All Chapters of Craving My Ex Luna: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
129 Chapters
Erica:I was at the mall early by 6:30 pm. I was too nervous to be around Lorenzo. He was ‘different’ and it felt uncomfortable.As the evening Drew closer, I was stuck with him making a fuss over me. It stunned me how fast he flipped the switch from an angry fiance to a loving and doting one.I was stuck in a near cringe position every time he was around me.I was so happy that Javier asked me to go with him. I needed the change of company.I walked to the restaurant but was reluctant to go inside. Going inside would imply that I wanted a meal and I didn't want him to…“Hey."I was startled and surprised to see Javier at the door of the restaurant. He had on a pair of blue jeans with a black turtle neck sweater.His golden eyes seemed to light up the place and his smile made me feel uneasy."I was waiting for you inside. Why are you out here?”I stumbled on my words and I felt stupid for a whole five seconds. I should have gone inside."I didn't think that we were going to meet insid
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Erica:“Wow, he's a persistent man. Does he give you trouble?"I saw the softness on his face slowly disappear and a grim seriousness crept in.I could feel him getting defensive and I felt a shiver run down my spine.“You don't have to worry about him. I can handle him."Javier eased up slightly and took another sip of water.“If you need help with him, you know that you can tell me."I smiled and poked at my food with my spoon.“You seem eager. You let him carry me away when we were dancing," I said with a chuckle.Javier smirked and rolled his eyes.“I see where this is going. I actually thought that he was your boyfriend. It wasn't difficult to see the way he claimed you. I just wanted to back off. I'm not one to stir up trouble."He smirked and we continued the light banter. I was relaxed. His gaze no longer made me uncomfortable but was soothing and warm.His pearly teeth seemed to reflect the restaurant's lights and his hair was perfect. Not a single lock was out of place.Our
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Erica:He leaned in closer, just a few inches away from my lips. He closed his eyes and then I snapped.I raised my hand and slapped him across the cheek. The sound rang loudly into the night and he pulled back and looked at me in shock as he held his face.I had tears in my eyes and my nose was a little runny.In those briefs seconds, I had had thoughts rush in and out of my head. I couldn't bare to make things more complicated than they already were. I was cheating on Lorenzo with Dante and it would be terrible for me to bring Javier into the mix.He was a nice guy but I couldn't do it. I took him as a friend and business partner. How dare he try to take advantage of my vulnerability?“Erica…”He was lost for words and I could tell that he was sorry.His golden eyes were sad and stunned. I couldn't bring myself to look at him anymore.I grabbed my bag and my children's take-out and walked away."Erica!”I heard the sound of running footsteps and a hand touched my arm."Erica, I'm…"
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Erica:The force and pain sent me to the ground and I was twisting in agony.My blood was oozing out of my arm and spraying everywhere.“Ahhhhhhhhh!"I was screaming and fighting as hard as I could. The wolf held on tightly to me and refused to let go.Its teeth sunk deep into my flesh and it shook me violently.I was in pain and it felt like someone had poured fire on my open flesh. The wolf was massive and its glowing golden eyes pierced the darkness and struck fear into the depths of my soul.It's grey fur was barely visible in the night starry sky and its growls rumbled deep into the night.“Let me go! Let me go!”I kicked at it violently and caught it in the face. It yelped and let go of me. In those few seconds, I tried to escape. I had barely gotten off the ground when its paw swiped me.I fell in the dirt again and grazed my knee. My dress was badly ripped and my bra was peaking from underneath. I tried to kick it again but it grabbed my leg in its jaw and clamped down tightly
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Erica:“ Ma'am? Can you hear me?”My eyes flickered open slowly and a bright blinding white light made my eyes sting.I could see heads looking down at me. They were in masks and all had funny head…“Madam? Can you see me? Can you hear me?"“W…what is going on?"I was weak and was barely able to move. My mind was hazy. Where was I? What was going on?“Madam, you're in the hospital. Some men brought you in here. They said that they found you in the forest."My eyes opened wider and I sat up immediately. Tears began to form and I began to look at my body.“No! No! How could they?! They…”"Madam, we need you to calm down.”One of the nurses pushed me gently back on the bed but it didn't stop the tears that were streaming down my face.I remembered the men. I remembered one of them complimented me. I remembered the lustful tone in his voice.I looked at the nurse with fear written all over my face but she remained calm.“You don't have to worry. You weren't raped. The only injuries
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Lorenzo:I put the kids to bed. It wasn't as difficult as I expected but it wasn't as fun, either.They had come downstairs and as soon as they saw me, they froze in the spot and stared at me.I smiled at them but they didn't return it. They acted like programmed robots and only spoke to me when I spoke to them.“Hey, I guess Mum sent you three upstairs for a nap. What would you like to eat?"“Where is she?" asked Ethan.He was just five and he sounded ice cold.I tried my best to ignore the frostiness in his voice and smile.“She went out but I'll be staying home with you three till she gets back."They didn't smile, laugh, or even say anything. Ethan took the lead and went straight upstairs and his sisters followed closely behind.I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. It was becoming more glaring that the kids didn't like me.I had always felt how distant they were and I hoped that it would ease off with time but I didn't. They were still pushing me away even though I was goi
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Dante:I was in my office alone. I had tried to call Erica but none of my calls were going through.I believe that she had blocked me.It enraged me and I slammed my fist on the table. I was about to push something off but I was silent.She was angry and she had every right to be. I knew that she loved me and I used it as leverage to lie to her, knowing that she would come.I sighed.I had used her and though we had intense sex, I didn't cover the fact that I had lied to get her there.I stood up and paced around the room. Could she really blame me? I was crazy for her. Ever since I found out that she was the one representing her dad because of the gem, j hadn't been myself.It felt like something inside of me had changed. I had lost all interest in Laura and all I wanted was her.Erica invaded my every thought. I was scared that I was going mad.The more I thought about her, the more my hate for Lorenzo grew. I couldn't sleep at night knowing that he was sleeping next to her and that
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Lorenzo:I sat on a chair and watched her as she cleaned up. I admired the gentle sway of her body and the way her hair hung beautifully down her back. She was beautiful and she was mine.I turned my head to the stairs and made sure that the children were coming back down.Once I was certain, I stood up and stood behind her.My hard cock brushed against her and she jumped in fright, trying to turn around but I stopped her.“Lorenzo, what are…”"Shhhhhh.–"I hushed her softly and played with her hair a little.“–keep doing what you're doing."I saw a blush spread over her cheeks. She said nothing and continued to wash up.I pulled her hair back and kissed her neck softly. I sigh escaped her lips and she leaned in towards my touch.I pressed myself closer to her and my member throbbed.I played with her dress and moved it around. Her legs began to move restlessly and I couldn't help but smile.“Lorenzo, we can't…”"Shhhhh.”I hushed her again and pulled her skirt up slowly and savoured
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Erica:I was alone in the room when someone burst in.“Erica?!"I sat up in alarm."Javier?”Before he could take another step closer to me, nurses and security officers burst in and grabbed him."Take him out. He isn't supposed to be here.”The nurses looked at him sternly and gave the order as the officers carried him out of the room.He struggled to get out of their grasp but they swarmed him. I knew that he was holding back. He couldn't use his werewolf strength. There were people in the ward and it would attract a lot of attention."Wait!”The men froze and looked at me."Let him go. I called him and asked him to come here.”"But ma'am you need to rest.”I took a deep breath. Javier's golden eyes stared deep into my soul and I felt the warmth in them.“I want him to be here. Just leave him. I'll be fine."There was slight tension in the room and finally, they let him go. The nurses left with the security officers and we were left alone.I was silent and turned my head away. I sti
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Erica:I looked at Dante in shock. What was he doing here? I didn't call him. How did he even find me?“What is this man doing here, Erica?"I sat up and narrowed my eyes down on him.Urghh! He was so ballsy that it made me mad.“The real question is, ‘What are you doing here, Dante?’ How did you find me? I didn't call you.”He ignored me and stood toe to toe with Javier who stared back at him, unafraid."I will ask you one last time. What are you doing here? What are you doing with Erica?”Javier stared back at him. He was raised to his full height and he looked slightly taller than Dante."She told you that she doesn't want you here. You're the only one that is here without an invitation.”Dante's green eyes darkened and he turned to me.“You invited him here?"I was silent. I didn't have anything to say. My hands shook slightly. Was I scared of Dante all of a sudden?“Erica…”I gripped the sheets tightly."Yes, Dante. I invited him here. I wanted him to stay with me. I, however, d
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