All Chapters of Led to You: The Alpha’s Angel: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
121 Chapters
Chapter 91: Seraphina
Seraphina POVCallan and I stood in front of both our packs in awe of how big our pack looked united as one. Accompanying us on stage was one of Callan’s advisors. An elderly man, named Clark. Instead of his usual pilisophical garb, he was instead in a dark navy suit with his wirey hair combed to the side. “Good evening everyone,” Callan addressed everyone. “We are blessed by the Moon Goddess to have such wonderful packmembers. We know that the past couple of months have been filled with disturbing events. Our goal tonight it to unite two of the most powerful packs in the region and become one.” Some murmurs echoed in the crowd. “We know that there is some bad blood between the two packs for obvious reasons.” I chimed in before pausing. “However, in order to get away from the past, we need to pave the way to our future.”“In order to perform the unification ceremony, we will draw a vote. Majority will win. We are in a unique situation because the alphas of our packs are indeed fated
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Chapter 92: Callan
Callan POVI felt my legs lose their balance as Drake mentioned the condition of my sister. What was meant to be a beautiful night was now soiled by the death of my sister. Seraphina held me up as I regained my composure. Without thinking Sera and I followed Drake to the wooded area that led to Night Walker side of the territory. ‘Shift with me, we will get there quicker,’ I said through the mindlink to Drake and Sera. Drake didn’t waste anytime and shifted into his tri-colored wolf, leaving shredded fabric in his wake. I shortly followed and when I didn’t hear anymore fabric tearing, I looked back to see Sera standing at the treeline. ‘I’ll meet you there, we need to make sure that our guests don’t think anything is wrong. I’ll have Maeve help me end the night.’ I nodded in my wolf form and ran passed my Beta and away from my mate. ‘Sir, Ambulance is here for her. She’s alive.’ Rodney said over the mindlink as I was halfway to the hospital. The paramedics were wheeling in my si
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Chapter 93: Seraphina
Sera POVCallan looked at me as if I had three heads. I knew this wasn’t the right time to say anything to him. However, he left me no choice. After a few moments I began to squirm under his shocked stare. After a few agonizing moments, Callan finally snapped out of his shock and cupped my face. I placed my hands over his and looked down. Unable to to meet his eyes. “I’m sorry I only just found out this morn—” Callan cut me off by pressing a passionate kiss to my lips. The lips that I had grown so infatuated with. His tongue tangled with mine, dancing a dance that only they knew how to do with one another. When he released me from the kiss, he looked at me with adoration. A broad smile spread on his face as he looked down at my stomach and back up to meet my eyes. “You’re pregnant,” he stated.I nodded with an infectious smile. “Yes.”He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed before peppering me with kisses. I giggled as he continued to kiss everywhere on my face. It was one of t
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Chapter 94: unknown
UNKNOWN POVI rushed up the hidden dirt driveway to the meeting spot that I knew all too well. I had been coming here for months giving insider information to the dark-eyed man. I owed it to my family who had lost their lives and jobs due to Alpha Callan. I owed it to myself to wipe his bitch of a Luna off the face of the Earth as well. She couldn’t have him. He was mine. Mine to trick, mine to manipulate, and mine to do whatever else I pleased with him. Seraphina was getting in the way of those plans. Before she had moved to the pack house Alpha Callan had spoken of taking a chosen mate. If it weren’t for finding his fated mate in Seraphina, I and the rest of the eligible girls in the pack would have gotten the opportunity to become Luna. Look how she treated her own pack. Giving it to another Alpha without so much as a blink of an eye. It was pathetic. My thoughts were interrupted when the dark eyed man started walking towards me. A light rain began to fall, coating my lashes. “W
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Chapter 95: Lyla
LYLA POVReaper came storming into the living room of our cabin with lethal energy rolling off of him. I looked up from my book and raised an eyebrow. He was drenched from the rain that was now pouring buckets outside. “What is it?” I let out in an annoyed tone. “Oh, don’t you dare use that tone with me Lyla,” Reaper scolded. I rolled my eyes. “Or what?” In inhumane speed, Reaper threw out his hand and wrapped it around my throat before picking my up off the chair by my throat. “Use that fucking tone with me again Lyla and I swear to the fucking Moon Goddess herself that I will bring you to the play room and punish you until you can’t walk straight,” He growled in my face. My mind went back to the first time I was in the play room making shivers run down my spine. I had spent more time in that room when he wasn’t using and abusing Mia. For the longest of times, our time in the play room had been the only means of negotiating I had. When Reaper had found out that Allister was my
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Chapter 96: Callan
Callan POVStephanie spent four hours in surgery before they were able to stop the bleeding and make her stable. By the time she was out of the OR, I could have sworn that the soles of my shoes had dented the floor boards that I had been pacing on. She was currently still in stable condition and doctor desmond was optimistic that she would pull through. After being at the hospital for seventeen hours and being up for almost 40 hours, Seraphina pretty much begged me to go home. The entire time we were at the hospital, Sera’s words echoed in my mind. “I’m pregnant,” and ”I need to know what happened to my mother.” I knew the latter statement was coming. As her words kept replaying in my mind, I knew that with knowing the truth there would be more questions. Questions that I couldn’t answer. But I knew that my mate deserved to know what I did know. It was the least I could do. I hadn’t had a chance for the information of my mate’s pregancy to sink in until now as we arrived at the p
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Chapter 97: Seraphina
Seraphina POV A wave of relief washed over me now knowing that Callan with absolute certainty did not murder my mother. Part of me wondered what my life would have been like if I had found out this information when it was necessary. It would have saved me from the hurt and betrayal I experienced with Allister. Guilt reared its ugly head as I remembered asking my father to arrange the union between Allister and I. I now had to accept that I couldn’t change the past and needed try my best to move forward and finally allow myself to admit how I truly felt about Callan. I was madly in love with him. In love with his strength, his mind, his passion, and so much more. And now that I knew I was pregnant, it meant I could be rest assured that this baby was coming into a relationship of love. No longer frenemies that we were when I first arrived. Today we would be going through the list of pack members from both sides to create one giant roster. We also needed to document the new recruits
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Chapter 98: Mia: Callan’s Mother
I heard footsteps behind me. I knew they belonged to my son and his beautiful mate. I couldn’t face Seraphina. Not when so much of her looked like my dear friend, her mother. Why I made it when she didn’t was beyond me. Although more than once I had thought that she had gotten the better end of the stick. “Mother?” Callan said soothingly as they walked into the hospital room. I looked down at my lap. Unable to make myself turn around and meet their eyes. I knew they had questions. Questions that I didn’t have the ability to answer I knew they wouldn’t understand why I couldn’t speak. I heard one of the nurses telling my son that they couldn’t understand why I was mute. But no one had gone through the hell that I had been through. It had been so long that I didn’t know if I could use the mindlink anymore. Kevin or as he liked to be called, “the Reaper,” had kept my abilities stunted by the use of wolfsbane. Boy did he love his wolfsbane. I tried to open my mouth but the words just
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Chapter 99 Seraphina
Seraphina POVNow that Callan knew his mother and sister were home safe and under high security, I had convinced him that we needed to celebrate our honeymoon, even more so now that there was a baby on the way. We hadn’t told his mom yet of the good news. We knew she needed some time to get acclimated back into pack society. It had been five days since she was found at the border and already looked like she was putting on some much needed weight. Stephanie had also vastly improved in the past few days. Making me wonder if part of the reason for her improvement was because she could sense that she was with her family again. “Babe, come onnnnnn,” I whined at the bottom of the main staircase with three bags on the floor around me. Callan came down the stairs in black slacks and a black button down dress shirt that was rolled up on his forearms. As he balanced his phone on his shoulder he put one finger up asking for a minute as he continued to talk on the phone while carrying his sma
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Chapter 100: Seraphina
Seraphina POV A scream left my lips as I made contact with the gray wolf. Its blood red eyes pierced me like a knife. Immediately Callan stopped touching me and looked out the window. But he was too late. The wolf was gone. I felt my body tremble in fear as I kept replaying what had just happened in my mind. Callan grabbed a blanket off of the couch and wrapped it around me. He cupped my face. “Baby, what’s wrong? What did you see?” I tried to calm my breathing but I couldn’t get a grasp on myself. A memory in the depths of my mind surfaced. Flashback: I held onto the rock for protection for dear life as I made my way to the bushes that would shield me from whatever was lurking on the other side. A yelp and then a thud echoed in the night. I looked through the small space in the bushes to see a gray wolf with blood red eyes transition into his burley human form. I couldn’t see his face as he moved out of sigh into the dark. Then I noticed Callan standing over my mother with his
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