All Chapters of She Wows the World Post-divorce: Chapter 431 - Chapter 440
615 Chapters
Chapter 431
The hole was pretty deep. It was about 15 feet deep.When Holly fell, she lost her footing and crumpled to the ground.She landed on her back and her ankle. A sharp pain shot through her neck. It hurt so badly that she teared up.It took her a long time to recover. There was a sharp pain on her face, too. One of the branches had broken and cut her across the face.She touched her face, drawing blood.She was dismayed that her face was going to get disfigured.Holly held back the pain and picked up one of the branches off the ground. She yelled at Lucas, "If you dare to come down, I'll stab you with this branch!"Lucas yelled back, "Don't be an idiot! If I get that treasure, I won't ask you for money anymore! It's also for your own benefit!"Holly knew Lucas was shameless. She just didn't know it was that bad.He was comparable to Quirina and Samantha.She yelled back, "They're coming. It's illegal for you to even touch these things!""To hell with the law! I'm your father, b
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Chapter 432
Charles hurriedly got his people to bring the pain relief spray.Holly took it and sprayed it all over her ankle.Charles wanted to stay back to dig up the treasure.He instructed his helicopter pilot to bring Holly and her men to Jardington Hospital so that she could get treated.Lucas and his men were all tied up and brought to a nearby police station to be dealt with.By the time Holly reached the hospital and went through all the necessary procedures, it was already 10:00 pm.She lay in bed with an IV drip attached to her arm. Bryce called her and asked, "Why aren't you home yet?"Holly didn't dare to tell him the truth. "I'm on a business trip. I'll only be back after a few days.""Where did you go?""Mt. Dragonspine.""Send me your location."Holly felt like her head was about to explode.Why was he so hard to deal with?She thought of getting Charles to send her his location to keep up the pretense, but there was no signal up the mountain.Holly had no choice but t
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Chapter 433
Bryce emphasized the words "my woman".It was for both Lucas and Abelin to hear.Abelin's expression was unreadable.Meanwhile, Lucas' face was distorted in pain. He roared, "Let me go! I won't do it again. I didn't mean to do it."Bryce found his voice irritating. He waved his hand and ordered his bodyguards, "Get him out!"The bodyguards stepped up hurriedly and dragged Lucas out.Bryce cast a sideways glance at Abelin and sat by the bed. He held up Holly's chin and observed her wound. His eyes were full of pain. "Why did you go so far? What if it leaves a scar?"Holly turned away slightly, wanting to avoid his hand.Abelin was standing there. Holly was uncomfortable being intimate with someone in the room.Bryce tightened his grip on her chin slightly, not letting her move away. He grazed the cut gently. "It's so close to your eyes. Are you sure that's your dad?"Holly held his wrist, wanting to move his hand away from her face. "I'm fine. It'll heal in a few days."Bryce
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Chapter 434
Abelin reached out to push Bryce's hand away. He then turned around and left without a word.As he walked past a trash can, he tossed the untouched cigarette into it.Bryce's lips curled into a mocking smile as he watched Abelin's retreating back.…Once Bryce returned to the ward, Holly asked, "What did the both of you talk about? Why did you take so long to come back?"He unbuckled the cuffs of his shirt and took off his watch, tossing it onto the bedside table. He then replied casually, "Just this and that."Upon seeing his reluctance to answer, Holly passed her phone to him. "I just received a text stating that a billion dollars has been deposited into my account. Were you the one who did it?"Bryce eyed the text and replied, "Yes."Holly was amused. "What are you trying to do?"Bryce said, "I'm letting you know that your man is also rich. You don't have to take someone else's money."Holly was momentarily surprised. "Did you get someone to check my bank statement?"Bryc
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Chapter 435
Abelin remained silent for the longest time. His fists were clenched tightly, and even his veins popped up. The veins on his forehead were evidently pulsating.Merope asked hoarsely, "Why aren't you saying anything?"Anger welled up within Abelin. His gaze turned dark, and he was unable to utter even a single word. Hatred surged within him uncontrollably.Merope sighed softly. "After that fire, Arthur bribed everyone in the village in order to conceal Sherry's crime. He got everyone to deny the existence of Abel Larson, no matter who came to ask. Your life is worthless in the eyes of that couple."Abelin continued to remain silent.Merope clutched her chest with a frown. She gritted, "That monster Arthur ruined me, and Sherry ruined you! Yet, you treated their son so well. I didn't think you would repay our grievance with kindness!"She burst out laughing in a self-deprecating manner, even her tears streamed out.Abelin finally spoke, "It was Holly I'm treating well, not Bryce."
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Chapter 436
Abelin's luck was better that night.It was around 11:00 pm when he saw Sherry walking out of the bridal boutique. She was dressed in a sleek black dress and black high heels, looking elegant in her delicate makeup.Abelin studied her face and her minute expressions through the binoculars. Despite hating her guts, he had to admit that Sherry was an elegant and composed woman.Her eyes were similar to Merope's, with deep double eyelids and long eyelashes. Though her large eyes looked tired, they didn't lack confidence.Sherry boarded the BMW parked at the entrance. Abelin then started his car and slowly trailed behind.Trailing people was his forte. It wasn't hard for him to quietly dispose of someone, either, so long as he had enough time.The fire that happened 13 years ago almost killed him. Up until today, he would still have nightmares about it. He would never forget the searing pain of flames licking his skin.…Abelin followed Sherry for three consecutive days. He f
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Chapter 437
Holly managed to only react after a good while."What did you just say? Can you repeat it again?" It was such a surprise that she wondered if she was actually hallucinating.After all, Abel had passed away 13 years ago. She had personally attended his funeral and would visit his grave every festive season.It was impossible for the dead to come back. It was truly baffling how an "Abel Larsen" would suddenly emerge out of nowhere now.Abel coughed once before repeating, "I am Abel Larsen, Holls. There's no mistaking it."Holly heard it loud and clear this time, but she felt as if she had just listened to the world's funniest joke.She laughed and said, "It's impossible. No way! You're not Abel Larsen. Abel is… Don't impersonate Abel!"Her eyes started to water as she laughed.Abelin replied, "I really am Abel. Where are you now? Are you in the hospital? We should meet up and talk."Holly said, "I've been discharged. I'm now at Winds Residence.""I'll go to you now. See you in
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Chapter 438
After sending Annie away, Holly also dismissed Leitia and Cooper for the night. She then called Bryce, confirming that he wouldn't be coming over tonight. Only then was she at ease.It wasn't that she had anything to hide. She was just worried that Bryce might get jealous and suspicious. She would have to coax him then.Coaxing him wasn't a big deal, actually. But she simply didn't want to upset Bryce.…The sky turned completely dark half an hour later, leaving only the streetlamps to illuminate the area. Somehow, the light that usually seemed ordinary now felt as gentle as the moonlight.Abelin pressed the bell. Holly limped over with her swollen ankle to open the door.She walked past the courtyard and opened up the gates. She then looked up at Abelin's face, sweeping her gaze from his eyebrows to his eyes and down to the slope of his nose.She couldn't contain her excitement as she asked, "Are you really Abel?"Abelin's gaze softened as he smiled and replied, "Yes, I'm Ab
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Chapter 439
The man looked handsome as he stood tall and proud. His well-defined body was accentuated by a fitted black shirt. He looked dignified and elegant.It was Bryce.He had felt something was off when Holly called to ask if he was coming over tonight. She was usually straightforward in her words and rarely asked about his plan.Something had to be amiss behind her unusual behavior. As expected, she didn't disappoint him.With a cold smirk and an icy stare, Bryce stood motionless as he stared at the duo, who were looking at each other, lost in their own world.Even though they didn't hug or kiss, their gazes betrayed their true emotions. Such an intense look was unmistakably one of lovers who were reunited after being separated for a long time.Bryce recalled the way Holly had been calling out for "Abel" in her dreams for the past three years. Abelin had been secretly protecting her and doing things for her wholeheartedly—be it sending her money or paving the way for her. Wherever H
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Chapter 440
Perhaps Holly had been too young back then because his passing left a massive scar in her heart. It greatly affected her personality.She was originally quiet. She had become even more reserved since then, not even daring to make a single friend.The nightmare of that fire had haunted her since she was ten years old. It had haunted her for a good 13 years. Now that she knew Abel was still alive, she could finally put a stop to that nightmare.It was as if a massive burden had been lifted from Holly's heart. She smiled, yet tears continued to fall down her cheeks. She sniffled and tried to stop her tears, but she failed miserably.Embarrassed, Holly hurriedly wiped away her tears with the back of her hand, yet they kept coming. Abelin took out his handkerchief and wiped her tears away.He then coaxed gently, "Don't cry. Listen to me. You'll only get upset the more you cry. That fire happened because of me. I was the one who dragged you into it. It was only right for me to save
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