All Chapters of OPPOSITE TWINS The Origin of the Lady...: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
104 Chapters
The next morning,at the counter of a bar two blocks from the capital's central hospital“Tiring night, doctor?”, a man approaches what appeared to be a doctor who had just finished his night shift and was having a drink to wake up.“Yes, it was, but it's part of the horror show of my profession... I can't afford to complain... I'm sorry, but do we know each other?” asks the doctor suspiciously, as he had never seen that man in a bar that it is almost the frequency of hospital employees.“Excuse me, let me introduce myself: I'm a DP detective here in the capital and my colleague and I would like to ask a few questions about the body of the elderly gentleman who was about to be examined.”, says the man dressed in a street sweeper's overalls, sweaty.Soon, the doctor finds the dress of what is called a “police investigator” strange.“I'm sorry, but I'm not allowed to talk about it... like that, nothing official...” he cuts off the word and turns away from the investigator.“We know this
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“I don’t know the name, but I have a photo of the board. I believe that those who know it will notice the absence of the piece in the set... Just a moment and I'll check here...”, he searches among papers in a small suitcase.After finding what appears to be a xerox copy of a photo, he starts counting how many pieces he has of each figure in the game to the woman on the phone.“Remember, madam, that this image and all the rest of the material go together in the next envelope for you...”, emphasizes the thin agent.At that exact moment when the chubby man is still mentioning some pieces, the police detectives are surprised by a noise coming from the only door of the small apartment. Without a doubt it was a break-in. After knocking down the door, the client experienced what appears to be physical fighting and, shortly after, a gunshot was fired. Finally, there is a calm and the silence is broken by some inaudible voices. Minutes later, scared, she interrupts the call herself.Months la
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In Argentine.A large South American film festival, where the best filmmakers from different countries in South and Central America and Spanish-speaking countries come together. There are several celebrities present. During that night, many categories had already been awarded, as usual.One of the films with the highest nomination was a crime thriller. Winning the awards for: Best Film, Original Screenplay, Best Protagonist and Best Director.The production was made by an acclaimed actor, director and screenwriter. Well known to everyone present, for being the owner of one of the largest audio visual producers. Its main activity is the creation and production of films. In addition to commercials for television and other media.The conglomerate of companies owned by the same owner still has shares in all other producers that individually also competed for the awards.But that night, all the attention is on one of the films and, logically, on a single person.“We feel honored and... ind
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After saying goodbye to the initial journalist, the actor is approached by other press professionals and some fans.“Tell us more about this new production of yours...Everyone knows that you are doing everything alone, unlike anything you have ever done...My sources have informed me that even the most dangerous scenes... which, by the way... will be breathtaking, you have promised will be the most real of any that have ever been filmed in the history of cinema.And is it true that the story will be your first non-fiction?Will it be completely based on facts...?”, says the reporter known in the artistic world as “the production investigator”.“No comment on that and... have you considered referring to “your sources as “informants” instead of simply treating them as “sources...?”After all, it seems to me that they are more on top of everything than me and my production.”, then Alejandro turns his back on the indiscreet reporter.“Well guys”, says the reporter, somewhat embarrassed b
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“We rarely come across bad fakes, but we can’t say the same about good fakes.”, comments a person watching the broadcast.About a month later Veteran detective Santiago, with graying, thinning hair, is sitting impatiently in a comfortable armchair in the waiting room of a sophisticated police department located in a prime area of ​​the center of the capital.Days before, he had been hired by a mysterious client and received an advance that happened to arrive at the right time.Now here he was following his instinct and taking the initial step into private investigation.The building, at the address that was routine for the old man, was completely renovated a few years ago, little resembling the police department where the detective worked for decades and established an excellent reputation until the day he retired.Now he sits in the same place that any civilian citizen would sit to wait to be served, that is, in front of the door to the boss's office.It's been about an hour, and d
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"You here...? What a surprise!”, the delegate is surprised when he sees his former professional colleague again.He had come to open the door to make sure he was really who he thought he was. "Good morning my friend...!" greets Santiago, without hiding his euphoria at seeing Garcia.He did not imagine that upon seeing his name on the attendance record, the now police chief of the central police station would get up and come and call him personally.The two hug and enter next to each other, closing the door immediately afterwards. Soon Garcia asks the clerk to leave the room for a moment, thinking about having an unofficial and relaxed conversation with his long-time friend.“I still don't know what motivates him to work in an area that I, out of consideration, committed myself to taking away from him. Not because I believed he wasn't productive, but because of his health and..., after the incident with his wife.”, Garcia claims.“I’m grateful for that and I also accepted it due to fo
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“A good opportunity to put this document at the bottom of a drawer and stay at home enjoying retirement Santiago.”, says the police chief.“Do what... isn’t it...?That's the only thing I've learned... and that even though it's gone, it's still inside me. You know my friend that I still have the feeling that I was removed when I believed I could do more...You are my friend... that's why I believe you did what you did... for my good. But that doesn't lead me to believe that it was at the right time and, yes, that it was earlier... than I expected.After all, “how can I be what you say I am, without doing what I do best...”, reasons the old man, feeling useless.“Humans sometimes surprise us, even though they are also human. How many times do our commitments contradict our opinions, Santiago? How many times does this happen in our lives?Maybe what is contradictory today, can make sense at the right moment, friend... after all... there is nothing like time, to prove at the right time,
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“Garcia, I promise I won’t bother you anymore. It's just this once.Any other witness on my list will be booked into my private room...”, guarantees the old man, taking into account that this time it was due to an unforeseen event.“I have a little time, so tell me more details about this.”, requests the delegate, thoughtful and curious.“You know about my wife's health status, don't you?”, Santiago asks rhetorically and upon having visual confirmation from his friend he continues, “due to expenses I was I tried to resolve my bills and I had an unforeseen event, extra medications that left me without capital, so the room project, which I needed to serve clients, had been left behind.“Yes, yes Santiago...! But it's not about your room or your little money, medicines, etc... that I'm asking about. It's about the client who appeared out of nowhere hiring you and paying over the bill.This is very unusual...? Didn’t you think about that...?”, he asks.“Yes, yes, you are right. And accord
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What the old detective hadn't noticed was that his assistant had actually left the scene suddenly after noticing that it was precisely when he had answered the call from the first witness in the case and that she was about to arrive at any moment.“Boss, I have to go now, I’ll call you later and tell you why…” were her last words before Aldo arrived looking to find her.“Sir, sir...!?”, the police department receptionist draws Santiago’s attention as she approaches the old investigator who was sitting with the civilians and thinking. “Hi, sorry...” if you noticed, the detective.“Your guest and what appears to be her lawyer have already arrived.Remember that you will need the room...? And Mr. Garcia asked for it to be brief?”, she passes on the delegate’s message.Since the assistant had not arrived on time and had not called or responded to the detective's attempts to speak to her. The old man realizes that he will have to interrogate the witness alone.This witness was not just an
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“I will be providing a request that, after analysis, will give me the right to have access to all the material collected by the police relating to this case...But you are traveling and when you come it will be a little late to contribute any information you can give me now. Before your return, I intend to have the whole case resolved. That was the reason for, first of all, inviting her to be here and have access to her contribution.The person who hired me, who prefers to remain anonymous, even to me, which certainly must have a reason, only let me know about the crimes and provided me with a suspect so it's up to me to find out if there is enough evidence to follow the line of investigation from the starting point provided to me.I'm starting with you, following my intuition, or rather, the path that I think is the most obvious.”, explains the detective, believing that dialogue can break paradigms.“I understand that currently there is a bureaucratic side that limits a person in the
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