All Chapters of Led to You: The Alpha’s Angel: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
118 Chapters
Chapter 71: Callan
Callan POVI woke up to the sounds of beeping and small whimpers. I had no idea how long I had been out of it for. I opened my eyes to find that I was lying on a hospital bed with a blood-pressure cuff that was tightening around my bicep. An oxygen mask covered my mouth and nose. The clean air filled my lungs, soothing the burning sensation of the wolfsbane. I was in a white sterile room with one bed next to me. Seraphina lay in her dress that was not in tatters from the events of the day. Over her nose and mouth was another oxygen mask and coming from her arms with some tubes. I watched closely as her chest raised and fell. Relief flooded me knowing that she was alive. I ripped the mask off of my face and cuff around my bicep and stumbled over to her bed, my legs feeling like jelly. The motinor sang in the background, alerting that I was no longer hooked up to it. But I didn’t care. My mate was everything. I crashed into the seat next to her bed and clasped her hands with mine.
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Chapter 72: Callan
Callan POVWe lost thirty-seven pack members during the airborne attack and 42 were injured. I stood in the hallway and watched as the deceased, who were covered by a white sheet on gurneys, were rolled down the hospital hallway towards the morgue. Medical staff lined the hallway, paying their respect to the dead. Losing one pack member was hard, losing 37 was considered a catastrophe. Solemn faces greeted mine while they bowed in submission. Archer was pacing in my head, wanting revenge for those we had lost and for those who were injured. My mind kept going back to the news about Maeve. Constantine and some of his medical staff had come to our aid and had been a godsend since. I was beyond grateful for the friendship that I had with Constantine. He treated my pack members as if they were his own. Together we were every enemies worst nightmare. We would now be Allister’s worst nightmare. As the bodies were prepped for a mass burial ceremony, I spent the rest of my afternoon going
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Chapter 73 Seraphina
POV SeraphinaI was released the next morning from the hospital,; However instead of going back to the pack house I was informed that we were going to be heading to Constantine’s pack house. Before we left I went to stop and see Maeve. She was awake and watching some sort of Rom Com on the small TV that hung from the wall. When she looked over at me a wide smile spread on her battered face. I walked over to the bed and gave her non-IV hand a squeeze.“Hey girl,” Maeve said, her voice hoarse. I gave her a small smile in return. “Hey yourself. How are you feeling?”Maeve looked at the wall before meeting my eyes again, hers now filled with tears. “Oh, Maeve!” I cried before wrapping my arms around her shoulders, careful to stay away from her stomach. I felt Maeve break as I held her. All of her emotions and despair rolling off of her in waves. Through hiccupped breaths and sobs she got out words that chilled me to the bone. “My baby…it’s gone.”Goosebumps began to rise on my skin.
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Chapter 74: Seraphina
Seraphina PovConstantine had put us up in one of the Bungalos that had a stunning view of the ocean. In just a few steps we would be able to walk along the white sanded beach. I leaned on the doorway and watched the waves crash against the shore. Strong arms wrapped around me. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” Callan’s warm voice said in my ear. I placed my arms over his. Loving the tingles that had heightened since I had marked him. “Mmmm, yes it is.” Callan pressed a kiss to my neck before letting out a little groan. “I want to have my way with you so bad.” I turned to face him and noticed a pained expression on his face. “Why can’t you?” I asked while tracing a finger down his chest.He looked up at the ceiling and then back to me. “Because we need to go meet with Constantine about tomorrow.” Any lust haze was gone in an instant at the mention of tomorrow. I would be facing Allister to fight for the Alpha position for the Shadow Pack. I gave him a nod of understanding. “Let’s go, we
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Chapter 75: Callan
Callan POVI woke up the next morning before Sera was awake to meet with Constantine. He was in his private outside gym working on pullups when I found him. He gave me a broad smile and jumped down from where he was doing his exercise. “Wassup, brother?” I sat down on the weight bench. “Are you ready to join forces again and kick some weasel ass?” Constantine responded with a broad smile. “Of course I am! I already had my Beta speak to some of our warriors. Training starts today.” I was beyond grateful for my friend to be willing to help me when I needed it. I stood up from the bench and stuck out my hand. “Thanks man. I’ll have Drake send some our men here so they can talk tactics.” We embraced in a bro hug. We we broke apart, Constantine looked at me with concern/ “How is Drake holding up?” Drake had told Constantine in confidence what had happened. I shook my head and looked down at the ground. “Not great. It’s taken a lot for me to keep him from going to rip Allister’s he
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Chapter 76: Allister
Allister POV***the following chapter includes sexual themes that included multiple partners. If you do not wish to read this chapter you may move to the next. Reader discretion is advised. I sat at the end of the conference table fuming at the intel that Andrew just told me. “What do you mean they are out of the hospital?!” I roared. Pissed off that yet again Seraphina and her mut of a husband had survived my wolfsbane attack. Andrew didn’t meet my eyes. “What aren’t you telling me?” I gritted out. Andrew finally met my eyes. “There have been whispers, sir.”I gave an incredulous look. “What kind of whispers?”He licked his lower lip before biting it. “That your,” he cleared his throat, “your leadership choices have been… well… questionable.”I jolted up from my seat. “WHAT?!” I roared. I planted my hands onto the table. “I want names!” I roared. Andrew cowered back. “I didn’t see who it was, sir,” Andrew stutters. I rounded the corner of the table and wrapped my hand around A
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Chapter 77: Seraphina
POV SeraphinaI spent the next several days training with Callan and Constantine. Even Adalia had come to help train. Offering up some of tricks on how to utilize her size against a larger opponent. The days went by fast and my body was sore. But I had no time to wallow, I needed to get myself centered and composed. We woke up early the next day and made our way back to our pack with some reinforcements. It was no secret that I was nervous about what today would bring. However; I was more worried about what Callan or Drake would do when they saw Allister, after the pain and suffering he had caused. I walked up to the territory line where the Shadow Pack met the Night Walker Pack’s territory with majority of the Nordic Pack and Night Walker Pack behind me. Waiting was Allister accompanied by three-quarters of the pack. He work gym shorts and a tank top that had oversized holes in the sleeves. His blonde hair was touseled and his eyes were as dark as night. Next to him stood Lyla in l
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Chapter 78: Seraphina
Serphina POVI moved out of the way just in time before Allister hit me. Snarling Allister skid on the ground and turned around with his claws extended and rolled his neck. I got back into my defensive stance ready for his next move. With his werewolf speed, Allister ran towards me and threw a punch. I ducked and hit him with a two, one combo on his abdomen. He grunted at the impact before he swept my legs from under me and pinned me to the ground. I turned before he could fully seat his weight on me. This earned cheers from the crowd. But, I couldn’t listen to noise. I needed to focus. I jumped back up on my feet and put my fists out in front of me. “You’re weak Seraphina. Nothing but a weak—” I cut Allister off when I twirled and kicked Allister in the face. Blood splattered from his mouth. When he faced me again blood continued to dribble from the side of his mouth. A sadistic smile crossed his face with his elongated canines protruding. “You got lucky on that one,” he snarled
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Chapter 79: Lyla
Lyla POVI ran until my legs gave out, not wanting anyone to try to capture me. I fought my mate bond that called for me to go to my mate. But I refused. I wouldn’t give that piece of incompetent trash another thought. I was Lyla fucking Perry and I refused to be on the losing side of the battle. I shifted mid air as I jumped over a log into my blonde wolf. I watched through my wolf’s eyes as trees and shrubs wooshed by. I ran to the only place that I knew would be safe. Quickly I shifted into my human form and opened a bin that was disguised as a stump. Moving as fast as I could I put on the change of clothes that I kept in the secret department before approaching a small shed. I approached the door to the entrance of the underground bunker that was disguised as a shed and knocked on the door. I looked up at the camera that was hidden near the roof of the shed. “Password?” A gruff voice said through the intercom.“Rise of Shadow,” I responded with an eye roll. Everyone that was s
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Chapter 80: Callan
Callan POV“And we have a victor!” Constantine yelled to the crowd as I wrapped my arms around my mate. Blood and dirt covered her body and I knew that she would be hurting for a while until she healed. Even though she had the ability to heal faster than a human, she still had a lot of injuries that would take time to heal. I helped Sera stand so she could look at the pack. She gasped and jolted at the power of being alpha transfers from Allister to her. When it was done you could see the difference in her demeanor as she stood in front of the Shadow Pack members. “Per our sacred ways, Seraphina has proven that she is the rightful Alpha to the Shadow Pack. If there is anyone who does not agree, speak now or forever hold your peace.” Constantine contined. Several men came forward with angry glares. They looked like the scum that Allister had recruited. I mindlinked my men to restrain Allister and to wait for orders. Allister didn’t fight them. Instead let his head hang low in def
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