All Chapters of You've Got the Wrong Woman, Mr. Lance: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
418 Chapters
Chapter 81
Right when the two were in the middle of an argument, Bridget suddenly barged in and stood defensively in front of Jocelyn. "Don't you dare treat my mother like this, Dad!" Bridget yelled at Zion. "Mom has given this family her all ever since she married you. Why are you treating her so badly?"Bridget knew Zion never liked her, so she always walked on eggshells around him. She never dared speak to Zion in this manner, especially not when Zion was angry.Zion pointed at Bridget and snapped, "As for you—your mother raised you to become just as vile and cruel as she is. Don't think I don't know how the both of you often mistreat Jennifer.""That's only because you're biased!" Bridget retorted. "Both Jennifer and I are your daughters, yet you treat us both very differently. You act like you miss your deceased wife all the time, yet if you really loved Jennifer's mother, how would you have cheated on her with my own mother?"Zion raised his hand angrily, about to hit Bridget.But in
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Chapter 82
On the way back to the villa, Jennifer got a call from her father. She thought he was calling her to reprimand her about the issue with Quentin, so she didn't pick up.Maxwell asked, "Why aren't you answering the call?""I don't feel like it." Jennifer sighed and continued, "Our family has a complex relationship. Although I know my father loves me, he's still married to Jocelyn and still has Bridget as his daughter. I don't want to argue with my father nor do I want to be manipulated by those two women, so I choose not to answer his call."Her wisdom made Maxwell feel pity for her. He reached out to caress her hair while driving.Jennifer looked at him and smiled. "Thank you, Maxwell. If you hadn't arrived in time, I might've suffered terribly at the Yale residence.""You're my wife. It's my responsibility," Maxwell responded gently.Jennifer felt like that was the best thing she could ever hear in the world.But her happiness stopped the moment they arrived at the house.A fig
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Chapter 83
Jennifer stood before Maxwell, trying her best to smile. She said in the calmest tone she could muster, "Don't worry about me. Just take care of her.""Here, take this." Maxwell handed her a black bank card. "There's enough money in here for you to use it for whatever you need."Jennifer's hand trembled. She finally couldn't stop herself from asking tearfully, 'Didn't you say we wouldn't be getting the divorce? You said that to me just the other day! Why did you lie to me?"Maxwell looked down and said hoarsely, "I'm sorry.""I don't want your money!" Jennifer cried, tossing the card back to Maxwell.But Maxwell remained motionless.After some hesitation, Jennifer suddenly asked, "Can… you not go?"Jennifer really didn't want Maxwell to leave. She was so afraid she wouldn't have him anymore once he did.But it was hard to change Maxwell's decision once he'd made it. Plus, Rachel's illness was a matter of life and death.In the end, he still set the bank card on the coffee tabl
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Chapter 84
"Today's the 15th day of the month. Everyone will be having dinner at Lance Manor with Grandpa tonight," Jordan said in a gentle tone. "I don't think Maxwell will be joining us as he's away on a trip. Grandpa asked me to fetch you from school and go to the manor together tonight."Only then did Jennifer remember that it was time for the monthly gathering at Lance Manor again. She hadn't driven her car over today and neither was the subway a convenient ride for her to reach Lance Manor, so she agreed to Jordan's offer.…Jordan had taken care to dress up well prior to fetching Jennifer. He made sure that his hair was combed neatly and his suit was pristine in front of the mirror before leaving the house.But when Jordan went downstairs, he saw that Bridget was already waiting for him."Please don't be angry at me anymore, Jordan. Let's get back together, hm?" Bridget went over to try and hook her arm around his.Jordan flung her hand away and scoffed. "Fuck off, will you? How do
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Chapter 85
Maxwell had come back home earlier because he wanted to go to Lance Manor with Jennifer. Who knew Jennifer was in the middle of hitting it on with Jordan?How could Maxwell tolerate this? Jennifer shouldn't hook up with his brother regardless of whether they'd gotten divorced or not!Just then, Rachel gave Maxwell a call. "What do I do, Maxwell? My house is leaking, and the floor's all wet."Maxwell gave it some thought before saying, "I'll bring you to my house.""Is… Is that appropriate?" Rachel asked demurely, doing her best to hide the joy she felt. "Would your wife mind?"Maxwell replied coldly, "Ignore her."If Jennifer was going to treat him like this, then he'd give her a taste of her own medicine! Jennifer didn't care anyway! Only that man she kept hidden from Maxwell mattered to him, right?…Back at Lance Manor, Robert looked at Jennifer and asked worriedly, "Why do you look so ill, Jennifer? And why have you grown skinnier?"Jennifer didn't know how to explain wh
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Chapter 86
"Grandpa, she's just… out of her mind. You really don't have to bother dealing with her," Jordan said, refusal plain in his tone. He was really worried Bridget might come into the house. After all, that woman always spoke recklessly without consideration for the consequences.But Robert was insistent. He said to the butler, "You. Go and bring that woman in. I'd like to see just why she's here looking for Jordan."Bridget was brought into the house just like that.Though Jennifer may have not minded so much about this matter earlier, she was certainly anxious now. Bridget was still a member of her family, after all."You're here too, Jennifer?" Bridget ran over to Jennifer and gave her a hug, pretending to have a good relationship with Jennifer. "I'm so glad you are! I don't feel as scared now that you're here."Jennifer was taken aback. What was Bridget trying to do?Even Robert was gazing suspiciously at Jennifer. "Who is this young woman to you, Jennifer?"Jennifer may not be
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Chapter 87
Robert took a deep breath, finding the present situation challenging. He gazed at Jennifer who had remained silent all this while and asked, "What are your thoughts on the matter, Jennifer? This is your sister after all."Bridget hadn't expected Robert to ask Jennifer outright. Worried Jennifer might expose her here in front of the Lance family, Bridget went over to hold Jennifer's arm. "You know me, Jennifer. Am I the kind of woman who fools around? Our family may not be an elite one, but we've always been taught well. How could I do such a ghastly thing?"Jennifer didn't want to expose Bridget right away, yet she knew Bridget had come prepared and was now putting up a pitiful act.Still, Jennifer wasn't going to be pulled along by Bridget's schemes or be manipulated by her. So, Jennifer retracted her hand and stepped away from Bridget.Jennifer then said to Robert, "Sorry, Grandpa. I'm not entirely sure what's going on either, nor do I understand my sister very well."Robert und
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Chapter 88
Bridget cocked an eyebrow and said lightly, "You don't need to accept me. All that matters is that the head of the family does."Jordan wanted so badly to slap Bridget in the face. But he didn't dare take any rash action right now for fear of Robert coming downstairs again should Bridget cause another scene.Bridget looked at Jordan and said, "What are you waiting for? Didn't you hear what your grandfather said earlier? Send me back home!"Jordan hated Bridget so much. Bridget had embarrassed him so much in front of Jennifer. He wanted so much to get rid of Bridget, so no way was he even considering driving her home.Jennifer couldn't stand it anymore. "I'll drive you home, Bridget. It's conveniently along the way."Jordan felt more grateful to Jennifer now. He felt like she was helping him.But Bridget glared at Jennifer and gritted out, "Oh, so you're pretending to be nice, aren't you? Didn't you say you didn't know me very well earlier? Do you plan to kill me on the way home?"
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Chapter 89
"Alright. Then I'll wait for the day you marry Jordan Lance," Jennifer said with a sneer. "The future of the Yale family is in your hands now."Jennifer then walked back home, her steps fast and frequent. After all, she'd worn sneakers today, unlike Bridget, who'd worn an expensive pair of high heels.The heels were very high, so when Bridget walked, they began chafing her feet.Bridget cursed Jennifer as she walked to the roadside to get a taxi. When she reached home, Zion was nowhere to be found, only Jocelyn.Bridget said confidently, "Where's Dad?""He wanted to divorce me but I disagreed, so he's decided to not come home anymore," Jocelyn snapped. "It's all Jennifer's fault!"Bridget snorted. "What a pity. I wanted to show Dad just how much better I am than that infertile bitch Jennifer. He's looked down on me for so many years, always thinking Jennifer is better than me."Jocelyn's eyes brightened. "Was your visit to the Lance family today a success, dear? Did they agree f
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Chapter 90
Rachel scoffed. "Aw, but I like the view here in the master bedroom the most. You're able to see the beautiful blue lake the moment you open the curtains."Just then, Maxwell exited the bathroom. Unlike before, he was dressed in full sleeping wear, and not just a towel.Jennifer gazed at him, feeling immensely aggrieved.Rachel immediately ran over to him and sobbed, "I'd better go, Maxwell. Your wife doesn't like me. She… She called me filthy!"Maxwell held Rachel in his arms and sneered as he gazed at Jennifer. "What right do you have to think Rach filthy? At the very least, she's only ever given herself to me!"The clear underlying meaning in his words made Jennifer tremble. She was at a loss for words.Yes, her body had long been given to someone not even Jennifer herself knew!Even though Jennifer didn't betray Maxwell in any way, she still felt scared. She was scared Maxwell would reveal her deepest trauma in front of Rachel.Jennifer didn't want to struggle futilely or i
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