All Chapters of OPPOSITE TWINS The Origin of the Lady...: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
104 Chapters
“Okay, that sounds reasonable.The witness is a lady who, routinely, at the same time, according to her every night, interrupts a TV program with the aim of taking her pet to do its business outside the walls of the house where she lives alone...Her dog used to always signal to go out at the same time.That way she didn't even need to look at the clock.One night she left her house and walked to a vacant lot, about 2 blocks from where she lives. The same place as always. At that moment, she came across a man whose hands were still covered in blood and kept a type of razor in one of his pockets.He, according to her, still looked in her direction, but because she was in a darker place and the light was directly on his face, he certainly didn't see her.The witness described him as being approximately tall, around 1.85m tall, with very black hair, brown eyes, with a well-defined physique... sharp nose, thin lips, no beard or mustache...Nothing very precise, however, regarding the fac
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“I'll start from the beginning, detective...I dated Alejandro for a month, that is, in a relatively short time we became engaged. This condition lasted at least until two weeks ago... Some gossip magazines criticized it saying that it couldn't last because it was a relationship between two people who didn't know each other for the time necessary for a structured relationship. However, I already knew him very well...Many people know..., except you, of course..., that I worked for years, on several of his productions, before and after we became intimately involved...”, she insinuates. “You're right, I didn't know..., but that's not the way I usually work, it's just...”, The detective once again tries to explain, but she interrupts him, ignoring him.“The time that many critics didn't count, but I did, was the time I worked alongside him. These opportunities for coexistence are the ones that create bonds that lead to attraction, passion and, finally... love. And in the case of a man
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“To me it looks like the script of a film... a novel...”, says the somewhat bored investigator.“It was the same conclusion that my producer reached...! When I told her how it all started... She wanted the world to see us both...!”, she remembers.“I know... It's a shame that my assistant isn't here to learn about how to fall in love, she missed class!”, says the investigator, already feeling more bored in the face of so much romanticism outside the context of the case and, especially taking into account that finding it strange She said she was in a hurry.“Can I get back to the topic, investigator...?I believed the intention was to find out from me, who Alejandro Hernández is!”, she argues. The detective realizes that he is being sarcastic and says, “yes, sorry..., you can continue, I promise to restrain myself and wait until you get to the point that interests me as an investigator.“Thank you very much detective!”, he says sarcastically.“You can continue...!”, he repeats.“As I
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“He will only be guilty when one day, in this unfair and extremely ungrateful world, it is determined that hundreds of good actions are actually evil!Do some research and you will see that... he alone... did more for people than hundreds of initiatives by dozens of people who consider themselves good...!” she guarantees, already showing impatience. “It's not up to me, taking into account that I don't have enough evidence to determine who may... or may not... be guilty or innocent..., but in general I learned that human beings are not in a position to measure in the right measure, neither love nor hate”, says the old man in response to her statements.At this point she adds, “whatever..., but if there really were crimes, if there is a real suspect..., it could even be very similar to him, but it could never be him. Have you ever thought about this possibility?I guarantee that Alejandro's heart only drives him towards good...And it has always been and will be like this...”, she says
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Everyone stays silent until she recovers herself and adds, “no matter what you hear, the accusations against him, if they truly exist, are false. You will never hear anything come out of my mouth other than that. And I am, as you said, the closest person to him.”, she states.“I promise to take this into consideration...We are all influenced by the moment and by emotion and maybe on another occasion you will remember something and... feel free to tell me”, concludes the researcher.The model says in response, after throwing her hair back, “about the project, what I have to say is “yes”. It's big, it's his... and I'm not going to be part of it...Someone close to him revealed to me that, “I don't fit into the drama, unless it was in the final part, where I would play myself... I confess that I didn't understand this statement, but it doesn't matter if my name won't appear in the credits in the end, I was part of his life and no one can take that credit from me... I'm not the target o
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The model opens her bag to put the card and what the detective had written and give it to her. At that exact moment, Gaspar turns around and catches her with one of her hands inside her bag. Soon she takes advantage and takes a pack of pills that she usually carries with her, inside her.“Gaspar, I need some water”, she shows him the pills.Immediately the man looks around and, upon finding the water fountain in one of the corners of the room, he heads towards it.At the moment when the lawyer is filling a disposable cup, facing away from them both, she approaches the old man and whispers, “Alej is good, but like everyone else, he also has enemies...and”, soon she becomes Compose yourself, because there is no time to finish the sentence.Moments later, in the parking lot, the lawyer helps her get into her car and as he approaches, before closing the door, he says, “you did relatively well..., but we need to talk a little as soon as possible”, in a tone that makes her uncomfortable.“I
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“I only read a few articles about him and they all personify him as a very good and irreproachable man. I didn’t have time to read about her.”, confesses the old man.“Boss, it is a fact that in this case... specifically, we will come across actors and actresses who, very easily, could become whoever is necessary to manipulate us. They study acting techniques, they train so much, to the point where they have excelled in their ability to become other people... They are pure talents!”, she recalls.“To be honest, when I heard that our suspect was going to be an actor and that those who could give us details about him would certainly also be actors and actresses, it didn't cross my mind. But now that you’ve told me that, I just have to agree.”, reflects the old detective.“I noticed this in the articles I read... Many are good at this and everything indicates that the best in our country is working and living with our suspect and, to make matters worse, our suspect is the best of all...!
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“Boss, these were unsolved crimes! No apparent investigative commitment! They were murders of rich elderly people, who, as good citizens, paid taxes throughout their existence and still paid until they died...! Is it because someone didn't show up setting trash on fire in the streets, as a sign of protest, that they don't deserve an investigation? Were they not worthy of this right? Was it because of the lack of posters saying “we want justice”, or something like that, that the police didn’t try to investigate and bring justice? And as for the media: nothing... not a single line, not a single mention to society, as if nothing had happened!”, she asks, with astonishment and, she adds, “why does society, friends, would relatives, if any, and the police themselves, hush up each of the deaths?” she concludes with more questions that neither of them would know how to answer. “I believe it may be “running under investigative secrecy” or as many know it as “investigative secrecy....” not
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“I'm going to be honest with you Rebecca...” he says, interrupting her abruptly, “I don't feel comfortable working this way... Informant within the DP, this is unimaginable and unacceptable to me! Investigate completely in secret, in secret even from the police?”, he concludes, demonstrating that he is a person who likes to act according to the rules.“I'm not surprised by your attitude, boss. In fact, I already imagined that you would react this way to my revelation...,” she reacts, lowering her head.“My conscience bothers me, I apologize to you...Maybe I'm not even normal considering the way people deal with needs that force them to break small rules for their own goals, claiming to themselves that it's a greater good.Throughout my working career I have never done anything without being on the side of the law... and, following the pre-established rules that I agreed to follow as soon as I graduated”, says the old man who became the icon of justice in his time with sincerity. wher
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“It's Becca, you might be right....Sometimes a younger mind like yours brings a point of view from another angle... and, in some cases, that's what we need to get a panoramic view of something that was previously only seen from the inside out...” the old detective admits in part.“I'm glad you're giving me the chance to express myself.And giving yourself the chance to see that everything fits together, boss... Think about it:A change in the system that restricts the freedom of private investigation comes in handy in cases of cover-up of crimes by the biased police system itself.It is a fact that most crimes are caused by simple, poor people with little or no education and, perhaps, because these people represent the majority in our country and in many others as well.And this criminal class, of simple people, usually uses escape to avoid suffering the penalties of the law.But it is not the lack of education or financial resources that leads someone to commit crimes. The factors a
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