All Chapters of CEO's Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
684 Chapters
Chapter 101
"Well, Nina looks so beautiful, there must be many people chasing after her, naturally, she has high standards," Wallace looked at Scott again, "But Scott is also quite impressive, young and full of potential, with a great personality and boundless prospects!"Listening to his praise, Nash's expression visibly soured. It was clear that Wallace was highly pleased with Scott and was actively attempting to set them up.Scott looked at Nash and smiled, "Mr. Wallace, you're too kind in your praise. However, Nina is the best person in the world. She deserves to be loved and cherished."Nina felt moved by Scott's words, even though she was taken aback. He said she was the best person in the world, deserving of love and care. No girl could resist such tenderness.Nash also observed Nina's gaze towards Scott, which seemed to suggest she was moved by him, stirring a discomfort deep within him. He instinctively adjusted his tie and remarked coldly, "Actions speak louder than words. When Nin
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Chapter 102
Wallace only had this one precious daughter, and he adored her immensely. In front of guests, he might say a few words, but at home, she was the apple of his eye, and he cherished her beyond measure.He seldom took Melody out unless she was interested. But he had never taken her to meet Nash. Nash was such a headstrong person, he worried that his daughter couldn't handle him. Previously, he had thought about introducing Melody to Scott. Scott had a good personality, and if his daughter married him, she wouldn't suffer. But things had changed now; Scott liked Nina, and they could all see that. Melody was more interested in Nash, so he could only comply with her wishes and see if it could work out. Besides them, Wallace also had some friends coming over. They were mostly uncles and older relatives who had watched Melody grow up and were quite fond of her. When they arrived, they inquired about her well-being, and Melody greeted them graciously.After everyone had gathered, Melody
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Chapter 103
Back in middle school, he was a chubby kid. How could he possibly muster the courage to stand beside her? He could only silently steal glances at her."Now, I am the best version of myself," he declared.Nina hadn't realized he harbored such feelings for her; she truly hadn't paid attention.Looking at her, Scott spoke with an indulgent smile, "Nina, even when I was far away in Estaland, I came back once. It was when I found out you were injured, and by the time I returned, you had entered high school. I could only dare to sneak a glimpse of you from far, but seeing you well made me very happy! At that moment, I made a firm decision that when I came back, I would surely bring you happiness."Nina was at a loss for words.She could understand him.From middle school to now, it had been more than ten years.And Scott's affection for her surely surpassed her feelings for Nash by far.She asked, "Have you not liked anyone else in these years?"Scott joked, "Perhaps people from the
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Chapter 104
At that moment, Nina felt as if struck by lightning, her face drained of color, her body stiff and unyielding. She wanted to flee the place, but her feet seemed nailed to the ground, unable to move. Her eyes remained fixed on them, unable to look away. She hadn't anticipated that by the time she emerged from the restroom, they would have progressed to the point of kissing. However, the next second, Nash pulled Melody's hand away. Coincidentally, his gaze met Nina's, and he paused for a moment. Their eyes met, and for a moment, they exchanged a gaze filled with doubt and sorrow.Nash didn't have time to explain. He simply distanced himself from Melody and spoke coldly, "Miss Wallace, have some self-respect."Melody had followed them out from behind. Seeing Nash alone, she intended to make some intimate gestures toward him. She believed no man could resist a beautiful woman, and no one had ever turned her down before. If she made the first move, she could have Nash. Even if it
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Chapter 105
The relationship between them couldn't progress any further. Nina composed herself, smiled faintly, then looked back at Melody behind her. "Mr. York, as your secretary, I know better than to pry into matters that don't concern me. Whatever happens here will remain confidential, and I won't speak a word about it."Melody instantly grasped the situation and approached. "Mr. York, if you're concerned about someone overhearing, rest assured, your secretary is trustworthy. Over the years, you've kept a low profile with no scandals or public relationships. I don't need a formal commitment; we can keep it discreet. What do you say?"She was attracted to Nash, longing to get closer to him, to conquer him. If he were interested, she could be his secret lover. He couldn't refuse that, could he?Nash was already displeased with Nina's aloofness and indifference. Now, with Melody adding irrelevant remarks, he felt even more irritated. His cold gaze shifted from Nina to Melody.Melody's smile f
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Chapter 106
"I'm sorry, Mr. York. It was my fault today for not intervening in time, causing you discomfort. I'll make sure to avoid such occurrences in the future." Nina quickly apologized, fearing his anger might escalate into a big issue.She apologized promptly and didn't argue back, prompting Nash to comment again, "You realize your mistake quickly. Now, let me ask you, was it in the interest of the company or personal reasons?"Her actions just now were indeed driven by personal feelings. She might have felt upset, but she remained silent.Nina responded, "Of course, it's in the interest of the company. As long as I serve as your secretary, I must be accountable for my actions. Mr. York, you can dock my salary, I won't complain." Mr. York was suddenly speechless, visibly displeased. Yet, he couldn't pinpoint any fault. And he didn't bother to do so.Mr. York pursed his lips, his expression darkening instantly. He released her, distancing himself as if their conversation had never happe
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Chapter 107
She looked up and saw Quincy opening the car door, shaking her gently. She sat up, asking, "What's wrong?""Mr. York drank a lot today and still can't wake up," Quincy explained. Quickly glancing over, she saw Nash sleeping in the same position as before, leaning against the seat back, breathing steadily, showing no signs of waking up. Perhaps he had drunk too much and was a bit exhausted. But this was rare for him. In her memory, he never got drunk and fell into a deep sleep like this.Realizing they had already arrived at the doorstep, she said, "I'll have someone help him back inside. Quincy, it's already late, you should go home and rest first," Nina instantly sobered up. Quincy nodded. "Okay, take good care of Mr. York." Nina got out of the car and hurried inside to call the helpers to help carry Nash in.Once they got him to the bedroom and laid him on the bed, Nina felt like she had used up all her strength. She looked at the man on the bed who hadn't woken up yet, took o
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Chapter 108
Nina quickly wiped away the tears from her face, trying to appear normal, then turned to him, saying, "You've had quite a bit to drink today. You should lie down and rest." Nash, not mistaken, furrowed his brows slightly and asked again, "Were you crying just now?"Nina instinctively lowered her head and replied, "Got something in my eyes." "Why were you crying?" he asked. He rarely saw her shed tears, and when she did, it meant she was really upset. Nina's gaze shifted to him, hesitating for a moment before she asked, "When I was cleaning you up earlier, I noticed many wounds on your body. I never noticed them before. I didn't realize you had so many injuries." He paused, realizing her tears were shed for him, and asked, "Are you worried about me?" His words caught Nina off guard, leaving her feeling empty yet accelerated, as if her deeply buried secret was about to be revealed. "I've never seen so many wounds on a person before. It must have been very painful when you got
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Chapter 109
It was as if he had let down his guard in front of her. She knew it would be like this. His sturdy back also bore wounds, scars crisscrossing it, giving it a fierce appearance, leaving marks of imperfection on that flawless figure. Nina looked at his broad back, knowing his capacity now to shoulder the responsibilities of the York family, but who would imagine the weight his shoulders bore. Her hand gently touched his back, causing Nash's body to stiffen for a moment. His gaze deep, he didn't reject her touch, only his hoarse voice telling her, "It doesn't hurt anymore."Each scar pierced Nina's heart. She remained silent, but her fists clenched tightly. He was unwilling to bring it up, perhaps these scars were memories Nash preferred not to revisit, including the time with her. Nina pursed her lips, took a few steps back, and withdrew her hand. She realized there were still secrets about Nash she didn't know. She even speculated that he used to be "Zac," not Nash. Zoe had
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Chapter 110
Such words left Nina somewhat shocked; she had never imagined hearing them from his mouth. His kisses started gently but grew increasingly forceful, imbued with his possessiveness, leaving Nina feeling dazed. When she felt a chill as he undid her nightgown, the piercing coldness snapped her back to reality. She glanced at her abdomen, her heart skipping a beat, then forcefully pushed Nash away, "No!"Nash, who had been deeply engrossed, snapped out of it with her forceful push. Seeing Nina's drastic reaction and sensing her resistance to his touch, he felt a mix of astonishment and displeasure. His eyes, previously filled with desire, immediately cooled, lips pursed as he coldly questioned, "Are you guarding yourself for Scott, or for Zac?"Her strong reaction and rejection of his touch could only mean one thing—she was guarding herself for the man she truly loved. Nina's hand instinctively rested on her belly; there was a child growing inside her. She couldn't afford to be r
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