All Chapters of Led to You: The Alpha’s Angel: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
121 Chapters
Chapter 111: Callan
Callan POVI looked around at the crowd before me that consisted of women and men of all ages who were willing to defend the pack.“Thank you all for coming. Today we will be assessing your skills. Specifically in agility, strength, problem solving, and your ability to think on your feet.” Before I continued to speak a young boy came to the front of the crowd and looked at me with awe. As I broke up the crowd into small groups, the young boy stood as tall as he could with his chest puffed out. “What’s your name son?” “Liam,” the boy said with such ferver I couldn’t help but smile. “And how old are you, Liam?” “Twelve, Alpha. But I assure you I can help,” Liam replied with the same enthusiasm. He was tall for only being 12, I would have guessed he was 15 by the look of him. He had touseled black hair that fell over his light blue eyes. By the looks of his worn and ripped clothes, I could tell that he hadn’t been cared for like he should be. I felt my wolf’s hackles rise at the t
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Chapter 112: Callan
Callan POVI climbed the stairs two at a time to get to my bedroom as fast as possible. The sounds of furniture moving and things being thrown echoed in the hallway. I tentatively knocked on the door, not wanting to spook Sera even more. “Baby open the door.” A pregnant pause passed before I heard the sound of something heavy being moved before the door cracked open. Sera’s relief was palpable as she opened the door and flung her arms around my neck, before she started to sob. I instinctively wrapped my arms around her and walked us into our bedroom that was now turned upside down. I closed the door behind me, noting the dresser that was off to the side. It no doubt was the item that had been moved when I knocked. I placed my hand on the back of her head and pressed a kiss to her temple. She trembled in my arms while she continued to sob uncontrollably. I took a step back and cupped both of her cheeks in my hands. Hey indigo eyes shined from her tears. “What happened? I can feel
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Chapter 113: Seraphina
Seraphina POVI looked at Callan with confusion and then down at myself at the hot mess I was. I was in a stained, holey t-shirt with no bra, hair in a messy bun, and baggy sweatpants. Not the type of outfit you would wear for anyone to see you in. I pursed my lips and put up one finger to signal that I needed a minute before moving my hand in the air up and down my body. “Let me change real quick,” I said before turning around to go to my closet to find new clothes to wear. That’s when it hit me. I had taken all the clothes out of the closet for the “bed” I was making. At the time, all of my instincts were telling me that I needed to get all of Callan and my clothes together to get rid of scent of our intruder earlier. I felt possessed with my actions, as if I didn’t have control over my own body. I placed a hand on my stomach while closing my eyes for a brief moment. I knew there was no way I could physically see a difference that I only now had one baby in my womb, but I swore I
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Chapter 114: Seraphina
Seraphina POVCallan and I may our way back to Liam who was now with one of our household staff while walking towards the guest bathroom.“He’s staying the night, don’t worry you will get to talk to him.” Callan whispered in my ear before guiding me towards our bedroom. “Why are we going back to our room?” I bit my lower lip now feeling self conscious with how I left our room. Callan wrapped his arm around my shoulders and gave me a little squeeze. “You’ll see,” he responded with a small smirk. I winced at the mess that was our room. Callan pressed a kiss to my temple as he sensed my unease. “Stop stressing. I’ll get everything sorted. But first,” he braced one hand on each of my shoulders and pressed down to make sit on the chaisse lounge, “stay there.” He pointed to me and walked into the ajoined bathroom. The sound of the bath running and the aroma of lavender and citrus filled the room. A minute later, Callan walked out of the bathroom in only his briefs. The sight of him made
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Chapter 115: Lyla
Lyla POVA grunt escaped me as my body hit the ground. “Again,” Reaper roared. Begrudgingly I got up off the ground while my body made sounds of protest in response to the movement. I dusted off the lilac colored yoga pants and got into my defensive position. Reaper and I circled one another on the makeshirt training area we had made in the bunker. “Keep your hands up, don’t leave your face uncovered,” Reaper instructed, this time in a more fatherly tone. Reaper threw several punches out that I blocked successfully. “Show me your fire, Lyla, show me your anger.” I let out a growl as I thought about all of the stuff I had been through lately. Losing my chance at being Luna, Allister dying, and now having to be Reaper’s “toy.” I kicked my leg, making contact with Reaper’s side. He let out a grunt at the impact and gave me a smile. “Again!” We continued our training for the next hour, focusing on technique and endurance. I wouldn’t be helpless the next time I was faced with Alpha
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Chapter 116: Callan
Callan POVThe transition of Liam moving in with us was as seamless as possible. However it wasn’t short of lots of questions from Liam wondering where his family was. He was insistent that they would be back for him. “I can stay with you and Luna until my mom and dad come back,” Liam had concluded. Instead of arguing, Sera and I simply had agreed. Even though we knew the reality of the situation. They were not coming back and had no intentions of coming to get their son. My blood boiled at the thought. How any parent or guardian could just leave their child with no regard to their safety or well being was beyond me. Instead of allowing myself to hunt the bastards down that left Liam and rip them into pieces, I made myself channel that rage into something productive. I would teach the kids of the pack, basic defense skills. For the next several days after training my warriors, I would spend an extra forty five minutes teaching the minors of the pack how to maneuver simple self defe
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Chapter 117: Callan /Seraphina
Callan POVI was sound asleep when Sera woke me up in the with panic in her voice and eyes. “Babe, babe, please wake up,” she cried while joslting me. Her chest heaved as she spoke. I snapped straight up and looked around the room for any threats. When I didn’t find any, I looked at Sera in confusion. When I looked down her finger tips were covered in blood and from what I could see in the darkness, her face had blanched. “Call the pack doctor.” she whispered. Blood whoosed in my ears as I took in the situation before me. Concentrating, I closed my eyes and sent a mindlink to doctor Desmond. ‘I need you now!’ I boomed through the link. I refused to let myself believe that we were losing the other baby. We knew that after the accident that anything was possible, however I knew down to the marrow of my bones that my luna was strong and this baby was strong. They would both pull through no matter what. Ten agonizing minutes of waiting for the pack doctor went by as I help onto to a p
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Chapter 118: Lyla
Lyla POV“Why is this taking so long?” I demanded from Reaper. Reaper’s eyes began to glow red, indicating that I needed to watch out and not anger him further. “You think what we are doing is easy Lyla?” He bit out before standing up from his chair and stalking towards me. I coward towards the wall as he gripped a handful of hair and made me look at him. His eyes were fully glowing red as his anger took over. “You need to have patience. The full moon is happening tonight. THAT, is what we need in order for everything to happen.” He threw me against the wall, letting go of my hair in the process. My scalp stung where his hand had been gripping me. It wouldn’t surprise me when I looked at the floor that a pile of my hair would be on the floor. I ran a hand through my hair trying to easy teh sting. “Do we honestly think this will work?”Reaper scubbed a hand down his beard and thought for a moment, thinking of his answer, carefully. “If it does, then Alpha Callan better be read
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Chapter 119: Seraphina
Seraphina POVAs Maeve and I were watching the second season of Bridgerton, we felt a strange energy in the air before something shook the house and rattled the windows from its magnitude. Before I could comprehend what was happening the windows in my bedroom shattered, sending shards of glass everywhere. I used my body as a shield over Maeve, who was closest to the windows. Allowing the blankets and pillows to give us some sort of protection.Screams and yells rang out around the pack house and from what I could tell, outside as well. Drake and Callan stormed into the room with panic in their eyes, before racing over to us and making sure we were alright. As Callan inspected every inch of my body, I couldn’t help but feel a shiver from a sense of foreboding. Callan cupped my face. “Baby, are you alright?” His eyes were of his wolf, his instincts taking over his human form. I placed one of my hands over his and nodded before looking down and noting the tiny scrapes that were now s
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Chapter 120: Seraphina
Seraphina POV I was stuck in the panic room for what felt like forever, even though it had only been for a full 24 hours. Enough time for the staff to clean up and get new windows in. Once again I found myself in Callan’s arms, bridal style - as he refused to allow me to walk. He walked us into our room that was now in pristine condition. “We put reinforced glass windows on the packhouse so this doesn’t happen again.” He explained while placing me down on the bed and dfraping a throw blanket on me. Before he could walk away, I grabbed his arm. “What aren’t you telling me Cal?”He looked down at me and then scrubbed a hand down his face before sitting down. “Some of the warriors reported seeing a partially shifted wolf that was on two legs.”My brows pinched. “I mean, it was a full moon so that is possible. You know that the moon can make us partially shift even if we aren’t trying to,” I responded with slight annoyance. I wanted to tell the warriors, ‘no shit Sherlock,’ until Call
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