All Chapters of Craving My Ex Luna: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
129 Chapters
Dante:I stormed out of the ward and headed outside. Ignored the greetings of the hospital staff who were surprised to see me there.My fists shook in anger. How dare she talk to me that way? Was this what she was doing now? Flirting?My mind went back to the man in the ward with her. I had met him at the party that I invited Erica to. He was dancing with her and then I took her away.My knuckles cracked as I squeezed my fist even harder.How was that bastard able to find her? What was he doing with her?The questions rattled my brain until I got outside.My car was in the parking lot and I hurried towards it. I got in, slammed the door shut, and rested my head on my hand as I thought about how Erica had embarrassed me in front of that guy.“Is there a problem, Alpha?"Robert sat in the driver's seat and I saw his eyes flash at me through the driving mirror.“Erica is inside with some guy that she met at a party.”The bitterness and spite in my voice were certain. I didn't like him o
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Erica:I kept trying to reach Lorenzo but it was still the same.He wasn't still answering. I began to worry. What could he possibly be doing? My heart skipped a beat and I was uncomfortable. Something was wrong and I didn't know what it was.“Hey."Javier walked in with a big smile on his face and he sat at my bedside.I managed a smile to cover up my worry. I couldn't tell him about Lorenzo. I wasn't ready to.“I was able to find a doctor that is a werewolf. He said that he would be here shortly and he would try not to attract attention from the other doctors. He said that it is going to take a while and he needs to fill a form saying that you requested him personally to see you and that you won't let anyone attend to you.”I smiled and thanked Javier. He was amazing.I felt a slight sinking feeling in my chest. I should not have slapped him. It was all my fault.My grim brooding was evident on my face and I felt him stroke my hair gently and push a lock out of the way."You seem
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Erica:“Miss Erica, could you please sign here and here."I was at the front desk with a pen in my hand. The doctor had cleared me and I had refused to be rechecked by any other doctor.I left with Javier who had the takeout bags in his hand. We walked to his car which was parked in the parking lot.“Erica, are you okay?"“What?"I was lost in thought. What my father had said about Ahxan was still bothering me. I smelled a rat.I was also stunned that he gave Lorenzo something to give me and he didn't even tell me about it.I knew that Lorenzo and I got into a little fight but how come he didn't mention that my dad had something for me?I looked up at Javier and his golden eyes were burrowing into my soul. Their soft gaze made a smile tug at my lips but it was too late. He had already seen my initial distress.“Erica?"“Javier, I'm fine. I promise you that I'm fine. I just need to get home and get a few things done."He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.“But your arm and leg…”"...a
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Erica:I stared at him in shock. He was leaning on the wall and had his cock in his hand, stroking it furiously and groaning.My face was a deep scarlet as I saw him and he looked at me in shock.“Erica?"I said nothing and left the bathroom. I wished there was a way that I could bleach my eyes and unsee what I had just seen.I was about to leave the room but I heard the bathroom door open.Lorenzo came out with his towel wrapped around his waist and his hair a soaking mess and they made wet spikes.“Erica wait, I'm sorry."I stopped in my tracks and took a deep breath.There was a heavy silence in the room and Lorenzo moved in to touch me.I turned around to look at him and I had tears in my eyes. He looked confused and glanced me over.“Oh my God! What happened to your arm and leg?"Finally, he saw the bandages.His eyes were wide open as he stared at my teary face. I was able to squeeze out a few words despite my hoarse voice.“Where were you last night?”"What?”I felt anger rippl
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Erica:The entire night I didn't sleep much. I lay on my bed with the book beside me. I was still trying to understand what I had seen the day before while I was talking to Lorenzo.I had touched the book all night in every way possible to get me back to that place but nothing I did worked. I was still in my room and it continued till I dozed off.I was up early in the morning and got breakfast ready for everyone. I had asked Clarissa to not bother coming to work today. I was certain that I was going to be home.The kids were excited to see me and they had their takeout for breakfast while Lorenzo and I ate some toast and had coffee and bacon. I was still angry at him and I gave him the cold shoulder all day but tried my best to make sure that the kids didn't notice.Once I was done, I told the kids that I would be busy with work and retreated upstairs. Ethan and Elsa didn't seem to mind but Elma was distraught and retreated up to her room as well.I sighed. She was a sweetheart but
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Erica:We got to Dante's office and I was washed over with anxiety. Javier looked at me and his hand brushed against mine.“Are you alright? You seem tense."I managed a smile and gave a nod.“I'm alright. I'm just thinking about yesterday at the hospital. I expect him to be sour towards you.”Javier chuckled.“I wouldn't be too worried about that."I gave a sigh and we went inside. I passed the head of the council and his behind Javier and had him shuffle forward towards the staircase that led upstairs.“What is…”“Keep moving," I whispered violently to him.Javier said nothing and moved forward, shielding me till we were out of sight.“What is going on?" He finally asked me once we were out of earshot.I straightened up.“He's the head of the council. I don't like him very much. He's been trying to push his daughter on to Dante and he thinks that I am responsible for his lack of interest in her.”Javier's eyes opened wide.“It seems that there is more drama in here than I thought. T
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Clarissa:I came over and saw Lorenzo in the living room. He stood up and walked over to me but I gave him the cold shoulder and resisted his touch.“Rissa?”I stepped away from him. My aura was cold and distant.“You asked me to come over again for the kids. Where are they?”I could see the confusion in Lorenzo's eyes but I ignored it and stood far off from him.“Clarissa, what is the problem?"I felt the tears about to burst from my eyes and I blinked rapidly so that I could hold them back.“There is no problem Lorenzo. I came for the kids.”“They're upstairs sleeping. I was able to get them to have a nap.”“And Erica?”“She went out for a meeting. She probably won't be back anytime soon. Clarissa, tell me what is going on. Why are you acting this way?’He moved towards me again and his palm brushed my cheek. I slapped his hand away and turned my back on him.I tried my hardest to keep the tears at bay but they broke through my defenses and a stream flowed down my cheeks.“You lied
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Erica:“Dante stop this! You're being unreasonable!"Dante had walked over to Javier and the both of them were in a heated argument. Javier was standing calmly behind me while Dante was snarling threats at him.“Dante!"I stood between the two of them and tried my best to keep them away from each other. I had no idea how this had escalated so fast.I was grateful that Javier was being so composed. He simply stood behind me, staring quietly yet intensely at Dante.“You want to be a smart talker. Why don't you say what you said earlier to my face!"I was barely strong enough to keep Dante at bay. I turned back and glared at Javier.“You have to go. You can't stay here.""And what about you?” he asked.“I'll be fine. You should go. We can talk later."Javier was reluctant and he didn't listen. He still stood in the room. His golden eyes were still daring Dante to take him on if he dared.“Javier!"He looked at me.“Go!"He was hesitant but he finally left the room and Dante and I were le
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Erica:Laura stormed out and I was left alone with Dante. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him but I used my hands to wedge myself, keeping him from pulling me any closer.My lips were still tingly from his kisses and his scent had invaded my nostrils and I was slowly feeling weak in the knees.“Erica, I…”"Dante, I have to go.”I disentangled myself from his embrace. He tried to grab my hand but I pulled away and stepped back.If he touched me, I wasn't sure that I could resist him."Erica, where are you going?”"Home, Dante. The meeting is over and I think that you have business to settle with Laura and the head of the council.”He rushed towards me but I put a hand out.“Dante, stop this. I need to go home.”He stopped in his tracks and stared at me in utter disbelief."But, Erica…"“Goodbye, Dante. Have a good day."I walked out of the office and closed the doors behind me. In the hallway, I took a deep breath. The smell of his cologne still clung to me and I felt myself
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Dante:I watched Erica leave and my heart sank. I wanted her to stay. I wanted to go after her but I knew that that would only push her away even further.I bit my lip in anger and slammed my fist on the desk. I was about to lash out even more when I heard the door open.“Alpha, the head of the council is back and he made an appoint…”"Cancel it. I don't want to see him, Robert.”My Beta stood at the door and looked at me. I avoided his gaze and walked past him, out of the meeting hall.I wasn't going to go downstairs. I had a hunch that Laura and her father would be waiting for me. That wasn't the sort of tight spot that I wanted to put myself in.I went to my office and slammed the door shut.A sigh escaped my lips and I leaned on my desk.I heard the wood creak slightly and it bore my entire weight.“Fuck all this!"I yelled out angrily and slammed my fist on the desk. The pens jumped on the vibrating wood and heavy silence hung around me.“If I see the Javier guy again, it will be
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