay, the effect will occur in an hour or so, considering that it has been three hours since I introduced it into you.Now I'm going to give you more of this and... I already have everything prepared.You can be sure that it was raining outside and the thunder was beyond normal...”,While she was still speaking, the lights went out and the entire town was left in complete darkness.This makes them both tense, but that's not all.A sound of loud footsteps becomes audible to the two frightened women. They also hear, soon after, a male voice, hoarse as if communicating with at least one other man who, in turn, has the most incomprehensibl
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The unfortunate man sets off on a reckless run and is only interrupted by the times when he gets his feet stuck in the mud and has to insist on removing the boots he is wearing and is forced to use in front of the branches, twigs and sharp stones that exist on the path.The feared actually happened. The river is covering the bridge that connects the small village to the Reid family mansion.Now he has no alternative but to make the long journey outside the property to avoid risking his own life trying to swim across.Almost an hour later, crossing some fences and corrals, he arrives at the mansion and, upon entering through the back door, grabs a handful of keys and leaves with them hidden under the cover, until he arrives at the large vehicle garage.Now in possession of one of them, the man will have to make an even longer journey through the center of the city, which, at this point in the storm, had streets similar to water and sewage channels.The electricity remains interrupted,
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Without further delay, the scene returns to that outside his house where, while running aimlessly through the storm, he becomes more and more convinced that he was in front of two devilish women:The wife he admired, to whom he gave his heart, and the sister-in-law who always respected him and for whom he had immense affection.At that moment, still in the room and astonished at the fact that she had failed in her plan, the nurse hears her sister's voice, who finally returns and asks to see her son.To preserve Eleonora, Júlia decides not to report what happened, which only lasted a few minutes, but which could shake those who should remain safe.Sparing his sister this possible emotion would be crucial at that moment.Eleonora waves to Júlia who, in response, takes the child to her mother.She seemed to have stable emotions. But when she feels the child on her, she begins to demonstrate an inner happiness on her face, noticeable even when she is down.Eleonora had no idea of ​​the em
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“Send them up now”, orders the widow, she is curious due to the detail of the urgency.Twelve years later, present day...In a certain square, well-treed and full of concrete tables with black and white squares printed on each of them and just two concrete benches on each side of them, there used to be several people at a certain time in the late afternoon competing between itself the game that gave its name to the square in the center of the city's capital.The place became the most pleasant of all due to the cool climate, the birdsong and the fish swimming in the lakes. A colossal contrast with the concrete jungle that forms a kind of suffocating and noisy barrier.A woman was in one of her routines sitting on a wide wooden bench shaded by a huge tree a few meters away from a small, designated set of tables. Which, by the way, were the furthest away from the hustle and bustle caused by the accumulation of players and larger groups of tables in the center of the park.Everyone who fr
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