All Chapters of She Wows the World Post-divorce: Chapter 411 - Chapter 420
619 Chapters
Chapter 411
Bryce looked like he was stunned as he immediately pushed Penelope ten feet away. Penelope was wearing high heels, so she almost fell after staggering. She only barely steadied herself when she grabbed the cabinet next to her.She clutched at her chest and breathed heavily.Bryce quickly explained to Holly, "It isn't what it looks like. I was just pulling my arm back." Penelope also explained, "Please don't misunderstand, Ms. Sinclair. I accidentally used Mr. Gabelman's cup earlier and wanted to help him wash it."Holly shot a cold look at her and said nothing. She knew exactly what kind of person Bryce was, but the same couldn't be said about Penelope. That two-faced woman always had tricks up her sleeves and would play dirty behind other people's backs. Penelope was the type of person who would bark but not bite.Holly took out a bottle of sanitizer from her bag and approached Bryce. Then, she sprayed it on his sleeves a few times, saying with a smile, "Since you like being
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Chapter 412
Penelope tugged at her collar and smiled. "I can wear whatever I want." Holly smiled back at her. "That's true. However, don't you think it's a little immoral of you to seduce my man by dressing like this?"Penelope did everything she could and was infuriated because her plan failed. She could no longer keep her calm after hearing what Holly had said, and she refuted, "Please watch what you're saying. Did you see me seducing him at all?""There was a lipstick stain on the cup, and you clung to his arm tightly and brushed it against your chest. If I were irrational, I would've slapped you already." Penelope scoffed. "You sure are ill-tempered for someone who looks gentle. Uncle Arthur chose you to be the ambassador, so you'd better watch your reputation. You'll have to compensate us if you slap others for no reason and tarnish our image."Holly smirked. "Don't worry. I'll watch myself."They arrived at the elevator as they spoke. Penelope called for the elevator, and just as she
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Chapter 413
Holly lifted Bryce's chin with her fingers and looked into his eyes with her beautiful, clear eyes. Then, she said with a warning tone, "Stay away from that Zeller woman in the future." Her voice was clear and domineering.Bryce liked her demeanor a lot. She looked gentle and quiet, but she was firm with her words. The contrast was adorable, and his heart was melting. He pulled her head closer and kissed her soft lips. Then, he said with a smile, "I would've done the same without you telling me that."Leaving no space for negotiation, he took out his phone and called Brandon. "Mr. Zeller, if you have any job for me in the future, please come in person or send Caleb."Brandon was confused. "What happened, Bryce?"Bryce said solemnly, "Ms. Zeller was being inappropriate, using work as an excuse to sexually harass me." Holly was drinking her coffee, and when she heard him saying that, she almost spat out her drink. She couldn't believe he would say something like that.It would
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Chapter 414
Penelope was stunned and speechless. She didn't think Bryce would take it that far. "What? Why would I possibly sexually harass him? I just…" She couldn't say it. Feeling frustrated, Penelope grabbed her hair. "I didn't sexually harass him!"Brandon slowly gave his order, "If we need to see him for work in the future, let Caleb go. You should stop seeing him.""What does Caleb know? He has never worked in the property industry before, and he wouldn't even know if he was scammed.""Bryce called me earlier and warned me solemnly. He said he would cancel the partnership if I let you go again."Feeling aggrieved, Penelope scoffed and said in disdain, "He's really going that far for that woman, isn't he? I can't believe he would dare to offend a business partner for an expendable ex-wife.""Just give it up. Holly is becoming more famous now, and it's only a matter of time before they remarry again. Stop looking for trouble. Getting something by force isn't worth it at all!""No. I
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Chapter 415
Arthur scoffed. "Don't get too cocky, Holly."Holly elegantly smiled and calmly said, "I could've gone for better choices if I wanted to. I only decided to stay because Bryce was persistent. It would've been a different story if I had cared less. "Who would want to tolerate you if it weren't for my three-year relationship with him?"As she said that, she stood up and arrogantly looked down at Arthur. "If I have my eyes on someone else, you'll have to carry this bottle for an eternity, Mr. Gabelman Senior. "I hope you can be sensible and not do anything to my mom behind my back. Otherwise, I can play way dirtier than you."She spoke with a smile and didn't sound serious at all. However, it was still enough to pressure someone. Arthur felt a sharp pain in his left palm, but it was all in his head. Worried that she might do anything else to him, he stood up and left silently.He looked calm on the outside, but he was actually feeling anxious. Upon exiting the building, Henry a
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Chapter 416
Suddenly, someone burst out laughing from the side. Bryce finally noticed Annie was in the room as well. He had a bad impression of her, so he asked with a dark face, "Why are you here as well?"Annie shrugged. "I've quit my job, and I'm following Holly around now as her assistant and mentee."Bryce's face fell slightly. "If you want to be her assistant, do a good job at it. Don't bring her to any tombs, let alone trick her into doing some weird things.""Don't worry. I've quit the archaeological team, and I won't make her do anything weird anymore. I'll just raid some tombs with her at most."His face became cold as he said to Holly, "Fire this assistant. I'll get you a new one who won't cause you any trouble."Holly patted his hand and said, "Annie was just messing with you. Tomb raiding is illegal, and I'm not going to do something like that."Annie couldn't stop giggling, her hands covering her mouth. There was nothing impossible in the world. Bryce might be an aloof man, b
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Chapter 417
Holly wasn't as particular about it as Bryce was. She glanced at her watch and said, "Let's just eat here. Moving tables means we'll have to order our food and wait for it to arrive again. Besides, you have a meeting in the afternoon."Caleb was extremely perceptive.When he heard that, he stood up hurriedly. "Holly, you and Bryce can take your time. We'll move instead."Annie was just beginning to dig in. She whined, "Why do we have to move? It's just a meal. It'll be over in a minute. It's so troublesome having to move."Caleb grabbed her by the arm and dragged her away, getting the waiter to move them to another table.Annie sat in her new seat in a huff. As she waited for their food to arrive, she complained, "What's up with your big mouth? Why do we have to move? I'm starving."Caleb took out a cigarette and put it between his teeth. He lit it and cast her a sideways glance. "I can't believe you've survived for this long with that dumb head of yours. What do you do for work,
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Chapter 418
The apartments could only be sold once the building was fully constructed. Hence, they decided to let people reserve the units for 20 to a hundred thousand dollars.Tens of thousands of flyers were handed out. It had a picture of the building with a smiling Holly standing in front of it in her white outfit.The project was called Bluerise Bay Fish Market, and the building was named Scholar's Garden.A psychic had given them a list of five names to choose from. Scholar's Garden was the one that Arthur and Brandon finally settled on.The marketing slogan for it was, "A Scholarly Oasis for All".It catered to the old, rich socialites. It looked a lot like something that Arthur and Brandon would like.Holly's photo was displayed in front of the apartment. She looked gentle and quietly confident, the picture of elegance.The advertisement generated a lot of positive responses.The event was crowded with people. People could hardly move about.Just as Bryce had said, Holly's fans we
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Chapter 419
There was a loud slap.Samantha had slapped the bodyguard across the face. She glared at him and said, "You took advantage of me!""I did not," the bodyguard replied, holding his cheek."Move over." Samantha pushed him away.She looked at Bryce, putting a smile on her face at once. "What a coincidence, Bryce. Are you here for charity work as well?"Bryce's face was tense. He tilted his head toward Holly. "It's my wife who's donating to charity."Samantha was stunned. Her smile froze. "Have you remarried already?"Bryce said coldly, "What does that have to do with you?"He looked extremely disdainful of her. He exuded a hostile air.Holly was satisfied with the way he acted.She grazed his hand with the tip of her finger, expressing her love and praise for him.Bryce held her hand, intertwining their fingers together.He gazed at her with adoration in his eyes.It was like he was glowing with love and affection for Holly.Samantha felt like her jealousy was going to eat he
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Chapter 420
Samantha couldn't resist calling Arthur. She said, "Uncle Arthur, why did Holly become the ambassador for Scholar's Garden? It's meant to be for the affluent. Why is a nobody modeling for that? Isn't that just going to tarnish the company's reputation?"Arthur replied stoically, "I don't like her, but in terms of branding, she's not bad. Scholar's Garden had a pre-sale event a few days ago, which went really well. It exceeded our expectations."Samantha was upset. "That's because the property is rather prospective, isn't it? It won't have much to do with her.""It kind of does. Our previous buildings were advertised by celebrities, but the responses weren't as good as hers. It's probably because she's on TV frequently and is in the antique industry. "People who dabble in the antique trade have immense buying power. They're the target demographic for Scholar's Garden."Samantha felt so angry that she felt like punching someone.She took a deep breath and said, "Does that mean y
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