All Chapters of You've Got the Wrong Woman, Mr. Lance: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
414 Chapters
Chapter 71
Quentin was truly embarrassed now, but he still had to forcefully suppress his anger.He'd teach this bitch a lesson once they were married!Agnes snapped, "Where are your manners, Jennifer? How could you speak to our guest like this?"Jocelyn quickly said, "Forget it, Mom. Jennifer didn't say all that on purpose."She really was playing good cop, bad cop with Agnes.Jocelyn then handed Jennifer a drink. "Here's some fruit juice, Jennifer. I know you don't drink alcohol. Eat some more, too. I cooked all these dishes myself."Jennifer glanced at the juice and dishes in front of her. In her periphery, she could see how lustful Quentin was and how nervous Bridget and Jocelyn looked. Both of them seemed to be waiting for Jennifer to drink the juice.But how on Earth would Jennifer make the same mistake twice?She lost her virginity to a stranger in this exact way last time too, so there was no way she was going to eat or drink anything these women offered her.Quentin was getting
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Chapter 72
Maxwell was dressed in a dark-colored suit. He walked into the room, exuding a fearful aura. Jennifer never expected him to come here to the Yale residence, especially during such a helpless moment for her too.Quentin clearly hadn't understood what was going on. He yelled at Jennifer. "You can either go back home with me tonight or get on your knees and apologize! I've already decided to take you for myself, so you'd better not ruin this further for yourself!""How bold." Maxwell walked toward Quentin, his eyes cold and sharp. He was a head taller than Quentin, making him seem all the more domineering.Agnes kept on shooting Jocelyn looks, too frightened to say a word.Jocelyn knew things were really serious now, so she quickly said, "It's all a misunderstanding! I'll just tell you the truth now since you're here, Mr. Maxwell. Jennifer told us there were some issues in your marriage, so she sought our help to find a better man in order to divorce you. Her grandmother cares deeply
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Chapter 73
Quentin quickly clambered up and ran toward the entrance. As he cupped his face, he yelled out, "Just you wait! I'm going to get you next time!"Maxwell didn't run after Quentin, as it would be insulting to someone of his status to fight with the latter in such a manner. Maxwell had only taught Quentin that brief lesson earlier because he was furious upon seeing the slap mark on Jennifer's cheek.After Quentin ran away, both Agnes and Jocelyn deflated. They felt like they were in deep trouble now.Agnes hesitated for a moment before saying, "That was all just a misunderstanding, Mr. Maxwell. I'm sure there's been a misunderstanding between us and Jennifer as well. Why don't you have a seat? I'll have a pot of tea prepared for you. After all, a family needs to have a strong bond, right?""My only family here is my wife." Maxwell looked down upon Agnes and Jocelyn. "I can let go of what happened today if my wife doesn't pursue the matter. But if she does, prepare to suffer the conseq
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Chapter 74
Jennifer felt incredibly upset afterward and continued walking aimlessly forward.Maxwell's heart ached at the sight. He went and enveloped her in his arms without a second thought. He caressed her hair and kept her head tucked against his chest, murmuring, "I… I wasn't wholly putting up an act earlier."Jennifer's shoulders were quaking slightly in his grasp.Every word Maxwell said echoed in her heart, making her tremble uncontrollably. Jennifer looked up, gazing at him through tearful eyes. "I nearly thought what you said at the Yale residence earlier was all true. But we still have to be realistic, don't we?"Maxwell looked at her, feeling upset as she cried. He gently wiped her tears away and said, "Even if we're not together anymore in the future, I still wouldn't be able to bear to see anyone hurting you. No one can force you to do anything you don't want to do, not even the Yale family themselves."Jennifer only felt more upset the more Maxwell spoke.He said they would
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Chapter 75
Maxwell never cared about Jennifer's family nor asked about it. Yet now he was trying to understand her better. Jennifer smiled at the thought and said, "I can tell you if you really want to know.""I'd like that. I'm kinda curious now." Maxwell smiled lightly.Jennifer sighed and began reminiscing about the past."My mom and dad divorced when I was 12. Their relationship prior was really strong, but because my mother was a pretty independent woman and was often busy with work at the hospital, she wasn't able to be at home a lot. That made my grandmother dislike her because my grandmother believed that women should stay at home to serve their husbands."One day, Jocelyn Logan came knocking on our door. My father admitted that he wasn't able to control himself that one time and ended up sleeping with Jocelyn, who ended up getting pregnant with Bridget but she never told my father."Maxwell silently listened to Jennifer as he drove. All happy marriages shared a similar storyline;
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Chapter 76
Even if Maxwell knew the truth, there was no possible way that their marriage could continue anymore.So, Jennifer shook her head. "I've already forgotten what he looked like. But ever since that happened, I grew out of my low self-esteem and learned to accept my parents' divorce. Everyone makes mistakes. Even though my father made a mistake, he still took great care of me and made sure I never suffered. He would never sit by and let my stepmother and sister push me around."My Dad would take care of me throughout the night if I was sick. When I missed Mom, he'd bring me to the hospital to see her in person. That was why I chose to forgive him in the end. Now that my mother has passed, my father is the only person whom I'm related to by blood."Maxwell's eyes seemed hazy as he said in a bittersweet way, "You're far more blessed than I was, then."Jennifer had vaguely heard about how Maxwell's mother had been forced to leave their family by his father and stepmother. Maxwell's mothe
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Chapter 77
"But how would Jennifer possibly let us off easy given how much she hates us?" Bridget asked fearfully. "She'll definitely complain to Dad about us. I bet she'll make him kick us out of the house!"Both mother and daughter were incredibly anxious now, pacing back and forth in the house.The ambulance soon arrived and took both Agnes and Quentin to the hospital.Bridget and Jocelyn paid for the medical fees while complaining about their failed plan. Just then, Bridget suddenly felt nauseous and began dry heaving, leaning against the wall for support.Jocelyn asked anxiously, "What's wrong, dear? Did you eat something stale?""I'm okay. I've just been easily nauseous lately," Bridget said.Both mother and daughter were too preoccupied with their present situation, so neither gave too much thought to Bridget's condition.…Two days later, Zion returned from his business trip to the neighboring city. Agnes happened to be discharged from the hospital on the same day.Quentin remain
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Chapter 78
Zion knew his daughter had a temper. But though she'd been pampered since young, she wasn't someone who would start trouble for no reason.So, Zion gazed suspiciously at his wife and asked, "Are you sure you two just got into an argument? Could it also be that Quentin's company went bankrupt because of his poor management instead of Maxwell being the one who caused it?"As far as Zion knew, Jennifer and Maxwell's marriage was not stable even though it was official. Would he have actually come to Jennifer's defense?Jocelyn nodded certainly. "I'm very sure! If you don't believe us, you can go see how bad a state Quentin is in at the hospital yourself!"Agnes took the opportunity to mention Quentin's demands. "Zion, regardless of everything, Jennifer remains in the wrong in this situation. How could we let the matter cease now that Quentin's ended up with broken legs and a bankrupt company?"Zion sighed and said, "If Jennifer really is responsible for this matter, then we should rig
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Chapter 79
Now Jennifer understood what was going on. So, Jocelyn and the rest of them had framed her in front of her father.Jennifer's smile disappeared as she asked coldly, "What did you say Maxwell did again?""He made Jocelyn's cousin's company go bankrupt and broke both of his legs!" Zion gazed at his daughter and said, "You've really disappointed me! Now the cousin is demanding five million dollars as compensation! "My company hasn't been doing very well lately and now that you've caused such trouble, I have no choice but to go along with his demands! I'm an old man now, Jennifer. Can't you at least give me peace of mind?"Jennifer looked at her father in shock. She hadn't been notified of whatever her father just said happened.She'd thought that Maxwell had just let things go after teaching Quentin a listen the other day. She didn't know more had transpired afterward. What was more shocking was the fact that Quentin was demanding five million dollars from her father!Jennifer said
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Chapter 80
Zion was in disbelief. What Maxwell told her was very different than what his mother and Jocelyn had told him.Maxwell said with a smile, "You don't need to be so surprised. I'm sure you know very well what kind of people your mother and wife are and how much they've been mistreating Jennifer all this while. You can go ask Quentin Harold about the matter and the truth will naturally reveal itself."Zion did indeed know what was going on at this point.After a long period of silence, Zion gazed deeply at Maxwell before saying, "Jennifer did go through a lot of pain here in my family, Mr. Maxwell. As her father, I'm responsible for this as well. But can you promise me you'll take care of Jennifer? I can tell she likes you very, very much. She's suffered a lot and lost her mother when she was young. "Maxwell looked away, unsure whether Jennifer truly did like him as much as Zion said she did.But Maxwell himself already had a woman he needed to care for. He had taken Rachel's virgin
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