All Chapters of She Wows the World Post-divorce: Chapter 421 - Chapter 430
615 Chapters
Chapter 421
Samantha was dressed in the salon's white robe. She walked out of the washroom, her hair wrapped up in a towel.There was a slight limp when she walked.Their gazes met.Holly pursed her lips slightly.Samantha smiled in disdain. "Well, if it isn't Holly Sinclair."Holly didn't want Samantha to affect her mood. So, she ignored her.Samantha called over the receptionist. Gesturing wildly, she said, "Isn't this the most prestigious beauty salon in Jardington? Why are you letting the commoners in?"The receptionist was dazed. "Could you please elaborate, Ms. Cott?"Samantha pointed at Holly. "She's a country bumpkin. Letting her in is like a slap in the face to important customers like us."Holly was already bristling because of the word "commoner". At the words "country bumpkin", she sneered and flung her disposable cup at Samantha's face.There was a thud. The cup hit Samantha squarely on the nose.The water immediately drenched her face.Samantha was humiliated. She rolled
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Chapter 422
Holly and Annie went up to the counter. There were two employees. One of them was fervently telling Holly to sign up for a membership card.Holly had actually intended to do just that. But at the thought of Samantha frequenting the salon as well, she decided not to. It wasn't worth the trouble.She refused the receptionist politely.They then walked into the elevator.Holly asked, "What made you so riled up today?"Annie massaged her wrist, saying, "My family came from a farm. When I was in elementary school, my mom married my stepfather, Hayden's dad. We moved to the city after that."I didn't like dressing up, so I was bullied in school. They called me a commoner and a country bumpkin. What's worse is that they put worms and bugs in my schoolbag and beat me up in the washroom. I got so mad that I took up self-defense classes."After we graduated, I beat all my bullies up. When I heard Samantha today, I remembered how it felt like to be bullied, and I just couldn't stop myself.
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Chapter 423
Being praised by Holly was a rare thing. Bryce smiled and held her hand, escorting her into the car.Right before the bodyguard closed the door, Annie squeezed in and sat next to Holly.Bryce's face fell. He glanced at Annie through the corner of his eye. His expression betrayed his disdain for her.It was hard for Bryce to come to see Holly. Yet, Annie chose to third-wheel them.Bryce said stoically, "Why don't you sit in the car behind us, Ms. Seales?""What difference does it make? I have something to ask Holly," Annie said.She patted Holly's arm. "How did you make that pepper spray? Why does it itch so much?"Holly looked out the window at Quirina, who was rolling around on the ground from the severe itch. "It's mostly made of tree sap and peach fuzz. It's not lethal, but it does make life a living hell."Holly had been attacked by robbers in Calria.Upon her return to Jardington, she came up with the idea for Itch Spray. She wasn't expecting to use it today."Do you hav
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Chapter 424
Byce glanced at Annie and her muscles. "Just… don't touch him."Annie turned up her nose. "I won't. He's not my type." But Bryce was.Of course, she kept that last bit to herself.She couldn't hit on her friend's husband. She had basic morals.Holly nudged him. "It's too late. Annie is a girl, after all."Bryce patted her head. "Don't worry. Caleb looks suspicious, but he's a respectful person. He wouldn't do anything to her. Don't you think they're a good fit?"For whatever reason, Holly agreed. It felt weird, but it made sense.Ten minutes later, Caleb rushed over.Holly said, "You can take Annie out for a late-night snack and send her home by midnight."Annie wasn't actually stupid. She just thought of Holly as family.Although she had her own reasons for wanting to stay a little longer with Bryce, did that mean she was to completely stay away from him?Bryce had very openly kicked her out. Her pride felt a little wounded. "It's okay. You two can have fun. I'll spend th
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Chapter 425
Just before the main act of the night, Holly pulled out the drawer from the bedside cabinet and took out a thin plastic package, handing it to Bryce. "Don't forget this."Bryce frowned and kissed her earlobes. "It feels uncomfortable."He sounded really slutty.Holly gazed at his handsome face, nearly giving in to him. However, she had to resist. "Do it. What if we accidentally get pregnant?""If that happens, we'll marry again.""Your father would never agree to it.""He was good when you were pregnant before. As long as the deed is already done, he won't be able to do anything to you. "Ron's in jail, and Samantha's been limping because of the car crash. Quirina's been taught a lesson as well, and Penelope won't dare to play the fool again. Marry me again, Holly."Holly turned her face away, saying nothing. The moisture in her eyes diminished slowly.She had considered it before, but she was still being treated coldly by Arthur despite gaining recognition. He still didn't th
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Chapter 426
Annie even began singing.Holly felt like she had been a worrywart for nothing.As Bryce had said, Annie would be the one doing the bullying, not Caleb.Caleb was just a small fry around Annie.Holly put down her phone. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and there were frantic knocks on the door.She looked out the window.Quirina was pressing the doorbell, flanked by bodyguards.Quirina's hair was a mess. Her expensive clothes were all wrinkled, and her perfect face was now in shreds.There were traces of blood on her face. Some of the wounds were new and bleeding.Some had formed scabs. Some of the dark-red blood clung to her face.She looked scary.Holly brought her bodyguards out. Then, Leitia opened the door.Quirina was in a rage. In a frenzy, she rushed over, wanting to claw at Holly's face. But as she reached out, she pulled her arm back.She didn't dare to attack Holly anymore.The bodyguards shielded Holly quickly, separating them.Quirina clawed at her face hard. So
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Chapter 427
"Hold on." Holly went into the house.When she came back out, she had a brown jar in her hands.She handed it to Quirina and said, "There are three pills in this. Take one every day. It'll give you temporary relief. I'll remove the itch completely when you're done sitting by James' grave for three days and compensating his family."Quirina snatched the jar and shook one of the pills out, swallowing it at once.She waited in silence for a few minutes.The itch began subsiding a little.Quirina became arrogant again. She said, "50 million dollars is a lot. What if we cut it down to five million dollars? Three days is too much as well. What if I did it for just half a day? "My dad is your mentor. He knows how to do everything that you do. He'll definitely be able to make the antidote in three days."Holly knew that Quirina was sly.She smiled lightly. "Why don't you wait it out? But if you seek me again in three days, it won't just be 50 million dollars. It'll be doubled, and yo
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Chapter 428
Quirina wanted to argue.Holly said, "And don't argue with me. Everyone knows what happened. Give them the money and sit at his grave. I'll be sending someone to watch you. You can come to me for the antidote after three days."Quirina rolled her eyes. "Will you go back on your word?"Holly sneered. "Do you think that people are like you? The decision is in my hands."Quirina was defenseless against Holly. She had no choice but to follow her orders.She spat out, "I bet you wouldn't even dare lie to me. If you make me mad, I'm taking everyone down!"50 million dollars was a lot for a rich man's wife like her.Abraham would surely interrogate her if she asked him for money.Quirina was afraid that the car crash fiasco would be exposed. She didn't want her affair with Ron to be found out, either.She would rather cut her losses and run while she still could.Quirina wrote a check and sent it to Lily's house.She went to the clinic and got herself patched up. Then, she brought
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Chapter 429
Since the banks wouldn't disclose the sender, Holly began calling her own contacts.She started with Hunter."Mr. Fox, I just received a billion dollars as a donation to my account. Did you somehow make a mistake?"Hunter laughed. "It wasn't me. A billion dollars is no small amount. If someone made a mistake, your account would be frozen now. It couldn't have been a mistake. You can try calling someone else."Holly thanked him and began filtering through her contacts by eliminating them.It probably wasn't Bryce. He didn't have to give her money in such a roundabout way.The others were unlikely to do it as well.A billion dollars was a lot. Not everyone could afford that type of money.Then, she thought of Abelin.She called him. "Mr. Gabelman, I just received a billion dollars. Would you have anything to do with that?"Abelin was quiet for a while. "We promised that we would divide the treasure in half."Holly was flabbergasted. "I can't take it. I barely did anything to h
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Chapter 430
Charles was excited. "Where is it?""It's at Mt. Dragonspine. It's not far off from where Xander's ships sank."Xander and his crewmen left Shontelly around the end of the Monclair era. As they were about to reach Silverbrooks River, they were suddenly ambushed by guards. Xander sank his ships full of treasure to the bottom of the river.Because of that, it created a goldmine of treasure.Countless people went to dig up whatever they could find.It wasn't surprising that Charles, a professional in the antique industry, would know about this.He was so excited that she could hear a tremor in his voice. "Watch them! Don't let anyone steal them! I'll report to my superiors at once and get an archaeological team to head over.""Alright."Just as Charles was about to hang up, he thought of something. "You could have chosen to take the treasure all for yourself. Why didn't you do it? No one could resist a temptation like that."Holly knew that he was testing her. He was speaking fro
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