All Chapters of CEO's Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
688 Chapters
Chapter 121
Nina glanced back at her, noticing the smile on her lips and the look of admiration in her eyes. She recognized that look—admiration, a desire to understand everything about him. She, too, wanted to be the one who understood him the most."I know him a little," Nina said casually. "So, what exactly do you want to know from me about him?"Linda didn't hide anything, confessing to her openly, "I want to know everything. The more I understand him, the less likely I'll upset him."Nina asked again, "So, you think if you understand him well, don't upset him, and make him satisfied with everything, he'll like you more?"Linda blushed in embarrassment. "Is it that obvious to you? Does Mr. York also notice that I might have a bit of a crush on him?"Nina remained silent, noticing that Linda did not conceal her own ambitions."It's just not right. He sees right through everything. If I try too hard to please him, will I seem desperate?" Linda pondered, wanting to become the one Mr. York a
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Chapter 122
Nash was surprised that she brought this up. "Why didn't you mention it last time?""You didn't give me a chance to explain previously," Nina remembered how he had walked away without a word, not even listening to her.Nash had doubts and asked again, "If Linda wasn't brought by you, she shouldn't know you. The first time I met her, she was so familiar with you, so she must have known you for a short time."Her words and actions indeed didn't make sense. Fortunately, when she first met Linda, she didn't say too much, and no one knew she was looking for a stand-in. Now, it gave her an excuse."I did indeed meet her twice," Nina didn't deny. "Wasn't it you who tasked me with finding her? I surely had to take your instructions seriously."Nash caught onto her words, questioning, "So if she hadn't come to me, you would've kept it to yourself and not informed me?"This caught Nina off guard. Afraid that Nash might think she was being deceptive, she explained, "I hadn't figured it out
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Chapter 123
The more she thought about it, the more Linda felt it was true.When Nina had second thoughts and chose not to bring her back, it was evident that she didn't want anyone else around Nash to affect her position. No wonder she changed. She liked Nash and wouldn't allow other women to like him. That's why she said those words to her.Linda thought that if she hadn't come on her own, Nash probably would have never found out that she was the woman he slept with that night. Nina would find a way to cover up this news and send her away.Initially, Linda indeed didn't think that much. In her first time under such circumstances, she was nervous and scared. Her only thought was not to hold the other party responsible. She knew Nash was looking for her and didn't want to cause trouble, so she just wanted to say goodbye properly.But Nash was very kind and gentle to her, and he kept her by his side, making her feel cared for. That was why she was willing to stay.Her staying might be seen a
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Chapter 124
"If you think the cook's dishes are delicious, then you should eat more," Nina placed the cup on the table, no longer intending to accompany her. She was about to leave, and with Nash not around, Linda feared that there wouldn't be another chance to ask certain questions. So, before Nina departed, she remarked, "Typically, when someone evade a direct question, the answer is already apparent. You like Mr. York! And your recent remarks were because you fear my presence may pose a threat to you. Nina, do you have hidden agendas? Truthfully, you're reluctant to have me around because I slept with Mr. York, which upset you!"Nina furrowed her brows and turned back around. Linda met her gaze confidently, no longer the timid girl she first appeared to be. "Where does your confidence come from?" Nina asked calmly. "Did you really sleep with Mr. York? It's too coincidental that I found you, of all people, here.""So, you still don't believe me."Linda looked at her, stood up, and replied,
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Chapter 125
The person in front of her looked at the dropped registration form with confusion, surprised to see Nina appearing here so early. He bent down to pick up the fallen form. Seeing this, Nina's pupils slightly contracted as she quickly moved to pick it up as well. However, he was closer and quickly retrieved the form in his hand."Are you feeling unwell?" the man asked, glancing at the form, only to find it was for a simple ultrasound. Seeing only this column written on it already made him curious.Feeling at a loss, Nina acted as if a colossal secret was about to be revealed, hastily snatching the registration form from him and putting it in her pocket, suppressing her flustered emotions. "I came to check on my health."Nash's gaze fell on her face, then he questioned, "If it's not stomach discomfort, why come for an ultrasound?"Nina clenched her fist tightly, avoiding his gaze. "Didn't I say? I came to check on my health."With one hand in his pocket, Nash was displeased with he
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Chapter 126
This caught Nina off guard. No matter how many injuries or illnesses she had endured before, he hadn't shown this level of concern before. When he was preoccupied with work, he might even overlook her feelings.Now that she didn't require his company, he was actively seeking ways to accompany her, leaving her feeling somewhat puzzled.When Nash noticed others wanting to enter the elevator, he said, "Go ahead, we can talk later." They lingered near the elevator for quite some time. At last Nina stepped into the elevator again, with him. Her hand was in her pocket, tightly clutching that slip of paper, feeling slightly warm. It just had to be today of all days to run into him.Nash stood in the elevator, gazing ahead, yet mindful of Nina's emotions. He inquired, "Have you eaten breakfast?"Nina remained silent, caught up in anxiety, plotting how to slip away from his presence. Noticing her lack of response, he diverted his gaze, only to see Nina furrowing her brows, her expression se
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Chapter 127
Nina was a bit at a loss and politely greeted, "Hello, Grandpa George."George's eyes widened slightly in surprise. This matter had never reached his ears before, but then he burst into a hearty laugh. "Well, well, you're all grown up and married now. When did you get married? You and your grandfather are cut from the same cloth. Such a big event, and you didn't even inform me. It's a shame I'm only meeting your wife now."George and Nash's grandfather were comrades in their youth. They had shared life and death together, fought side by side on the battlefield, achieved many successes, and made significant contributions. However, they later diverged in their future paths. George entered politics, while Nash's grandfather pursued business, leading to less interaction between them.George scrutinized Nina and nodded approvingly. "She's a fine girl, Nash. You have good taste. This young lady seems kind-hearted."Nash explained, "Our marriage was kept simple, without any publicity. And
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Chapter 128
It seemed she hadn't expected to see them there, but quickly regained her composure. Melody smiled and greeted, "Grandpa George, my mother and I have come to see you.""Hi George," Melody's mother called out.Nina pondered for a moment. George, whom Nash held in such high regard, seemed familiar to the Wallace family. There was a sense of acquaintance there.George smiled and said, "Why have you all come?""You're ill, so of course we all wanted to come see you," Melody replied warmly, placing the flowers in a vase and then giving George a hug. "But Grandpa George, there are other guests here."George said, "Nash is the grandson of my comrade. He is like my own grandson.""I've met him," Melody confidently turned to Nash. "Hello, Mr. York, it's nice to see you again."George asked, "But weren't you abroad for a long time? I haven't heard that you knew Nash.""Just a few days ago, Dad took me to meet him, and we even had dinner together," Melody didn't hide it. "Grandpa George,
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Chapter 129
She didn't politely address him as "Mr. York," but rather by his name. She stood in his way, blocking his path, and Nash asked coldly, "Miss Wallace, what's the matter?"Melody looked at him, her inherent arrogance evident, still not quite believing, "What you just said, about being married. Is it true?"She had never heard any news of his marriage. She suspected he was deliberately avoiding it, hence her questioning.Nash's expression remained indifferent, "Is there a need to lie?""I've never heard of it, and no one knows who your wife is. I suspect you're making excuses.""It's none of your concern."The more indifferent he became, the more intrigued Melody grew, treating him like prey, desiring to conquer him. She liked those who were unattainable. Her lips formed a slight smile, exuding boldness in both demeanor and approach as she leaned closer, "Married or not, divorce is always an option. It doesn't matter to me."Nina's expression shifted as she listened. Nash had alw
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Chapter 130
He was remarkably observant, noticing that she experienced stomach pains during her period. This took Nina by surprise. She used to believe that even if she spent her entire life with him, he might never truly understand her preferences or her health condition. If she ever became ill, he might be the last to know.But now, with the passage of time, even if he didn't wish to remember it, he would inevitably remember.Nina blew on the ginger tea, then drank it all in one go. "Rest well," Nash carefully tucked her in.Nina gazed at him and asked, "Where are you going later?""I'll be at home, not going anywhere," Nash replied.Nina would wonder where he would be today, considering he wasn't home a few days ago.There were so many places he could be, but eventually, he would settle somewhere.Nash noticed the disappointment on her face. The next moment, he lay down and slipped under the covers, his hand resting on her abdomen. "Is it still hurting?" Nina's body tensed, staring a
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